Collapsible metal garage: features and benefits

A metal garage assembled from corrugated board or metal sheets with a thickness of two millimeters is the simplest and most reliable design, which is very popular among car enthusiasts. There are several good reasons for this. First of all, it is economic feasibility, as well as reliability and ease of assembly.
Such factors have a decisive influence on the choice: collapsible metal garages can be found both in the Far North and in southern latitudes.
Types of garages
There are main types of garages:
- Frame Models - They are based on a wooden or metal frame.Frame car garages, as a rule, sheathe professional sheet. This option is good because it does not require a powerful foundation, it is very easy to install, weighs a little.
- Sandwich Panel Garages. The metal or wooden frame is sheathed with special panels. This option is a composite structure, the main building block of which is a sandwich panel, in which there is a layer of insulation, sheathed with professional sheets or durable plastic. Panel garages keep warm well, they are easy to install.
In prefabricated garages do not necessarily do any expensive finishing work, from an economic point of view, they are not very appropriate.
The foundation for such structures can be:
- tape;
- piled;
- in the form of reinforced concrete slabs.
Tent garages also have some advantages, for example, they are very easy to install.
It is enough to make a simple frame, digging and concreting 4 pillars, and stretch the awning. Perform such work under the power of one person. Such models are perfect for temporary parking, for example, in the country.
Pros and cons of collapsible models
Fast metal garage today is very popular, it has the following advantages:
- Easy installation. Equally quickly, you can build a factory kit garage, and the design made by yourself.
- Assembly speed. To create an object is enough two working days.
- Versatility. Metal garages can be operated in any climatic zones.
- If desired, you can finish the garage with any material. and insulate.
- Affordable price. In terms of cost, this kind of design is the most democratic.
- Metal garages have excellent resistance and resistance to adverse environmental effects.
The garage can be used as a repair shop and at the same time serve as a vehicle storage facility. It can also be used as a storage room..
The main disadvantage of collapsible structures is that in the cold season, the temperature in the garage will be almost the same as on the street.
Gates in such structures can be:
- lifting;
- sliding;
- swing.
The easiest way to make swing gatesbut they have some drawbacks. They require at least 3 square meters. meters of space in front of the garage. In the winter season, after heavy snowfall, such a gate will have to be “dug out” willy-nilly.
Sheathing the garage from the inside can be a variety of materials.
It may be:
- drywall;
- wooden or plastic lining;
- plywood;
- metallic profile.
Before proceeding with the installation of a metal garage, be sure to make a plan. It is very important to calculate in advance all the main dimensions, then it will become clear how much material is required.
A collapsible garage is most often 3.5 m wide and 5.5 m long. The foundation for the structure must be 15 centimeters above ground prevent water from entering the room during precipitation.
The foundation is poured immediately, it will greatly increase the strength of the floor. Before making a concrete slab, it is recommended to pour gravelthus creating a “cushion”, which will be a slight elevation above the ground level. This will protect the room from moisture ingress in rainy weather and in spring, when the snow melts.
To install a concrete screed, you will need:
- cement grade at least M 200;
- metal rods 6-8 mm for reinforcement;
- sand and rubble.
With no less efficiency, you can install the pile foundation, which can withstand heavy loads. Pile foundation is much cheaper, in terms of strength, it will not yield to the concrete structure.
The main material costs will fall on the acquisition of material for the frame.
If the frame of the garage is metal, you need to buy:
- corners;
- pipes;
- galvanized profiles.
If the frame is wooden, you will need to purchase:
- timber;
- boards;
- plywood
Most often for the construction of the pipe is used, which are easy to bend, while maintaining strength. For work with such material it is possible to apply both welding, and threaded connections. It is best of all to design the iron garage project on the basis of a modular model, when the frames of all walls are made separately, and after that all the elements are assembled into one whole and installed on the prepared area.
To install the frame products from metal will need:
- metal pipes, their parameters must match the size of the future construction;
- welding equipment or corners - the choice depends on the fastening profile;
- Bulgarian with cutting discs or drill with drills;
- fasteners;
- perforator;
- water level;
- decking.
