Garage with attic: options for planning

If there is not as much space in the house as we would like, then we must strive to organize the space in such a way that every meter will be used wisely and not idle. Very often, in small areas, you have to place everything you need and do it as functionally as possible. This applies not only to residential premises, but also to technical installations, such as garages.

Our article will tell you about the different options for planning a garage with a loft.

Special features

The car is now in the vast majority of people. Naturally, it is better to put it in the garage than on the street, where a lot of unpleasant things can happen - from freezing ice to causing damage.

From the garage, you can just make a box for storing the car, and you can make a real masterpiece of building thought.

Today, there are many projects with the use of lumber and other building materials. For those car owners who often repair their vehicle, fit garage equipped with an attic. There you can place a workshop, gym, study room or something else..

The garage with an attic has always attracted attention with its aesthetically attractive appearance.

This kind of layout has other advantages:

  • The first is, of course, additional space, which can be both residential and non-residential. It is possible to equip a pantry or a workshop in the attic, to equip an office, if someone in the family is engaged, for example, in painting, sewing or sculpture.
  • You can make this space multifunctional, using it if necessary: ​​in the summer to equip a kitchen there, when guests arrive - to place additional beds.
  • You can simply make another living room; This option is especially relevant if the garage is part of the house.

Regarding the size, layout and other technical issues, a decision must be made before construction works begin.

Should consider:

  • are you planning to purchase a second car in the coming years;
  • whether the car will be repaired where it is stored;
  • what will be the purpose of the attic;
  • what material will be used for construction.

      There are few minuses in the construction of such an object, but they are:

      • increase in the volume of construction work;
      • more significant spending on construction;
      • the need for the arrangement of the heating system, water supply, sewage and other utilities in the event that the attic is planned to be residential;
      • additional heating costs.


      The size of the garage depends, first of all, on the needs of the owner and on how many cars there are in the family. It can be designed for one, two cars or even 3 cars.

      The standard project of a garage for 2 cars is 6x6 mHowever, in the event that an attic is built over the first floor, it would be more expedient to increase one of the parameters to a size, for example, 6x8 m.

      Design for every taste

      The project of a garage with an attic can be designed in such a way that it takes into account all the wishes of the owner. Planning is possible with a bath, workshop, residential attic floor or non-residential - there are lots of options. When plotting the ground floor plan, it is important to provide a place for the stairs. and what type it will be.

      There are projects with a classic wooden staircase, and there are - with a sliding model, which saves quite a lot of space.

      How to do it yourself?

      If a decision has been made about independent construction, it is more expedient to build a structure that is as large as possible, with a minimum of non-standard architectural moves. Of course, you should not narrow the whole range of options to a two-story rectangle, but simple decisions are definitely wiser to choose, especially if construction is carried out for the first time. It will be faster and easier, and budget.

      Be sure to consider the size of both floors. Sometimes the attic is not built over the entire first floor, but only over half of it.. In these cases, as a rule, things are placed in it for storage, tools and so on. In some cases, on the contrary, the attic stands above the first floor.. Then you will need support pillars, over which the protruding part will be built on. Bottom under the ledge can be equipped with a terrace.

      Having drawn up a project, it is advisable to coordinate it with the designer-architect. A particularly important issue is the overlap of the attic floor.. Without the presence of skills and experience, doing it for the first time can easily make a mistake. It is better if errors are identified and eliminated at the initial stage of construction than during it.


      Before building a garage, you need to choose a suitable place for it. Since the structure is two-story, it can be made less than the usual option.

      When choosing a place, you need to consider the following:

      • To him you need to provide easy access. If this is not the case, then there will be a lot of problems with check-in and out.
      • The entrance to the garage should be located no closer than 5 m from the gate. Then you can park the car without checking into the garage.
      • The terrain should not contain irregularities, as they will create a lot of difficulties.
      • If the attic is planned residential, then you need to immediately schedule the summing up of communications. However, they should not be located under the garage.
      • If construction is planned near the house, then the optimal distance from it is 7 m. The garage and the house can be connected with a carport.
      • The garage should be located at the same level as all other buildings or slightly higher to avoid flooding.

      All this must be taken into account when drafting a garage with an attic.

