Are stretch ceilings harmful?

Are stretch ceilings harmful?

Fashionable, attractive and practical - in three words you can describe such a popular in recent years design element as a stretch ceiling. The widespread love for this product is growing rapidly, and not only because of the aesthetics of appearance, excellent characteristics and properties. Materials and installation are quite affordable. The only thing that worries buyers is how harmful are stretch ceilings?

Special features

Do not forget that the human body is a unique system, all over the world can not find two identical people. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what will be the reaction of a person to certain substances.For someone it is quite acceptable to be in a room with artificial decoration, but someone may not like this neighborhood. In the worst case, an allergy attack will occur.

Stretch ceilings are harmful or not - it is difficult to determine visuallyIt all depends on the raw materials that were used in their manufacture. Most often in households there are ceilings made of thin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cloth.

The price of such products is much less than fabric, they are convenient and easy to operate, easily withstand heavy loads in the form of flooding from the upper floors. However, there is a PVC film and a significant defect - a fake from a quality product is very difficult to identify, even with the most careful inspection.

PVC has no special designation, which is what dishonest brigadiers use. Very often they buy cheap films of poor quality, claiming that they are the best Belgian products. If the material of the future stretch ceiling is really upscale, then the purchase will not bring any trouble. In case of a fake, surprises are likely.

The composition of the material

According to research conducted by specialists who have thoroughly studied PVC,its components do not belong to volatiles, therefore the statement that stretch ceilings are unsafe for people is unreasonable. In order for the human body to suffer significant damage, harmful elements must penetrate into each of its cells.

Depending on the manufacturer, PVC can have from 50 to 600 various chemical elements.Most of them do not pose a threat. Nevertheless, phenol, toluene, formaldehyde and some other substances are to some extent toxic and harmful to the human body.

Vaporizing, they have a negative effect on the skin, respiratory and nervous system. But the same specialists reassure buyers, noting that the content in the film of chemical elements is much lower than permissible norms and accepted world standards.

Unpleasant smell

There is another opinion that the tension structures are hazardous to health, as they are a source of unpleasant (toxic) odor. In fact, the stench persists for a short time, and becomes imperceptible a couple of hours after the installation of the hinged system, without being destructive.

The fact of the appearance of an unpleasant aroma is explained quite simply.To be able to install the film, it is heated. At the same time, the temperature in the room rises above 65C and the substances that make up PVC become volatile.

Fabric ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are considered the most environmentally friendly, although unlike plastic systems, they collect dust, which can be considered a kind of payment for safety. To extend the service life, manufacturers of such structures process the surface of the base material with polyurethane. This is the same PVC, however, its quantity is so small that there should be no harm from fabric ceilings.

Ceiling fabrics, unlike PVC films are labeled, it is located on the edges, so it is cut off after installation, and nothing spoils the look of the finished product. Due to this feature, the cost of fabric ceilings is increasing, but nobody doubts their quality.

There are no phenol, toluene, cadmium and other chemicals in the tissue systems, so they are completely harmless, which confirms the quality certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 14000. Regarding odor. As a rule, it is not there, and if there is, it is barely perceptible, like washed laundry. It disappears very quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages

The tendency to install stretch ceilings in the modern world is increasing every day, the number of people wishing to use this technology is increasing at home. This is not surprising, because the tensioning structures are one of the simplest and fastest methods of finishing the ceiling, the benefits of such a product for apartment decor are undeniable.

The main advantages of stretch ceilings include:

  • Easy installation. To arrange the ceilings, no preliminary surface preparation is necessary. The procedure takes place quickly with a minimum amount of garbage.
  • Strength. Fabric and PVC systems are able to withstand heavy loads (up to 100 liters per square meter.).
  • Small thickness of the structure. The loss of height of the walls due to the minimum thickness of the material of suspended ceilings is from 2 to 4 cm.
  • Resilience properties. The hinged systems do not lose their properties even under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet.
  • Covering a large area. Can be used to cover a wide variety of areas. In this case, traces of finishes and seams will be absent.
  • Variety of choices. There are different options for suspended ceilings, the main types: satin, glossy and matte.
  • Unlimited color palette. If desired, the client can get not only a multi-colored ceiling, but also a design with a look of snake skin, under a tree, with suede effect.
  • Environmental friendliness. On the surface of the ceiling get fungus and bacteria! This is an indispensable quality for rooms with high humidity - swimming pools, bathrooms.
  • Long service life. Manufacturers give a guarantee on suspended ceilings from 10 to 15 years.

