Two-level plasterboard ceilings in the interior

Two-level gypsum ceilings today will not surprise anyone. Such designs are very popular and are quite common. Such popularity is due to the attractive appearance of multi-level ceilings and their ability to transform different environments. Today we will talk more about these interior details and their features.

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Special features

Today, every consumer has the ability to create an interesting and harmonious interior, because in the shops of finishing materials you can find any goods. Relatively recently, original designs have become fashionable, reincarnating conventional ceilings in multi-level designs. Initially, such design elements were considered a wonder and seemed to many consumers to be something non-standard and unusual.

At the present time, it is difficult to surprise anyone with such structures. For the manufacture of two-level ceilings using an inexpensive material - drywall, which is characterized by flexibility and ease of processing. It can be painted, finished with wood panels, pasted over with different wallpaper or supplemented with spectacular panels.

Despite the seeming ease of installation of such a spectacular design, the installation of a two-level ceiling is still quite a costly affair. First of all, it concerns the time and effort that will have to be spent on the manufacture of a quality base.

However, any expenditure is more than compensated by the attractive appearance of the resulting ceiling.


It is worth paying attention to the positive aspects of two-level gypsum ceilings:

  • Thanks to such structures, it is possible to obtain a perfectly flat ceiling surface that can effectively hide various defects and shortcomings of the rough base.
  • Many owners prefer similar finishing options, since they can hide various communications and engineering networks.For example, it could be electrical wiring, freonovoda conditioners or television cables. Also under the plasterboard ceiling often hides ducts and heating pipes, which look unpresentable and spoil the interior.
  • A two-tier ceiling is a great solution if you want to make unobtrusive but noticeable zoning of the available space. Such a base can be equipped with various lighting devices, with the help of which it will be possible to correctly separate different functional zones.
  • By installing a beautiful two-level ceiling of drywall, you can visually change the geometry of the room, as well as change its shape. For example, a square structure in a narrow rectangular space can visually "push apart" the overlap.
  • If you like non-standard design solutions and want to bring something bright and original into the interior, then you should know that a double gypsum board ceiling can be an excellent basis for installing multi-level lighting. Such elements often combine several light sources at once. For example, it can be halogen, and LED, and fluorescent bulbs.
  • As mentioned earlier, drywall is a pliable coating that can be subjected to almost any treatment. This suggests that the ceiling of such material may be repainted many times in the colors you like, thereby renewing the interior.


Despite the large number of positive qualities two-level plasterboard ceilings have their own weaknesses:

  • Similar constructions will inevitably make the ceiling and walls lower. Of course, you can beat this drawback with the help of lighting devices and LED lighting, but you need to do it competently. Otherwise, the desired effect can not be achieved.
  • Many consumers in the category of cons include the fact that it alone is almost impossible to manufacture and install such a structure. Sheets of plasterboard have considerable weight, so it is very difficult for one person to assemble them. Even if you use all the tools and tools you have, installing a two-tier base will remain very laborious.
  • Similar designs are not suitable for all rooms. So,in a tiny small room with an already low ceiling, the two-level version will look inharmonious, as it will make the walls lower and visually reduce the area even more.
  • The last but no less significant drawback of such structures is their total cost. If you take into account only the price of plasterboard sheets, the amount may seem quite democratic, but do not forget that the price will also include the finishing of the ceiling, on which the main expenses fall. We should not forget about the installation of lighting.


Two-level ceilings are of several types, each of which has its own structure and installation features. Consider them in more detail.


This type of two-level gypsum ceiling is the simplest. Its design consists of a box with one or several steps. It is recommended to apply to this option if the ceiling height in the room is not less than 3 m. This is explained by the fact that the box itself in the frame structure, as a rule, occupies a space 50 cm from the floor plate.

On the contour of the box is installed hidden lighting.For this ideal LED strip.

Of course, this is not the only lighting device that can be used with a frame ceiling. You can easily install the usual hanging chandelier in the center.

With this two-level ceiling, you can highlight the existing interior. The box-like structure will allow to highlight the corners of space, which is often just necessary for a particular room. The main chandelier in the center of the ceiling will provide illumination of the entire area, and the contour lamps will make the corners brighter.


