Plywood ceiling: pros and cons

Many buyers have long been paying attention to natural plywood ceilings. The material is affordable, has a smooth surface, so that is popular with builders and finishers. Plywood ceilings will look great in private homes, they will be a great alternative to more expensive coatings, such as plasterboard structures.

Special features

Before you decide on the design, you should study the features of the material, find the best option for the design, find out what is the filing of the ceiling.

Make plywood from thin sheets of veneer, which are glued together. Drawing on the surface of the material depends on the type of wood. In the manufacture of plywood often use conifers and birch.

Birch plywood will delight the variety of color shades, which will make the ceiling look attractive. Such products are highly durable.

For use in rooms with high humidity, it is better to buy plywood from coniferous trees, it will not appear fungus, mold and rot.

Plywood varies in thickness, this parameter depends on the number of layers that were used. The minimum number of such layers is three, there are more multi-layered options.

When self-finishing ceilings, prefer thin sheets, they will not be heavy construction, convenient for work. For the ceiling, suitable material from 3 to 6 mm thick, thick options for self-mount will be much more difficult. When installing plywood on the frame, choose a product with a thickness of 3 mm.

When choosing sheets of plywood, you should carefully inspect them, they can be smooth polished or unprocessed. Rough and unprocessed sheets will not be suitable for finishing the room. You can choose the option where the surface is ground only on one side. This plywood is quite suitable for interior decoration, since the inner side will not be visible.

Plywood is a combustible material, therefore the operation of such surfaces should be approached with caution.

Plates that do not have a polymer layer are not used for finishing some rooms, they are deformed at high humidity.

When choosing products, pay attention to the labeling:

  • FC - the product is moisture resistant, can be used indoors.
  • FCM - moisture resistant product, but contains melamine resin, used with caution.
  • FOF - such marking indicates that the material has a special coating that can be used for the manufacture of furniture.

The advantages of plywood include the following properties:

  • mechanical strength;
  • good heat and sound insulation;
  • possibility of use in rooms with high humidity;
  • high decorativeness;
  • low weight, which will reduce the load on the ceiling;
  • environmental safety.

The coating is made from natural materials, which is an undoubted advantage.

Sheets of plywood can be used in residential premises, they are not harmful to children, the elderly, animals.


Plywood is not accidentally very popular in the design of residential interior.With its help, you can create an original, beautiful ceiling covering without a large investment of money. When properly installed, plywood ceiling can hardly be distinguished from more expensive wood coatings.

Choosing plywood, you should pay attention to its thickness: the thinner the sheet, it is more convenient to use it to make decorative elements. With a thin sheet of plywood, you can revet not only flat ceilings, but also dome-shaped, curved surfaces. This material makes it possible to make original decorations. Figured clippings are made of plywood, such a carved ceiling will become a real decoration of the room.

In the manufacture of decorative panels cut out a sheet of plywood of the desired size. On paper, draw a sketch of the ornament and transfer it to the material. With the help of a drill, holes are drilled, the final stage of work is carried out with an electric jigsaw.

Not only the ceiling is decorated with such an original decor, it is also used to decorate walls and furniture.

How to do?

Before starting the work on finishing the ceilings with their own hands, carry out the preparatory stage:

  • Concrete ceiling cleaned from the previous coating, close up the gap, using a mixture of cement and sand.
  • From the ground coating remove the remnants of dirt and dust, ground.

If the ceiling is hemmed with plywood, the preparatory work is not carried out, sometimes it is applied to the floor with an antiseptic. In order to hem plywood ceilings, you can use several options.

One of the easiest and fastest ways can be attributed to the fixation on the surface with glue. Installation on glue will allow to keep the height of the room. The hands can sheathe the ceilings in small rooms, where there are no temperature drops. This method takes a little time, you only need to apply glue and press the material to the surface.

If between the ceiling and the plywood surface should be left room, make installation on the corners.

With this installation, finishing is carried out in a certain order:

  • Mark up.
  • Depart from the corner the required distance and mark the points for the installation of fasteners.
  • Using a screwdriver and screws, install corners on the wall.
  • A sheet of plywood is laid on the corners and pressed against the wall.
  • The last sheet is cut with a jigsaw.

