Wall mirrors in the hallway

A mirror is an accessory without which it is impossible to imagine the life of any modern person. The wall mirror in the hallway is not only an item of decor, but also an important detail of everyday life. Thanks to him, we can see ourselves from the outside before going out, see if this or that suit sits on us well. An elegant mirror will be the final touch to any interior.
The modern market presents to buyers a variety of mirror products of various shapes, colors and designs. For every taste and every wallet there are many models from famous brands and simple factory-made products of mass production.
Wall mirror in the hallway is intended for our convenience.It helps to evaluate your appearance, put on make-up, tweak your hair, look at how clothes look. But in addition to its direct functions, the mirror performs decorative tasks - visually expands cramped and small rooms, adds light to the dark and gloomy space.
Consider in more detail some types of wall mirrors for the hallway.
Antique and aged mirrors are suitable for adherents of the classical style and lovers of romantic interiors. Currently, these pieces of furniture are not in great demand. Many argue that this is due to the presence of lead in them. Others are afraid to use them because of the many superstitions.
But designers have found a simple solution to this problem - you can use a mirror in your apartment, which is aged artificially. The surface of the aged product is no different from its original counterpart, and many will not even be able to distinguish between them. Cloth "double" rubbed with acid, which is safe for health. The frame of the product is made of fine wood, metal (for example, aluminum) or natural natural stone.
Illuminated mirror is multifunctional. It has the function of additional lighting of the surrounding space. Sizes from the smallest to large mirror paintings. Enjoys special demand among customers due to its characteristics. They are very convenient in operation, durable and practical.
Mirror canvases with built-in lighting visually transform the small space of the corridor, increase it due to the reflected light fluxes
Mirror panels on the walls will look like a work of art in your home. The panel is created from several elements - segments. Each element has its own cut, frame and shade.
The panel combines two functions - on the one hand, the composition of the segments bears a decorative function, on the other - plays the role of a mirror canvas. It has the same reflective properties as a regular mirror product.
In the production of panels used tile with fatsety. Tiled edges are cut at an angle. Due to this, the panel has an internal volume that provides an even greater play of light and rainbow highlights.
Similar panels are made in two ways. In the first, the mirror surface is created from separate elements - tiles with a fatset. This method is more economical, but less practical - when assembling tiles may vary in size and not the same.
The second method consists in marking and cutting the whole web into separate elements, repeating the contours of the previously outlined sketch. Then each piece of the panel is processed - a facet is created, if necessary, additional engraving is applied.
Perhaps the most expensive option to create a panel can be called a diamond engraving. With such production, grooves are applied to the reflective surface using a diamond cutter, which imitate the joints of panel elements.
If the buyer does not like tiles with facet, then you can choose a panel without them. In this case, the edge of the product is simply polished. The product is obtained without additional volume, but it does not lose its grace and charm.
When buying a wall mirror for the hallway you should not limit yourself in choosing the shape of the product. Standard geometric shapes in the form of rectangles and circles have long become boring to everyone.Fortunately, the range of products on the market will please any person. There are figured products in the form of images of animals, birds, butterflies, flowers, floral ornaments and trees.
The mirror of an unusual form will be a wonderful way to diversify the interior. Due to the competent creation of a figurative composition, it is possible to achieve an extraordinary picture that will definitely not leave you or your guests indifferent. But It is worth noting that such mirrors are not framed by anything due to technological features.
For modern interiors in the style of a loft, high-tech panoramic mirror with the effect of "fish eye". It is most often convex and round. Such a mirror does not change and is not modified. Reflects a large area due to its panoramic effect. Such mirrors can often be found in large shopping areas.
Constructions and forms
Wall mirror cloths help to create a unique interior in any room in your apartment. The hallway is no exception. A properly selected mirror will delight its owners for many years, or even decades.
Modern design solutions,The variety of forms and designs of wall mirrors are amazing. For each style you can choose your own unique mirror canvas.
