How to sew baby bedding?

The birth of a child is an exciting and reverent event for all family members. The newborn baby needs love, increased attention and care. The purchase of baby clothes, cribs, strollers, bedding and toys begins long before the birth of the baby, which parents choose only high-quality goods from well-known manufacturers. On the shelves of specialized children's stores you can see a huge range of products in this group.
The high price of basic necessities surprises not only young parents, but also families that already have children. To reduce material costs by using self-made children's clothes and bed linen.
If mothers who can sew and knit can make things for a child, then even the parents with minimal knowledge in the field of needlework can sew bedding for the crumbs.
What material to choose?
Independent production of baby bedding will provide an opportunity not only to choose the material, color and style you need, but also to make bright decorative applications.
The right choice of fabric is the key to a comfortable baby’s sleep. Experts do not recommend choosing artificial materials. Bed linen, which includes cotton, is the best option for newborns. Among the main advantages of natural material are the following:
- practicality;
- lack of allergic components;
- delicate texture;
- comfortable sleep.
The most popular sets of satin, poplin, calico, phlox, bamboo.
Most manufacturers prefer coarse calico. Calico has a smooth surface and loose structure, which contributes to the smooth movement of air and moisture. These indicators are important for newborns.
- high density;
- resistance to friction;
- ease of care;
- the absence of electric charges on the surface;
- long preservation of a form and color scale;
- no shrinkage;
- affordable price range;
- possibility to use at any time of the year.
Disadvantages: rolling pile, dull colors.
Poplin is a modern analogue of coarse calico, the sales of which are increasing annually. This material has the following positive parameters:
- flexibility;
- opacity;
- ease;
- airiness.
Among the shortcomings of the material can be noted that it rolls down strongly.
Gentle and soft cotton linen is undesirable to lay in the crib, due to the low resistance to mechanical damage and rapid burnout pattern.
Advantages: reasonable price, large color range, no wrinkles after washing.
Disadvantages: poor twisting of threads, thinness, washing only in delicate mode with low temperature.
Sateen - dense material with a smooth surface. It is good in care, but has a serious drawback - the high price range.
Bamboo products not only have high hygroscopicity andmoisture permeability, but also have high strength, absorb odor, have antimicrobial and anti-tick-borne properties.
Nevertheless, the price of such material will not be small at all.
For the manufacture of winter bedding, experts recommend to pay attention to the flannel. Among the main advantages of the fabric should be the following:
- use only natural dyes;
- long period of operation;
- resistance to mechanical friction;
- preservation of the delicate texture after repeated washing;
- heat preservation;
- fleece
- long drying period;
- a large percentage of shrinkage.
The less common types of fabric are: satin, satin-luxe, polyester, ranfors, super-cotton.
Before purchasing the necessary material, it is necessary to look at the quality certificates in which the manufacturer indicates the safety level of the paint used, the density of the threads and their quality. Information about the duration and mode of washing is also necessary. The percentage of shrinkage of the material after washing is reflected in the quantity of goods purchased.
Professional seamstresses recommend choosing material for several sets., the colors of which would have common tones, and the products would be harmoniously combined with each other. Such a trick will help young parents not to change the laundry completely, but to clean only soiled items, and change them into parts of another set.
The color scheme of baby bedding is a very important indicator that will affect the sleep of the child. It is impossible to choose a material with large and bright patterns that will not only frighten the newborn, but will also look dim and untidy after a large number of washes.
Shades of linen should be calm, warm, and non-aggressive. Professional psychologists recommend giving preference to blue, pink and beige colors.
How to calculate the amount of material?
In order for the stitched kit to not have to be redone, it is necessary to take measurements correctly or use standard sizes and make all the necessary calculations.
Standard sizes of a children's bed set:
- pillowcase: height - 40 cm, length - 60 cm;
- sheet: width - 110 cm, length - 140 cm;
- duvet cover: length - 140 cm, width - 100 cm.
Before buying a fabric, it is necessary to measure the pillow and mattress, the dimensions of which may differ significantly from the standard.
For the manufacture of one standard set you need to buy at least four meters of material, and for non-standard mattresses and pillows, fabric consumption is much more. At least 15 cm should be added to this length for shrinking for each product, and for each edge, add another 1.5 cm for the seam.