Elements of concrete goods can also be used, they withstand heavy loads, but they are much more expensive. When installing a concrete product on the concrete between the metal and the coupler should always put a waterproofing layer. Metal profiles are necessarily primed with primerthen painted.
The best option is to use an alkyd primer., it is relatively inexpensive and effectively protects the metal from corrosion.
To design turned out the most stable and reliable, fixing all the details should be given special attention. Each node performs its function, carries a certain load. When installing, be sure to consider all the nuances.
When installing the frame, the vertical posts are fastened with shaped corners both in the lower part and in the upper part. Often frame welded, but it is also permissible to use special fasteners.
The roof can be both gable and shed. In a metal folding design often use a gable roof.
After installation of the frame, the structure is sheathed with metal sheets that are fastened by welding or screwed to the base with self-tapping screws. Despite the fact that all elements are securely fastened, the garage can be disassembled at any time. if necessary, and transport to another site.
Assembly recommendations
In order to prevent even minimal errors in the installation of the structure, it is recommended to take into account the advice of experienced professionals and follow the procedure:
- When installing a collapsible metal garage does not need to do a powerful expensive foundation.
- The frame of the metal garage includes corners and channels, galvanized profiles. The assembly of the structure begins from the floor, perpendicular racks are formed, which are interconnected by horizontal corners. When the "box" will be assembled, you should begin to install the roof truss profiles.
- During the construction of the garage is constantly used two-meter construction level.
- Self-tapping screws or galvanized bolts that are not exposed to moisture are used to fasten the assemblies.
- When creating a drawing of a future structure, it should be borne in mind: the roof should have a slope of at least 20 degrees so that water does not accumulate on its surface.
- When finishing the frame with sheet metal, the elements are mounted from bottom to top and from right to left. The sheet is fixed to the base of the screws.
- To insulate the garage is best foam. With its help, a monolithic structure of insulation is created. Foam is sold in the form of slabs of 1x1 m in thickness of 3 and 5 centimeters. The material is inexpensive and very effective, the fastening is carried out using foam and galvanized anchors.
- In order to have comfortable conditions inside the garage, it is necessary to take care of ventilation, which will effectively remove condensate and carbon dioxide. The most popular is exhaust ventilation. If you plan to warm up the vehicle in the garage, then you can make a hole in the wall and bring out a rubber hose through it, the second end is fixed to the exhaust pipe of the car.
- Shelves and racks necessarily attached to the vertical and horizontal rails.They weigh a lot, so in order to avoid deformation of the garage body, it is better to attach them to the supporting structures.
- When using paint, metal sheets must always be primed with a suitable primer.
- All sheets are rigidly attached to the supporting structures of the frame, between the bolts and the metal must be rubber gaskets.
- In the case of installation of automatic vertical gates, this factor should be taken into account in advance, even at the planning stage of the structure.
- The side wall of the garage is made of two fragments, which are bolted to each other, thus forming a strong rib.
- To make the roof more durable, pile trusses are used, which are distributed along the length with an interval of 50-80 cm. Then the roof can withstand even a significant layer of snow.
- Peaks should be provided, which should protrude to not less than 30 cm, thus another element of protection against precipitation will be formed.
- When using swing gates, all details should be customized as much as possible so that the gaps are minimal.
- Swing gates from the inside are additionally locked with pins at both the top and bottom, this effectively increases the level of protection.
Terms of installation of the garage in each case are individual and depend on various factors. If all the preparatory work is carried out correctly, then the installation of the frame takes two to three days.
The assembled metal garage is a compact and robust design. With proper insulation, in such a room, you can fully work even in the winter season. Such an object reliably protects the vehicle from the negative effects of the environment.
The size of the building can be varied:
- 6 x 3 m;
- 8 x 5 m;
- 4 x 5 m, etc.
To assemble a metal garage you do not need to be a big specialist, you just need to know how to use the tool. The advantage of such facilities is that metal garage can be done for two or even three cars.
Examples assembled
- The optimal slope of the roof (at least 20 degrees) and small roofs reliably protect the garage from the weather.
- Metal garage with lifting gates lined with painted professional sheet.
- The most economical version of the garage with swing gates.
How to build a metal garage you will learn from the following video.