The subtleties of the design of narrow corridors: how to visually increase the space?

Often, the owners of small apartments believe that a narrow corridor is a narrow, stretched space, with which nothing can be done. However, many designers are in no hurry to agree with this statement and offer a lot of ways to visually enlarge the corridor, make it original and attractive. Modern repair technologies allow you to create the most functional space, even from small and narrow spaces.
Special features
Before you start creating an interior project, you should decide on the main parameters of the corridor planning and understand what it will have to work on and what needs to be corrected.
First of all it is necessary:
- choose the appropriate style of the room, which will either carry their own individuality, or be a continuation, or rather, a threshold of style decision of the whole apartment;
- think over the color scheme, suitable to taste and style. In the long narrow corridor, light colors and shades will prevail, since they allow you to visually increase the space;
- decide on the main facing materials for the surfaces of walls, floor, ceiling. Calculate the amount of materials for the entire area, make sure they are harmonious with each other;
- consider the decor, color and texture of the doors, shades of edging elements;
- pick up functional pieces of furniture.
Different styles
In order to make a pleasant and pleasing room out of a narrow corridor, it is very important to choose the right style and withstand it completely. You should not choose styles with fanciful elements and a lush design - the narrow space of the hallway will simply sink into them.
The ideal option would be modern styles that allow you to experiment, combine materials, textures and colors.
For rooms made in pronounced old-fashioned or ultra-modern styles, it is recommended to choose classics for the first option and minimalism for the second.
That is, for an apartment designed in the baroque splendor, it is not necessary to carry it into a narrow corridor. In a small space will be enough of the classic elements of the corresponding color gamut.
And in the same way, modern futuristic high-tech or production loft in a narrow long corridor can be represented in the style of minimalism, with the desired directionality and color gamut.
Ideas and solutions
The main task in the repair and design of a narrow corridor is to make the space as free as possible, but without losing its functionality. Therefore, the main emphasis in the design of the design will be made on the decoration of light colors and the choice of the necessary amount of furniture suitable for this room.
In a private house, a corridor can lead to a staircase or go parallel to it; in this case, a visual increase in space can create a single color scheme, as well as the design of the room as one large hall. Corridors in a panel house or in a two or three room Khrushchev do not differ in volume and spaciousness, but they are not hopeless.
It can be interesting to beat the interior, add elements of decor,visually enlarging the space - a mirror, an arch leading to the hall, curbs and door trim panels of one palette, creating a room edging.
In order to decorate a corridor beautifully, it is not at all necessary to turn to design masters for expensive services. Knowing the basic rules and secrets of successful design, you can embody the most daring ideas of your own, and your corridor will take on an elegant look.
Often, due attention is not paid to the repair of the hallway or interior corridor, since all the forces and means are thrown, first of all, at the arrangement of the "grand" rooms - rooms and kitchens.
But the hallway is the place from which the house begins, it is the threshold of the whole interior as a whole.
Consider all the components that allow you to equip a narrow space in an optimal way.
- Corridor walls - the most volumetric part of the room, carrying the main design function. The visual volume depends on the color and material of the wall covering.
For narrow corridors, it is best to use shades of light beige colors - they will add light and air to the space.However, it should not be forgotten that the corridor is exposed more than other rooms to dirt and moisture brought from the street. A good way out of this situation is the option of decorating the lower part of the wall with darker tones.
The separation can be arranged with a molding or border, it will decorate the corridor in the event that you do not plan to furnish it with furniture.
The board: walls in a narrow corridor should not be leveled using drywall - it will take precious centimeters of the already small space. It is best to use decorative plaster or liquid wallpaper. This will not only hide the small imperfections of the surface of the walls, but also give the interior elegance and respectability.
- Ceilings. For a narrow corridor, multi-level structures and heavy chandeliers and ceiling lamps are not suitable. The classic version of the white ceiling with a ceiling tablet chandelier will be the best option. A suspended or suspended ceiling with built-in point sources of illumination will look more solid and aesthetically pleasing. This will illuminate all parts of the corridor, thus giving it additional volume.A budget option - the ceiling of plasterboard. It can also be arranged in several lighting zones.
