Plastic cellar: a good storage solution

Plastic basements are a place to store tools or equipment, cans, fruits and vegetables. Most people install it under the base of the house as additional space. Country houses are hard to imagine without such a building.
Special features
The plastic cellar is called a caisson, which has hermetic and waterproofing properties. The design is installed underground near the residential premises. If we compare the plastic cellar and the traditional structure, then the majority of residents of private houses will prefer the new “box”. Knowing the design features, you can make the right choice.The classic cellar will require a lot of calculations and a large amount of time to choose materials, and later on its construction. Once in 5 years it is necessary to repair the cellar areas, which also requires investments, and the building material is not cheap.
With a plastic cellar less hassle, you only need to choose a suitable product model that meets the parameters and needs of the owners. The second step is to install the structure, and this is the final step. The installation process of the caisson consists of only two steps: providing a stable foundation and fixing the subject. This approach saves time and money. After the operation, you can not remember the cellar, just replenish it with stocks.
In addition to food, you can store equipment, hoses, work clothes. They will be intact, as there are no pests. The service life when properly used is about 50 years, it all depends on the environment and minor care for it with detergents and towels. It is pleasant to be in such a cellar: clean and there are no unpleasant odors. Especially this option will appeal to those who are afraid of spiders, rats, mice.There is no thought of leaving the basement faster. Designs are not terrible rotting, if you follow the blanks or vegetables, immediately remove the spoiled product, because the bacteria tend to multiply quickly, and the fetid smell disappears slowly.
For structural strength, stiffeners are installed on the outside. Inside the cellar are already built shelves, lighting, stairs. Shelves are usually made of wood, they are located next to each other. For lighting inside the container, a small neat lamp is attached. The staircase is located at the entrance, which is a hatch or side vertical door.
The design of the floor and walls is made in pleasant colors. Imitation of wood, green velvet is usually used. There are options for light colors. The surface coating is durable; it is not necessary to update it with paints once a year. Smooth finish structure allows you to quickly get rid of dust. The main task for people who chose this option is to find a higher place so that the groundwater does not create unnecessary problems. If such a territory is not on the site, there are subtleties of installation,which consist in the correct filling of the basis with concrete.
The plastic cellar has the following features:
- affordability compared to “classic” basements;
- excellent storage room;
- non-corrosive material;
- placement of the box is carried out within one or two days;
- patented and certified product;
- suitable for all landscape profiles and all possible soils;
- the ability to manufacture dimensions to order;
- simple shipping;
- 100% waterproofing material.
Advantages and disadvantages
If it is necessary to create a reservoir for storing food at the dacha, but there is a shortage of free time and skills are not enough, then in this case the best solution would be to buy a polyethylene cellar.
This product has indisputable advantages.
- In order to place a plastic storage on your plot, it does not matter at all: what kind of soil, the presence of groundwater, how much the soil freezes through, and other reasons that impede the construction of the cellar with your own hands.
- Installation of the caisson is simple, it can be mounted either underground or under any structure, or in the open air.
- The material is resistant to adverse environmental influences, such as sudden changes in temperature, high humidity. And it will also be useful ventilation, which must be properly equipped for high-quality preservation of products.
- A very important factor for choosing such an invention is its feature not to absorb odors, reliability in protecting products from various rodents, insects, and mildew.
- Unlike cellars made of other materials, for example, concrete or metal, the plastic construction can be easily cleaned and cleaned, and with appropriate operation, the service life can reach up to fifty years.
But, despite the numerous advantages, there are also disadvantages.
- The main disadvantage is the high cost. If you choose materials easier and cheaper and build your own hands, you can save a decent amount, but thereby spend a lot of time, because of this, you have to choose between finances and time.
- Another disadvantage of such a cellar will be its standard dimensions. For example, if it is necessary to increase the amount of storage, then the opportunity is not presented.The exit will be the purchase of several cellars, which decently hit the pocket, rather than the construction of a large storage facility.
