Stretch ceilings with a pattern in interior design

To create a unique atmosphere in the room, you can use a variety of techniques, but one of the most beautiful will be the installation of a stretch ceiling with a pattern. Thanks to the opportunity to choose the texture, color and picture, the room will get a finished look, and the owners will long for such repairs.
In order to choose the right pattern for a particular room, it is important to know what nuances to pay attention to.
Special features
The basis for the ceilings with a pattern are all the same coatings as for conventional stretch: PVC and fabric - from polyester impregnated with polyurethane.Both types of water-resistant, but due to the peculiarities of the production and composition of PVC products in two or even three times cheaper. By the form of a cloth distinguish: glossy, opaque, translucent and sateen.
If we talk about satin coating for the ceiling, it is similar to PVC material, but at the same time is like matte materials.
Its advantages lie in the porous structure, which means that the ceiling will breathe. These features allow you to use satin surfaces in children's and bedrooms.
Expensive models may have additional properties - increase sound insulation, have enhanced water resistance, with dirt-resistant or anti-bacterial coating. But the main thing for all, without exception, models of this type is the presence of a pattern or texture. The latest innovation in this area was the ability to print photos directly on the ceiling surface.
Types of dyes
Since the industry of such ceilings has become very popular, special machines were also invented that print a picture on a wall covering - wide-format roll-up printers and flatbed plotters.The choice of photo printing technology depends on which inks are used.
Most often used:
- Solvent - suitable for printing drawings for open spaces, because after applying the drawing has a very strong unpleasant odor.
- Ecolvent - do not have such an unpleasant odor, but for their use it is important to have air circulation in space.
- UV ink - completely ecological product. Gloss as such is absent, because on the fabric they have a matte surface, even if the ceiling coating is glossy. The period of drying of such paint is quite fast and takes very little time. This ink also creates a transparent pattern on the fabric. Of the minuses, only a limited print width of 2.2 meters can be noted.
- Latex - applied to very large ceilings. This type of paint is completely harmless to humans, so you can safely use it in the interior. This option is more expensive, but it is worth it, because the picture is very beautiful, bright, with many small details.Here, too, there is no limit on the size of the canvas on which the print will be printed.
Types of stretch ceilings with a pattern
If you decide to choose for yourself a suspended ceiling on which something will be depicted, then it is important to learn more about the species diversity of such coatings. Polyvinyl chloride, satin and silk fabrics are distinguished.
- PVC very easy to install and allow you to visually enlarge the space, especially if the texture is glossy. Matte surfaces are used in bedrooms and those rooms that are used for comfortable rest.
- Satin coatings have completely different properties than the previous version. They look very impressive, the main thing is to choose the right picture or print for the room.
As for the coating with elements of silk, it is more likely that silk is a part of PVC, and not vice versa. This feature of conditional names is used for the whole group of mounted canvases. The interior in the case of fabric coverings is very rich and stately. Used in the bedroom and in the living room.
Now it is worth looking more closely at the types of drawings for suspended ceilings, among them are:
- Textured - very close to the same tone with the ceiling, or having minor differences with the main color;
- One-dimensional photo printing - presented as an ornament or a large single pattern;
- 3D printing - helps to create depth, volume of a drawing or a picture, which is reflected in the perception of the whole room.
When a canvas for a ceiling with a textured pattern is made, the desired effect is achieved by the relief form of the sections of the canvas where the pattern itself is located. Most often it is PVC coating, which looks very much like fabric. Color is often in this case is selected dim, and the texture is recommended satin or matte.
With the help of photo printing is obtained to put any selected image on the surface of the future ceiling. New models of printers or plotters make it possible to use numerous variants of bright and vibrant colors.
Often in organizations that are engaged in the installation and sale of suspended ceilings, there are already a number of ready-made options. Themes are the most diverse: the sky, landscapes, water drops, flowers, geometric shapes and abstractions. The buyer should not rush to search for pictures on the Internet, to engage in photo processing, its theme may be in the catalog of finished images.
Styles and prints
If you want to choose a drawing for yourself and place it in a particular room, then you should navigate the latest updates.
The most popular motifs to date are:
- Sky - it can be printed in its pure form, with clouds, with the sun, with air objects and so on;
- Space - drawings with planets, space systems, constellations, satellites, rackets and others;
- Architecture - The use of images of the most beautiful buildings, both historical and modern, printing architectural masterpieces of the past and present;
- Murals and stained glass - for some rooms it will be very appropriate to use the faces of saints, episodes from the Bible, stained-glass windows from ancient temples, and so on;
- Maps, paintings and mosaics - suitable options for large premises of the relevant subject. Abstract patterns with ornaments will also look good in such rooms, making the space interesting, voluminous and meaningful.
- Thematic groups - fruits with vegetables, which are most often used in relation to the kitchen; animals, birds - well suited for the nursery or hallway; flowers and plants - will complement both the bedroom and the corridor.
3D drawings
Ceilings with a 3D effect can be represented by a single-layer or multi-layer method of application.
In the first version, the volume of the image is achieved by playing with the color and shadow of the pattern itself. Most often it is used in the image of droplets, different types of butterflies, well-made fruits that look so realistic that you can not distinguish at first glance from the real ones.
In the case of multi-layered 3D ceilings, the installation is performed with the installation of two or more layers at once, where the very first one has an opaque background on itself that will serve as the basis for the entire subsequent drawing. New layers transfer the volume of any one element of the image.
Although the height of the ceiling actually becomes much lower, but visually the space expands, the sensations from such an environment are very strong and persist for the entire life of the ceiling.
