The ceiling in a wooden house: the subtleties of interior design

To date, the ceiling is paid a lot of attention. In urban apartments the possibilities are unlimited. When it comes to the wood flooring of a private house, one has to treat the cladding issue more carefully. It is important to take into account a number of features so that the ceiling is a harmonious component of the interior that sets the right atmosphere for each room. Consider the nuances of design, we study the varieties of facing materials and design techniques.

Special features

Biased attitude to the design of the ceiling in a wooden house is erroneous. Here are appropriate many techniques that can not be applied in the apartment due to the limited space and lack of height of the walls. However, the choice of material depends on a number of factors, starting with the design features of a particular room.This may be a sloping perspective of the walls, the presence of columns, protrusions, niches, which usually changes the rectangular shape of the ceiling and forces them to play with these flaws in various decorative ways.

The height of the walls is a plus of these buildings. Usually in private or country houses from an array of high ceiling, so there are various methods of decorating the ceiling area, including concise single-level and complex multi-level systems that reduce the height of the walls. The importance of the second floor. This causes a different thickness of the ceiling, sometimes the height of the walls, implying different materials for the design of the ceiling space.

If the second floor is reserved for the attic (heated attic room), you will have to work with the features of the roof. Usually such a ceiling has beams that visually make the interior heavy. In addition, the design of the attic ceiling can be complicated by the presence of slopes that are complex in shape and location, reducing the height of the walls and setting a rigid framework for the placement of furniture. With a skillful approach to design, you can turn these shortcomings into the merits of a stylistic decision.

In terms of technological progress it is necessary that the facing material for the ceiling was not only aesthetically attractive. - important functional component. Therefore, for cladding the ceiling zone, they are trying to select materials that are different in terms of sound and heat insulation, which will reduce heat loss and save the house from various extraneous sounds coming from the street. The design of structures is subject to a number of rules, among which mandatory characteristics are the characteristics of wood used for overlapping. It is important that the finishing material is light, makes the ceiling warm, allows air to flow, has antiseptic properties, and excludes the emergence of an environment for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, including fungus and mold.

Other requirements include fire resistance and environmental friendliness. The use of natural materials in the decoration will eliminate the harm to health and allergic reactions. Durability also matters: the material must be durable, not changing its qualities for many years, as the repair of the ceiling is not done often. The final factor of the material is ease of care.In this case, when buying finishing materials, they try to make a choice between raw materials with antistatic properties (repelling dust and dirt) and material that can be wiped with a damp cloth or a semi-dry sponge.

Materials and their characteristics

On the modern market of finishing materials, trademarks offered a rich list of various products, with the help of which you can decorate the ceiling in a wooden house correctly and harmoniously, given the different styles. There are several types of ceiling decoration: it can be tensioned, suspended, hemmed and combined. Materials are chosen, taking into account the particular design features. Consider the main types of raw materials used in the decoration of wooden houses.

Stretch ceiling
Suspended ceiling
Ceiling mount
Combined ceiling


This material meets all stated requirements. It is environmentally friendly, durable, looks beautiful, provides a favorable microclimate and almost always fits well with different design styles. Often this decor is performed with the addition of beams. As lumber use different types of array.The most in demand are such varieties: oak, beech, maple, ash, alder, cherry. Sometimes conifers are used in decoration: spruce, cedar, fir, larch.

An important nuance is the moisture content of lumber, which should not be more than 16%.


This sawn timber is a special technology machined board with a groove and a tongue for ease of installation. Depending on the variety, it may differ in the design of the lock. Sheathe ceiling with such material under the force of each. Lining is durable, different sound insulation, allows the surface to breathe, is an environmentally friendly raw material in an affordable price segment. The convenience of design is the ability to combine this finish with other materials (for example, beams), as well as its decoration with carving, painting, aging effect.


