How to safely unscrew the light bulb from the false ceiling?

Suspended ceilings with built-in lights have become widely used in modern interiors. All this elegant design is attached to the natural ceiling of the room using frames made of wood or metal. A suspended ceiling bears the function of lighting and hides the flaws of a conventional ceiling.
From a rough ceiling to a stretch, there remains a space of about ten centimeters, in which the electrical wiring and fixtures for lighting are placed. To install the light sources, the second ceiling has clever holes. From the side of the room the lighting set is presented in the form of a decorated ring.
A cartridge with a lamp and springs for fastening are attached to the body from the inside, their task is to hold the lamp. To insert a halogen light bulb into the suspended ceiling is not so difficult, the main thing is to connect it correctly.
To solve the problem of removing a deteriorated light bulb is not required to call a specialist. The process of replacing the light bulb is not so complicated. You should first get acquainted with the basic principles of the lamps in the suspended ceiling.
Lamps have different power, emit different amounts of heat, differ in energy consumption, price, service life.
Lamps are installed on the suspended ceiling, in which several types of lamps are used:
- Familiar to all incandescent bulbs. At present, they are not very popular due to inefficiency, although they have the advantage of being able to work at any temperature and humidity.
- Halogenproviding very bright lighting. Their advantage is durability, economy, compactness.
- LED. They are considered the most economical, as a result of which they have also become the most demanded.
The order of unscrewing each type of lamps is different, so before removing them it is important to find out what type of light source it is.
Since the bulbs have to be replaced more than once, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the components and remember their names. All lamps have a protective cover, main body and special clips.
But in their design there are other parts, knowing that, it is easier to dismantle any kind of light bulb:
- the body, invisible from the outside, because it is located in the space under the ceiling, there is a wire and a cartridge hidden in it;
- antennae spring type, are used to hold the lamps and their fixation on the surface of the ceiling;
- protective cover made of plastic or glass, also serves as a diffuser and protects the entire set from dusting;
- snap ring to secure the protection cover.
In order to remove a light bulb, it is not necessary to remove the lamp completely. Usually you only have to remove the cover and ring. Light bulbs have different ways of mounting, so when selecting a new lamp, be sure to consider the type of its base.
Types of socles
There are lamps with a threaded base, like that of incandescent bulbs. In this case, the usual twisting is sufficient.
Other types are very popular:
- lamps with a pair of pins, they emit a click when fixed;
- lamps, fixed turn;
- There is a type of lamps "tablet", it is more often used in suspended ceilings.
Removal options
The first step in unscrewing the light bulb is to turn off the electricity, that is, to disconnect the housing from the electrical panel. Remember: you need not only to turn off a particular light bulb, namely, turn off all the lights. Not every one of us knows that it is necessary to turn off the phase, and the switch goes to zero. Do not put yourself at risk.
Next you need to remove the ring stopper lamp, it serves as a latch. To remove it is enough to press the antennae, the lamp easily comes out of its body and hangs on the contact cartridge. Now you just need to pull it towards yourself or turn left (depending on what type of lamp) and pull it out.
Lamps can be without retaining rings. In this case, you have to remove the entire lamp from the socket.
The easiest way to unscrew the so-called “pills” is to turn the lamp back slightly with one hand, wait for a click, pull it down and pull it out. The rest of the lamp remains in place.
Light bulbs with cartridges E14 and E27 are even easier to maintain: they are replaced according to the familiar scheme with an ordinary standard cartridge.We unscrew, as always, the old light bulbs, and also we twist back the new lamp. It is only important to choose the size of the 14 and 17.
Replacing any light bulb, pay attention to the type and size of the cap. When unscrewing halogen lamps, they should not be touched by hands without gloves, they easily leave marks that give a dim light to the room. In addition, the lamps, which touched fat fingers, quickly burn out.
This is especially true for models with a G4 or G9 base. They have a special design - the luminaire housing does not have additional fasteners, so to remove the light bulb, you just need to pull it down.
When working with halogen products, do not forget to wear gloves or hold lamps with napkins. If they are not at hand, wrap the bottom of the usual paper tape. No pollution of halogen lamps should be allowed.