The diagonal ceiling is more interesting and original than the traditional frame option. Its design is represented by such a structure: first, the first tier is mounted, and all others are shifted to one side of the room. The dividing line falls on one side, passing from one corner of the room to the other (diagonally).

As for the dividing line itself, it can be not only direct. It is interesting to look drywall construction, in which this part has a wavy shape.

With the help of the diagonal ceiling you can create a visual effect. more spacious part of the room. This ceiling is also permissible to equip the main chandelier in the center and “support” it with LED lighting sources on the next tier.

It is advisable to choose the latter with adjustable light power. Thanks to this function, you can create a unique and intimate atmosphere in the room, making it more comfortable.


With such a double ceiling will be able to allocate one or another piece of space. In these cases, the room itself has one level, but another level is needed above the required section that needs to be emphasized. There may be several such and they occupy a very modest part of the room.


Today, unusual curved ceilings are incredibly fashionable. They can have on their surface various elements such as leaves, butterflies, stars, clouds, flowers and other details (having different sizes). To carefully cut them out of a drywall sheet, you must have the appropriate skills.

Such designs noticeably refresh the interior, making it much more interesting. That is why such two-level ceilings are often addressed in the design of children's rooms, since the young household members are indescribable delight from these design decisions.

Designers are advised to design the interior so that the walls, furniture and patterns on the ceiling are made in the same stylistic direction. Otherwise, the situation will be clumsy and disharmonious.

Design options

The two-tier ceiling made of plasterboard looks organically in many stylistic directions, but each trend has its own distinctive features.

In an uncomplicated and restrained minimalist style setting, you should use the simplest and most discreet ceiling. It should not have large and eye-catching patterns or decorative elements. This suggests that the original figure version in a minimalist interior will be superfluous. Here, the best solution would be a simple frame or diagonal ceiling (with straight, but not wavy lines).

In many ways similar to minimalism is another popular style in the modern direction - hi-tech. In such an interior should also be installed discreet plasterboard structures with hidden LED strips and recessed lights. Many decorative elements and wave-like features should be avoided.

In the modern style, you can safely refer to the unusual two-level ceilings, having a wave-like and non-trivial forms, as well as smooth features. It can be not only standard and angular designs, but also fashionable round and oval specimens, diluted with stretch films with glossy surfaces.

Acceptable use of two-level ceilings and coarse loft style. In this case, do not use a lot of bright decorative elements. You can do with simple white designs, equipped with recessed lights or track long devices made of metal, painted in black or gray.


Two-level ceilings can be equipped with different lighting fixtures. Consider them in more detail.


These devices (level, suspended or ceiling) lighting are the most popular in the arrangement of any ceilings. Most often they are set at the center of the base and they are the main sources of light in the room.

If you want to achieve an interesting play of light, then you should get chandeliers with original patterned shades.


These sources of lighting today are recognized as the most economical and popular. They are white and multi-colored. Often, LED lighting devices come with a remote control, with which you can change the color of the lighting and its intensity.


These devices are also very common today. They are completely safe and inexpensive. These devices have a case of glass and metal or ceramic, inside which the LEDs are hidden. There are flat and movable spotlights. The latter are mounted on special brackets and can be directed to the object you need in the room.

These lighting devices can be an addition to the main light source (for example, a central chandelier). They can be safely installed at all levels of the ceiling (both on the first and second).

How to choose for different rooms?

Two-level ceilings look organically in almost any room. However, it is worth considering some features of their installation in different conditions.

In the hall

Installation of two-story drywall ceilings can be made in the hallway or narrow corridor,but in such premises it is better to use long rectangular structures and to purchase light materials for their decoration, for example, beige, cream, snow-white, light yellow or pale peach.

For intricate patterned and figured designs that have contrasting dark surfaces, you should contact only if there is a spacious entrance hall in your house or apartment. Otherwise, the space may seem too cramped and "oppressive."

In the bedroom

In the bedroom it is recommended to use plasterboard constructions, finished with materials of calm and neutral tones. Such low-key colors will contribute to the proper rest of the owners and their fast falling asleep. Bright and poisonous paints should be avoided, as they will excite the nervous system and prevent relaxation.

You can use in such rooms charming ceilings with smooth and elegant lines. These options will look good if you add them to glass or stained glass details. With these elements, the space will appear more spacious and bright.