      When the place is chosen, you need to develop a project. There are two ways:

      • Make an order with a specialist designer. There are now enough such firms on the market to choose what you need. Turning to them, you can express your wishes regarding the future construction. Either they will offer a finished project, or they will develop an individual one. It is possible to combine part of the elements of the finished project based on the budget that the customer has. This method is faster, since you don’t have to do anything yourself, the specialists will do it all. There is even a service - departure to the planned place of construction and the proposal of construction options based on viewing.

      It is also advisable to order a project in a company if it is planned to build a garage for two cars.

      • Make up yourself. It is important to do everything very accurately and carefully, since the building is two-storied. It is best to consult with a professional.

      If you decide to develop a design project on your own, you need to do it in stages:

      • Determine the number of places in the garage based on the number of available cars in the family.
      • Decide whether the attic will be residential or non-residential.
      • Determine the size of the future construction. They must correspond to the size of the car (or the size of the car), and the attic can be made both flush with the wall and with a protrusion from it. If inside the garage you plan to engage in minor repairs of the car, the area increases, in accordance with the required place for this.
      • Draw a plan. For this fit graph paper. From the car in all directions it is necessary to indent about 1 m, and also to leave space for the location of cabinets, shelves and aisles between them.
      • You also need to consider and plan where the stairs leading to the attic will be located. Some projects include an outdoor staircase, but this is due to the fact that inside it simply did not have enough space.
      • When applying a plan for graph paper, you need to use exact tools, otherwise there will be mistakes in the project.
      • Having finished with the plan of the garage, go to the plan of the attic. In a residential attic should be a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.

      If the area of ​​the garage allows, in the attic, you can plan more rooms.

      When developing a two-story garage plan, you need to keep in mind some conditions:

      • The roof for it is built according to the same rules that are provided for residential buildings.
      • If electricity-related work is planned on the first floor, you should think about the wiring in advance and include it in the project.
      • It is obligatory to determine the material from which the garage will be built. This will affect the speed and budget of the construction work, in addition to this, the durability and reliability of the construction. The fastest way to build a garage is frame. It uses modern materials for heat insulation, which will contribute to the preservation of heat and moisture resistance. A very common material is a wooden beam.
      • Having prepared a project, it is transferred to paper, so as not to lose any, even the smallest detail. In the production of construction work is important every nuance. The paper plan should reflect all the details of both floors.

      Selection of materials

      What material to build from - the choice of the owner only. It is possible from foam concrete blocks, it is possible from a wooden bar. Consider both options.

      From foam block You can build any buildings and garages as well. They are lighter than other materials, so the foundation for a garage of these blocks does not need additional reinforcement.Foam blocks are resistant to moisture, do not heat up in the heat, do not cool in the cold. They simply mount.

      If the choice fell on a timber, then there are two options for construction:

      • frame;
      • log / log.

        Frame made of timber is inexpensive and easy to install. Even a beginner can handle installation. Sheathe it can be what you want: from plywood to lining. As for the timber structure, it is certainly a more reliable way. Nevertheless, it is much more difficult to build it yourself.

        No need to even talk about the environmental friendliness of wood, this is a well-known fact. This material "breathes", it is durable, beautiful, does not allow condensate to accumulate, has good thermal insulation properties.

        Recommendations for construction

        • If you consistently do everything as indicated in the project, then a two-story garage with an attic will not only beautify the site, but also fulfill many functional issues. Successfully selected project saves a lot of space.
        • It must be remembered that the attic is settled in exactly the same way as in a residential house: floors, ventilation, communications - all this should be thought out and carried out in strict accordance with the plan.

        Just like the roof, it must be built before any finishing work begins in the attic.

        • Having sheathed a residential attic with sheets of drywall, for example, you can equip corner storages for books, magazines, and things in the space between the walls and the roof.
        • If the attic area is small, then it is not advisable to sheathe it, since a lot of space is lost. It can be rationally used, having equipped inclined racks.
        • In the case when the first floor is given for a garage for two or even three cars, you can arrange several rooms in the attic.

        A selection for inspiration

        Garage with attic, sheathed with siding and false panels under the brick, looks very noble.

        A two-story garage with stone facing looks like a full-fledged house.

        Garage for two cars with an attic, not completely closing the first floor.

        The original garage with a glazed attic looks really fresh.

            The combination of ceiling windows with the usual - the highlight of this attic.

            Review the garage-workshop with attic, see the following video.

            Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.