Features and criteria for the selection of satin baby bedding

For the growth and development of the child, a full sleep plays an important role. In order for the toddler to sleep in a comfortable environment, you need to take a responsible approach to purchasing items for sleeping. To the fabrics that are used in the tailoring of baby bedding, serious demands are being made. But the presence of matter is so huge that sometimes it baffles even experienced parents.

Laundry selection criteria

At first, even before the purchase of baby bedding, it makes sense to think carefully about the quality characteristics it should have.

The main characteristics that baby clothes should have are the following.

  1. Safety is perhaps the main criterion. Fabrics that are in close proximity to the baby should not contain any toxic and toxic compounds that can cause various allergic reactions and other diseases.
  2. Underwear should absorb moisture well. In a dream, the child is sweating or there may be some other unpleasant phenomenon characteristic of his age. Therefore, it is necessary that the fabric absorbs all the liquid, and the baby is comfortable.
  3. The fabric should pass air well and have good heat transfer. This is necessary so that the skin of the child breathes. And it would be nice if during the hot period the material cooled significantly, and in the cool one, on the contrary, gave up its warmth and warmed the baby.
  4. It is not desirable that the fabric for children's sets was with the addition of synthetics. Well, if she will have color fastness. Usually, the sleeping clothes for babies have juicy shades, so you need to be sure that the colors will not be on the skin of the baby on the first night of use.
  5. It would be nice if the clothes are durable and wear-resistant.

Since the baby’s bedding in the laundry is found more often than the parent’s laundry, you need a very durable material that would withstand frequent washing and not lose its qualities. At the same time, there is a need for matter, which is not wrinkled much, because the folds will cause inconvenience in the crumbs, and imprinting on its thin skin will cause various negative processes.Pretty good when the elements that make up the bed set, it is easy to wash, dry and iron.

The aesthetics of bed linen also plays an important role, as children love to study patterns on linen, so the drawings should attract attention, but at the same time not be very fancy.

After analyzing all the above factors, we can conclude that the more good materials for children's linen sets are fabrics that contain cotton and linen. After all, they include all the necessary qualities in order to make the baby's sleep undisturbed.

These fabrics include satin - a matter that has a beautiful appearance and silk composition, which makes it look like satin. Due to the fact that the fibers of this fabric are interlaced in a special way, it is very resistant to wear.

It is known that satin can withstand up to 300 washes, while coarse calico, for example, up to 180.

Satin is attractive not only because of its external qualities, but also because it absorbs moisture well and does not wrinkle. A negative feature is considered to be a rather high price, but it quickly pays off.

Another type of matter for baby bedding is considered mako-satin., for the production of which high-quality cotton is used, which does not contain any extraneous inclusions.The fabric is highly durable and has a glossy front and matt seamy side.

When choosing bed linen, you need to take into account the dimensions of the components of the set. For a child is perfect 1.5-bedroom set. It includes a sheet, duvet cover and two pillowcases.

Tips on choosing bed linen

Now, having decided on the matter, you need not miscalculate with the colors, sizes and the number of component parts. For this you can use useful tips.

  1. Choosing the colors of the kit for a newly born or one year old child, it is good to stop your attention on inconspicuous shades and colors. It does not need a large picture, but small images of fairy-tale animals or toys are well suited. Very flashy drawings will not let the toddler sleep well. For older children, you can purchase a linen set with the characters of children's cartoons.
  2. When buying bed linen for children, you need to constantly think about its reliability. The edges of all items included in the kit should be well processed, and the kit itself should not have extra seams in place.Here, special attention should be paid to the duvet cover, or rather, how it is sewn. In that case, if he has a window into which the blanket is being tucked in, then the baby may accidentally climb there and get confused.
  3. Usually, children up to the age of one year old sleep without a pillow, so many pillowcases are not necessary here. The same is with the duvet covers, because they do not get dirty so often, but the bed sheet needs more. The best solution may be to purchase a pair of whole sets and a few more separate sheets.
  4. It is necessary to accurately select the size of the bedding in the crib, it is necessary that it be suitable in relation to the mattress, blanket and pillow. Otherwise, the bed will begin to stray in lumps and wrinkled into folds, which causes undesirable reactions on the skin of children. The sheet should not hang down almost to the floor, because for a child it is dangerous because he gets confused in it and can fall and hit. The edges need to be tucked under the mattress, and the best option here would be to purchase sheets with elastic.
  5. Lacy bedding sets and with convex parts are undesirable for children, so that there are no marks on the skin of the child.

It should be borne in mind that children's sets, in addition to pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers, contain more soft sides that protect the crumbs from strikes on the body of the bed. It is necessary to pick up such sides so that they are from an environmentally safe material.

An alternative to the purchase of children's sets can be hand-made linen. First you need to pick up matter. Fabrics of restrained colors are suitable, so that it contributes to calmer calming down and soon falling asleep. At a time when the child becomes older, he will be able to participate in the selection of fabric for his bed. He will surely like the images of the characters of his favorite cartoons.

        Usually most of the material is sold in rolls with a width of 2 meters 20 centimeters. And therefore it will be easy to determine the consumption of fabric. It is enough to take any piece of bedding and attach width to the width of the fabric. When cutting any matter folds in half, so in order to sew a kit, such a roll will be enough. But it must be remembered that although the kit, sewn with your own hands, will be unique, but it requires a lot of time and effort.

        During the arrangement of the bed, you need to remember that you need to organize it so that the child is provided with the necessary sleep. The bed should be soft, the blanket light, and the linen of attractive colors and absolutely safe for the child. Then the little thing does not hurt to see only sweet dreams.

        How to sew bed linen for the child with your own hands, you will learn, psomotrev the following video.

        Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.