How and from what material is it better to make the floor in the garage with your own hands?

Each car owner is happy to have his own garage and is ready to spend almost all his free time in it, turning over his iron horse. In order for such a pastime to be as comfortable as possible and bring only pleasure, it is also necessary to trim the garage from the inside with due care, carefulness and practicality, creating the same atmosphere and atmosphere as in the living room.
In the garages must be ensured proper level of cleanliness and dryness. In addition, one should not forget that flammable liquid and similar substances often become contaminated, which does not soothe at all, since such stains are difficult to remove and can damage surfaces.
The most vulnerable surface in this regard is the floor covering. The floor of the garage must be durable, withstand placed on it and falling on it objects, tools and spare parts. Even after exposure to large severity, it must maintain its integrity.
It is possible to provide all of the above, using suitable materials, as well as understanding what positive and negative features different options have. Manufacturers in the market provide buyers with a large selection of materials and coatings with different service life and different cost. In this regard, to make such a decision is a rather serious step. We will understand how to make the right choice and by what criteria should be judged about it.
Criterias of choice
A good finish should be seen and felt throughout the entire room - walls, roof and floors. The last problem is especially problematic, since it is the floor that is constantly mechanically affected with great force.For example, severe consequences can be left by the wheels of a car, heavy objects, or even ordinary shoes. But this is not a complete list.
Due to the fact that cars are often repaired, washed or painted, chemicals can also get on the floor. Due to this effect, floor coverings can easily be damaged. Therefore, it is really important to make a good floor in the garage for car owners; therefore, the choice of material and type of coating requires a particularly careful approach. This will ensure a long life of the floor.
Choosing suitable and most necessary materials, you should pay attention to a number of criteria. The floor must be distinguished by the characteristics of durability, strength, high quality and so on. When such criteria are taken into account, their cost is often not taken into account. Also, when choosing the type and material of the floors in the garage, it is important to understand whether a viewing pit will be equipped in the garage, as this determines the particular installation of the floor. In this regard, this or that covering will be chosen. In addition, it will be important to take into account the climatic conditions and structural features of the room.
To choose the right coverage, take into account several criteria. It is important, what will be the soil under the room. Its features may require the creation of additional conditions for installation and care of the flooring. Take into account the climatic conditions - it is necessary to take into account humidity, precipitation and temperature.
It is important to take into account the anticipated load - mechanical shocks and exposure to chemicals (including oil, fuel and acids) should not be detrimental to the floor covering and should not destroy it.
The floor in the garage should be guaranteed ease of maintenance., that is, the material should characterize the properties of resistance to moisture and ease of cleaning. Moreover, the garage floor must be lined with non-combustible or slightly combustible material to ensure safety in the garage. Be guided by the choice of the ratio of the presentable appearance and cost. Usually cheap material looks simpler, and expensive - more refined and luxurious.
Thus, the choice of a suitable material in the garage for a car should satisfy all needs,faithfully serve a long time and help with saving money. To achieve this result, you can use modern materials or more traditional methods.
But traditional, as a rule, earthen and sandy floors, there are a number of negative points. For example, during the arrangement and operation of such a floor there will be a lot of dirt, which will certainly affect the internal cleanliness of the car and can pollute the living space. More dirt is formed if the climate is characterized by high humidity and abundance of precipitation. Therefore, the ground floor in the garage - not the best option.
By traditional designs can also be attributed to a strong wooden floor. It should be noted that it is also characterized, rather, from a negative side than from a positive one. The prices for material for wooden floors are quite high, they are usually compared with the price for a self-leveling floor. At the same time, the tree does not differ in wear resistance, which is typical for a self-leveling coating. But for the tree the most characteristic property is flammability. Therefore, the wooden floor can rightly be considered the worst option for the garage.
The use of combustible mixtures can be disastrous if they fall on the floor, as a fire may occur, and this will entail substantial damage to property and jeopardize the life and health of the car owner and his family.
For more modern designs include coating of concrete, as well as other moisture-resistant materials. It should be noted that such a floor in different situations and under different conditions may behave differently. Care for concrete floors is not difficult, maintaining perfect cleanliness will not be difficult for the owner. Therefore, in such a room would be comfortable to spend time.
But the concrete does not have an aesthetic appearance and not all stains can be wiped off. For example, fuel. It is much easier to remove such contamination from ceramic tiles. The same can be said about acids - ceramics are more resistant to them, like polymer coating. Concrete floor, most likely, will begin to collapse, covered with cracks and will turn into crumb.
