Stretch ceiling "Starry sky" in the interior

One of the most popular decor options for ceiling surfaces is the installation of a stretch ceiling with a starry sky image. For more than 10 years, suspended ceilings of this kind have attracted their originality and magic, leaving positive customer reviews. On the peculiarities of this coverage will tell in our article.
Special features
Structurally, the stretch ceiling is a film stretched in different directions. Ceiling with the effect of the starry sky includes a system of various light sources, which are located between the main ceiling and the design of the stretch ceiling. Thanks to the inserted LED threads, you can create a variety of patterns and patterns on the surface.
Base materials for suspended ceilings can be PVC film, drywall, plywood. The best option to create a star effect would be the use of PVC film, which creates a perfectly flat and smooth surface. PVC film has a high wear resistance to dirt, it also withstands loads up to one hundred kilograms.
Ceiling decoration with night stars is used not only in private homes, but also in entertainment centers (clubs, restaurants, cafes).
Creating a starry sky effect is accomplished in several ways:
- Optical fiber. Optical threads during operation are not heated. The fibers themselves conduct only light without current, thus they have established themselves as low electricity consumers. Their operational life is about 10 years. The only drawback of such lighting is the high cost.
- Optical fiber with photo printing. On the canvas of dark color worn photo printing sky. Further, filaments of fiber are fixed, which will glow from the wrong side.
- LEDs. Such lighting is perfect for creating light music, because the lamps can change color.Due to the fact that the heating in working condition does not occur, the LEDs are safe to use. The life of a small, about 5-6 years.
- Fluorescent paint. This type of decoration is based on applying various patterns (planets, galaxies, constellations, clouds). In the absence of artistic talent, you can use stencils. Paint will be visible only in the dark. The advantage of this method is the application of drawings for every taste, and the disadvantage is the inability to independently adjust the intensity of illumination of the structure.
- Starpins glow pins. For this type of ceiling, it is recommended to use dark, even black shades of film coating. The option with the put drawing of the star sky is possible. An LED strip is placed on the reverse side of the film, and holes are made for the pins on the front side. The advantage of such lighting is that the pins can be of different colors, and, therefore, the stars will be multi-colored.
When choosing a particular method of decorating the ceiling, it is necessary to consider how far the structure can be lowered.Ceilings in low rooms will be even lower by 10-15 cm. Properly made choice will help not to be disappointed in the result.
Stretch ceilings "Starry sky" have a number of advantages in use:
- Fire safety design.
- Minimum power consumption.
- There is an opportunity to independently regulate the intensity of light.
- Optical fiber does not need constant replacement.
- There are various color schemes, modes of illumination and flicker.
- Noiseless design.
- High moisture resistance.
- Stretch ceiling hides the flaws and irregularities of the ceiling surface.
Stretch ceilings with this print can be purchased in the finished design. You can also install the system yourself, following a certain installation technology.
Space decoration of the ceiling with special effects can be of two types:
- Dynamic. This ceiling allows you to apply dynamic effects and special programs to adjust the brightness, color and intensity of flicker. This type of decor looks great in the living room, dining room or in the kitchen to create a solemn mood.It is not recommended to use it in bedrooms and children's rooms, as such drawings will tire.
- Static. The ceiling is made to mimic the naturalness of the starry sky. This ceiling covering is perfect for interiors of bedrooms and children, because the light, gentle shine of the stars will act soothingly and relaxing.
Static ceiling is preferable to dynamic in that it has a lower cost of construction. Installation of such a ceiling requires less time and effort.
Placement tips
There are two options for installing a false ceiling with the effect of the starry sky. The first method of placement is performed without piercing the web. In this case, the light falls on the wrong side of the fabric. The canvas should be used less durable.
Mounting technique:
- To begin with, a draft ceiling with applied drawings or patterns in the form of a galaxy, constellations is established. This cover already has prepared cutouts suitable for drawing.
- Through the pinholes stretch the fiber. If the stretching is performed on a single fiber, the glow will be less bright.To enhance the brightness of the light, use whole bundles of fiber for pulling into the holes. Then the fibers are cut at the level of the ceiling or with a protrusion of not more than 2 m.
- The final stage is the fixation of the finishing sheet. It may differ in color, texture and pattern from the false canvas. You can use glossy or matte fabrics.
The second method of mounting the stretch ceiling is performed in such a way that the holes are already made in the installed system of the starry sky. Fibers are also pulled through the holes and glued on the wrong side of the stretch ceiling. From the outside, the optical fibers are clipped.
When you connect the structure, a lot of stars begin to glow.
In this variation of the installation is recommended to use crystal nozzles to scatter light. Such a system requires the use of coarser and denser webs. The mounting of the crystal occurs with the help of reinforcing rings. The crystals look great on matte PVC film in black or dark blue.
To create the effect of the starry sky, special projectors are used. The projector consists of a halogen paw and a light filter.This mechanism is silently spinning at a certain speed, affecting the brightness and color of the glow. Projectors help create a more realistic simulation of the starry sky.
Sometimes conductive drywall is used to sheath the stretch ceiling. Such a lining is itself an electrical lighting appliance.
Installation is a sheet mounting to the ceiling and its connection to the network. At the final stage, the LEDs are inserted. The only drawback of this decor is that it must be installed by professionals. The cost of such material is quite high, but the result of the design of the ceiling will be simply amazing.
Small tricks of editing:
- Stars in the sky can have different diameters. Their value directly depends on the thickness of the fiber used (varies from 0.75 to 2 mm). When installed in different places to cover different amounts of fibers, you can create the complete illusion of a real star sky.
It is recommended to have 1–3 points of optical fibers per 1 m2 (diameter 2 mm), 3–4 points of fiber with a diameter of 1 mm, and fill the rest of the space with optical fibers with a diameter not greater than 0.75 mm.Per 1 m2 is recommended to distribute from 100 to 150 stars.
- Optical fiber with a diameter of more than 1 mm must be secured with additional fastenings so that its weight does not spoil the suspended ceiling.
- When installing optical fibers, it is imperative to ensure that they do not bend over. When choosing a suitable material for the ceiling, it is worth considering the fact that the maximum temperature for heating optical fibers is not more than 70 degrees.
Stretch ceilings with the effect of the starry sky for self-installation require special care and accuracy, although the end result is worth it. If you are not sure that you will create such an original and exquisite decoration of the ceiling yourself, you can always seek the help of professionals.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Stars on a dark blue background. The classic version of the interior is created by drawing stars on a dark blue or black canvas. Such a design can be performed both on a single-level and on a two-level ceiling. Often this option is complemented by white edging. The basis of the design creates a glossy finish.Very nice this option looks in the pool. In the living room, designed in the style of pop art and futurism, such a decor would be very appropriate.
Stars on the background of different shades. Ideas for creating a ceiling decoration have no boundaries. For example, there are options for applying stars on the base of the ceiling of pink and green. The interior of the room and furniture set are also complemented by bright and flashy shades. The main thing is that all colors are combined with each other.
Photo printing with stars. Various images (constellations, planets, galaxy) are applied to the surface of a matte or glossy film. This decor will look great in the nursery. You can also add to the surface images of cartoon characters.
In this video you will see the installation of the ceiling "Starry sky".