- Floor. Floor for the corridor is chosen primarily for reasons of rationality. For ease of cleaning and maintaining cleanliness, ceramic tiles with a rough surface are used. Tiles can be laid out only part of the hallway at the front door, and leave the rest of the space under the laminate or linoleum.
Laying laminate or parkteta for narrow elongated rooms involves the arrangement of the pattern diagonally or across to maximize the narrow space.
- Furniture. The basic rule when choosing furniture for narrow corridors is maximum functionality and minimum load. Bulky cabinets for outerwear will have to be immediately eliminated, as are volumetric dressing tables and chairs in lush rococo and baroque styles. However, this does not mean that the narrow corridor should remain without stylish furniture at all. Modern manufacturers offer many options for interesting small-sized products.
In the area of the entrance door you can arrange a narrow furniture wall consisting of a mirror with a cabinet, a panel with hangers for clothes and a compartment for shoes at the bottom.Often, these walls are equipped with a seat: built-in mini-sofa or a separate miniature pouf.
A rack with open shelves for a collection of works of art or objects of your own creativity will look good along a free wall. The rack can be replaced and a long, full-wall, narrow console table.
How to make?
To date, there are a huge number of options for finishing materials that will allow you to draw a narrow space of the corridor, hiding its shortcomings and emphasizing the aesthetic taste of the owners of the house.
One of the traditional types of design are wallpapers. This is the most budget option, but not the most primitive. Modern canvas for the quality and variety of colors and textures are not inferior to more expensive materials. Wallpaper can be:
- Paper A single-layer or double-layer material of cellulose cloth is very inexpensive, able to decorate and refresh the interior. May have a glossy or matte surface, convex pattern. The minus of paper wallpapers is in their marcos and fragility.
- Flizelinovymi. The elastic material which is not swelling from water and glue, in difference from paper analogs. A variety of texture leaves room for selection, and the option of wallpaper for painting allows you to choose the most suitable color. Moreover, the wallpaper for painting can be repainted, thereby changing the appearance of the interior;
- Vinyl. Consist of a mixture of cellulose and polyester, the material covers the thinnest protective film. Vinyl wallpaper is durable, easy to clean;
- Liquid. This type of wallpaper according to the method of application is an analogue of decorative plaster, with the only difference being that the composition of the liquid wallpaper contains cellulose fiber. The structure can be both smooth and rough to the touch;
- Textile. The most expensive type of wallpaper, the material of which may contain various types of fabric - linen, cotton, silk. In cheaper versions, fibers are applied to a paper or non-woven base in the form of floral or abstract ornaments. These wallpapers give the walls softness and velvet.
Decorative plaster
One of the main advantages of this type of finish is the ability of a material to imitate any texture, to hide minor defects in walls and ceilings, and not to weight the space.With the help of such lining, you can create an imitation of fabric (silk, velvet), marble chips, natural stone, crumpled paper, and wood species. Decorative plaster is easy to clean, durable, has sound and heat insulation properties. The most common types for home use are:
- Textured. Granules, fibers or chippings of various materials are added to the mixture of plaster: stone, wood chips, threads. Covering the surface with such a mixture, you can achieve a variety of textures and shades;
- Relief. This type of plaster differs from the textured only application technology. A viscous mass of plaster is applied to the surface, and before it hardens with stencils and forgings, patterns and patterns are cut out, giving volume and bulge in certain places. This way you can create real paintings in the full height of the wall;
- Venetian. One of the most expensive types of wall cladding. Plaster mimics the cut of the stone. As a rule, these are the veins and play of the delicate tones of marble or malachite. The mixture may contain particles of quartz, which gives the coating an additional deep glow.Venetian plaster is not only the composition of the substance, but also a special technology of application, therefore, it is better to entrust the lining of the walls to specialists. So you will save expensive material and you will not be disappointed if you fail to achieve the desired effect with your own hands.