For many, such drawbacks are insignificant, so plastic cellars are actively gaining popularity.
Before you go to the store for the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of plastic cellar. The study of the main types will allow you to decide which product is suitable for housing. On assembly of the container allocate seamless (integral) and assembly (folding). The appearance of the tanks has a smooth surface. Manufacturers produce products in a cylindrical, round, rectangular shape. For the manufacture of structures used materials such as polypropylene and modern fiberglass.
A universal option is the finished seamless cellar. This model looks like a can with a lid. This structure is not afraid of underground inhabitants, fungi, weather conditions. If it rains, the fluid will not seep through the inlet. The cellar door is a sturdy hatch with strong locks. Holistic structures are installed in the basement, basement or under the garage.
An exquisite option is the option with a side vertical entrance. It is chosen by those for whom comfort is important, since the installation of a copy is possible next to the door of the house or to the basement of the house, where, in general, you do not need to go outside, which resembles a trip to the next room. To install the model will require more space than for a container with a hatch. Installation will take more time and effort, as you need to build stairs and a doorway on the surface of the earth. Such a structure may resemble a small barn.
Companies offer consumers a variety of designs. One type of container is more airtight, since the item is produced seamlessly, its cost will be higher. Budget models require assembly, which means that the time for the arrangement will take more. This form is produced from sheet polyethylene using the extrusion method of welding. The interior of the cellar, floor covering, ventilation, lighting, shelves, and stairs are usually included in any package.
Tip! Before buying, you should consider how the box will be fixed and measure the dimensions of the structure.The standard sizes are 1500x1900, 1900x2100, 2500x2100 mm.
How to install?
Owners of private houses or cottages in the purchase of a cellar in the future are faced with the problem of its installation. Beginners have almost no idea how to properly embed the structure under the ground. Lack of knowledge leads to the fact that groundwater pushes the container to the surface or there is a violation of tightness. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences of the future use of the product, it is necessary to understand the nuances of installation and take the work seriously. To install the box with your own hands, it is recommended to prescribe an action plan and a set of necessary tools on a piece of paper. Installation of plastic construction is easier compared to a conventional cellar. The work consists of four stages.
Preparation of the pit and base
It is necessary to measure the dimensions of the structure and outline the parameters at the chosen place. There are two ways to dig a hole: manually or with the help of construction equipment. If you work alone with a shovel, it will take several days. In addition, this method requires endurance. If you decide to dig a hole yourself, then you will need accessories for earthwork: shovels and ordinary shovels. For a quick solution to such a problem, an excavator or front loader will do.You should additionally take care of the availability of the truck crane, because without it you cannot cope with the laying of heavy slabs on the bottom of the excavation.
If the concrete mix is poured, then you need to find a machine - a mixer. The use of technology will save time and effort. Basically there are difficulties when it is necessary to dig out the pit of the desired size under any building. In order not to face a typical problem, a good option would be to choose a place under the cellar in advance, before the start of the dacha construction, or place it separately, without associating with future buildings. On the basis of the pit, it is imperative to lay a concrete tile or pour it with a ready-made mortar. If the groundwater is located close to the foundation, set the plates on the bottom of the excavated pit.
Isolation of the site from the ingress of groundwater
The composition of the caisson is made of plastic, so moisture will not affect the quality of the object. For a site located in the lower regions of the earth, more material will be needed for the foundation, since a lack of mass will lead to pushing the container upwards. To be sure of fixing the cellar,You need to install a slab of concrete on the floor covering inside the chamber. The severity of the material provides pressure on the floor, which holds the "box" in its place.
Additional insulation
Manufacturers guarantee that they do not need to warm the cellar. However, practice shows the opposite. Experienced owners of the caisson noticed that during the use of the product the support of a certain temperature is violated. This is due to the fact that the designs are in different regions, where the weather varies. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory it is warm, and in Siberia in the winter it is cold to -30 degrees. The method of insulation should be used if the temperature in the area changes due to the change of seasons.
