Design options stretch ceilings in the nursery

Stretch ceilings today are considered to be one of the most convenient and practical ways to finish the ceiling in any room. Children here will not be an exception, however, you should understand the specifics of design and design.
Design features
The principle of stretch ceilings has been known since antiquity, however, for a long time this solution remained excessively expensive - usually expensive fabrics were used for decoration. Fabric ceilings are found today, but such material has already fallen significantly. In addition, he had an alternative - PVC film, which is distinguished by all the necessary qualities, except for the luxury of natural matter.
The PVC version requires pre-installation around the perimeter of the aluminum baguette. The material has enough temperature of 60-70 degrees to soften and become viscous - in such a state it is fixed, leaving a certain margin and not paying attention to small sagging areas. The peculiarity of PVC is that when it is cooled back to room temperature, the fabric is compressed again, due to which any defects in the shape are eliminated - a perfectly flat surface is obtained.
Modern fabrics for ceilings, by the way, are also largely synthetic - they are often made with the addition of nylon, polyester and other polymers. Heating for the installation of such a surface is not required, and does not help, so the stretch is done by the "manual" method.
This option, although it is somewhat more expensive, is still popular because of the ability to "breathe" for the ceiling. In addition, the material is a worthy platform for self-expression of the customer.
Advantages and disadvantages
Each material from which to make such ceilings has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general, such a design can be characterized both from the positive and negative sides. Consider the common pros and cons of such a design decision, and let's start with the advantages.
- Uneven ceilings, whose imperfection is exacerbated by visible electrical wiring and other communications, can be hidden in many ways, but the simplest and most effective is just fabric or PVC.
- Most manufacturers give a guarantee of quality for about a decade, but caring and timely care gives the right to expect to increase this period several times.
- Self care is quite simple - just wipe the same film with a simple rag without any means once a year. In some cases, if there are noticeable contaminants that are not so surprising in the conditions of the nursery, you can use the glass cleaner, but here you should be careful not to spoil the material.
- If we are talking about PVC, then you can be sure - the crumbling old finish will remain above the bottom layer, before reaching the floor. Moreover, such protection will save even from a small flooding, which cannot be said about the fabric version.
- The stretch ceiling can be additionally equipped with sound and thermal insulation, but in itself it somewhat reduces heat loss and the penetration of extraneous noise.The materials used to create it, do not accumulate static electricity, so that not only does not attract dust, but also completely safe.
- Contrary to popular belief, this design slightly reduces the height of the room - the minimum reduction can be two or three centimeters at all.
Of course, this does not apply to complex multi-level ceilings, but they usually do in high rooms.
- Installation is not as complicated and long as they say - a team of professionals usually does the task in just one day, because the repair will not bring much discomfort to the child who was sent to her grandmother in a timely manner.
- Few other ceilings give the opportunity to correspond so much to the preferences and wishes of the little master of the room, as it does the tension. Down with the post-Soviet lack of ink - the tensioning structure can be of any color, and even any image can be easily applied to it with the help of photo printing.
- Despite the synthetic origin, suspended ceilings fully comply with all safety standards and will not cause harm to the child.
- The material for the construction is usually chosen rather dense and strong, because in some cases it can even survive individual children's attempts to damage it.
Of course, there are certain disadvantages even in almost perfect solutions, and this statement is equally true for suspended ceilings in the nursery.
- No matter how durable the material, it can be damaged by any sharp object, be it scissors or darts from darts. If the child does not understand the value of the repair and is not ready to take care of it, it may be worthwhile to wait a little with such finishing.
- The most high-quality stretch ceiling usually requires not only certain skills, but also special tools, because this is not the kind of repair that can be done independently. Consequently, the finish will cost a little more, because the cost of the material costs are not limited - you have to pay for the work of the masters.
- Very often, lighting devices are built directly into the suspended ceiling, which is very beautiful and very practical, however, it requires some knowledge. The fact is that the electric bulb in the process of work is probably heating up, and after all, PVC is also sufficiently weak in order to stretch.Although he will then take a normal form, permanent deformation will not do him good.
- Stretch ceilings are valued for the opportunity to brightly reveal the individuality of the child living in the room, however, the order can be made for quite a long time. In an effort to create a unique interior, do not expect that this will succeed in a matter of days.
- Stretch ceilings are completely different price categories, but it is fair to say that many other ways to finish the ceiling will be cheaper.
This statement is especially relevant if the customer wants not just a ceiling, but a true work of art - in several levels and with a bright photo printing.
The first classification criterion for suspended ceilings is a group of materials, such as fabrics or PVC, however, this has already been said above. Of course, the variability does not end there, because we consider a few additional features that strongly affect the appearance and performance of the structure.
