Stretch ceilings: the subtleties of choice and operation

An integral part of the interior are the ceiling, and here before the consumer opens up a lot of design options. Today, tension structures are in great demand, which, depending on the mass of manufacturers, are offered in a wide range. To make the right choice, it is important to examine in detail the information about the canvases, their types, advantages and characteristics. Study the description, it will help to cope with the task of interior design in the best possible way.

Special features

Types of stretch ceilings differ from each other by a set of characteristics, have their pros and cons, which is important to know. This design is called tension. In the process of installation, a web made of different materials is pulled onto a special frame (hence the name).The frame is the basis in cases where the design is designed a complex structure or the height of the walls is noticeably different. The design looks neat and presentable.

The complexity of the design depends on personal preferences and the area of ​​the ceiling. It may consist of several levels, if the space is spacious. If the room is cramped, the design is concise. In this case, to impart uniqueness, the design provides for the presence of a print.

It should be noted the main advantages of such a ceiling. You can install the structure at any time, even if the premises are not under repair. Installation is quick and clean: in the installation process there is no debris. If you wish, you can freshen up the interior of any room in the house. Installation will not take more than three hours, especially if professionals are involved. If you opt for the multi-level version, it will take about six hours.


Stretch ceilings of PVC have high strength, they can withstand a certain weight. This plays a significant role, since in the course of operation the risk of water flooding from the apartment above is not excluded.If this happens, all the water will be collected in the canvas, nothing will suffer, including repairs and household appliances. The leakage will not disturb, moisture can be gently removed, while the coating does not stretch and will not shrink.

As for the care, it does not require much effort. It is necessary from time to time to wipe the surface from dust. The lifetime of the ceiling is quite large. With careful handling and proper care, such a coating can serve as an interior decoration for several decades.

The film used is not only durable and waterproof: it is economical. Under this canvas you can hide wires and various communications, so the interior will look harmonious and neat. The width of this material reaches three meters, if you need to use large films, the specialists use equipment to weld the next strip. The seam does not spoil the appearance, with perfect work it is not visible at all.

Vinyl Ceilings

They have absolute waterproofness, they differ in reasonable price in comparison with fabric analogs. As for strength, it is enough, but you need to be careful about the material,as it is easy to damage. Try to avoid using sharp objects during cleaning and wiping the surface. Their PVC stretch ceiling is unstable to low temperature, it can crack under its influence. On the balconies and loggias to install such structures can not.

Fabric ceilings

This option appeals to many consumers. It is widely used for interior decoration of bedrooms and living rooms. The only drawback of the material is its high cost, but if you choose it, you will be satisfied with the result. The advantage of the design is that it is able to "breathe": the panel passes the air. These panels can reach a width of up to 5 meters, which allows for the installation of the coating without seams.


Today, decorating the stretch ceiling allows you to make a special mood in the interior of the room. If you are a supporter of the original design and want to create a special atmosphere, you can choose a canvas with art print. This is a technology by means of which the stretch canvas is decorated with photo printing of various subjects.Images can be very different, so you need to be guided by the mood that you want to convey through the picture. It is the sky, birds, flowers, clouds, angels and much more.

The elite ceilings on the market are a true work of art. Art print attracts people with a sophisticated taste. Such cloths perfectly are suitable for spacious rooms if space is limited, use a partial photo printing. The most interesting images are imitations of the starry sky. Taking this style as a basis, the stretch ceiling is made out with internal illumination. So you can transfer the desired picture realistically. The lighting technology is different, in each case using different types of lamps. Sometimes for blinking you need to perform punctures in the ceiling.

An interesting design decision is the transition of the ceiling to the wall. So you can make the interior special, to emphasize a certain functional area of ​​the room. Such techniques are often used in the interior of the bedroom, living room, attic. However, a stretch ceiling with photo printing is more expensive. Especially if the area of ​​the drawing is large, or the order is made according to an individual sketch, and the base material is special textiles.

The width of the textile fabric reaches five meters, often these parameters are enough for large rooms. The synthetic counterpart has a standard width of 3.5 m, although lately manufacturers have been trying to get rid of seams, releasing wider canvases for sale. Polymer impregnation has an antistatic effect, it is quite durable. Such material is difficult to damage, it distinguishes it from other types (you can paint it if you want to change the shade). The quality of such structures is high.

Images are applied by modern technology using high-quality dyes. The drawing is bright, it does not fade in the sun for many years. Often in the production of using high-quality ekosolvetnye printing inks. Such a ceiling looks presentable for a long time, taking care of it will not take much time. There are no harmful additives in the ink, so there is no harmful effect on the body. You can offer a variety of options for the image, whether it is an ornament on the entire area, a pattern on the perimeter or an original artistic drawing-panel.


For beautiful framing the ceiling in the installation often use molding. This is the name of the special plinth used to give the ceiling a finished look, masking the joints of the canvas between the wall and the ceiling. This is an important addition to the stretch ceiling, without which you can not do. As a result, the work looks neat and aesthetic. Such a plinth is different, so you need to approach to its purchase thoroughly.

