How to wash matt stretch ceiling without streaks?

Stretch ceilings have firmly chosen their place in apartments and houses. They are unpretentious in terms of cleaning. Many of them have antistatic coating, dust does not settle on them. But this does not mean that there is no need to clean such a ceiling. Over time, the dirt will climb and up.
Cleaning features
Stretch matte ceiling fits perfectly in almost any interior. But various types of pollution can ruin any positive impression of even the most sophisticated design. In addition, daily inhalation of dust does not promote health. Although the canvas has an antistatic effect, but, like on any other surface, over time, the dust will settle, and this effect does not save from other types of dirt.
Splashes of champagne and soda, traces of life of various flies, lime condensate, soap scum, traces of soot, smoke and grease - these are not all possible pollution of the ceiling. To wash them at home is quite a force for any hostess. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the material being cleaned.
Opaque stretch ceilings are often made from PVC film. Such material does not tolerate stiff brushes, abrasives and rough handling. Too much force can cause cracks or even holes, in addition, the canvas can be inadvertently deformed. Such a surface cannot be cleaned with acetone-based products; an aggressive compound can “eat through” the coating.
Wash the ceiling without stains in several ways:
- Dry cleaning - the surface is wiped with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth, special microfiber cloth. It is usually used when it is necessary only to brush away dust.
- Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - it is necessary to use only a special nozzle with a very soft bristle.
- Wet cleaning - can be carried out as plain water (the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees),and with the help of special solutions (purchased or personally made).
- Steam cleaning - respectively using a steam generator.
The surface of fabric ceilings is best cleaned with dry methods. When installing fabric cloths, it is necessary to clarify whether such a coating can withstand wet cleaning. Not all fabrics used for ceiling decoration are impregnated with special compounds. And if you do a wet cleaning of such ceilings, you can accidentally spoil the appearance of the coating.
How and what to wash?
It is not difficult to care for the frosted ceiling, if it is located in the living room, hallway, bedroom. Care of the canvas can be done once every several months, once every six months. Depending on the load of these rooms.
Another thing - the ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom. These rooms are characterized by increased “dirt accumulation”. Soap stains, limescale - quite often can be seen on the ceilings in the bathrooms. Traces of soot, fat remain on the surfaces of the kitchen. And unscrupulous smokers can leave themselves reminders in the form of traces of burning, smoke.
It is quite possible to clean the ceiling from any kind of pollution as improvised.and specially designed for this purpose. To do this, it is enough to wash the ceiling and wipe it dry to avoid traces of stains.
Tools and Instruments
Regardless of the degree of pollution of the ceiling, for its cleaning you will need:
- rags (cotton, for these purposes, you can put on old rags) or napkins (they should be soft from non-woven lint-free materials, microfiber), soft sponges without a hard base;
- a good steady stepladder (or a stand with which you will definitely not fall);
- when vacuuming the device should be equipped with a special nozzle with a soft bristle;
- water, detergent or soap solution;
- spray gun - it can be used to facilitate the application of diluted detergents, if they are not presented in the form of aerosols or sprays;
- when using chemicals (even if they are of own manufacture), gloves that are simply necessary if the person who cleans the surface has an excellent manicure on long nails will not be superfluous;
- mop - she should use very carefully. Her working crossbar must be completely covered with a cloth that, in which case, does not slip and fall;
- steam generator if practiced similar cleaning.
It is possible to wash a cloth of a stretch ceiling even with the most usual water. It should be warm, but by no means hot! Maximum 40 degrees. The temperature of any cleaning solution should not exceed this mark. It is possible to increase the effect of water with dishwashing detergent or soap (not very alkaline, for example, for children).
When using products that dissolve well and form a rich foam, you can not wet the cloth or sponge in the solution, but apply the foam. It will do well even with old spots, and the effect will be less aggressive than the solution itself. For example, you can wash a frosted canvas using foam from a diluted detergent. Take the powder for hand washing (“automatic” for these purposes will not work), whip in foam using a mixer and apply to the surface.
Well proven tools for cleaning glasses and mirrors, especially those that contain ammonia.Alcohol remarkably deletes fat. Apply, wait 15 minutes, after rinse and dry the surface. But when using glass cleaner, you should always be attentive to the composition. If acetone is contained, then it is absolutely impossible to use it.