You can use indoors stretch ceilings with patterns. The choice of a specific option will be made depending on the room - its degree of illumination, purpose, size, and the chosen style.
For minimalism, the best solution is an unobtrusive abstraction.which can be located both in the circle, where the chandelier will hang in the center, and in the corners of the ceiling covering.
If the stylistic decision of the room is a classic, then a Greek pattern can be chosen for the ceiling, which is better placed in the center. If it is important to create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere, then floral patterns will be the best solution.
For the bedroom, floral prints, images of animals or birds will be most suitable. A good look and abstraction, if the design is different modernity.
If we talk about the kitchen, then the best option would be not only fruits with vegetables, but also leaves of various plants, pleasant floral patterns. Selecting a ceiling drawing for a bathroom should pay attention to the marine theme in all its diversity.
For a variety of monochromatic ceiling coverings use vinyl stickers. They can have a wide variety of shapes and looks to help create the perfect room. Some drawings of this type can be with a luminous effect, which will give originality to the room, especially in dim light.
Decorating the ceiling with stickers is not a big deal, they are easy to apply, and, if necessary, are removed, leaving no dirty marks. The advantage of such drawings is that you yourself decide what and where will be located, the whole creative process is in your hands.
If you want to place a certain number of colors on the ceiling, then you first need to decide on their appearance, then on the size, and in the end, on the number and location. Most often for drawing choose: roses, orchids, daffodils, camomiles, hand bells and poppies. The style of flowers should complement the overall range of the room and decorate it.
Tips for choosing
Stretch ceilings with print are often called art. They can really look like art objects, if the images, scale of drawings and colors are selected with taste. Choosing a ceiling covering you need to focus on the room itself, in which it will be installed. Style, furniture and functionality - all this will determine the best choice.
By type of coverage
Satin ceilings will be more expensive than film ones, this fact should also be taken into account. If you are repairing a nursery or a bedroom, then it is better not to spare money and to install fabric ceilings there that can pass air and the room will breathe.For the kitchen, bathroom, corridor, polyvinyl chloride will be more convenient, it will not allow water to accumulate and care for it much easier.
The use of white color will always be considered a classic solution for any room. This color creates an atmosphere of comfort, making the room large and spacious. On it both gentle, and saturated colors of photo-images well look.
If you use a matte finish, it will almost not be noticeable, but it will give the opportunity to highlight other aspects in your design. And this will give the drawings a barely noticeable structure, adding peace and tranquility to the general atmosphere. This solution is often used for bedrooms. But in other rooms it is recommended to use a glossy surface. With its help, the space of the room will increase, it will become airy. However, it is worth considering that all that is around can be seen in the reflection on the ceiling.
With the help of a glossy surface make room in the style of hi-tech, pop art and other styles. Highlight the black or some bright color pattern can be responsible for the center of the composition. More often it corresponds to the location of large upholstered furniture.
By color and style
Choosing color, texture and pattern, it is important to focus on what you have or want to receive. It is important to maintain everything in one style so that each element of the room makes sense.
Making the nursery is best to use bright colors, but in small quantities, so as not to overload the space. Animals, birds, cartoon characters and fairy tale characters can be used as drawings.
If you listen to the advice of experts, then in the kitchen it is better not to use the blue color and its shades, then you would not dull your desire to eat well and tasty.
The design of the bath can be approached outside the box. and put on the ceiling image of the window and what is behind them. It may be summer, spring, very much or winter, a clear day, or rainy weather, and it may even be snowing. If you choose a drawing in the hallway, then it is desirable to combine it with what will be indoors, if there is no style as such, then you can place an abstraction or a soft floral print on the ceiling.
In the corridor it is worth using one large drawing in the center or corner of the room so as not to overload the space.The color solution is selected based on the furniture or carpet, with which the ceiling will interact, visually expanding the dimensions of the room.
Beautiful examples
If you do not know what exactly you want to place on your ceiling, then the easiest way will be to search for information on the Internet, where you can find a variety of options for using stretch ceilings with pictures in the interior of different stylistic directions.
- For living room A very effective option would be to use a 3D drawing, which can be placed over the entire surface of the ceiling and create the effect of presence, or placed in some place on the ceiling and have a noticeable convex shape. The choice of options is huge and everyone chooses them to suit their tastes and needs.
- To issue children's roomYou can pick up a lot of pattern. For a boy, airplanes, cars, tanks and any other equipment will be popular. Girls will prefer animals, flowers or cartoon characters. The color scheme of the ceiling should be combined either with the whole room, or with some of its elements.
- For the bedroom You can use different textures, colors and patterns.An interesting option would be to transfer the picture from the wall to the ceiling, which clearly distinguishes the bedroom area. If the images of flowers have a rich brightness, then the rest of the background is important to make the most light and simple.
- For kitchen You can use both the theme of food and floral accents. It is important to guess with the color scheme, so that it is combined either with wallpaper or with furniture in the room. If the flowers on the ceiling have a bright color, it is desirable to extend this thematic line in the interior with cups of the same color, towels, flower pots or something similar.
- In the bathroom The most appropriate theme will be water, sea, nature and everything that sets up rest, relaxation and positive thoughts. The color scheme here is mainly blue and blue, the color of the water. The picture can be presented in the form of water droplets, dolphins, seashells and similar options.
- For the corridor You can choose a suspended ceiling with abstraction, any application or floral print. The main thing is that any option should be made in soothing colors that do not attract attention, but create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.
In this video you will see the installation of a stretch ceiling with photo printing.