This material is a budget way to design the ceiling in a wooden house. He needs to design the lathing of aluminum or wooden beams. Plywood is moisture resistant. Often its front side is laminated to imitate different materials in a particular shade.It is made of wood of 5 different species, alder, birch and maple are used for the upper layer, the middle consists of coniferous varieties of the massif. To increase the attractiveness of plywood polished on one side. Sometimes plastic or asbestos paper is used for decorative coating.


Veneered panels are nothing but cheap planks in the form of slats, pasted on top with a thin layer of expensive wood. They can imitate any type of wood, at a price higher than lining, they are distinguished by a wide variety of ceiling finishes. Making such a material to do the power of each: the installation is extremely simple, which is ensured by locking mount, which is in each panel. At the same time for installation will require a minimum of time and tools. Such panels look stylish, solid and aesthetically pleasing, they are durable, in case of dismantling they allow you to easily change the design. The disadvantage is the high price with a large amount of work.


Raw material is a composition for application to a solid surface, which is sold as a dry packaged mixture or a finished creamy mass.The material has several varieties, depending on the composition and purpose is starting, finishing and decorative.

The advantage of this raw material is the possibility of leveling the defects of the ceiling., elasticity in products based on polymers, durability, anti-static, as well as environmental friendliness. In addition, the category includes compounds that protect surfaces from radiation, the formation of fungus and mold. The advantage of the material is a lot of opportunities for decoration. It can be used to make the ceiling look like gypsum stucco, Venetian and Versailles plaster, imitate wood with an aging element, a relief surface and apply a textured pattern using special stencils.


The panels are suitable for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house as well as other materials: they are versatile, they are light in weight, they are susceptible to change in shape. GCRs are warm, sound-proofing raw materials through which one-, two-, and multi-level structures can be made using straight, shaped lines. Sheets are mounted on a frame with crate.GKL allow painting, sticking wallpaper, fixing falshalk, elements of plaster moldings. The material can be decorated with artistic painting. It looks beautiful, stylish, appropriate in the design of any room of a wooden house.

Tension cloth

This material is divided into two types: PVC film and textiles (including satin varieties with a characteristic silk shimmer). The film is a budget type of material, it is cheaper, has a smaller width and is divided into two types: glossy and matte. Glossy has a mirror effect, so it can not fully convey the beauty of photo printing, if it is in the design of the canvas. Matte film looks beautiful, it does not expand the space, but conveys the clarity of lines and contours of the picture. The satin fabric looks beautiful, it allows the ceiling to breathe, while it does not hold water, if communications are carried out on the second floor and there is a leakage.

The canvases are not deformed, but it is undesirable to decorate the ceiling of the house, which has not yet shrunk.

Ceiling tiles

This decoration is on the market in the widest variety: today, in addition to foam polystyrene tiles, you can buy varieties of wood, metal.The advantages of such a material is the possibility of imitation of a different texture depending on the type of raw material and the desired effect. The most interesting products are tiled material of a rectangular and figured shape with a mirror and a 3D effect. The color solutions are unique; there are varieties of white in the rulers, which provide for multiple painting and varnishing. Ceiling tile is an excellent heater and sound insulator.

In addition, in the decoration of the ceiling sometimes use plastic panels. However, such material is undesirable for use: no matter how the manufacturers advertise it, its characteristics cannot be considered suitable for indoor use. It does not allow air to pass through, so mold and fungus can appear under it if this material is used as a veneer lining of the house. If the room is well heated, the plastic will release harmful substances into the air that will poison the body. OSB is also harmful: formaldehyde resins with additives are their binder, so this material is not suitable for ceiling decoration.


The light design of the ceiling in a wooden house is of great importance, due to it even a laconic design can be made special. Today, it is customary to perform composite lighting of the ceiling, using for this central lamps and auxiliary lighting. If previously the space was additionally illuminated with wall sconces and floor lamps, today spotlights and linear lamps of built-in or adjustable type are the focus of attention.