Before you begin the process of cutting out all parts of bed linen, you must perform the preparatory work, which consists of washing, drying and ironing all the material. These works will lead to shrinkage of the whole material, and eliminate the deformation of finished products.
For rational use of the fabric, it is necessary to correctly place all the elements of the product on the canvas. Experienced seamstresses and specialized literature will suggest the rules for the simultaneous arrangement of all parts of the bedding set.
These rules will help reduce the amount of waste and waste material.
With the help of a ruler and chalk it is necessary to draw all the necessary lines, the size of which should correspond to the measurements taken. Instead of chalk, you can use small and thin remnants of toilet soap.
Lateral placement of parts of the kit will reduce the number of scraps. For a harmonious arrangement of the patterns, it is necessary to choose a fabric with a scattered pattern or image near the edge.
How to sew?
Making your own bed linen may seem like a time consuming process, but This type of work has a number of undeniable advantages:
- production of a set of the necessary size;
- independent choice of design and colors;
- rational use of the family budget.
Before the start of self-tailoring bed linen should take care of the acquisition of the necessary tools and accessories:
- centimeter;
- rulers;
- sewing needles;
- cutting scissors;
- dry chalk or remnant;
- threads of the required color range;
- sewing machines;
- ironing board and iron.
After cutting all the details, you can proceed to sewing the kit. Professional seamstresses perform these works in any sequence, and for beginners it is better to begin sewing with a sheet.
Master class from experts in needlework, and step-by-step instructions on how to perform work will greatly simplify the work of novice housewives.
Making pillow cushions is not a difficult step in the production of bed linen. To perform it, you need to fold the product so that the front side is inside. Stitch all edges, and on the one hand leave an unexploited space about 20 cm long to form a valve. Turn out the finished product and fill the valve inside. The corners of the finished pillowcase gently straighten and straighten.
Before you put a pillow in a new pillow on the crib to the child, you must carefully study the recommendations of medical professionals who strictly forbid the use of this object in the crib. Only a child who has reached the age of two can sleep on a pillow.
Duvet Cover
Pattern blanket must necessarily fit the size of the blanket. The workpiece must be folded to the wrong side, and stitch all sides, and cut over sweeping. On one side, about 40 cm for a blanket should be left unexplored. Turn out the finished product and carefully straighten all corners.
This product is the easiest to manufacture. Before starting work, you need to decide how it will be. There are three types of sheets:
- simple;
- on an elastic band;
- on elastic band.
For the manufacture of a simple rectangular product, it is enough to simply hem all sides, twisting them two times 0.5 cm or sweep over the cut, and only then hem the edges, twisting them once. Beginners should first grind the tucked edges, and then lay the machine seam. Threads need to choose a contrasting color and make neat stitches so that they do not leave marks after removal.
If the sheet was cut out on the standard scheme, then the two sides already have a treated border, and do not need to be re-binder. In the case of coarse factory processing, these sides must be re-hemmed.
Making a product with an elastic band is a longer and time-consuming process that requires a certain amount of experience.
Mothers with several children recommend this type of sheet, which will prevent the product from crushing in the crib, and reduce the number of replacements.
The amount of fabric for a sheet with an elastic band must be taken more than usual. When determining the size of the product, it is necessary to take into account the fit of the mattress, seam allowances and the drawstring for the elastic band.The standard size of the product is 150 by 110 cm. The corners of the sheet must be sewn so that the product fits the mattress tightly. Sew the edges, taking into account the placement of the elastic, and evenly distribute it over the entire prepared edge.
A simpler and more convenient option for sheets on an elastic band is a product with an elastic band.
Independent production of baby bedding is a creative process. Parents want not only to make high-quality bedding, but also to decorate them. Before choosing decorative elements it is necessary to take into account the age of the child.
It is strictly forbidden to use to decorate lightning, rhinestones, buttons, velcro and other objects that could harm the newborn. Frills, ruffles, decorative ribbons and a multi-colored border can be used to decorate bed linen.
A stitched and decorated product must be washed with baby soap or powder, dried and ironed with a hot iron. Additional testing of all parts of the kit for the presence of needles and pins is a must. You can use iron magnets to search for lost needles.
In the case of the purchase of finished goods, you must ask the seller for a certificate of quality for this product group, which should be GOST 31307-2005. The purchase of poor quality bed linen can adversely affect the health of the newborn baby.
See the next video for a master class for sewing sheets on an elastic band.