However, the experience of many consumers has shown that the actual service life with proper care can be much longer.

In addition, the ceiling can be single-level, multi-level or stepped. Installation does not preclude the use of lighting. You can install standard chandeliers, spotlights and other devices.

Stretch ceiling

A large range of stretch ceilings is presented on the domestic market; it is quite simple to choose the most acceptable option for the interior of a room. Despite the many advantages, there are constructions and disadvantages.

To call them a significant drawback is difficult, but still they are and when buying a product you need to know about them:

  • Stretch ceilings should be handled very carefully.It is impossible to test them for durability with piercing and cutting objects; it is also not necessary to carry out repairs on our own. If an unforeseen situation happened, for example, the neighbors were flooded, it is better to seek help from the craftsmen who carried out the installation work.
  • Installation is performed only with the use of highly specialized equipment, which affects the pricing of work. Installation of stretch ceilings is an expensive pleasure.
  • On the glossy surfaces can be seen seams, with the included light can reflect all the objects in the room, as if in a mirror.
  • At ambient temperatures below zero, the coating loses its strength.
  • Since the PVC film is air-tight, a room with a ceiling of this material must be regularly aired, otherwise the harmfulness of the suspended ceiling will manifest itself.

Opinions of doctors

For many consumers, it is extremely important to know the opinion of doctors regarding the use of building materials and decorative products, with which people will be or are in constant proximity. Particularly worried are couples who care not only for their own health, but also for the condition of their little children.

That is why the health workers did not stay away from the issue of the safety of suspended ceilings, having studied the performance of these products. The opinion of most of the luminaries of science comes down to the fact that the mounted structures are completely safe.

But they also note that the reaction of the human body to the emergence of a new chemical in the neighborhood is difficult to predict. Doctors warn that caution should be primarily allergic. At installation of a hinged cloth their risks can wait.

Phenol fumes. Organic compound contained in PVC is a rather dangerous component for the body. However, phenol will not be harmful if the material of the ceiling is of high quality.

There is an opinion that Chinese ceilings are cheap due to the poor quality of raw materials. But this is a fallacy. Asian manufacturers have managed to prove that their products are not inferior in their characteristics to European companies.

Doctors reassure that, according to the PVC structure, phenol is not volatile, that is, it can evaporate into the air only at high temperatures, which is used only once - during the installation process.

This fact explains the unpleasant smell of the film, which hovers in the air for several hours. To eliminate this effect, it is sufficient to ventilate the room in which the installation work was performed.

Fabric ceilings, according to luminaries of science - the safest and most environmentally friendly products. But this type of coating is often forged, using instead of fabric dangerous raw materials that look like natural material. This falsified product is impregnated with cheap and dangerous chemicals, it is they who are the culprit of the frequent treatment of people in clinics.

Thus, no one person, even with a medical education, can unequivocally answer the question about the safety of tension canvases.

Doctors say that the key to a successful acquisition, which will not have a detrimental effect on the human body and its environment, is only the purchase of a quality product. And it can only offer proven manufacturers operating in the market of building materials for more than a dozen years.


Buyers are actively using the mounted fabric as the main ceiling covering and in most cases the feedback on this product is positive.Consumers note a wide range of products: you can choose a canvas of any color, in matte or glossy design. Customers also like the fact that the white PVC ceiling is almost impossible to stain. It does not turn yellow with time, it is very simple to care for it, it is enough to wipe it with a damp rag.

Actually, buyers say that the dust on the suspended ceilings almost does not settle, so wash them very rarely. Indoor air is cleaner than with stucco.

The disadvantages include the high cost of products., you have to pay a lot for their installation. In addition, some consumers complain about the collapse of the ceiling, which occurs when you open a window or door. The reason for such a defect is the formation of a low pressure zone in a room with a stretch ceiling, this is especially characteristic of vinyl film. It is impossible to predict such a nuisance, but to correct it, yes.


According to doctors and eminent manufacturers, including the French company BARRISOL, RENOLIT and PONGS (Germany), PTCM Polyplast (Belgium) and other stretch ceilings do not affect the health of consumers.

Experts give specific recommendations for the complete confidence of customers in the safety of the goods:

  • You need to choose a well-known manufacturer that uses European materials. They pass multiple tests and checks, as evidenced by a certificate of their quality.
  • After installing the PVC ceiling, it is necessary to ventilate the room and at this time do not enter it.

It should be allowed to evaporate, formed as a result of heating, completely evaporate.

The whole truth about suspended ceilings, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.