For adherents of the classics, you can advise to look at the standard forms of wall mirrors. This includes traditional forms - round, square, oval. If you want to slightly diversify the usual forms, then you can choose a mirror in the form of a diamond or wave.
It is reasonable to place small wall mirrors next to the dressing table, coat rack with hooks for outerwear, chest of drawers with pull-out or opening drawers, stand for shoes.
It should be a bit away from the usual types of mirrors and consider more ambitious interior solutions. In order to give the mirror an unusual and original look, you can use the technique of painting on mirrors or mosaic. For minimalist interiors, designers recommend wall mirrors by sandblasted design.
If the product has a non-standard form, then it is better to choose for it a simple frame without excesses. For simple products, the opposite is true - the simpler the mirror itself,the more luxurious and richer its framing should be.
Thanks to the wall mirrors, you can create a beautiful, non-banal and elegant hallway design.
A mirror is the thing in which we will see ourselves every day, appreciating this or that outfit. This piece of furniture should please the eye. The size of the mirror is calculated primarily from the wishes of the customer. Choose the desired size of the mirror is not difficult.
A small mirror sheet on a wall with a width of 30 cm and a height of about 40 cm is suitable for a small corridor. In such a mirror only the head and shoulders of a person are reflected. A 40 by 60 cm mirror will reflect the figure of a person to the waist. To see yourself in full growth, you will have to move some distance from the wall.
In order to comfortably see yourself in full growth, it is better to pick up a mirror to the floor. Thanks to this reflective canvas, your costume will always be perfect, which will undoubtedly provide you with a good mood.
For lovers of bold interiors fit a huge canvas in the whole wall or half the wall. The use of such a technique in the design will significantly increase the surrounding space, will add light.
Mirror arch amazingly fit into the classic interior. Such a piece of furniture on your wall will cause admiration. Arched mirrors are a touch of classic, which can be combined with many different styles, emphasizing the originality and innovation of the interior of your room.
The correct location of the mirror cloth in the corridor plays an important role. With proper placement, not only the visual increase in area will occur, but the amount of light in the room will increase significantly due to the reflective properties of the mirrors.
For convenience, it is advisable to place a wall mirror above the cabinet or table with toiletries. This is especially true for girls and women - you can correct makeup and hair when leaving the house. Nearby you can install a hanger where the outerwear will hang.
The wall mirror of a small size is suitable for apartments "Khrushchev", which are characterized by a narrow long corridor. In such a corridor, most often, near the wall is a wardrobe (sometimes with a built-in shoebox) for storing outerwear, umbrellas and hats. There is almost no free space left.Therefore, in such apartments it is important to properly hang a mirror.
If the product has a frame or wooden backing, it will be wise to apply the hinge mount. A loop is a small metal plate that looks like an inverted keyhole. Similar hinges are located on top of the mirror (much less often on the sides). With the help of such a hinge mirror can be hung on the wall.
Wall mirrors in the whole wall are good because they create the effect of a high ceiling, visually stretching the space. For narrow corridors, such models are more suitable than floor mirrors. They are appropriate for placement even in front of the entrance door.
Since a large-sized mirror canvas, a person looking at it has the opportunity to see himself in full growth. This mirror will be a spectacular accent in any home.
Sometimes square meters in our home is not enough to arrange everything the way we want. And therefore often have to save space. For small premises, to which the entrance hall belongs, every centimeter of the surrounding space is important.
Proper placement of furniture will help the apartment owners not only increase the area, but also add convenience and comfort to the interior.For example, over the corner table can hang an unusual mirror in a beautiful frame.
It is reasonable to place a long wall mirror near the shoe rack so that you can appreciate your appearance from head to toe. Since the shoebox is located next to the mirror, your shoes will always be in order.
A make-up mirror is a mirror framed by light bulbs. Previously, it was used only in dressing rooms by artists, in dressing rooms at model shows. But over time, it became popular with makeup artists at home and just for women, who themselves love to experiment with makeup.
