Stretch ceilings with lighting in the interior

The design of the ceiling with lighting in modern interior design is one of the trendiest areas. Bulky chandeliers in the center of the ceiling gradually go out of fashion, giving way to modern technology. They are replaced by an innovative LED backlight, which is the most effective and safe as the main source of room lighting.
Special features
Stretch ceiling with lighting around the perimeter has a number of advantages that can favorably emphasize the design features in a modern apartment interior. LEDs used for illumination can be either tape or point.
Among the main positive parameters of the LED strip are the following points:
- Safety in operation - a slight heating of the LED strip virtually eliminates the possibility of ignition of the ceilings;
- The LED tape is easily mounted in the right place for you, for this you do not need additional materials, as the tape on the back side has a self-adhesive layer that is securely fixed to the stretch ceiling;
- The elasticity of the ribbon allows you to create original design solutions in lighting the room, as well as the possibility of combining with other light sources, such as spotlights and traditional chandeliers;
- High efficiency in the consumption of electrical energy, which significantly reduces electricity bills;
- Increased durability of the LEDs and a long product life - the replacement of the tape will be required only after 120 thousand hours of continuous operation;
- One of the original properties of the ceiling LED strip - the ability to adjust the power of lighting and color change;
- The relatively low price of the product makes it affordable to a wide range of consumers.
To install a spot LED backlight, it is necessary, even at the project development stage, to think over all the details of stretch ceiling lighting. The locations of the light sources must be extinct with particular accuracy and drilled into the panels of the carrying box made of plasterboard until a stretch ceiling is established. Remember that after installing the product to change anything in the design will be simply impossible.
Types of designs
Before you install a suspended ceiling, you must decide on its type, depending on the tasks that you want to solve through the design of the room. The ceiling can be not only single-level, recently interesting multi-level structures have become increasingly popular.
Let us consider in more detail their main types:
- Standard single-level constructions consist of a single layer of vinyl film or natural fabric, which are mounted slightly below the main ceiling. These simple modifications of the ceiling cover are ideal for installation in small rooms with a standard layout.
- Multi-level ceiling structures are an ultrafashionable trend in the design of residential premises.The method and installation of such samples is quite complicated and requires special professionalism, but at the same time it opens up unlimited possibilities in design. With the help of multi-level designs, you can create different forms, divide the room into separate zones, combine different colors of the paintings, play with texture and lighting, achieving the most effective visual solution.
Among multi-level ceilings, floating or floating structures are gaining increasing popularity. A distinctive feature of this type of ceiling is that, by honoring several tiers and a specially installed backlight between them, it creates a peculiar effect of weightlessness. Most often it is installed in two levels, but it may be a three-level option. Remember that a double and especially triple ceiling is best to install in spacious and high enough rooms.
The location of the light sources when installing suspended ceilings has a number of features dictated by the special properties of the ceiling leaf.
In these designs, you can select the following options for the placement of lamps:
- Spot lighting. Often this arrangement of lamps is compared with the effect of "starry sky". This method involves a downward directed light from a diode or neon lamp. This arrangement of light sources is ideal for delineating space into zones.
- Perimeter lighting. Such directional lighting is created by mounting the LED strip on the slopes from inside the ceiling borders. This type of internal suspension forms a soft diffused glow along the entire ceiling, creating the effect of light rays diverging on the surface.
- Contour lights. The simplest way to light a stretch ceiling, in which LED lamps are mounted on a specially installed shelf so that the luminous flux coming from spotlights, was directed exclusively to the surface of the ceiling.
- Figured lights. With this type of lighting, small ceiling lights are used, inside which the LEDs are placed. This kind of lighting gives unlimited possibilities when creating lighting effects in the room.
- To illuminate the ceiling in spacious rooms, such as the living room or hall,It is advisable to install a plasterboard box with a protruding niche located in the center.
There are several types of textures of stretch ceilings and, of course, it is very important to choose a ceiling covering that fits perfectly into the overall design of the room.
The main types of surfaces include the following types:
- Glossy canvas. The most popular snow-white ceiling of this type, but on sale you can find all the colors, for every taste.
- Matte canvas. White version of the ceiling of polyester - the cheapest and will fit almost any interior. In addition, the size of such ceilings allow you to perform a seamless stretch even in a large room.
- Transparent or translucent.
- Fabric or satin - more expensive, but, respectively, and more noble type of ceiling. Satin ceilings can be both traditionally white and colored.