For example, PVC ceilings are both matte and glossy. The first ones are good because they do not create any glare and do not blind the visitors of the room even in bright light.The pictures are appropriate in this case, but due to the lack of reflection it is undesirable to use dark shades or too bright patterns with great details - such a design will create a feeling of heaviness. The gloss, on the contrary, glitters very brightly - not being a mirror, it still reflects the interior of the room, even if it is blurry. It is used to visually “lift” the ceilings of a room too low, however, due to an excessive amount of glare, such a solution usually should not occupy the entire space of the room — the gloss is more often used in the form of small inserts against a background of matte material.
For those who are not ready to make a choice in favor of one thing, there is an intermediate option - satin stretch ceilings, which, contrary to the name, are made of film, and not of fabric. Actually, here everything is in moderation - large drawings or dark details do not put pressure on consciousness so much, and glare and the general effect of “raising” the ceiling are present, but it does not exceed the limit of permissible. Metallic film will become even less glare, but still a brilliant option - here the gloss will imitate metal, from relatively simple bronze and steel to more noble silver and gold.Such a decision is appropriate either for a room of a small child who dreams of his own luxurious palace, or for a bedroom of a teenager who wants a high-tech design or loft.
There is also a translucent film, the task of which is to provide a unique play of light. when creating a ceiling with some kind of potentially three-dimensional pattern like a starry sky. During the day, the advantages of such a solution are not obvious, however, properly placed lighting can provide real magic in the dark.
If we talk about fabric solutions, they are usually more of the same type, however, they are valued for the naturalness of the transmitted patterns, especially since such a material disperses the light evenly and very softly.
Modern technologies allow a creative person to roam - now the realization of this masterpiece on the ceiling of a nursery is not too difficult and expensive. Ceilings with a pattern used to be considered a real luxury, available only to the richest people, however, today the technique allows you to transfer to the material absolutely any image that you find on the Internet in good resolution.For the smallest, it can be a rather abstract drawing of a typical childish idyll in the form of the sun and blue sky, but older children would prefer options with photo printing frames from their favorite movies or real places.
In general, photo printing allows you to reveal the hobbies and hobbies of the child from any side, so do not think that the repair in the nursery can not be a chic gift for the baby. Insanely popular in recent years, the solution is also the starry sky, which customers choose regardless of whether the child loves astronomy. The fact is that the night sky has always attracted the attention of a person and fascinated him, and modern masters can make the “home version” look no worse than the real one.
This can be realized with the help of the photo print already described, and some of them get out of the situation with the help of special night-light projectors, but only a multi-level stretch ceiling provides all the necessary conditions for the credibility of the picture.
The advantage of stretch ceilings to create the illusion of a starry sky is that light sources can be inside the structure - how to shine through it,so it is possible to give light through holes specially made in the right places. By the way, suspended ceilings are highly valued for using them to achieve a perfectly flat surface, however, it would be unfair to assume that the materials used (in this case, more like PVC film) can not be used for the completely opposite result - creating relief.
When heated, the material becomes elastic and can take on any shape.and then, cooling down, “seizes” everything that is under it - products from bent drywall are usually used as such a basis. Given that the film in most cases looks much more presentable, modern designers are no longer willing to limit themselves to bare material when creating waves or simply rounded ceiling shapes. Such a solution not only allows you to create a unique design, but also helps to get trite in a situation where the design features of the room are not very conducive to straight lines.
How to choose?
With an abundance of options available, the problem is always to determine the best among them.This problem is relevant, including the choice of design of the stretch ceiling in the nursery. You should always push off from the personal interests of the child, because this is his bedroom, you can even consult him, but if there are no good ideas anyway, You can pay attention to general tips.
- Preschool children they love everything bright, and for them such a design is even useful - it stimulates activity and the desire to explore the world. However, it’s too early to set a specific direction - let the kid enjoy his childhood in the company of his favorite cartoon characters.
- Children of primary school age it should be unobtrusively pushed to study - so that instead of disgust, they feel an interest. For example, boys at this age often enchant space plots or geography; animals and nature in general will be interesting for girls, although the two sexes can “exchange” interests. Now the image should be more believable, more clearly convey reality.
- For a teenager the need to learn is usually already obvious, because the ceiling should provide more rest for the eyes and mind. This means that the theme of the picture can be completely abstract - even a favorite musician or the emblem of a hotly adored sports club would be appropriate.
Successful examples
The first photo makes it obvious that the stretch ceiling in the nursery does not necessarily have to be decorated with some kind of pattern in order to be the height of aestheticism - this, for example, can be called rather restrained. In the example, we see a two-level construction, when episodic glossy inserts on a common matte background are used to easily “raise” the ceiling in the room. Starry sky, the realism of which is achieved due to the fruitful interaction of photo printing and correctly selected lighting, promises real success.
Childhood is a dreamy time, and what can inspire a more dreamy mood than a constantly cloudless sky over your head? And you can use modern technologies to the fullest and please the child with a full-fledged picture - this is especially appropriate if all the walls are lined with furniture and a similar result cannot be provided in the form of wallpaper.
The presence of a fairy tale beside will definitely enhance the mood of the child and make his view of the world positive.
What features need to be considered when creating the interior of the nursery and how best to arrange the ceiling, see the following video.