How to make a "stove" for the garage?
For most car enthusiasts, the garage is a favorite place for leisure activities. This is not just a place where you can fix the car, but also just spend your free time in good company.
Working in the garage in the winter is extremely inconvenient, and just being in it is rather uncomfortable because of the low temperature. Therefore, many owners install self-made stoves, which warm up the room very well, in such rooms.
Advantages and disadvantages of the "stove"
Such furnaces have several advantages:
- With the help of the stove, you can not only warm the room, but also cook food on it.
- The main plus of the stove is the heating rate of the garage. After kindling, it takes only half an hour to warm up the entire garage, while brick ovens will take several hours.
- The heat in the garage is evenly distributed, regardless of where in the room the stove is located.
- When the furnace is kindled, absolutely any combustible materials can be used (firewood, coal, waste, lube oil, etc.), which makes the stove-stove a rather economical heating option, unlike electric heaters.
- It is possible to make such an oven with your own hands from the materials at hand, without making much effort and time.
- Simple and uncomplicated device.
- The cost of this is several times less than installing a fireplace or a stone stove.
Disadvantages potbelly:
- When placing the stove in the garage, you need to think about the lead chimney system.
- Sometimes you have to clean the chimney.
- To maintain heat, you must have a certain supply of materials for heating.
- The metal furnace-stove is not able to keep the heat in the room for a long time, as the metal tends to cool quickly.
The device of the furnace-potbelly stove is extremely simple. For such a furnace does not require the construction of the foundation, there is no great difficulty with the arrangement of the chimney system. The standard stove system consists of the stove itself, which is an iron box with an opening door, and a pipe that is displayed on the street.
To increase the efficiency of the furnace, it is worth increasing the area of the heat-conducting surface. For this purpose it is best to make a heat exchanger.
This design is located in the place of the greatest heat and will help to significantly increase the efficiency of the stove.
Slightly less popular are the stoves with a water circuit, which include radiator batteries in their device.
And most of the owners of garages is very popular stove, made with the use of wheels.
Making your own hands
There are many different variations of stoves in the garage, which can be quite simply constructed on their own from the available materials.
The most massive and famous model of the stove is a stove made of metal barrels. This is an extremely simple design, which is a barrel with legs and a door. Such a furnace is quite well suited for waste disposal. The main advantage of such a furnace is its simple fabrication. But such a stove has several drawbacks.
The walls of the barrel are thin, and it is unlikely to be able to last for a long time, since the walls can quickly burn out. Also the disadvantage is the bulkiness of this design, which will take a lot of space in the room.
You can make a furnace from a metal can.There is even less work here, since the can already has a door that can be used without changes.
Another popular option for the manufacture of stoves is the gas cylinder. Such cylinders have a fairly good level of heat capacity and thick walls that allow the furnace to last for a long time. It must be remembered that the gas cylinder must be prepared in accordance with the rules of fire safety before proceeding to the manufacture of potbelly stoves. It is extremely important to remember that in such a cylinder there may be a residue of explosive vapors.
For fire safety purposes, it is strongly recommended to fill this tank with water and leave it overnight.
When performing this furnace with your own hands from a cylinder, it is necessary to weld a system of pressure to it at the bottom, and to drill several holes in the cylinder itself, which are connected to this system.
Let us consider in more detail the stages of manufacturing a furnace from a gas cylinder.
When using the stove in the garage, it is extremely important to follow the rules of fire safety. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right place to install the furnace.To put the oven, a garage corner is very well suited, which is located near the walls opposite to the gate of the room.
- First stage. It is best to do a preliminary drawing and calculating the size of the future product. But such a furnace is quite simple to manufacture, you can do without it. Next is to make markup on the product. Using a felt-tip pen, the contours of the future doors, blower and combustion system are applied to the body of the cylinder. The compartment with the firebox will be located approximately in the center of the structure, and the blower will be placed at the bottom. The distance between them should not exceed 100 mm. Next, a solid line is drawn along the center between the doors with a marker, and then the balloon should be cut along the intended line using a grinder.
- Second phase. It is necessary to take iron rods in diameter of about 14-16 mm. Then weld the grid out of them and fix the resulting structure to the bottom of the container by welding. And after that the balloon is again welded into one design.
- The third stage. It is necessary to cut the holes for the combustion chamber and the holes with pressurization and then the doors are fastened with hinges on them.
- Fourth stage. At the final stage, it is worthwhile to work hard on the installation of the chimney, since this is a very important part of the stove device. For these purposes, using the grinder, you need to cut off the valve on the cylinder, welding in its place a long pipe of metal with a diameter of 9-10 cm. The chimney itself should be brought out of the garage through a hole in the wall or on the roof. You should not connect the chimney with the general exhaust of the room, because its thrust may not be enough, ventilation will not cope, and carbon monoxide will penetrate into the garage.
And this is all quite simple instructions for making a stove with its own forces from an ordinary gas cylinder.
Also at the end of this work, an additional heat-resistant composition can be applied to the oven.
What to drown?
It is not always possible to have a constant reserve of firewood in the garage in order to heat the stove. Sometimes it is extremely uncomfortable. But working out is available in almost every owner of the garage, and to find it is not difficult.
The design of the stoves-burzhuek and their device are presented in very diverse options. - from compact stoves, which are used in small rooms, to volumetric and heavy systems with a high level of heat transfer, which can heat up large rooms.
