Lifetime stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings - a great way to give the room an aesthetic and neat look. In the domestic market, they appeared relatively recently, however, this did not prevent them from quickly becoming the sales leader among the finishing materials for the ceiling. For information on what are the types of suspended ceilings, how long the life of these products and how to care for them, read our article.
Special features
Stretch ceilings are a canvas of a special material and serve as a decorative coating, which is often matched to the color of the overall interior. Installation of the canvas is carried out using a special profile and guides.
The range of stretch ceilings consists of many modelswhich differ from each other in size, color, material. Basically, perforated vinyl fabric is used to create stretch fabrics. Its feature consists in durability, harmlessness, environmental friendliness, fire resistance. If necessary, you can disassemble the stretch ceiling without harming the canvas.
Due to its composition and excellent performance properties, the tension structures perfectly complement any premises. The film thickness is less than a millimeter, so this decor does not overload the supporting structures.
Types of paintings
Despite the great diversity of the range of these canvases, they can be divided into just two types:
- PVC film webs;
- fabric canvases.
Installation of film canvases is carried out using special heat guns. But the fabric is installed on a baguette pre-attached to the wall or ceiling.
Also canvases are matte, glossy, satin, mirror, textured. They look especially good in multi-level constructions. Through the game of color you can achieve amazing results.Thanks to modern photo printing technology, today any image can be applied to the canvas - landscape, night sky, geometric patterns, floral patterns and much more.
Lifetime of products
Almost all manufacturers of these products claim that the shelf life of structures reaches 10-15 years. Practice shows that with proper care and compliance with the rules of installation, tension structures are really able to withstand such a long period without loss of performance.
Properly installed ceiling should be smooth and even. The canvas should not sag and crack, fabric and vinyl products should not pass moisture. The brightness of colors and contours of the picture should remain in its original form.
Experts say that it is possible to extend the life of the stretch ceiling to 20-30 years.
To do this, follow these guidelines:
- Trust the installation to professionals. Choose a company known for its good standing and reviews. If necessary, manually assemble the ceiling, follow the recommendations of experts.
- When choosing a product for an unheated room, it is better to give preference to film or fabric structures that tolerate low temperatures better than others.
- Avoid cuts, scratches, punctures. Such damage requires repair, which significantly reduces the life of the product.
Tension structures are easy to operate.
The main thing is to choose the right tool and follow the advice of experts, and then your ceiling will shine and shine, even after several years:
- Usually wet cleaning is carried out every few months. The exceptions are the ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen - here dust and dirt are deposited on the surface of the canvas twice as fast.
- When choosing a detergent, avoid abrasive compounds and solvents - they can severely damage the fabric. It is best to purchase a specialized tool, but you can also use liquid for washing mirrors. Fat stains are well washed with soapy water.
- Cloth cloths should be cleaned with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner, and stubborn dirt can be rubbed with a soft brush.
- Glossy canvas can be slightly rubbed with ammonia.
- It is strictly forbidden to use brushes with hard bristles, mops, sharp objects - all this can lead to scratches and even punctures.Water for washing must be warm, otherwise the coating may be deformed. In no case can not actively rub, crush and scrape the dirt. Cleaning the canvas should be carried out forward movements without pressure.
Compliance with the rules of operation will significantly extend the life of the coating. Also in case of damage it is recommended to repair the canvas in time.
Consumer reviews
Consumers of stretch ceilings unanimously note the practicality, reliability and durability of these products. First of all, the tension structures became popular for their versatility: they are capable of turning even the most curved ceiling into a beautiful even coating. Many people buy these products, because they want to solve the problem of finishing the ceiling once and for all. In addition, a wide range of colors allows each customer to choose the best option for their interior.
A significant role in the popularity of products played a long term use, fire and water-repellent properties, environmental friendliness. Buyers note that the life of these products is fully consistent with the declared by the manufacturers, but subject to careful maintenance and compliance with the recommendations for operation.
Stretch ceilings are particularly fond of the owners of small apartments - glossy and mirror paintings have the effect of expanding the space. In addition, it is also a good design move in the interior design.
Like any product, suspended ceilings have drawbacks. These include a high risk of puncture and cuts. One careless motion with a sharp object is enough, and a hole is formed in the coating, which needs to be repaired right there.
Some models (especially film) have a strong smell. However, as practice shows, it quickly disappears. This disadvantage is characteristic of inexpensive paintings, the cost of which is due to poor quality. When purchasing these products, remember that they are unstable to high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to select lighting sources suitable for these structures.
Installing tension structures, you for many years forget about the problems of repairing the ceiling. A competent installation and proper care of the product will provide a beautiful, well-groomed appearance of the tension covering.
To learn how to install a suspended ceiling yourself, see the following video.