If the sheets of plywood will perform a decorative function, then perform installation on suspensions. For sheathing use aluminum profile or wooden beams. They calculate how the plywood sheets will be placed on the ceiling, their edges should be attached to the crate, which eliminates sagging and peeling of the material.

The plywood sheets should be fastened from the center of the room; fragments that have already been cut off will be screwed along the edges.

The crate is fixed in this way:

  • The frame is fastened to the concrete ceiling by quick installation.
  • The crate is fastened to the wooden ceiling with screws longer than 40 mm.
  • The finished crate looks like bars, which are arranged in rows in parallel on the ceiling.

For smooth and prepared surfaces use mastic. When covering with the use of mastic, the height of the walls is not reduced, while the work itself does not take much time.

Operating procedure:

  • Mark up on the surface.
  • On the back of the plywood put epoxy glue, sprinkled with sand on top to ensure the reliability of fastening.
  • After drying the mixture is applied mastic. For work use figured spatula.
  • Plywood sheet attached to the surface.

This is a rough stage of the work. After the installation is finished, a finishing is carried out to hide the joints, remove minor defects, crevices, close the indents from the wall, etc.

    The ceiling of a wooden house can be trimmed in various ways and materials:

    • process the stain and varnish;
    • paint;
    • use stencils for decoration;
    • wallpapering;
    • use structural plaster.

    When choosing the first method, they take a roller or brush, apply stain on plywood and leave to dry. After the plywood has dried, it is necessary to smooth out the roughness, sandpaper or sanding machine will do for this. A varnish is applied to the prepared surface with a roller, brush or spray.

    Water-dispersion paints are best suited for painting plywood ceiling.. A primer is applied to the surface, after it is dried with a putty, the gaps are filled in, eliminate irregularities and bumps. Then you should go around the seams with sandpaper. The preparatory work is finished, you can paint the surface, it is better to use a roller, and paint the places near the walls with brushes.

    After painting the surface at will put a stencil pattern. To apply the picture, you should attach the stencil to the selected areas and paint over it with paint of a different color.. Then carefully, so as not to smear the drawing, remove the workpiece.

    Before sticking to the wallpaper, you should carefully prepare the surface so as not to tear them when working. Glue is applied only on the wallpaperworking with non-woven products, they coat the ceiling. For plywood ceiling it is better to use liquid wallpaper..

    You can decorate the ceiling and using structural plaster. Apply the material with spatulas of different sizes. Finishing putty just will not be cheaper, but this option is the most durable.

    Covering the ceiling with plywood will provide an opportunity to create an interesting design that will look harmonious in the room. In addition to plywood, they use PCB during repairs. It is easy to work with such plates, they can be cut, stuck together and painted with glue and paint for wood. OSB can compete with products made of plywood, the thickness of the sheet allows you to use the material for wall cladding, roof sheathing, as the basis for tiles, slate. OSB is attached to logs, they are intended for flooring roofing surfaces.

    Tips and tricks

    Despite the fact that new materials for cladding ceilings are appearing on the market today, many craftsmen still recommend using plywood. Finishing this material will significantly simplify installation and spend less money to repair the room.

    When working with sheets of plywood should observe the correct technology and carefully perform the work:

    • First, you should decide where the solid sheets of plywood will be located so that they do not sag after the end of work. Using a ruler, a pencil and a tape measure make markings on the crate, taking into account that the edges of two adjacent plywood sheets will be located on the same batten strip.
    • Applying a sheet to the crate is necessary so that its edge is located exactly in the center of the beam. To fix it just one screw. The first sheet should be well centered to the rest of the crates, only after that the sheet is fixed with the help of the remaining screws. The distance between the screws should not be less than 20 cm.
    • After all the solid sheets are installed, you should fix the cutting fragments on the edges. Hide the seams between the sheets can be using baguettes, they should be put on the glue and fix.

    Beautiful examples in the interior

    To understand whether to make a ceiling of plywood, just look at a few examples from the photo gallery. They will help determine and choose an acceptable option.

    The ceiling with use of stencil looks very beautiful and unusual.

    Carved plywood ceiling will be a real decoration for any interior.

    Stained glass and unusual chandeliers will make the room unusual and original.

    How to make a cutting of plywood on the ceiling with your own hands, see the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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    Living room