Depending on the design technique and the chosen style, chandeliers of suspended and surface type can be used for decoration. In the first case, the models are attached to suspensions in the form of a cord or chain. Models of the second category are mounted in the ceiling and, in addition to the classic design, can resemble glowing panels of square or round shape.

Lighting can be linear, spot, or flexible.

The best light sources are LEDs. They are harmless to health, do not flicker and do not emit sounds in the process of work, consume a minimum of electricity, almost transforming it into light, and therefore do not heat up. Through the use of models of RGB type, you can vary the color of the shade of the lamp.This allows you to decorate the ceiling in different ways. The convenience of ribbon illumination is flexibility: it can replicate any shaped contour of the ceiling design, and also provides for a built-in type of use. In addition, fiber-optic threads are used in the design of the ceiling zone.

How to do it yourself?

Making a ceiling in a wooden house with your own hands using these materials and lighting systems is easy. In most cases, this will not take much time, and the result will be no worse than that of professional craftsmen. Conventionally, all types of fasteners are divided into adhesive and frame. In the first case, before trimming the ceiling with the necessary material, it is necessary to level the base, rid it of holes, cracks, and potholes. In the second frame is made, fixing the trim sheets on it. Consider several ways to design the ceiling of different material.


Sheathe the ceiling with a special tile, you can use a special glue. Before its use, the surface is cleaned from dust and grease stains, then treated with a primer with a high penetrating power, and allow the composition to dry.Due to the small weight of the adhesive is applied point (from 5 to 9 points). If you choose a qualitative composition, it is enough to hold the tile for 5 - 7 seconds, and it will be firmly glued to the base. Material insulation glue butt, excluding gaps.


If you want to decorate the ceiling with plaster material, remove the old coating, clean the surface from dirt, grease stains, level, then ground and leave for a day. If it is necessary to level the layer, try to apply the finish coarse-grained plaster of white color, after its drying the base is polished and re-primed. After that, you can finish the decoration with a decorative composition, using a textured roller with a specific pattern or the finished mixture with the desired effect. After drying, it is trimmed and often painted.

Tension cloth

If the base is flat and the walls are low, the material is glued directly to the ceiling. In the case when the ceiling has a height difference, it is necessary to make metal frames onto which the cloth is tensioned and fixed, not forgetting to make holes in advance for the lamps. If the design is designed for complex illumination based on fiber optic filaments, before installation, cuts are made in the intermediate layer, the threads are brought in.If you plan to use a hidden ribbon illumination for lighting, the installation is simplified: it is glued after the web is tensioned onto the back side of the molding glued to the ceiling with a gap of 8 - 10 cm in order not to block the light of the diodes.

From the array

Carrying out the filing of wood and its derivatives, pre-conduct a complex of preparatory work, including insulation of the ceiling and frame. For the filing you can use ecowool: it will allow to sew the ceiling tightly and without voids. You can use various ideas, however, this should be dosed out in order not to overload the interior with the weight of the ceiling.

Using GCR

Drywall can be fixed to the base on a pre-mounted wooden or metal frame with a crate. It is necessary to warm the bearing beams, then fix the sheets with self-tapping screws. In order to avoid deformation of the finished structure between the frame and the wall, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 10 cm. If there are defects at the side edges of the sheets, they must be changed or determined under the parts to be trimmed. When performing finishing work, it is important to make holes for spotlights.

The tape can be mounted around the perimeter of the box.


The design of the ceiling in a wooden house is subject to a specific stylistic direction. So you can make the necessary attitude and convey a certain atmosphere to any interior, which, regardless of the chosen style, should please and match the temperament of the owners of the house, taking into account the opinion of all. With a skillful approach to the design of the ceiling, you can visually make aesthetic any room in the house.

