How to fix the sheet on the mattress: ideas and tips

 How to fix the sheet on the mattress: ideas and tips

Deep sleep in a comfortable environment is a pledge not only of good mood, but also of great well-being. Bright light, constant annoying noise, too low or high temperature of the air - all this can ruffle even the most calm person. But the biggest discomfort can bring crumpling and bulging sheet. She stumbles under her loins, gets confused in her legs and forces her to get out of bed again and again and to stop her.

Why is the bed sheet crumpled?

If every night turns into a fight with a naughty bedding set, then this means that when choosing it, a strategic mistake was made. There are several reasons due to which the rectangle of the fabric refuses to lie in its place and tries to get lost in a tight lump.

  • Bed linen is not matched to size. If the sheet is much larger than the mattress, then problems with fixing the free edge most often do not arise. But to fill a small sheet so that it lasted all night is quite difficult.
  • The bed is made wrong. To sheet not crawled from the mattress, it must be properly covered. If this is not done, then all the free edges are bound to get tangled in the legs and may even tear.
  • Too thin or slippery fabric. Thin cotton or smooth satin does not hold the form at all and easily slips out even from under a heavy mattress. In addition, in hot weather or heavy sweating of a person, they can “stick” to the skin and reach for it when moving.
  • The mattress is sewn from materials on which the fabric slides. Old mattresses with padded cotton or iron springs were angular and uncomfortable, but they kept any sheet perfectly. Modern orthopedic mattresses made of ecological materials are too light and smooth, so the selection of fabric for bedding should be more careful.
  • Active movement of a person in a dream. Some people sleep almost motionless, waking up exactly in the same position in which they fell asleep.Others move their arms and legs so much in their sleep, roll over from side to side, no matter how thick and large the sheet is, it will gather in a pile without special fixings.

For each of the reasons there is a separate solution, and the more secure the sheet is, the more problems will be solved.

How to fix?

Fastening with sewing. For those who want to secure the sheet without buying various accessories, the sewing method is perfect. Firstly, the simplest way to execute, but not the most convenient to use, is the usual sewing of sheets to the mattress. You will need a regular needle and thread, which manually makes several stitches at each corner of the sheet or around its entire perimeter. Unfortunately, with each change of linen these stitches will have to be tipped off and re-sewn, which in the end will bring even more inconvenience.

Secondly, you can sew a variety of fasteners that will always be at hand hostess or host. It can be buttons sewn to the mattress and loops sewn to the sheet. Also such fastenings can be ropes or ribbons around the perimeter of the sheet, which are tied with similar ribbons on the mattress.You can sew special velcro, which will fix the sheet in a certain place, but they quickly become useless after the second or third washing of linen.

A more complicated, but reliable way is to turn an ordinary sheet into a sheet on an elastic band. There are many workshops on tailoring such bed linen from both a cut of fabric and from finished linen of large size. For those who prefer to save time, rather than money, there is an opportunity to purchase such kits in various stores and websites. There are many options for fabrics and colors that can satisfy the desires of even the most demanding customer.

Fastening with special holders. For those who want to secure the sheet in one position, but do not know which side hold the needle, the method of fastening with special holders is perfect. It can be both special accessories for a mattress, and the improvised materials adapted by resourceful buyers.

  • Special holder. In stores selling various bedding, small corner sheet holders are often offered to customers.They look like suspenders for trousers. On them are located metal or plastic clips. With these clips, the sheet is caught on both sides of the mattress, and the dense elastic band does not allow the holder to budge. Metal products are, of course, more expensive than plastic, but they are more durable and reliable.
  • Improvised means. For those who do not want to buy finished products or can not find them in the store of their settlement, there are many different available tools. You can take the metal "crocodiles" for the curtains and remove from them a metal ring, which can interfere. You can find various clips and holders, for example, regular office paper holders. In addition, you will need a regular dense elastic band, which connects with clips and keeps the corners of the sheet in tension.

Some owners in order to save prefer to attach the usual gum pins. However, this option is not only unreliable, but also fraught with injuries, because a simple pin can easily unfasten under the mattress, and the sheet will slip out. At the same time, the tip of an unbuttoned pin is easily injured during a change of linen.

Fabric selection

The denser the fabric, the less likely it is that the sheet will slip even from under a lightweight mattress. In addition, dense natural fabrics are different in that they "breathe" and the body on such a sheet will not sweat and experience discomfort. The best choice would be linen linen, thick coarse calico or plain cotton.

If the mattress itself is made of sliding material, you must use a special mattress pad. The dense cover is put on a mattress, and the sheet is already spreading on it. Most often, the fabric of such a mattress cover is quite dense and rough, so that the rectangle of the sheet stays in its place until the very morning. Another advantage of such a cover is that it protects the mattress itself from dirt and wear, and allows it to preserve its appearance and functionality for much longer.

See what the sheet holders are in the video below.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.