Console in the hallway: ideas in the interior

Determining the arrangement of the hallway, everyone hopes to make this difficult space comfortable, functional and beautiful. This is achieved by competent selection of the necessary furniture. Consoles have long gained popularity in the modern interior, and in the hallway such an element will help to create a cozy atmosphere and become an interesting and creative highlight.
Advantages and disadvantages
The fashion is changing, new, more advanced materials come, some standards of beauty in the interior are replaced by others, but the basic forms of furniture “wander” from century to century. The console is an element of interior design, known for a very long time.The product won its popularity due to a number of external and functional advantages. Before looking for positive and negative sides, you should understand what is the console. Look at the pages of history to answer this question.
Word itself "Console" is of French origin. Initially, its application was related to the architectural element, which was a support for the projecting part of the building, for example, a balcony, a cornice or a statue. From Latin "con-solidare" translates as "Support", "strengthen". Gradually, the word migrated from architecture to the furniture industry, where it began to mean a small narrow table on 2-4 legs, which is located along the wall and one side rests on it.
In the XVII - XVIII centuries. during the reign of Louis XIV console become the most sought after product from woodworkers in France. This is due to the king's great love for architectural and furniture delights, adherence to classicism as a style in art, the influence of Italian baroque. "Greater style", born in the reign of Louis XIV, according to contemporaries, created the impression of "unbridled luxury and splendor."
Considering the historical background, it becomes clear that furniture such as a console could only appear in a rich house, be an element of a truly luxurious and elegant interior. In such a house, a place for a narrow table was prepared at the pier between two windows or doors or under a window or mirror.
He often had a letter-case, a cantilever clock, which was made in the same style and from the same material as the bracket itself or the cupboard-console.
In a modern interior this piece of furniture has somewhat changed. The variety of styles, materials, dynamism of life itself have done their job, giving this element of the interior functional and decorative properties to match the time.
Due to its compactness the console can be installed in the hallway of almost any size. A separate mirror is perfectly complemented by a small narrow table and allows you to place a comb, lipstick, perfume on the table top. A beautiful vase, statuette, photos within the framework will find a place in the hallway, if they stand on the console.
Under the wall model, which does not have legs, it is easy to place an ottoman or couch on wheels, which can be easily pulled out and crouched.If the design provides a small box, then there is no question of where to store the keys, the necessary cosmetics, wallet or documents on the machine.
The lack of a console in the hallway can be only one: too small room is ready to accommodate only the most necessary, what the console is not. The influence of history is evident: only rich, well-provided people could afford the arrangement of the hallway with such an essentially decorative detail. For luxury is not worth chasing. If your hallway can not boast of open spaces, such an element there will look stupid and only clutter up an already small room.
If in the Middle Ages, people exchanged messages through letters, nowadays a phone call will convey your thoughts here and now. Placing the phone in the hallway is a great idea in all respects. A telephone conversation will not interfere with someone who is busy watching a movie in the living room, will not disturb the child’s sleep in the nursery, and allow him to settle the issue in a relaxed atmosphere away from a noisy feast in the dining room or in the kitchen.
The ideal place in the hallway under the phone - the console table. They seem to be made for each other.Be sure to take note of this option. And for a comfortable conversation ottoman or couch under the console will allow you to enjoy the process in the most comfortable conditions.
If the keys are constantly lost and they are never on hand, if you need to urgently open the door, start a special key bowl that will fit perfectly on the console. Another storage option is a small box under the table top, where you can put all the little things that everyone so often loses.
Console tables placed under the mirror can play the role of a toilet table. Bring your hair in order, make or correct makeup, put on jewelry for the holiday, using these interior objects in the hallway.
Of course, the most outstanding features of the console - decorative. First of all, the design of the table top and legs itself can add luxury and elegance to the room, fill the empty space with beautiful interior detail, and place other decorative elements on the surface of the table top.
The most common model in modern design is a narrow long console. Such furniture does not take up much space, while it perfectly decorates a blank wall, where it is inappropriate to place, for example, a cupboard or cabinet.If you put a small stool under the tabletop in one stylistic decision, then the table will acquire a written assignment.
Conveniently, talking on the phone, make some notes so as not to forget important information.
Hanging console in the interior looks very light, airy, almost weightless. In this model, either the legs are completely absent, or they are decoratively supported on the wall itself. With such a hinged structure, it is much easier to perform wet floor cleaning, as it remains free, and in the meantime the functionality does not change. There are very compact models that can fit into small hallways.
The wall console is a classic version of a furniture product. The two front legs of the table rest on the floor, and the rest are missing. Their role is played by the wall, on which the blind edge of the table top is mounted. In such a product can be three or four legs, it all depends on the design and stylistic requirements, but the main thing is that the design rests solely on the wall.
Side console table with drawer - a great choice for the hallway. It is compact, functional (you can put a phone on it, keys,notepad for records), and you can attach it to the pouf or couch.
Often the hallway is not very comfortable shape. Sometimes in this space there is such an angle where to put the closet will not work, a pedestal is not appropriate there, and for an open hanger too far from the entrance door. Angle console will help solve the difficult task. Due to the small depth of such a table will not overload the space, will help to properly balance the furniture.
In modern society, young people are trying as quickly as possible to acquire their own housing, to become independent. For such young people there is a special layout in the houses. The apartments are very small and compact, often without internal walls, only one large open space.
Designers suggest zoning the room in various clever ways, using multifunctional transforming furniture. Folding console table - just from this series. A narrow table, standing against the wall, with a flick of the wrist turns into a written or dining table for 2-4 people.
