Unis "Horizon" self-leveling floor: pros and cons
The floor in the house can be any, but self-leveling is the best option. This type is a finishing coating without seams. Its other name is liquid linoleum.
One of the most popular samples is the horizon self-leveling floor from the Unis trademark. He, like any other product, has its own advantages and disadvantages. But everything should be discussed in order.
Special features
Unis products include a full set of materials for home comfort:
- waterproofing composition;
- elements that can be leveled and primed coating;
- plaster, putty;
- grouting and glue for tiles.
The following ingredients are a part of a bulk floor "Horizon":
- fractional sand;
- mineral components;
- polymers;
- additives to improve floor reliability.
Sex "Horizon" is presented in several forms:
- Self-leveling floor "Horizon" - used to cover the installation of decorative elements or finishing cover. It is most often used in the “Warm Home” system and is available in packages of 20 kg each.
- Horizon 2 - it is applied as the finishing covering layer. It can also be used before installing parquet, tile or decorative laminate. Available in packs of 25 kg.
- "Horizon Universal" - provides an ideal surface that can be used under the bulk coating. Available in packages of 20 and 25 kg.
- Horizon Ultra - eliminates drops from 5 to 60 mm, it is recommended for the subsequent laying of floor coverings. It is used for the systems "Floating Floor" and "Warm Floor". Effective in heated rooms with medium or high humidity, such as kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. You can purchase packages of 20 or 23 kg.
"Horizon", being a product of domestic producers, is in no way inferior to foreign models for a variety of indicators:
- It is worth noting the aesthetic component of the Unis floor: it creates a perfectly flat surface with a soft, pleasant sheen.One of the strengths of Horizon is that this floor is self-leveling. The most optimal surface for it is dense gypsum, cement with sand or concrete. The chances of surface shrinkage are minimal. "Horizon" eliminates bends, cracks and gouges on the surface screed.
Not the last role played by the needle spatula, which is best aligned with a unique solution. It is recommended to dilute the mixture with the maximum recommended amount of water so that the floor spreads better.
- Durability is another major feature of Unis products. This floor is wear resistant. Upon purchase the guarantee for 15 years of service is given.
- Paul Unis quick-hardening, and, therefore, it does not require much time for installation. It dries in 2-3 hours, after which the owner can walk around the room without risk. But to lay out the finishing material, you will need to wait about half a day. Optimum strength is ensured by consumption, which amounts to 13 kg of mixture per square meter of surface. It is desirable that the layer for work was not more than 10 mm thick.
- This floor has good quality screed. An important caveat: a floor screed more effectively retains heat, if you apply a damper tape. In addition, it also protects the coupler from vibrations and other physical influences.For a room with standard dimensions, you will need a tape 10 meters long. Otherwise the floor will be covered with cracks in less than six months. Install this building material you need before pouring.
- "Universal Horizon" is environmentally friendly and safe for health, it can be installed in schools, kindergartens and clinics.
- "Horizon universal" can be laid not only indoors, but also in open space. Moreover, the self-leveling floor is adapted to any place, regardless of the level of humidity and frost.
If the owner of the house is interested in interior decoration, it is recommended to use the “Horizon Eco-Floor”. But it will be most effective in a room with the presence of heating and low humidity. This material is used as a finishing touch in the decorative coating. It is great for tiles and floorboards. It consists of natural gypsum.
- Saving money also characterizes Horizon Eco-Pol, since this mixture requires very little consumption.
With all the above advantages, Unis products are not without drawbacks, so they need to pay no less attention:
- High quality products require great skill and professionalism in use.
- Before laying the self-leveling floor the owner of the house is obliged to carefully check the base. If various greasy stains or dust appear on it, the mixture will not adhere to the coating.
- The slope of the working surface should be minimal, not more than 4 mm. Otherwise, the mixture will not be able to spread evenly.
- Since Horizon is a sensitive material, air conditioners or heating devices should not work during installation in the room.
- The instructions for use indicate that for 25 kg of the mixture will require no more than 5.5 liters of water. However, in this situation, the mixture may turn out to be too thick. It can fill holes with a diameter of 100-200 mm and a depth of 2-5 mm. But in wider and deeper pits the mixture is evened out by half, because it only repeats the relief. The optimal water consumption is from 6 to 6.3 liters, but not more.
- As the floor dries quickly, the host needs an assistant. Otherwise, he may not have time to level the floor, especially in a large room.
- "Horizon" can be used even on the not dried floor, but not on too wet.Excessively liquid mixture can not provide the floor with the desired flatness and reliability. The working surface must be at least slightly dried.
- Some Unis buyers note the high cost of brand products. However, the previously mentioned advantages of the product are more than able to recoup the cash costs.
Instructions for use
To avoid overlaps, the owner of the house must strictly follow the plan of action during the work on creating a new floor:
- First you need to carefully prepare the surface. It is necessary to dismantle the plinth, remove the old paint, glue, varnish. To do this, use a spatula, a metal brush or a grinding machine.
- It is required to check that the moisture content of the tree is no more than 10% and only then to grind open cracks with emery paper.
- It is necessary to clean up the garbage with an industrial vacuum cleaner and clean the floor with a degreasing mixture.
- It is necessary to fill the cracks with a special resinous mixture.
- Prepare a concrete mix for screed. The moisture content of the concrete base should not exceed 4%, the compressive strength of the coating should not be less than 20 MPa, and 1.5 MPa for tearing.
- The concrete screed is leveled with a putty based on the binder component.
- Then the surface is primed with a brush or roller. Each layer is applied after the previous one is completely dry.
- A day after the primer, you can prepare the material for pouring: the mixture in the tank is diluted with water and mixed with an electric drill several times with a break of 1-2 minutes; the mixture should not have lumps or bubbles.
- It is recommended to start laying the self-leveling floor away from the entrance. It is necessary to fill in structure constantly to avoid high-altitude differences. And it is necessary to pour stripes parallel to the wall on the screed. It is advisable to use a needle roller to eliminate air bubbles.
- The next portion of the mixture is put in the same way. The intervals between the laying should not exceed 10 minutes.
- At the end of the pouring, it is recommended to cover the floor with a film or foil to protect it from dust. This will contribute to uniform hardening of the mixture.
The temperature in the room should not be less than 15 and not more than 25 degrees. The maximum permissible humidity is 80%.
Reviews and cost
Unis floor has a good reputation among buyers and has high ratings. Despite some nuances, many consumers do not even notice the shortcomings of the product.This is not surprising: the use of “Horizon” in rooms with high humidity, the transience of the repair process, high-quality texture and relatively reasonable price do their job. The price of one 25-kilogram bag "Horizon" is about 200 rubles.
One bag of 25 kg "Horizon 2" will cost customers around 400 rubles. For some users, this price may seem too high. But the costs are worth it, as this product provides a high-quality final coating with a smooth surface. In addition, the use of self-leveling floor will significantly save time and money on the use of similar tools to impart a surface finish.
Before you start work, you must carefully prepare the foundation. To this end, it is recommended to purchase specially designed for this purpose mixes from the brand Unis. They will be able to prepare the basis for further work on the decorative design of the floor.
For information on pouring the Unis Horizon universal floor, see the next video.