Tools for mounting stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are currently popular during repairs. This is due to the fact that the design of such ceilings is easy to install and affordable. Proper installation is possible with the right tool.
Special features
For the implementation of the process of strengthening the tension system requires some specific knowledge and experience. Also requires a number of devices to work on the device of the ceiling base, which can be fabric or film. Feature of special tools is their high cost. Sometimes the equipment itself is more expensive than the suspended ceiling.
The selection and use of work tools requires a responsible approach:
- the variety of the list and functions of models can confuse the consumer;
- purchase of tools is carried out with the expectation of long-term use;
- the result and safety of work depends on the devices purchased.
To install stretch ceilings may need fixtures, without which it is impossible to do. There is also a list of tools that serve as a supplement. Allocate basic equipment and additional tools.
Power tools or gas systems can be used as equipment, and the use of hand tools is equally important.
The main technical tool for tightening the entire system is considered to be a heat gun. It carries out heating of the material, which contributes to easy installation in the future. This technique operates on gas. Working with electricity for a gun is more difficult, because when it is on, the load on the electrical network is too high. The body of the heater is made of steel having an enameled coating.
The inside of the gas heat gun is equipped with a burner, an air fan and steel grills. An open fire in the process of working heats the room very quickly, so you need to create additional free space around the appliance. The heating power level of the device is regulated using a special valve. In each case, you must use a specially designed gun having different sizes.
The main tasks to which the work of the heat gun:
- increase in air temperature in the room;
- heating the entire surface of the tension fabric;
- maintaining the required level of heat during operation;
- prevention of fogging of the main overlap.
Another important type of tool is a perforator, with which holes are made in the wall and ceiling, as well as the installation of a profile. In the punch set must be drills required for mounting the baguette.
This device can be replaced with a drill with a hammer mechanism. But it will not cope with all surfaces. Concrete and self-leveling more difficult to drill.
Screwdriver helps screw screws.This tool can work on electricity and battery. It is more convenient to work with the last option, since not all the premises have an electrical network connected during repairs. The practicality of the workflow is ensured by the use of less dimensional tools.
Other functions of the screwdriver:
- fixing the profile for fastening the web;
- installation of brackets for fixtures;
- carries out other auxiliary operations.
For the implementation of the soldering cloths tension system resorted to the use of machine HDTV. The seams resulting from the operation of this device are practically invisible, the ceiling looks like a solid canvas. This is the value of the equipment in question. It has this name because of the impact of high frequency current.
The product consists of two main parts: a welding press and a generator.
Attachments are room measuring devices and necessary parts for the ceiling:
Laser tape measure allows you to measure, standing in one place.
The laser level is much more convenient for repairs, as it provides high accuracy of readings.For proper marking, the level is fixed by the manual method, it is also possible to mount on the wall. This method involves installing the level on the stand, which is suspended on a screw or fixed on the heating pipe. For an uneven surface, a more convenient laser level fixing system has been developed. This tripod, which is placed with its supports in the floor and ceiling. The stand is mounted on the bar, providing movement of the tool.
- Suspensions. Needed to hold the finished web. Their number depends on the size of the room.
Cord for marking room. The acquisition of this part does not require careful selection of specific characteristics.
Staircase sustainable design with the required height.
Blades for fastener profile. Have the form of a spatula, which prepares the surface before the direct implementation of the fabric stretch. For work fit straight, curved and angled blades. The bending of the tool can have a different angle of inclination. There is a large and small blade with a turn of forty-five degrees. The length of the handle of a larger device is forty centimeters.
A small spatula with the same angle is equipped with a handle with a length of no more than ten centimeters.
The device, which has a curved, like a ring, construction at an angle of ninety degrees, is suitable for mounting concealed lighting in the box. There are scapulae in the shape of a triangle. Such models are able to penetrate holes with uneven bases. A smooth blade is useful for rooms in which water or gas pipes pass.
The repair also uses an electric spatula, which is a device with a moving spatula. The cost of such a tool is much higher than manual, so for a one-time work it is not worth buying.
There is another list that includes materials important for self-assembly:
a gas cylinder having a volume of fifty liters, complete with a hose;
sealant kit;
sharp stationery knife;
detergents that may be useful during installation;
plywood or plasterboard material may be needed if heavy lighting installation is planned;
Crowns for the screwdriver.
Detail, without which it is impossible to mount a stretch ceiling, is a profile. It is usually marketed with a length of more than two meters. The specific value depends on the place of purchase. The profile is equipped with locks having a function for fixing the ceiling base. Such a device greatly facilitates the installation, disassembly and adjustment of the ceiling during repairs. Many experienced masters work with his help.
How to choose?
Tools for installation of tension ceiling systems are selected taking into account the following points:
- production;
- power level should provide high-quality performance of work;
- availability of warranty: the cost of most of the necessary devices is quite large, so the warranty service period allows you to save material resources in case the manufacturer has turned out to be dishonest.
The choice of heat gun depends on the area of the room in which the installation of the stretch ceiling. To install the ceiling in a small room up to 20 square meters. m. enough to buy a device with a power of 15 kW. It is notable for its ease of use due to its low weight.For larger spaces with high ceilings for stretching, you need a gun with a capacity of at least 30 kW.
The purchase of a punch is carried out taking into account the careful selection of the power of the device. For high-quality drilling device fits 750 watts. Attention is also paid to the presence of a dust removal system: it is very important.
The quality of the screwdriver depends on the durability of the battery. The longer the charge lasts, the better the device.
During the acquisition of the HDTV machine, attention is paid to the presence of launch buttons. It is better if there are two, they allow you to start the work process while simultaneously pressing both buttons simultaneously.
Quality equipment complies with safety regulations. In less traumatic devices, the unit can only be started with two hands.
At the choice of a shovel convenience of the handle of the tool is considered. It is made of polished wooden material.
When choosing a laser tape measure, attention is drawn to a number of parameters:
- protection against shock, moisture and dust;
- the presence of emphasis for mounting the device in the corner: this is required for measuring the room diagonally;
- the presence of an embedded level is welcomed to increase the accuracy of the size reading;
- recharge method;
- the function of recording measurements in the device memory.
Tips and tricks
Experts highlight some important points that it is necessary to consider when choosing and working with tools and equipment for stretching the ceiling with your own hands:
- The screwdriver used in the process of mounting tension structures should not have a rotating mechanism with a hammer element. This leads to the rapid failure of such a device.
- The optimum radius of the laser level is at least 7 meters.
- When working with a gas cylinder requires mandatory compliance with safety regulations.
- During the purchase of a punch, you should pay attention to the well-known names of manufacturers, as they are more durable and able to ensure quality work.
- A device for drilling holes is recommended to be used with a built-in vacuum cleaner. This is important for reducing the amount of generated dust.
- Before installing the ceiling, it is recommended to purchase all possible types of blade shapes, since each option can be useful in a given situation during operation.
- For mounting it is better to work with a perforator with multiple modes of operation. The most necessary for the implementation of the installation of the ceiling structure are the functions of chiselling, percussion and conventional drilling.
The purchase of a set of tools depends on the type of stretched ceiling.
An overview of the tool for installing suspended ceilings, see the following video.