Towel sizes: standard parameters and purpose

Towel is not only a beautiful accessory that can decorate any interior, but also an extremely useful and necessary thing. It creates a certain comfort in the bathroom, supports the overall style and allows you to feel the real warmth and tenderness after taking a bath or shower. For many, the choice of high-quality and convenient towels is a real problem, since the products offered by the modern market for textile products are not always of good quality and convenient parameters. To find a beautiful, and most importantly, a comfortable set of towels for the body, face and hands, you must carefully examine the issue.


There are many options for the composition of towels, and it will depend on the quality of the purchased product.Experts consider organic cotton as the best material for towels, because it surpasses competitors in many ways. They are the most expensive, but at the same time really high quality.

  • Pay attention to terry cotton products, the country of production is Egypt or Pakistan. In these countries, the climate is temperate all year round; long-staple cotton grows, from which elegant towels are obtained. They are suitable for daily use and frequent washings, because they have in their composition long and strong threads. Such variants strike with special softness and long service life, which fully justifies rather high cost in comparison with Chinese and Turkish counterparts.
  • Often silk threads are added to the composition, but such products in most cases are not of good quality. In addition, a silky towel absorbs moisture poorly, so it is not suitable for bath options and can be used maximum for hands or face.
  • Bamboo towels are very popular lately. Manufacturers claim that they are hypoallergenic, easily absorb moisture, are soft and have a long service life. Moreover, in such products does not start the fungus.When compared with the same linen towels, this is a serious advantage. In fact, bamboo fiber is an artificially made material, but the production process is such that it contains at least “chemistry”, and its structure is rather porous, which allows it to cope well with moisture.
  • Jacquard attracts external qualities, but in terms of convenience is not as good as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary with special attention to look closely at this type of material to find a really good option.
  • For sports and hiking there are special towels made from hypoallergenic microfiber. They are compact, dry quickly and absorb moisture well. At a cost they are quite affordable.
  • Linen towels are mainly used in the kitchen. They are distinguished by their natural composition and environmental friendliness, but using such towels for hands and face is difficult: the flax structure makes the towels a little prickly, and when wiping, they give the effect of peeling or massage.


Close attention should be paid to density. It is indicated on the label, and it allows you to understand how much moisture the towel absorbs before getting wet.Duration of use also depends on density, therefore hand towels should have indicators from 450–600 g / m 2, 700 g / m 2 will have a product for legs. If there is no label for such information, then you should ask the seller.

Absorbability and quality seriously depend on the length of the pile. For home use, choose towels with a nap length of 3.5 mm, and products with a smaller nap are suitable for use on the beach. Products with a long nap quickly get wet, and this will quickly fail. The ideal pile length is 5 mm. A product with a pile of more than 8 mm after the first wash will get an untidy look.

To independently check the quality, you need to pull the thread a little. Loss of threads speaks of poor weaving, and the purchase of such a product should be abandoned. The seams should be flat and stitched with two threads, while the stitch thickness should not be more than 6 mm.

According to the statistics and indicators of manufacturers, the usual use of a towel when it remains in fair condition is three or four years. However, following all the instructions for washing and ironing the product, you can significantly extend this time, especially if the original high-quality towel was chosen correctly.

Dimension table

    Each towel has its own purpose: there are several types of products, different in size. You can choose standard sizes of towels for women and men, for example, 140x70, 100x150 or 180x90 cm. The standard is not always suitable for certain needs. There are towels for the face, hands, feet and body, often use a separate towel for intimate hygiene.

    • Guest Towels the smallest, their parameters are 30x30 and 35x35 cm. If we talk about cotton products for the face, it is better to stop at 50x85 and 50x90 cm. Towels of this size perform their functions well, and do not take up much space on any hook in the bathroom .
    • Options for a bath starting from 90 to 160 and 100 to 150 cm, while it may well be more: 80 to 180 cm, and here when choosing, it is worth starting from personal preferences. A large area allows you to quickly dry off and do it comfortably if the towel is soft and pleasant to the touch. Medium variants are considered 70x140 cm, they are compact and quite convenient for use after taking a shower.
    • For kitchen It is recommended to choose products with parameters 50x70 cm, using them for hands and for other needs.And also in this category can be attributed products with sizes 30x30, 30x40, 30x50 cm, since they are convenient for use in the bathroom for hands and in the kitchen.

    You will learn more about the sizes of towels suitable for a particular room in the video below.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

    Entrance hall

    Living room