For classical trends, which include classic, neoclassical, classicism, Italian style and notes of English design, it is worth picking up plasterboard structures on the frame. To decorate the ceiling according to all the canons of the palace solemnity, it is worth decorating the box with lighting, a chandelier with crystal and decor in the form of plaster moldings, as well as moldings or ceiling moldings. Additionally, you can perform a tape illumination around the perimeter of the box, and if space allows you to mount two central lamps into the ceiling.

If modern styles are chosen as the basis for the style, you can decorate the ceiling with a stretch canvas or its combination with drywall.Not bad will look options with photo printing on film or textile based stretch fabric, matched in one style with the interior design. If the basis is taken the style of minimalism or modern, we can restrict ourselves to a uniform color without a pattern with a glossy texture. This solution will visually increase the volume of the room.

Wood veneer materials look great in the decoration of the ceiling of ecological style. At the same time there is the possibility of combining two different finishes. For example, you can combine falshbalki with panels, using them around the perimeter, leaving a place inside under the wooden tiles. There are a lot of design options, but you need to apply the trim carefully: if there is a floor in the interior of the room, there may be an imbalance.

Applicable ceiling materials in the design of vintage areas, which include Provence, Baroque. In this case, it is important to trim the material in white, using light-colored lamps to decorate the ceiling.

It should be noted creative directions loft and grunge. Even they can be recreated in a wooden house, using beams in the design, imitation of communication systems, as well as ergonomic lamps with the ability to adjust (spot).

Such design options would be particularly appropriate on the attic, where there are natural beams, and the ceiling height allows the use of pendant lamps. In addition to beams, painting and unusual lamps, such a ceiling can be decorated with windows or their imitation, masterfully supplemented by LED lighting. False windows look realistic, but at the same time fill the space with bright spots, which is especially lacking in the attic space. You can use this technique in the bedroom as well as in the living room, choosing a good image with photo printing for decoration.

Tips and tricks

Wood in the design is an excellent material with a fairly beautiful texture, but it should not be much, otherwise it will lose expressiveness, and the house itself can turn into a bath or a usual wooden box.

Take a note of some useful tips: this will avoid common mistakes, and make the design of the ceiling special.

  • Use a different tone in the design of the ceiling, walls and floor: the coincidence of hue visually reduces the height and width of the walls.
  • Dose wood shade, do not fill them with all the space of the ceiling.Wood needs to stand out from the background of another material.
  • Choosing a tension structure, complete it with a drywall box - this diversifies the design.
  • Do not use dark shades of the array - they put a rigid framework space, visually reducing any room. It is better to choose for decoration light colors of wood or paint the surface.
  • Create stylish accents: a combination of two different materials (for example, with a transition to a wall) that gives off a certain part of the room looks better.
  • Use original fixtures according to the footage: if the space is small, it is better to mount point and strip lighting. Avoid massive chandeliers - they visually weigh down the design of the ceiling.
  • To raise low walls, use materials with a small thickness: tiles, decorative plaster, painting. If the ceiling is high, experiment with multi-level structures on the frame.
  • Wood looks great with drywall: the ceiling of the GVL will add to the design of modernity.
  • If you want to emphasize the accents of the room in the form of a brickwork, use wood decoration with beams and creative lights in the form of drainpipes.

Beautiful examples in the interior

You can appreciate the beauty of the ceiling design in a wooden house, drawing attention to a few examples from the photo gallery.

  • An example of a harmonious design of the ceiling in the living room with panoramic windows.
  • Stylish and concise solution for decorating the bedroom with the use of slats.
  • Continuing the theme of rails, taking into account the color design of the living room interior. The use of spotlights.
  • The original and sophisticated ceiling design with a communication communication system for the dining and guest areas of the combined living room.
  • An unusual roof with strips and paint will fill the room with light and lightness. The use of lamps will add coziness to the living room-kitchen.
  • A stylish solution with the use of wood trim in the form of laths and false beads. The hue of upholstered furniture is matched to the tone of wood, which brings a sense of harmony into the interior.

To learn how to insulate the ceiling in a private house, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