"Mr. Muskul", "Vanish" - have a rather gentle compositionwhich nevertheless perfectly removes dirt. And of course, in the hardware store, you can purchase a product specially designed for cleaning stretch ceilings that will clean the dirt, will not harm the coating and will not leave stains.
Remove dust from the matte canvas is possible only with a dry soft cloth. The main thing - when cleaning to wipe the surface correctly, not pressing too hard, with an effort not to rub. The ceiling is a structure made of a frame and a stretched canvas. With too much exposure to PVC film can be deformed - stretch into ugly stripes, wrinkles can form. Only professionals can eliminate this kind of defect.
When dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle, there is no need to bring the device close to the ceiling.It should be kept at a small, 1-2 cm, distance.
When cleaning the ceiling with a steam generator, you need to direct the tool to contamination. Steam the surface, then immediately remove the condensate, wiping dry.
When wet cleaning with a mop, you should also exercise maximum caution. If the fabric suddenly slips off the working crossbar, then the troubles are inevitable. The surface can be scratched. In addition, when using this tool, it is impossible to control the degree of exposure, as when working with a rag, sponge or napkin.
If the ceiling is cleaned by hand, then there should be no jewelry on your hands, it is best to wear gloves. Often, to clean the entire surface of the ceiling may need a few rags or napkins. Some to remove stains, others to dry and eliminate possible stains.
Clean the ceiling better fragmentary. One piece after another. It is more convenient to move around, besides, the canvas is always unevenly polluted, somewhere more careful and painstaking effects may be needed, and somewhere one movement with a damp cloth is enough.
When there is a lot of dirt on the ceiling, general cleaning was not carried out or was already a long time ago, for example, several years ago, decisive actions are needed.
The technology of deep cleaning of the web goes through several stages:
- First dry clean. The web is swept away from corners and lamps, dust is removed.
- Then a cleaning composition is applied to the surface.
- Waiting for a certain time. (If the contamination is very strong, so that the detergent acts in full force. If the specks are small, then you can proceed to the next step).
- The composition is washed off the canvas.
- Next is the drying. The surface is wiped with a dry cloth, rag. Until elimination of traces of soap stains.
Useful tips
So that the frosted ceiling always pleases with its appearance, it is better to regularly clean it dry, and in the event of stains, do not put off their removal until later, and immediately remove it while they are fresh and easy to clean.
For a living room, a hall, a bedroom and other rooms in which dirt does not accumulate so much, it is enough to clean it once a year, half a year.
Do not forget to ventilate the room where the suspended ceiling is installed.
All work is best done in the morning, when additional lighting is not required.
It is advisable to wash the stretch ceiling in the bathroom after each use. It is enough to remove the condensate and the soap bloom - wipe dry with a cloth. If such cleaning is impossible, then it is necessary to make it a rule - periodically to do general cleaning in the room, starting from the ceiling.
To cope with fat bloom will help funds, which include ammonia. Even despite the most powerful hood, the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed regularly and more often than, for example, in the living room. Dirt accumulates unnoticed, but thoroughly.
Kitchen, bathroom, balcony - this is the most favorable place for the appearance of all kinds of pollution. Therefore, cleaning the ceiling cover here is done more often.
Before cleaning, remove all the jewelry from your fingers, wear gloves. This will protect the ceiling from small scratches, and hands - from the effects of chemistry.
If there is any doubt about how the cleaning composition will behave on the surface, then a preliminary test can be done. Apply the product somewhere in the "dark" corner of the room. Even if damage is formed, it will be imperceptible.
Often, the stains remain after they overdo it with detergent concentrate or forget to wipe the cleaning composition off the surface and dry it. To eliminate the existing soap streaks, repeat the ceiling cleaning procedure using an aqueous solution of ammonia (dilute the product in a ratio of 1:10).
The surface of the ceiling is best cleaned with segments. Along the seams. Straight lines. After cleaning, do not forget to walk on the cloth with a dry rag. Such drying will save from unnecessary divorces.
Some types of pollution, such as changing the color of the canvas, can not be eliminated with improvised means. Yellowing on the kitchen ceiling can be attributed to this type of pollution. These changes in color are due to exposure to hot steam. You cannot use any bleaching agents here. By the way, bleaching agents for cleaning stretch ceilings can not be used in any case.
Brushed ceiling - a beautiful and important detail of the interior. And if you do not forget to clean it regularly, then it will serve for many years, delighting with its pristine beauty.
How to clean complex stains on the stretch ceiling, see the following video.