Two-story garage: design and layout ideas

A two-story garage is the dream of any motorist. This is not only a parking space, but also a place to spend time with friends. Therefore, often the owners of the garage build a second floor to accommodate a guest room, a winter garden, or other purposes.
Special features
A two-level garage is very convenient. It does not take up much space, so you can plant flowers or figure sculptures next to it. The construction of this type is performed in the same style, so the yard with him looks neat and well maintained.It is also beneficial that a two-story garage can be built in two stages. First, you can equip the first floor, and then, after the appearance of funds, you can finish the second one.
A room of this type performs two functions at once. First, it covers the car. Secondly, it is a cozy place for gathering with friends or for the realization of their creative ambitions.
The disadvantage of this design is only one - the creation of a garage with two floors will cost much more than the construction of a one-story room.
Construction of a two-level garage can be divided into several stages: obtaining a permit, preparing a plan and drawings, choosing a location, conducting communications and ensuring security.
Preparation of documentation
First, it is necessary to obtain permission to build a private garage in higher instances. Then you can start creating a project. The owners of garages often make the drawings themselves, but still it is better to contact the experts. They will take into account all the features and disadvantages of the territory to create the perfect construction.
The design of the project has many advantages. You will know what the room looks like, which will allow you to decide on the sequence of works. It will be possible to understand how much and what materials you need to purchase, as well as take stock of their presence.
When changing the owner of the project will help to quickly arrange the building.
Choice of location
Before the start of construction it is worth finding out everything about the territory where the building will stand. The garage, as a rule, either goes through the gate directly to the street, or is located in the courtyard. Both this and the other options have certain advantages.
It is better to put a garage near the road. This will allow to use the machine in any weather, it will be enough just to open the gate. But if this is not possible, then you need to think about approaching it.
Communication and Security
When drafting a two-story garage, first of all, you need to decide how the room will be used. It can be a regular garage with parking for cars downstairs and a warehouse for storing automotive parts and tools on the second floor. In this case, it will be enough just to strengthen the supporting structures. If indoors it is planned to create a luxurious room with furniture and other heavy objects, it will be necessary to strengthen both the foundation and the walls.
However, experts do not recommend using the second floor of a garage building as a living room. The smell of gasoline or diesel fuel, as well as other types of chemical fumes can adversely affect human health. Another important point - the heating system. If the garage is not heated, the heating costs of the second floor will be very high. Living space requires some other amenities. For this you need to make plumbing and sewage.
Also, if there is a need for a living room, it is important to think about the security of the room. Arrangement of ventilation will ensure the absence of unpleasant odors in the attic. It is also worth treating wooden structures with antiseptics and take care of the fire safety of the room. The walls can be covered with special panels that provide noise insulation. So the sound of the engine will not interfere with those who are on the second floor.
Materials for construction
The next stage of construction - the choice of materials. For the construction of the garage will suit both brick and wood. You can use cinder blocks or foam concrete. However, before you make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each material.
Aerated concrete blocks
This is the fastest and most economical way.The material is easily constructed using special glue.
Interior decoration is either ceramic tiles or plaster.
This is not the best choice for building a garage, because wood is a highly inflammable material, which, moreover, is very susceptible to moisture. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of mold, it is necessary to treat the surface with anti-corrosion agents.
However, this material has some advantages. For example, if you decide to build a garage out of a bar, this will enable you to make a room with excellent thermal insulation, save a family budget, and also do all the work with your own hands.
It is the most durable and reliable material in construction. He is not afraid of moisture and fire. In addition, the brick building perfectly fit into the design of any site.
Use of available space
After selecting the material, you can proceed to the planning of the first and second floors. It is also important to determine where the staircase will be (inside or outside).
Ground floor
The foundation of any design is the foundation,therefore, when building a two-story garage, this issue should be approached thoroughly. Often for this choose a monolithic slab of concrete, which is placed on a sand pillow.
Gate from the rounded bar will look beautiful and natural. At a height of two and a half meters formwork, and then pour a layer of concrete. After waiting a few days, until the concrete hardens, you can make the overlap, as well as a layer of waterproofing.
Second floor
The next stage - the construction of the walls of the second floor, which are laid out at the desired height. After creating the basics make openings for windows, as well as put a ladder. Lay rafters, behind them boards which are blocked by roofing material or other material.
The final touch is the roof of the roof. For this you can use both metal tile and pofnastil. All necessary communications are connected to the finished premises and they are engaged in finishing the second floor. To do this, you need to carefully consider what will be there.
There are many accommodation options in the mansander room. You can make a large warehouse for tools and unnecessary furniture. You can also organize a workshop or a rest room there.
In the workshop, you can install racks for tools, put a workbench, organize a working platform. Then you can work in peace without fear of disturbing your loved ones. Also, if the apartment is small, you can organize in the attic a room for practicing those hobbies that you like. It can be a sculpture, wood carving or something else.
Recently, the design of the attic of a garage for living room has been very popular. It is enough to put a sofa and a table, to equip a small room where you can sit with the guests. You can also organize a greenhouse. With this use of the upper floor, it is imperative to provide a ventilation and insulation system.
Access to the garage should be comfortable and durable. There are many materials for laying driveways. This pavement, and concrete, and gravel.
Today, the most common option is a gravel path. This is the easiest to pack material that does not require extra costs. The only caveat - the need to ensure that the gravel does not fall into the yard and the garage. This material looks great in combination with flowerbeds located on both sides of the track. This allows you to create a cozy atmosphere in the style of Provence.
However, this material has disadvantages. Such paths are inconvenient to clean in the winter, in dry weather they accumulate a lot of dust, and the surface of the access area can be covered with weeds.
Concrete blocks are another high-quality and durable material for creating access roads. They have the longest service life, are not afraid of exposure to weather conditions, and are also easily maintained clean. A talented hostess can plant bushes or flowers around the paths. It will serve as an excellent decor.
DIY decor
A two-level garage is very convenient. It does not take up much space, so you can plant flowers or figure sculptures next to it. The construction of this type is performed in the same style, so the yard with him looks neat and well maintained. It is also beneficial that a two-story garage can be built in two stages. First, you can equip the first floor, and then, after the appearance of funds, you can finish the second one.
To decorate a two-level garage with your own hands is a great pleasure for the owner. The decor in such a room should perform not only aesthetic, but also practical function.
On the ground floor for your convenience, you can dig a viewing pit. It is used by motorists to repair the car at home or replace any parts.
You can also arrange a place to store tools and various necessary details. You can drive nails into the wall, hang shelves, or even install homemade racks. The decor of the profile pipe, treated wood or other relevant materials would also not be superfluous if you do not use it in too large quantities.
To learn how to build a garage with a residential attic, you can learn from the following video.