It is difficult to say in what style the console would be completely out of place.Modern models are made of various materials, performed in unexpected decisions, Customized for any requests:
- It's hard to call the console element classicism or baroque style - in the period it was created and when the popularity of this element of furniture grew. However, lovers of luxurious classics and pompous baroque are simply by definition obliged to have a console table in the interior of their apartment or country house.
- Classicism It is distinguished by its fundamentality and refinement. The console, designed in this style is distinguished by straight lines, concise design. The table top is often made with elements of marquetry (inlaid one type of wood over another), bronze details, carving. The legs are a smaller copy of the usual columns with flutes. The capital and pilasters are made in the form of a cube with heraldic signs carved on it.
- Baroque style is luxury, pomp and full magnificence. The lines of the table tops have a complex curved shape, the decor is a jumble of various gilded curls in which you can see the silhouettes of angels and fancy colors.The legs are always curved and also decorated with elaborate carvings.
- Console in style modern are more concise, curved forms, they seem to dissolve in the interior due to the smoothness and subtlety of the lines.
- Lovers of strict style high tech Consoles with shiny metal, glass or marble tops, which are bent with the letter “P”, will fit tightly into the legs of the table. Geometrically regular form, modern materials and a minimum of decor are the distinctive features of the style.
- Romantic supporters of style chebbi chic in the interior, a light, specially aged console table will be appreciated, on which you can place a vase with flowers and a pair of frames with photos.
- Consoles in industrial style loft - it is the welded metalwork in the form of a narrow table on which the table-top from metal, glass or a tree lies.
- The console table will be an interesting decoration in the house. in oriental style. The main elements of the decor of this product will be a traditional carving with oriental motifs, painted with colorful paints and gilding elements.
The uniqueness of the console is that the form in which the product is made can be absolutely any. The most common is rectangular. This is due to the fact that in modern design strict forms prevail. Such furniture fits perfectly into any interior, correctly fills the space, has high functionality. With the advent of minimalism in our lives, hi-tech loft style and functionalism, the rectangular geometry of the furniture is firmly entrenched in our understanding of the fashionable interior.
The semicircular console is a softer design solution. Most often it is an attached model on 3 or 4 legs, although in the modern version the role of the legs can be performed by a purely decorative element made of stone, gypsum, even from tree branches and relief logs of exotic species of wood. The round shape is more consistent with the usual thumbs. This is not really a console, but the functionality is similar.
One of the most common and elite materials in the furniture industry - an array of wood. Consoles are made of natural mahogany, oak, beech, pine, ash and many other species. Such furniture is not cheap, it is not available to everyone, it requires the appropriate decoration of the room for which it is intended.But products made of solid wood are durable, thanks to a special treatment that is moisture resistant, does not depend on temperature changes, looks reliable, respectable, elegant and majestic.
For those who want to save money, but to get a product made of wood, manufacturers offer to purchase furniture made of veneer. This natural material is also safe for health, it is a thin sheets of wood, glued together with a special glue. The surface of such plates is decorated in every possible way - they pour in a special polymer, glue on top the laminate or laminate, PVC film, and cover it with decorated veneer sheet. The price of the product depends on the choice of the coating material and the manufacturer.
Glass consoles - weightless and transparent, fit into any interior and in any style. Depending on the glass model, only the table top can be made, and if you use a thick and impact-resistant material, the legs can also be glass. The coating can be matte, with a bronze effect, graphite, transparent, with a pattern applied in sandblasting technique. An alternative may be a mirror console.
Wealth and luxury console differ from natural stone.Marble, turquoise, granite - the materials are majestic and expensive. Sometimes a wrought-iron wall table can fit in well. Curls of thin twigs are very delicate and florid.
Solid white console fits perfectly into a small room, because white color does not give clutter, visually expands the space. In general, in modern design is a fashionable color, they can literally do everything at once. Nobody will blame you, if you paint the walls white, all the furniture will get white and you will pick up all the textile drapery, respectively, also white.
Lovers of bright accents will find a stylish solution to combine several colors in one product. For example, white and wenge, white and yellow, saturated purple and marsh green, brown and blue. Such a console will look bright, dynamic, literally have its own character.
Natural colors of wood are suitable for classic interiors - from golden yellow to dark brown. Also, bleached oak has gained popularity in the furniture industry.
The main advantage of consoles is compactness.A small side table should not overload the room and draw all attention to itself; it should only complement the designed design.
The height of the console varies from 70 to 110 cm above the floor. It all depends on the functional or stylistic decision.
If you plan to sit at a table, you must follow the usual rules for selecting a written or dining table.
Famous manufacturers of wooden furniture is famous Italy. It was in this country that the baroque style originated, which is inherent in the use of console tables in the interior. Antique products are still in use, have high popularity and price. Factories Boca Do Lobo, Koket, Mugali, Guaderte, Smania, JNL offer different in style and material performance consoles.
Spanish factory designers Trecu offer concise models in the style of minimalism.
Interesting design ideas embodied in the furniture of the Portuguese factory Muranti. Models are created with a "twist". The body and table top of the models represent a mosaic of different geometric elements. They look fresh and elegant.
Netherlands Eichholtz creates his furniture in the style of "luxury".Gold-plated, shiny elements, rhinestones, mirror coatings in combination with monochrome deaf colors - this should be the console in this style.
Hallway Interior Design Ideas
The console, made in ecostyle fits perfectly into the interior of a mixed type. Thanks to the poufs, this performance expands the functionality and creates a whole furniture ensemble in the hallway.
A very thin and elegant model, made exclusively in a decorative key, enlivens the empty space.
Fashionable transforming console solves many problems - it is an element of decor, and in the unfolded state it becomes a full-fledged table.
The console-pierum is a good find for a woman half of the inhabitants of an apartment or house.
How to choose a console for the hallway, you can watch in the next video.