This product is perfect for evaluating your image, you can consider the applied makeup in detail. In addition, it will decorate any apartment.
Wall mirrors in modern style with integrated lighting are in good demand. They not only perfectly reflect, but also create additional lighting. Extra light is especially relevant for dark and closed rooms.
There are three types of illumination of mirror products:
- Outdoor lighting - The easiest and less expensive option.The mirror is illuminated with the help of spotlights, wall lamps, and spotlights from the ceiling. Outdoor lighting gives a beautiful delicate glow in the room. You should not choose large lighting devices for such illumination - they will cause discomfort. Lighting devices are mounted in the wall.
- Interior lighting. Illumination takes place thanks to integrated LED strips or blocks. The glow is soft due to frosted glass, behind which diodes are hidden. The design of this model will delight you with its simplicity and brevity. With this illumination diode tape mounted on the contour of the mirror, sometimes on the sides or on top.
- Decorative. Economic option of illumination. This type of lighting is not intended for a vast area, but it is suitable for creating a beautiful romantic glow.
Designers annually present at exhibitions a huge number of wall mirrors of various shapes and sizes. The canvases are decorated with various elements, frames, frames, baguettes.
The sophisticated buyer can afford to make the finished product to order. It will decorate and decorate according to your desire.Making the framing of a mirror with your own hands is also not a problem. Here the main thing is to determine the shape of the product, and then proceed to further modernization of the subject itself.
Baguette made beautiful and aristocratic mirrors. Such an object becomes an element of luxury, the personification of wealth and wealth. Such a frame not only gives the product greatness, but also protects the thin canvas from sudden cracks, damage, chipping and premature wear.
Expensive baguettes are made from precious woods (oak, ash, mahogany). Making a frame of natural materials will delight connoisseurs of eco-friendly interiors.
Plastic is a cheaper material of manufacture, but the quality is in no way inferior to wood.
. Plastic baguettes are easy to maintain and use, they do not accumulate dust on themselves. This will undoubtedly please the hostess of the house, since the cleaning will take much less time.
The frame from aluminum is characterized by the big term of use and the increased durability. The price of the product, respectively, will be much higher.
It can be noted that the wall mirror in the frame is universal for all styles and directions.For example, for a modern style, a mahogany baguette is suitable. The classic style is characterized by stucco, patterns and decor carved details. Mirrored canvas in a metal frame will fit well into the interior in the style of hi-tech and loft.
Connoisseurs of unusual interiors will be interested in a mirror panel of faceted tiles. The fatt is a decorative bevel on the edge of the mirror, framing the edge of the mirror on the front side at an angle from 0 to 45 degrees. Thanks to this technique, a mirror not only has an internal volume, it also has an unusual refraction of light rays. Each element of the panel resembles a faceted jewel.
There are several types of facets - a rectilinear edge, a curved facet (with its help various patterns are created), a double facet.
Interior Ideas
An inexperienced buyer may have real difficulties in choosing a suitable wall mirror for the hallway. It is necessary to take into account many aspects of the purchase - the overall style of the interior, model, shape, size and color of the desired product, the availability of free space.
Shops delight consumers with both simple models and fashionable design solutions.
There are comfortable swivel mirrors, stylish models in various frames (forged and carved frames that fit perfectly in the loft style), products with printed patterns, and full-length mirror cloths.
The full-length wall mirror will delight the owners with its versatility. It can be placed on the wall opposite the door or window.
A mirror may look like a piece of furniture, but not really be it. The attached console, which serves as a shelf in the hallway for various trifles, is often supplemented with a mirror surface attached to the wall.
It seems that in the corridor there is a full-fledged trellis, but in reality these are two different elements of the situation.
Only if the pierum is made in the size of a mini, as well as the attached one, it becomes noticeable that these objects are independent details of the situation.
Looks like a wall mirror with light, see the next video.