Wooden wall cladding with a thin carved ornament, which has come down to our times from time immemorial. This type of decor served as a decoration of the interior of the medieval nobility, and nowadays it is successfully used in the facing of respectable premises and is considered a sign of aristocracy and luxury. Boiserie can be found in the decoration of hallways, halls, home libraries, yachts.
Wood carving in the ideal and most expensive version is made by hand. Floral ornament can be patinated (artificially aged), covered with paint or gilding, depending on the style of the room.
Often the lower part of the wall of a narrow corridor is revetted with laminate, protecting the wall from pollution. In place of the laminate will be expensive and solid look boaser. To give completeness to the appearance of the corridor, supplement in the same design the door trim or the edging of the arch.
Decorative rock
Widely used for decorating any type of surface. Due to the gypsum structure of the material, it is easy to use and is not contraindicated in the design of even thin walls and partitions. The area of laying decorative stone depends on the style of the interior. Finishing the aisles with stone elements to match the color of the wall cladding will significantly enliven the space in any style, and add the necessary emphasis to country or rustic styles.
In the latter case, a plaster decorative stone can completely decorate one of the empty walls or the space between the doorways.
How to visually expand?
The main question that concerns the owners of narrow long corridors is how to add volume and smooth the elongation of the room. In design art, there are several techniques that will help to successfully cope with this task.
As a rule, corridors do not assume the presence of windows, and therefore care should be taken of high-quality lighting. It is desirable that the light of the lamps be daylight, rather than diffuse, creating the effect of twilight and dark corners. Therefore, in a long corridor you cannot do with a single source of light in the center or in the zone of the entrance door.It is desirable that the light from the ceiling fell on all the walls, this effect can be achieved with spotlights or ceiling chandeliers with different angles of the lampshades. There will also be not superfluous illumination of niches and furniture.
As already mentioned above, the option of several built-in ceiling lights is suitable for lighting the entrance hall. Wall sconces can illuminate the mirror in the entrance area, pictures or shelves of a rack with objects of decor.
Nothing visually increases the space of the room, as correctly chosen mirrors. Reflecting the opposite wall, they create the effect of doubling and symmetry. A large beautiful mirror illuminated by a modern built-in system or classic wall sconces is not only an element of decor, but also a necessary item in the corridor. A narrow wardrobe with a length of 3 meters with mirror elements on the doors will be an ideal tool for an area magnifier. However, it is worth remembering that a surplus of mirrors is no longer in vogue, and in some cases mirrors can be traumatic.
Mirror surfaces, elements of decor in any manifestations will reflect the space and glare in the light of the lamps, which will dispel the remnants of darkness in the once narrow room.
Panoramic drawings
Any kind of image that opens an attractive panorama can visually enlarge the space. It can be:
- Wallpapers in the whole wall with views of cities, coastal or mountain landscapes;
- sandblast drawings on the surface of the mirror wardrobe;
- natural views on decorative relief plaster.
Figures in perspective, with streets or roads receding into the distance, the type of lakes or forest on the horizon line will create the effect of volumetric space. Macro drawings, that is, large individual images of flowers or objects, should be discarded, as they will narrow the volume to an already narrow room.
Decor items
Visually increase the space will help the elements of decor, dividing the corridor zone. For example, floor mats. Instead of traditional long carpets, it is better to use a few small ones, they will create the impression of nonlinearity of an elongated corridor.
Broken lines and zigzags in furniture and objects, smooth transitions and rounded arches also break the perception of a long narrow space. That is, you need as far as possible to get away from the correct geometric shapes.Paintings, figurines, objects of art, mounted on high narrow podiums along the free wall, are also able to visually enlarge the space.
Options in the interior
Radius wardrobe will become an excellent decoration and functional furniture for a narrow corridor. At the heart of its mechanism are curved rails, and the doors have a semicircular convex shape. Such a cabinet may not have side walls, the volume is achieved due to the space of doors. If you install such a structure instead of the door to the pantry, you will get the perfect decoration for your hallway.
Another modern method of decorating are 3D drawings on the floor or walls. They will allow to beat the room in any proportion and will give scale even to the narrowest corridor.
How to decorate the corridor with a decorative stone, see in the master class.