Thus, there are many criteria for choosing a coverage. To better understand this, we recommend exploring the installation of different types of flooring for the garage of different materials.
Installation of structures
As a rule, it is necessary to install coatings of any type after equipping the base for such a coating. The material for the latter is usually concrete. So before installation, you should always install special ties, which will be a preparatory stage. As a rule, the requirements for the grade of concrete for such screeds are the normalized level - from 200. The base layer should be from 15 centimeters.
At the same time, such a base should be reinforced with a special grill 50 to 50. And under the screed you need to install a special pillow of sand and gravel, as well as make grooves for water to flow. Consider separately the features and installation of each type of flooring for the garage.
The simplest version of the earthen flooring is installed as follows - you need to align and tamp the area under the floor. As a rule, on this installation of the floor in the garage ends. In this case, the garage will be threatened by moisture and low temperatures. To increase the resistance of the floor to such effects, you can cover the earth floor with a solution of clay. Such a manipulation will make the flooring in the garage more durable and frost-resistant.
If you intend to make garage floors inexpensively, then there are several options for how to increase its moisture resistance without special expenses. From above it is necessary to remove a layer of soil with a depth of 15-60 centimeters, more precisely, it is determined depending on the soil. Next, for a more thorough tamping and get a flat floor, water it with liquid.
If the groundwater is high, then additional protection against water is required. For this purpose, several layers of clay mortar are applied on the soil, while before applying the next layer, you need to wait for the previous one to dry.
And when moisture spreads to the walls of the garage, clay should not be used. Replace this layer can be sand and red baked brick or slag. It is also possible to use a layer of gravel, and on top of it - paving slabs. The downside of this layer is that it does not protect against moisture, but it will significantly warm the floor. To reduce the amount of moisture in the garage can also be using ventilation, which is located in the corners of the room. Ventilation can be forced or exhaust.
As already mentioned, the dirt floor is quite cold. However, it can be insulated with, for example, old linoleum. It is recommended to overlap the individual layers on each other. Linoleum coating is rather slippery, but you can compensate for this drawback with the help of a plank made of wood under linoleum. On these boards and you will need to drive a car. Instead of boards, slip can also be compensated by an old vinyl advertising banner or plywood.
This floor is the most popular among car owners, because it has a long service life, does not need frequent repairs and also has affordable prices.
So, the positive aspects will be complete immunity to high humidity, ease of care - you can just water it with the help of hoses. Another plus is resistance to any mechanical loads. It is impossible not to mention as an affordable price among the advantages. By choosing this flooring option, a garage owner can save a lot.
When installing concrete floors, you will need fittings, sand, gravel and cement. It is necessary to do a floor of concrete, since a soil layer.This layer must be removed, the depth will be at the same time 30 centimeters. At the bottom of the resulting pit is crushed gravel thickness of about 10 centimeters. This layer requires a good level, saturate with moisture. Also, rubble must be thoroughly tamped. On the layer of rubble pour screed, which is represented by a mixture of sand and cement, and the first component should prevail in quantity over the second.
The classic options include flooring garage of ceramic tiles. Installation of such a floor covering requires a particularly careful approach - we can not allow empty spaces under the tile. To this end, under the comb tile is fixed with glue, which is designed specifically for street work. Apply glue need only a thin layer. Installation of ceramic flooring carried out of porcelain. Such material is distinguished by resistance to low temperature, including frost, as well as non-erasability.
At the same time, the cost of tiles and stones is high, that is, it is practically the most expensive material, requiring significant financial investments.And the installation of such a coating is labor-intensive, which is also not an advantage of this option. The complexity is justified by the fact that the base under the tile should be as flat as possible. In addition, a primer is required. For proper installation will require a building level. We should not forget that the tiles must be laid, keeping the gaps between individual parts.
Responsible approach also requires the choice of the tile itself. The options on the construction market are represented by an infinite number. The best of them - porcelain. This option is also suitable for a garage without heating, since the material is resistant to frost.
However, in terms of appearance, this option is one of the most chic. Despite this, not every car owner agrees to spend on this time, effort and money.
