How to make a bear from a towel?

Various towel figurines can serve not only to decorate a banquet table or interior, but also to become an excellent and original gift, and a bear made with it out of it can be a pleasant memory for a loved one or loved one. In addition, it is unlikely to have to spend much on it.
How to make a bear out of a towel and how to decorate it - in this article.
What is needed?
Only at first glance it seems that for a bear cub from a towel, only one thing is needed - the towel itself, but this is not so.
- Need a ribbon or ribbon. You can choose any of them to your taste. They should be at least 1 meter long, and reach a width of 2.5-3 cm in width. The color is selected depending on the color of the towel.It is best to take a contrast, but combined with the color of the towel.
- Scissors.
- Gum. It is best to buy stationery for this “master class”. They are invisible and at the same time durable.
- Double-sided tape or glue.
- Any decorations of your choice - buttons, doll eyes, a bear's nose, eyebrow stickers.
- Finally, the towel itself. The ratio of the parameters of the sides of the towel should be 2: 3. A small towel 40 x 60 cm is best, but you can choose another with similar parameters. The color of the towel can be any. It can be multicolored with polka dots, the color of a pleasant cappuccino, white, blue and pink.
Below is a step by step instruction how quick and easy to make a bear out of a regular towel.
- We put a towel on a flat surface, it can be a table and a bed.
- Visually divide the towel into three parts and fold one part along the length so that its edge is in the middle of the product.
- Now turn the towel over so that the wrapped part is on the right. We begin to twist the towel to the middle, temporarily fix it with a heavy object.
- We do the same with the other part of the towel - we twist it into a tube and its. We fix in this position (you can manually).
- Next, you need to turn out the free edges and twist. At this stage it is important to roll the product carefully so as not to spoil the bear’s folded “legs”.
- The middle area is being straightened.
- Clearly immediately visible top - the head of a bear. Fix it with a rubber band.
- After on the "head" you need to fold the towel in the form of two ears. We fix them with an elastic band, as well as the made head.
- In order to make the gum inconspicuous, tie a ribbon or a band around the neck of the bear. Preliminarily, the ends must be processed with a cigarette lighter so that the tape does not break up.
- Decorate the product to your taste.
- Bear is ready.
How to decorate?
First, of course, you have to glue your eyes. They can be made from large decorative buttons, and you can just cut out of paper. Another original option is to buy artificial eyes at a sewing store just for such handicrafts. Paper eyes can be glued to the glue of weak fixation (so that it can be easily removed afterwards), on a double-sided tape.
An artificial nose can also be purchased at a sewing store or replaced with a small black button.
The bear’s mouth, strangely enough, can be neglected. For a teddy bear from a towel it is not so important detail, unlike eyes. In extreme cases, it can be made from two light stitches with thread.
In addition, the original design is welcome. It can be both clothes for a bear, and various headdresses. For the “bear-boy” you can sew a small bow tie, and for the “bear-girl” a hat or a felt veil.
Small knitted scarves look great on such bears.
By the way, such a toy from a towel can be presented with a hygienic agent in a gift box. The set will look neat and beautiful.
The gift does not oblige both parties to anything, but only gives pleasure.
Crafts of this kind are perfect for beginners in this business, since the process is step by step, step by step, quickly and simply carried out. To do this, you do not need to have special skills and it is possible to make a bear in one evening. One of the most obvious advantages of such a craft is the low price, availability of materials.Making it yourself is easy.
Visual workshop awaits you in the next video.