For easy removal of the light bulb, you can completely dismantle the lamp body from the false ceiling by gently prying the decorative circle with a screwdriver. Then the inner part opens and you can easily bend the pressing pins and pull out the case from the suspended structure. You can also remove and cover to replace it.
To work with LED lamps you need to know that in many of them lamps and lamps are one whole. So you need to remove the lamp completely. It is not in the ceiling film, but has a mounting platform. If you gently bend the lamp, two expanding springs are visible - these are the fastening elements. When removing the lamp, they should be held by hands, otherwise the ceiling can be easily damaged. Springs need to bend inward, pull to yourself and pull out the lamp. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow simple rules. Although LED lamps are the most durable, sometimes they also have to be changed.
Having unscrewed the bulbs in the false ceilings at least once, this can be easily handled in later cases. But if the lamp or the lamp itself is damaged, the work is complicated by the risk of cuts, injections in small pieces. Come to the aid of professional advice and proven folk receptions.
Pliers with sharpened ends are useful for this job. They need to grab the metal part of the lamp and slowly rotate in the opposite direction until the lamp comes out.
You can roll a ball out of the tape with the adhesive side out, attach it to the center, press lightly so that the bulb clings to the ball. After that, it is free to get out.
And the weak half of humanity - women, solves the problem of a raw potato: you need to cut it into two halves, one of them put pressure on an unusable light bulb and quietly twist it.
The lamp can not only burst, but also get stuck. She seems to stick to the patron, and just do not unscrew it. In such cases, it all depends on the structure of the lamp. If the model allows, both the cartridge and the light bulb are unscrewed. Then remove it easily.
And if the design of the lamp does not allow such a reception, the light remains only to be broken. But before that you should wrap it with a cloth to protect yourself from splinters. The remaining cap should be disconnected with pliers and pull out.
If the LED lamp has broken or stuck, it is easier to replace it, as it changes with the whole body.
If a chandelier is hung on the suspended ceiling, to replace the light bulb in it, you must remove the device entirely.
To do this, proceed as follows:
- first remove the cap that closes the hook on which the chandelier hangs;
- put your hand in the slot under it;
- take the chandelier in the place of its attachment and carefully remove it while simultaneously pulling the electric wire;
- disconnect the wire by removing the insulation.
Chandelier removed from the ceiling. If it is heavy, before you go down from the ladder, you should call someone to help. Now it is easy to unscrew and change a blown bulb.
In the next video you can visually see the options for twisting bulbs from the cartridge.
Possible problems
When replacing lamps you may encounter the following problems:
- Fingers beat the antennae. If they are too strong, removing the lamp can damage the ceiling. To solve this problem, it is enough to hold the springs firmly so as not to damage the fingers and the ceiling. We can not allow the light source to hang on the film, it is necessary to ensure that the springs enter the mounting ring behind the film.
- At one time, the workers who installed the ceiling could leave the bare parts of the wire behind him. To eliminate this problem even after the house (apartment) is completely de-energized, it is better to wait a few minutes before starting work. Otherwise there is a risk of electric shock.
- Do not turn off incandescent and halogen lamps immediately after a burnout,they are hot at this point and can burn their hands. From surprise you can drop the lamp and break it in the room.
- If the fluorescent lamp is broken, it is necessary to clear the room of mercury. We'll have to urgently remove traces of metal from the walls, the floor.
The frequent blown out of the light bulbs involved in the suspended ceiling is due to several factors: long illumination work, installation problems: insufficient fixation, incorrect connection to the wiring, disregard for the instructions, touching the light bulbs with hands without gloves, etc. Fortunately, modern technologies, used in the assembly and connection of lamps, can remove the lamp and replace them with new ones without much effort.
Whatever way the lamp is not twisted, the house must be completely disconnected from electricity.
For any kind of dismantling, the basic rules are slowness, accuracy, minimum contact with the structure in order not to damage it, not to leave dirty marks, not to make dents, cuts.
The more responsible the approach to the removal of the spoiled element, the better this rota will be performed.And this, in turn, prolongs the life of the lamps in the suspended ceilings and the canvases themselves.
Any lamp can be safely removed from the false ceiling. When working with ceiling systems, be careful. Excessive haste and overestimation of its capabilities can lead to damage to the coating in any careless movement.