Features of the choice of stretch ceiling in the nursery for the boy
The nursery can be called one of the most important rooms in the house. It should be cozy and interesting. Having correctly selected the design of such a room, you can provide for your child a good mood and a healthy sleep. Consider the particular choice of stretch ceiling in the nursery for the boy, as well as the most successful examples of design.
Stretch ceilings are very different. The following main types of similar structures can be distinguished:
- wavy;
- arched;
- single level;
- conical;
- multilevel.
The most economical are single-level ceilings. They do not require special care, they are not deformed due to temperature differences, they are easier to install.
Similar cloths come in a variety of colors, they can be decorated with various images.
Two-level ceilings are created from profiles and construction of plasterboard. They can be made from multi-colored materials. With the help of these canvases, you can zone rooms, hide various surface defects. Due to this, such coatings are very popular.
Cone, arched and undulating designs look very unusual and beautiful.
It is possible to provide sound insulation to the ceiling using acoustic fiber construction. It will absorb sound waves, become a kind of membrane.
There are many advantages to stretch ceiling structures. It is possible to single out the following advantages of such ceilings most important for consumers:
- reliability in use, density, elasticity;
- ability to not pass water, dust;
- the ability to hide wires, various irregularities;
- ease of dismantling;
- the ability to create an unusual design;
- the ability to provide heat and sound insulation (even without additional layers);
- ease of care;
- rather long service life (with care and regular maintenance).
Unfortunately, stretch ceiling structures have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. In their reviews, consumers most often note the following disadvantages:
- the high cost of complex multi-level structures with an unusual design;
- the need to calculate heat dissipation, if you provide lighting;
- instability to the effects of various sharp objects (for example, scissors);
- Difficulties in installing such a ceiling structure with their own hands.
How to choose a design?
Selecting the design of the stretch ceiling in the boy's room, you should always take into account his preferences, age. It is recommended to remember the following.
- Up to 7 years old, the kid is constantly striving for games, while he is actively exploring everything that surrounds him. Baby should not be bored in any case. It is recommended to stop the choice on the canvases with funny stories, with fairy-tale characters.
- The child, who is 8-12 years old, will enjoy the natural landscapes, animals, planets, images on the space theme. Many boys at that age like sports, auto racing. If you know exactly what your child likes, pick images on relevant topics.
- For children of older school age fit patterns, plain ceilings. Tension coverings should help schoolchildren to take the strain off their eyes, relax.
To create a mirror effect, select a glossy ceiling. If you want to achieve the effect of roughness, install a matte design. The most common colors in the boys' rooms are green and blue. However, it is not at all necessary to dwell exclusively on traditional variants. To add a highlight to an interior, it is possible to stop the choice on contrast combinations.
If your child is very active, agile (sometimes too), you should choose a ceiling with a soothing, delicate shade: light pink, pale blue. To stimulate mental activity, you can install a mustard-colored ceiling design.
You should not choose very bright canvases (green, red and other similar options), as they cause frequent headaches.
Photo printing
Photo printing is a very interesting option for a child's room. You can choose a suitable image with your son.If a child is already a teenager, it is necessary to know about his wishes, because at this age children tend to express their individuality. Ceiling designs made of fabric with photo printing is a very popular option, however, at the present time realistic images can be applied to stretch ceilings made of other materials. When ordering photo printing, you should consider a number of important factors.
- Better to choose the most versatile photo. The tastes of children often change quickly, so some images may get annoying over time.
- By choosing the photo you like not from the catalog, but by yourself, make sure that the resolution of such an image is rather high for printing. Otherwise, the image quality will be very bad.
- Only safe colors can be used for printing. Toxic materials can damage the health of the child.
- One tier of the ceiling structure can be arranged in the form of a frame in which there will be a photo.
- With the help of images it is very convenient to divide the room into zones (for recreation, work).
Lighting is very important, because in a child a child does homework, reads.For such activities, the light should be quite bright. It is recommended to stop the choice on the lamps, the brightness of which can be adjusted depending on what the boy is doing. At night, in the evening you can make the light very soft.
Most often, the lamps are installed above the seating area, work desk.
Interesting examples
Space theme is one of the most popular for children's rooms. This option will appeal to almost anyone.
An example of the design, made in the traditional for boys blue color, with a simple single-level stretch ceiling.
This design is quite simple, but it is very stylish. The ceiling fits perfectly into the overall interior.
Here, the ceiling balances the overall brightness of the design.
Choosing an interesting ceiling structure and the corresponding elements of the interior, you can turn the room into a real work of art.
Any interesting image can be applied to the ceiling: it will significantly “revive” the overall design.
10 tips on how to choose the color of the stretch ceiling, see the following video