The choice of the texture of the ceiling canvassing also largely depends on where in your house or apartment you plan to place it.
In living rooms and halls it is customary to use a glossy surface.such a decision will help to make the room more spacious, fill it with light and freshness. For ceilings in rooms decorated in classical and aristocratic styles, the most noble satin surface will look most advantageous.
In the kitchen, it is also best to make a glossy ceiling, since it is easier to care for it, soot will not accumulate on it and it can be easily wiped off from the fat that inevitably accumulates as a result of cooking. Well, in the bathroom, the glossy finish will be successfully combined with tiled walls.
The matte stretch ceiling in soft pastel shades is perfect for the bedroom. In the corridor, it is also best to use a matte ceiling fabric, choosing a shade that echoes the main color of the room, but one and a half or two tones lighter.
If you doubt the choice of the texture of the ceiling, then feel free to choose matte patterns, since they are classics and fit almost any room design. The matte surface does not attract too much attention; on the contrary,warmly and comfortably envelops the surface of bright objects in the room with soft reflected light, scattering the dazzling sunlight falling from the window through the curtains and filling the room with comfort and tranquility.
Tips for choosing
On the modern market there are suspended ceilings of both domestic and imported manufacturers. Of course, products made in our country are much cheaper, but if you are not used to saving on quality, then you should pay attention to reputable brands. The leader in the production of this product, no doubt, is France. French products are a perfect example of high quality and a wonderful sense of style. French ceilings are luxurious, reliable and safe, and perhaps the only drawback that can upset the Russian consumer is the very high price of the product, which, however, is more than compensated for by the unsurpassed merits of beautiful French designs.
We can also recommend stretch ceilings from Germany to our compatriots, who also have high quality reliability and durability in operation.German designs are distinguished by a huge selection of all kinds of textures and a wide color palette, which will allow you to easily choose the ceiling covering for almost any design style. Italian manufacturers were able to create stretch ceilings, care of which is minimized, which is very important for those who do not like to spend too much time on cleaning. Italian ceilings are also made from high quality materials and have a sufficiently long service life.
Those who can not yet afford expensive imported samples, can opt for domestic products. In appearance, our domestic ceilings are not very different from expensive brands, but their service life, unfortunately, is somewhat lower than that of Western brands. You will have to replace them much earlier than the European counterparts. Especially carefully you need to approach the choice of Chinese-made ceiling. Of course, among them there are bona fide manufacturers, offering customers high-quality and relatively inexpensive products. But there are sad cases when installing a cheap Chinese ceiling canvas in an apartment,then the tenants suffer for several weeks from the strong peculiar smell that exudes the ceiling. Such ceilings are truly hazardous to health and should be dismantled immediately.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Creating the original lighting of stretch ceilings in your apartment, you can transform the atmosphere of the house, bringing into it a piece of magic and mystery. And modern technology will allow you to translate into reality any of your imagination.
One of the most popular innovations in the design of stretch ceilings is a translucent canvas with built-in LEDs that can change their color — changing the modes of the emitted light, including not only chromaticity, but also the intensity of illumination, is performed using a remote control from any part of the room. Such an original ceiling "chameleon" can be adjusted to your mood or use it to create a festive atmosphere during important events in your life, be it Birthday or a romantic evening.
In the children's room or in the bedroom with the help of LED strip you can install unusual interior lighting in the form of the most intricate patterns.To do this, it is necessary to place the LED strips according to the pattern outlined in advance on the base ceiling. LEDs are mounted in the immediate vicinity of the tensioning fabric. In the daytime, with the lights turned off, such a construction will be completely invisible, but in the evening unusual light patterns will appear on your ceiling, transforming the atmosphere of your room into a fairy tale.
For particularly sensitive and romantic people with the help of modern technology, you can place a real starry sky on the bedroom ceiling. The translucent ceiling with the flickering lights of the built-in backlight hidden in it will create an imitation of infinity in distant space.
To create such a ceiling usually use two main ways:
- With an optical cable. This method is a connection of the fibers of the base ceiling to a common power supply with their subsequent fixing on the inside of the stretch ceiling. This allows you to create glowing points that will be completely invisible in the daytime;
- Two-layer construction of the "starry sky". This method involves the use of double-sided ceiling cloths with the front side,which does not let light through. To imitate the light of stars in the coating in a chaotic manner, special holes are cut. Light rays, passing through these holes to the second layer, create mesmerizing cosmic drawings.
On the installation of a stretch ceiling with lighting you will learn from the following video.