For all its characteristics, such a flooring is ideal for garages, however, the cost of a polymeric floor is certainly high. In the modern period, such floors are optimally installed in a large garage or in a car wash. The composition of a polymer floor covering is represented by a number of different substances, and when it begins to harden, a monolithic floor characterized by plasticity and moisture resistance forms.
A number of mixtures contains special additives with additives., due to which the polymer flooring is resistant to chemical attack. At one time, such technology flooring was considered a revolution in the construction industry. But now this method of installing the flooring has already been tested for more than one decade. The beginning of the application of technology can be attributed to the period of the Soviet Union. It was used mainly to cover the floor of the production workshop and factories.
The indisputable advantages of polymer floors include simple installation, ergonomics, resistance to damage. A minus polymer coating will be only the high cost.
It should be noted that self-leveling floors for the garage are considered the best option. This option appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular among consumers. This state of affairs is associated with a set of positive characteristics that car owners and owners of garages usually take into account.
First, this characteristic is wear resistance. This makes the flooring as resistant to shock, high humidity and low temperature (including frost).Choosing the best floor option in the garage, it is worth remembering that self-leveling floors do not have an unpleasant odor, do not form dust, do not require painting, varnish and other substances. Self-leveling floors will serve their owner for a long time, maintaining an aesthetic appearance and a high level of plasticity for the entire period of operation.
But can be found in self-leveling floors and disadvantages. So, the price of self-leveling flooring is really high. But this disadvantage is fully compensated by a long service life, besides a minimum of time and money costs will require care for such a floor. Therefore, a number of car owners prefer to spend money immediately to save them later. The service life will be about fifty years.
The basis for the self-leveling floor should be a concrete screed. To cover this layer on top you will need a primer and a special polymer mixture. Make this mixture of resin and hardening agents. It is necessary to mix substances in full compliance with the instruction in the necessary proportions. Equipping in the garage of the self-leveling floor, remember the observance of the temperature regime - in the garage should be more than ten degrees Celsius.It takes two weeks to dry completely.
I would like to name the advantage of a bulk floor and universality in terms of design. The modern approach allows even pictures to be used in 3D format.
Other popular options
One option is a rubber coating, which is usually presented in the form of tiles. This coating does not distinguish durability, but it is a budget option with maximum ease of installation and simplicity in use.
The next popular flooring option in the garage is paving slabs. Each of the layers during installation requires careful tamping. This may require a rammer, which can be rented or purchased at a fairly reasonable price. This option will give the best result. It should be noted that it is necessary to subject tamping every 5 cm of the floor. Whether the floor is rammed enough will be judged by one sign - if you can walk on the floor and not leave a single trace.
To lay paving slabs it is necessary, using a number of consecutive actions. First, a layer of sand five centimeters thick is laid on the earth's surface.On top of the sand pour a layer of 10 cm gravel of the middle fraction. The next layer is sand again, the thickness should be about 10 cm. Then follows a layer of cement suitable for paving slabs. Instead of cement, you can use pure sand. The thickness of the layer should be five centimeters. Then you can deal with the finish.
We should not forget that the layers laid with sand and gravel should have waterproofing material in several layers between them. Waterproofing can be made of roofing material, a dense film of polyethylene. A good and reliable option would be the use of geotextiles. To connect the waterproofing material to obtain a uniform layer should be using scotch tape or soldering by overlapping the layers on each other. And the joints need to be waterproofed additionally with mastic.
The thickness of the layer should be five centimeters. Dirt can accumulate in the gaps, for this they should be filled with sand and cement mixed with each other in a ratio of 3: 1. The excess mixture must be removed. This mound should be sprayed with liquid and allowed to dry. It is worth remembering that if the mixture falls on the coating, then it must be removed immediately, otherwise the appearance will be deteriorated.Also, do not forget that you do not need to use the hose, the maximum is a spray gun. This is due to the fact that due to the strong jet a mixture of sand and cement can be washed out of the cracks.
Wooden flooring is also quite a popular option. The service life of the floor of the tree will be about twenty years. To extend the life of the tree can be treated with a special composition.
In order to independently lay out the wooden floor, you need to adhere to certain stages of construction. First you need to remove the top layer of soil. After that you should use a rammer to properly tamp the layers. At the same time it is desirable to moisturize each layer. Next you need to lay waterproofing.
The quality of this material is best suited for the use of rolled roofing material, films, geotextiles or special membranes for waterproofing. The next layer is better to apply sand or gravel, the thickness of the layer is ten centimeters. This layer also needs to be tamped with utmost care. Then you can start laying wooden lags.