Each cellar is equipped with a ventilation system. This is a set of pipes that extend slightly onto the surface of the container. The task is to support the microclimate in the cabin. Failure occurs if the owner wants to change any settings in the work. Experts do not recommend repairing the ventilation on their own, since such intervention may damage the system. If the structure is broken, you should contact the company where the product was purchased under warranty or call the master.
Owner reviews
Most of the owners speak of the use of the cellar positively. In preference from buyers of the brand of Russian production. The price of the "box" is quite high, and the people who installed this product claim that the cost fully corresponds to the quality and ease of use. The practice of users shows that ventilation is the main component in maintaining the balance of dryness and humidity. If there was a violation of the system, leakage and waterproofing is lost, there is an imbalance of constant temperature.
The next important point is the independent control of maintaining a stable temperature inside the caisson. Manufacturers claim that the system is automated, but this rule does not affect all goods, since containers are bought in Russian regions with different climatic conditions. Skilled masters recommend carrying out additional work - heat insulation. Buying a caisson is popular among residents who do not have a suitable place for storing foodstuffs and food in the area. In addition, if there is no time to engage in a long arrangement of storage, they choose a plastic cellar.There are pleasant impressions: the use does not cause trouble and there are no serious problems during installation.
The only point that users note is to responsibly carry out the process of pouring the foundation so that there is no “surprise” when the container floats to the surface. The majority of people can not imagine private property without a beautiful functional cellar, but still for some owners is a drawback - the dimensions of the structure. For non-standard planning of a dwelling or a plot, it is not always a structure that has a classic size can be installed in the right place. It is better to place models with a hatch in the open air under the roof, which will create additional comfort during bad weather. If there is a long torrential rain and food is required during the preparation of lunch or dinner, the roof will help you not to get wet and safely come down for the ingredients.
Before you buy a new storage facility, you should ask the opinion of your neighbors: do they use any cellars, do they face any difficulties, and also about the location of groundwater.
Also pay attention to the advice of experts.
- When choosing a cellar, you need to make sure that the construction material is ecological and will not harm the external environment and people. Ask the sales consultants of what kind of plastic is made "box". Typically, manufacturers indicate this information in the model description. The safe type of plastic is food grade. And also you should ask for a certificate for the selected product and find out the warranty on the product. You should spend more time checking in documents to avoid disastrous consequences.
- It is important to find out if the company has employees who install the cellar: deadline, delivery of cargo, digging of the pit, fixation of the object. Whether they do the job as a gift or need to pay for the installation service separately. And also to clarify whether the master can fix the product in case of breakage. A specialist company knows all the details of the device. A professional will do the job quickly and efficiently.
- Ventilation is built into the quality product. The structure of ventilation in containers is carried out according to standard technology. If vegetables and fruits are stored in a container, without preservation, most likely, additional ventilation will be required.Root crops emit moisture, and the classical air exchange system may not cope with the flow of moisture, and this will lead to food spoilage. Do not forget that self-intervention will damage the structure, so you need to call only a specialist for such work. In such cases, the master offers to install the hood to the main system.
- When choosing a product with a low cost in the store better alert. If such a proposal is in a specific model, you should ask the store staff about the history of the design, before you buy it.
- A good option would be additional insulation of the walls of the cellar. With this you can easily handle yourself. If in the region there are snow and cold, then warming is a prerequisite for preserving the harvest. The roof of the store should always have a layer of material to preserve heat. Insulators for this, there are many, but suitable simple foam.
- If the company does not provide the service of digging the pit under the container, then you should think about who will help in this process. Perhaps neighbors or friends have a technique like a tractor or an excavator.
Modern comfortable basement will not be able to leave anyone indifferent who wants to update their storage. Manufacturers offer two types of caisson, each of which is thought out to the smallest detail. The consumer can choose the shape of his cellar or make to order on an individual request, choosing design parameters and color solutions.
On how to mount a plastic cellar with your own hands, see the following video.