What to choose?

In order for the repair to turn out exactly as you originally planned, you need to find quality materials, decide on the wall, floor and ceiling decoration. It is important to ensure the quality characteristics of what you use for finishing. For a start, it is important to consider the purpose of the room where the structure will be installed. In order not to doubt the correctness of the choice, you can consult with a qualified specialist, get his opinion and listen to useful recommendations. It should be borne in mind: in a small room can not be carried out installation of two-tier structures. In this case, the ceiling should be simple, without a complex pattern and design.

Then it is important to determine the texture of the stretch ceiling. Products come in glossy, satin and matte surfaces. It all depends on your personal preferences. If you are in search of a budget option, then the usual white canvas is best suited. This is a classic that fits into the style of any interior. The snow-white ceiling looks neat, smooth and noble, everyone wants to achieve this effect.

There are many options to revise, as high-class stretch ceilings are offered in a wide range. Satin and lacquer texture of different series is in great demand. For example, you decided to arrange the living room and want to visually increase the parameters of the room. Then it is recommended to use a glossy canvas. A lot of light will penetrate the room due to the satin surface.

As for the ceiling in the kitchen, you need to remember that you will often have to care for the material. Fatty plaque does not suit any hostess, it must be constantly removed from the surface. It is better to choose a glossy look: the soot does not linger on it, it is easy to remove it without extra energy. If the kitchen is designed in pastel colors, you can install a matte stretch ceiling, which will be in perfect harmony with the decoration of the walls and the suite.However, it should be borne in mind: the glossy surface has a mirror effect. Everything below will be reflected on the ceiling.

The bedroom is a place where you want to relax and enjoy the tranquility. Most buyers choose the delicate colors of the stretch ceiling. You can combine shades or find options with a pattern. In the bathroom, the lacquered ceiling is suitable for tiled floors. The texture, which resembles marble, will be beneficial to highlight the surface. The main thing - to choose the right design pattern.

For those who do not want to use gloss, and matte seems too ordinary, such a ceiling model is best suited. These ceilings resemble fabric, they look gorgeous. If the interior contains the appropriate textiles (for example, silk pillows), a special atmosphere is created. So you can decorate a room in oriental style, using satin on the ceiling, draped fabrics for decorating windows.

The role of shade

Some do not pay enough attention to this issue, therefore, as a result, the premise does not turn out exactly the way it was intended. For an unusual design, you can use bright and colorful colors.but to make the whole ceiling so undesirable. They can be combined with cream and pastel shades using a multi-layered canvas. For small rooms, bright colors are better suited: Due to this, you can add light to the room and visually expand it. If the ceilings are high, the colors of dark colors will be ideal (for example, burgundy, brown, blue). It is important to remember that colors can dictate mood, so when choosing them it is better to consult with the designer.


Before you decide on the choice of stretch ceiling, it will be useful to study the feedback from customers who have already installed a structure for themselves and share their opinions on this matter on the Internet. They indicate the quality and appearance characteristics of suspended ceilings. Reviews reliably tell about which brands are worth buying. In general, suspended ceilings deserve approval: they are durable, durable, beautiful, create a special atmosphere.

Beautiful examples in the interior

There are several ways to design interior design in different styles. In each case, harmony is achieved by combining the color of the ceiling with a touch of the walls and the furnishing details.Especially harmoniously look gentle tones and drawings. Refer to the examples of photo galleries.

The living room looks harmoniously stretch ceiling beige in color with the glossy texture of the canvas. The conciseness of the ceiling is combined with a minimum of details of the situation.

An example of a spacious living room with figured stretch ceiling, decorated with lighting. The shade is combined with the tone of the furniture and curtains.

Minimalism style does not tolerate excesses. Here the best choice would be a white glossy ceiling without a pattern. The ceiling decoration is a chandelier, the brown hue of the table and the shelf gives expressiveness to the interior.

Partial decoration of the ceiling with a stretch fabric looks spectacular. A simple ornament fits well into the style of the interior and matches the tone. Internal and additional lighting makes the design of the ceiling special.

The modern combination of turquoise and sand tones is embodied in the design of the ceiling and walls. It looks great turquoise ceiling with a glossy texture of the material, combining with the photo printing wallpaper in the theme of the sea coast.

Choosing an invoice, it is necessary to proceed from your own preferences, without an event about the composition of the material.Consider the fact that the matte texture is more expressive. If there is a drawing on the canvas, it is better visible on a matte surface. The mirror looks beautiful, but it cannot fully convey the beauty of the picture: it is hampered by the mirror effect. Glossy coatings are good in one tone without a pattern. Especially harmoniously they look in modern minimalist directions, where the abundance of gloss and a minimum of decor are welcomed. The whole room is displayed on a glossy surface. If you arrange the light correctly, the room will look spacious and luxurious.

How to choose a suspended ceiling, see below in the video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