Their sizes, as a rule, are 50 or 40 millimeters.Each element requires treatment with antiseptic, ground mixture, also suitable resin or flame retardant impregnation. This is done to reduce the flammability of wood. It is good to supplement the canvas with railway sleepers, since their treatment with the help of factory impregnations helps to ensure their resistance to moisture and fungus.
Each wooden lag is installed in a special recess. You need to install exactly with the floor, for this you can use the level. It can also be leveled with wooden wedges, for which bitumen mastic is used. For fixing lags in relation to the walls using anchors or gypsum. It is simple and does not require much time.
It is worth remembering that at the entrance of the car wheels should fall on the lags. Therefore, they need to be located at a distance of a meter-half from each other. In this case, if the distance between them is reduced, then the floor will be much more sustainable. Focusing on the logs, the floors need to sheathe boards. Optimal use of 40 or 50 boards. They should be fastened from each other at a distance of about five millimeters. This is due to the fact that the boards can expand or shrink under the influence of moisture and temperature.
The advantages of wood will be environmental friendliness, the ability to retain heat, as well as aesthetics, resistance to chemicals. This floor can be painted or varnished. The service life of the tree can be extended by regularly replacing the boards. In the garage it is quite possible to create a modular cover with your own hands. The garage floor can be relocated without any special knowledge. It is also not difficult to lay a polyurethane and epoxy floor or install metal flooring.
Heating and insulation
Whatever the floor covering, it is better to warm the floor or equip it with heating. Everyone will feel more comfortable if he has a warm floor under his feet. In addition, warm floors - a pledge of dryness in the room. This will protect the floor from moisture and low temperatures.
For insulation, extruded polystyrene foam is recommended. In this case, such a heater will allow you to get a double effect - to waterproof and at the same time warm the room. For optimal results, the expanded polystyrene is laid in a layer of 5 cm minimum. The next option, which will also combine the two necessary effects of insulation and insulation from moisture is represented by granulated foam glass.
The cheapest option would be insulation in the form of broken bricks, expanded clay or glass. But to isolate such a layer of insulation from moisture will not work. Therefore, this option is not the best, although it is quite attractive.
It must be remembered that it is impossible to place insulation in the entire free space between the layers. It is necessary to leave air vents about 5 cm in size. The air flow will create an additional waterproofing effect. Heated floor is very popular today.
Useful recommendations
Experience shows that a high level of moisture in a garage may be due to the fact that there is groundwater near the floor surface. They add moisture to the room as they leak through the flooring. Because of this, areas with high humidity and even small pools can form on the floor. In this regard, it is better to ensure the outflow of water through ditches.
This will also help against precipitation, melting snow and liquids falling on the floor during car washing or repair. Protection from all of the above will provide good waterproofing.If we talk about concrete pavement, we should not forget that dust will appear in the room from this material. It is possible to reduce its quantity due to special impregnations or paints.
You can arrange the correct floor only by checking each of the pillows using a level. Suitable level water-based or laser. Laser levels are quite expensive, so it's easier to rent such a device. That is, the evenness of the layer can be determined without using pegs and markings.
The service life of any of the options for flooring can significantly increase due to the proper care and maintenance of a positive temperature in the garage. Low temperatures make the floor surface crack. Because of this, the floor begins to collapse. It is also possible to increase the service life by reducing the effects of moisture and chemicals - for example, do not wash a car inside a garage in winter.
And if you can not do without it, then you will need to dry the coating afterwards. If you keep the garage dry, temperature changes will not be so bad. To make the floor quality and last longer, choose the options that have been tested by time.To do this, it is not always necessary to obey fashion trends, as with the wrong decision you will have to spend extra time and money on laying new floors.
Pay attention to alignment. If the cement floor is not quite smooth, it will shorten its service life, as the height differences will contribute to the accumulation of moisture.
Reinforcement will help to strengthen the coating and slightly raise it above the ground. It should be remembered that the floor will need to be thoroughly dried after pouring, and only then taken to the covering, if it is supposed. Cover the floor of cement or concrete can be using linoleum or wood. The device of such a floor was described above. You can also finish it with ceramic granite, which will significantly improve the characteristics of the coating and extend its service life.
In this video you will find a master class from professionals in pouring the self-leveling floor in the garage.