However, the mechanism of action and the basic elements of the device for most furnaces are similar. They are usually built from two compartments. The lower compartment is designed to pour waste oil into it. After that, there is carried out its surface ignition and bring to a boiling state. Next, the oil vapor enters the pipe, which has a perforation to provide it with oxygen. And then the process of ignition of oil vapors takes place, and the full process of their oxidation and combustion is already carried out in the upper compartment, which has a connection with the flue exhaust system.
The scheme for the stove, which works according to this scheme, is simple. It can be made independently.
Among the tools for making a furnace with your own hands can be useful:
- welding;
- Bulgarian;
- chisel;
- sledgehammer;
- tape measure, felt-tip pen;
- hammer;
- perforator.
After all the tools have been selected, it is necessary to proceed with the selection of material for the future furnace. First of all, you need to find two pieces from the iron pipe for the body of the lower and upper sections. Often it is the diameter of 352 mm and 344 mm, but it is worth considering that these sizes simply do not exist.Therefore, it is worth slightly adjusting the indicators, using a trim pipe in 355.6 × 6 mm or 325 × 6 mm.
Work can begin with the design of the lower compartment. To do this, trim a 355 mm pipe with a height of 115 mm. It should be carefully cut around the circumference.
Each seam in the stove device must be completely sealed.
How to install?
Experts with experience recommend placing the stove stove approximately in the corners of the room, and bring the flue pipe to the other side. By applying this arrangement, it is possible to achieve maximum heat transfer from the furnace. So that the heat does not go away with the smoke, the pipe should be stretched at an angle of 30 degrees. You should also try to avoid straight pipe sections located horizontally.
To accommodate the stove in the garage, a stove requires a system of ventilation and good exhaust.
Never put the stove close to the car. The stove must be at a distance of 1.5 or even 2 meters from it. Also, any flammable items and compositions must be moved from the stove to the approximate similar distance.
From the sides and in the front of the furnace should be installed walls of bricks.This not only provides protection against inadvertent touches to the hot structure, but also provides for the accumulation of heat that the furnace gives, which allows a rather significant increase in the efficiency of the stove.
If the walls of the garage are made of wood, then between them and the stove itself there should be about 100 cm of free distance. The wooden walls themselves should be covered with asbestos sheets, bricked up or protected with any other fire-resistant materials.
It is extremely important to place a sheet of iron up to two cm thick or pour a concrete screed into the base of the stove, which will help to avoid the spread of fire in the event that sparks, coals and so on fall out of the stove.
The potbelly stove should be used only in areas where good ventilation is ensured. The main factor of fire is oxygen. Therefore, fresh air must flow into the garage in good volumes, otherwise the fire just does not flare up, and the heat from such a furnace will be at a minimum. Sometimes it is enough for this purpose to leave a not very wide gap between the garage door and the ground. If there is no such gap, then it is necessary either to independently make it, or to make an intake ventilation system.
In no case can not leave flammable materials near the stove.
If there are wood, gasoline and oil tanks next to a burning stove, their burning can lead to extremely negative consequences.
Useful recommendations
The main drawback of the furnace-stove is its rapid cooling. But this disadvantage is quite easy to fix with a brick screen that needs to be installed on three sides of the heater. Such a screen accumulates heat and the garage will remain warm even when the stove stops burning.
It is recommended to place a brick screen at a distance of five to seven cm from the walls of the stove. In no case can not install it close to the furnace. You also need to provide holes in the screen for ventilation.
The weight of the furnace with a screen of bricks is quite large compared to conventional furnaces burzhuykami. In this case, it is advisable to take for her a small concrete foundation.
Filling individual foundations yourself is not so difficult.
Perform this type of work is recommended in the following steps:
- To begin with, it is worth digging a groove, the depth of which will be approximately 50 cm. All other dimensions will depend on the dimensions of the stove and the brick screen.
- Then you should fill the bottom of the depression with sand (for this you need about 3 to 4 buckets), and then the surface must be carefully tamped. Then the sand is covered with a layer of gravel and also compacted. Layer should be about 10-15 cm.
- The resulting surface should be leveled as much as possible, and then pour the cement solution mixed in advance. The flooded surface is left for a day to allow the solution to harden (for reliability, you can leave it for a couple of days, which will allow the foundation to solidify completely).
- After hardening the mixture is to cover the foundation with several layers of roofing material.
After these actions, you can proceed to laying out a brick screen. It is worth remembering that the first two rows of bricks need to lay out a solid laying directly on the layer of roofing material. In the 3-4 row of bricks, you can already make holes for ventilation. After that, re-lay the bricks solid masonry.
Many masters advise installing a brick screen without overlapping. This will help improve heat transfer.
Tips for proper cleaning of the stove
The great advantage of such a furnace is the fact that its design allows you to clean it not so often. Nevertheless, it is periodically necessary to do this so that no soot residues accumulate in the chimney, and nothing would interfere with the free passage of smoke through the chimney. If the stove smokes, it is urgent to begin cleaning the pipe. For such purposes, a special pipe brush is best. By the way, it can be made independently. Just need to attach a cylindrical brush to the end of the rope. Best suited brush with plastic or iron bristles. The main thing is to choose a brush of the correct size so that it can easily enter the narrow chimney pipe and not get stuck in it.
The cleaning of the pipe itself is carried out in the following steps:
- Before cleaning, the hole leading to the furnace should be closed and additionally covered with a cloth.
- To begin with it is necessary to make several translational movements by the brush.
- Then you need to get all the garbage that will fall to the sump.
- Such work should be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the pipe.
The stove-stove, which is made by hand, perfectly helps to give heat to the garage in the winter time. And its independent production is very economical and does not require much effort.
How to make a "stove" with your own hands, see the next video.