Many designers in their designs use spectacular plasterboard ceilings with beautiful painting. They can be supplemented with elegant polyurethane moldings. Such details will look great in a bedroom.

It's no secret that the main element of any bedroom is the bed. Often, its location is reflected in the structure of the ceiling. For example, a raised level is often installed protruding rectangular or rounded shape, equipped with lighting. Such items attract attention to the bed.

On the kitchen

Before installing such structures in these areas, it is worth considering the height of their ceiling. If they are too low, then, of course, it is better to refuse extra tiers, in order not to make the rooms even narrower and smaller.

In the kitchen, an important role is played by high-quality lighting. If we are talking about the arrangement of the working area (for cooking), here you can use bright spotlights installed in the plasterboard ceiling and aimed at the kitchen worktop countertops. Necessary lighting and dining area. For this is quite suitable chandelier or track lights.

The choice of lighting fixtures depends on the style of the interior.

In the nursery

Plasterboard ceiling with two levels can be safely installed in the nursery, because it is environmentally friendly and completely safe. There are no hazardous and noxious substances in the drywall.

In the design of such rooms should not use simple and uniform colors. In this case, bright and colorful surfaces will look great. The most popular finishes are pink, blue, yellow and green.

Also in the children's rooms, you can use the original curved ceilings. It can be a spectacular image of a relief flower, a cartoon hero, or some animal. Revive interesting figures with rich colors, and the interior of the nursery will become truly fabulous and bright.

Care Tips

Gypsum ceilings are fairly unpretentious and do not require complex maintenance. If you want these beautiful designs to serve you as long as possible, and also to preserve a beautiful appearance, they must sometimes be wiped with a dry and clean cloth.However, you should make sure that her nap was small and did not remain on the ceiling structure.

In addition, the plasterboard ceiling can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. This is especially necessary in the corners, where spider webs often appear and various debris accumulate.

Before proceeding to the treatment of the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, you should make sure that its brush is perfectly clean. Pre-recommended to wash it in water with soap and thoroughly dry. This is necessary so that there are no dirty marks and dark streaks left on the ceiling.

Light fixtures require installation in a plasterboard structure as well. They should be wiped gently several times a year. As a rule, the hostess does this work during the general cleaning. Wipe lighting devices also worth a dry cloth.

If the lamps are equipped with very powerful light bulbs, then around them an ugly yellowish bloom can form over time. It can be removed with a special felt pen of the desired shade. Such a device can be found in hardware stores.

If, on a plasterboard base, visible dirty stains have formed, they should be removed using a small amount of water.Do not forget that excessive moisture can cause irreparable harm to your two-level ceiling, so be careful. You can use dishwashing detergent to quickly and easily clean the surface from stains. In rare cases, the owners repaint the drywall construction.

If you smoke at home, then over time on plasterboard ceilings an ugly yellow patina may appear, which you will not succeed in getting rid of. This problem can be solved only by applying a new layer of finishing material.

Beautiful examples in the interior

  • White wavy design with rounded lines and glossy inserts of black stretch film will look amazing in a room made in a modern style. Arrange the furniture in such a room in white and black colors, and decorate the walls with snow-white plaster or wallpaper. Finish the ensemble with spotlights on the ceiling, a hanging chandelier with small shiny crystals, as well as fresh flowers in pots and wall paintings.
  • In the children's room with a peach-colored wallpaper, the original ceiling with snow-white will look greatplasterboard framing and stretch film in its center with the image of star vortices in the sky. Put in this setting furniture calm shades. Dilute the ensemble with a multi-colored floor carpet and ceiling lights with red bases and white shades.
  • In the snow-white hallway it will look great the same snow-white ceiling of elongated rectangular shape. In this setting, the doors will look dimly caramel hue, wall paintings of a similar palette, as well as decorative snags in high vases and a brown ottoman.
  • A snow-white double ceiling with an original chandelier of unusual shape will look spectacular in the living room with white walls, soft brown floor and light furniture of milky shades. Dilute the whiteness of the interior with a green carpet on the floor, green curtains, and striped pillows.

For information on how to install a two-level plasterboard ceiling, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

Entrance hall

Living room
