How to build a basement in the garage?

A basement in the garage is the best option for storing pickles and vegetables. Also in such a room you can equip a workshop or recreation room.
Special features
Many people want to build a basement in the garage, as this place is best suited for storing vegetables and fruits. You can also equip the basement with racks for conservation or install a bench machine, shelves for tools, turning the room into a convenient workshop. But the basement is suitable not only for economic purposes - it is possible to equip a recreation area in it, adding a bar or billiards to the interior.
During the construction of the basement room in the garage should be familiar with some of the features:
- You will need to think of high-quality insulation of the basement from moisture. Groundwater should not penetrate into the room, so you should take care to purchase waterproofing materials.
- In some cases, the waterproofing layer will not be enough, so you need to be prepared for the equipment of the drainage system.
- There must be ventilation in the basement. It allows you to maintain the required temperature and creates an optimal indoor climate. If the ventilation system is abandoned, a fungus with mold will appear during further operation of the cellar. Store in such conditions vegetables with preservation is not allowed.
- If the basement in the garage is planned to be used as a workshop or a rest room, you need to warm the walls with the ceiling and the floor. Such a solution eliminates dampness and prevents the fungus from appearing. Only fire resistant materials should be used as finishing.
To get rid of mold, you need not only to create the right climate, but also to disinfect the room. This will require compliance with the following steps:
- The basement must be freed from all pieces of furniture, cans of pickles.
- Walls should be cleaned with a metal brush.
- Racks and other furniture should be dried in the fresh air and treated with special preparations. The best results are shown by a sulfur checker. The room itself can be disinfected with quicklime.
- To prevent mold re-emergence, you need to create a high-quality waterproofing layer in the room, and also do preventive measures against fungi every year.
The basement in the garage has the following positive qualities:
- The facility can be an ideal place to store food. With it, you can unload free space in the garage. The microclimate of the basement is considered optimal for the preservation of conservation, vegetables and fruits during the entire winter season.
- With the help of special finishing materials in the basement, you can create a recreation area.
- Equipment for the basement does not require the allocation of additional space on the territory, since the room will be the zero level in the garage itself.
- The garage, equipped with a cellar, has a higher cost compared to buildings without a basement.
- The basement is safely protected by the garage from bad weather conditions and temperature extremes.
The disadvantages include:
- If you choose the wrong material for construction or waterproofing, the basement can become a place for mold and dampness. In the worst cases, this room can turn into a well with water accumulation.
- Basement in the garage can only be created manually. Therefore, you need the help of friends or additional costs for the services of specialists.
- If there is a high level of groundwater at the site, a large amount of materials will be needed to create a waterproofing layer, which indicates additional costs.
There are several basement equipment options in the garage. If we talk about the depth of the bookmark, the cellar can be semi-submerged (depth - up to 1.5 meters) or recessed (up to 3 meters). The latter option is different in that the indicators of humidity and temperature in it are always located at the same level, regardless of the season.Due to this quality in the room can be stored conservation without fear.
There is a scheme according to which many garages are equipped with a viewing pit. Some users place cellars under the pit.
The device of semi-buried cellars is considered a necessary measure. As a rule, this option is resorted to, if the soil does not allow to create a deeper recess or ground water is too close at a high freezing point without the possibility of high-quality waterproofing. In practice, there are sometimes ground variations of cellars, but such a structure cannot be created in a garage room.
Recessed cellars under the garage will be reliable if the fundamental part is located higher than 70 cm from any water source. In this case, you can even create a cellar, which will be more than the area of the garage. Experts advise to develop a project in advance, to make all the calculations.
It is best to build a basement at the same time with the construction of the garage. However, most people buy a room for their car, and not engaged in its construction from scratch.Therefore, the basements have to be constructed already under the finished structure.
Possible problems
When building a basement, many people may encounter some problems that need to be prepared in advance.
The first step is to get rid of the water that is present in the cellar. Excess moisture leads to the formation of fungus. Mold is considered a major problem during cellar operation. It is formed due to poor waterproofing layer, poor ventilation, which cause an increased level of humidity in the room. Also, the fungus can appear due to the long stay in the cellar of spoiled products, the use of contaminated wood.
Some basement owners are faced with the fact that the products in the room freeze. Therefore, special attention should be paid to thermal insulation measures. Warming allows not only to exclude freezing temperatures, but also maintains an optimal microclimate in the room.
However, with the help of simple warming it is impossible to lower the level of humidity. You will need to create high-quality ventilation, which will be responsible for monitoring the level of water vapor in the cellar.
If the basement in the garage is frozen, you will need to buy insulation materials.On sale there is a wide range of special raw materials with which you can conduct insulation. Insulation is required to maintain its geometric shape, to have high-quality insulating properties and resistance to moisture and earth.
Most often for insulation of basements they use claydite, fiberglass, expanded clay concrete, mineral wool, ceramic brick of red color, polystyrene foam and cellulose heaters.
How to build?
Construction of the basement in the garage consists of several stages. Each step is an important event, without which a quality construction of a structure is impossible. To build a basement with your own hands, you should study the sequence of actions and step by step follow the work guide.
Preparation for construction
For the construction of the buried cellar will require a major garage. To realize your idea, you need to make preliminary preparations. It consists of several stages:
- Before construction work you need to make sure that there is a technical possibility for the equipment of the basement.In the soil of large cities there is a large number of communication lines, so making the pit of the desired depth is quite difficult. To reduce cash investments and determine the possibility of work, you can contact a specialist for help or use the project documentation that was used to create the garage.
- The fundamental foundation must be protected from groundwater. This step should be foreseen at the construction stage of the garage using a drainage system. If this issue has not been resolved in advance, thorough waterproofing of the basement will be required.
Buying the necessary materials
For the construction of the basement will also require special tools and materials. For the construction of walls, you can use concrete slabs, cinder blocks, bricks or natural stones.
Concrete slabs are suitable only for building a garage from scratch. Arrangement of the cellar is made before the construction of walls and floors. You will also need the help of a professional installation crew, who will be able to install a plate with the help of a lifting mechanism.
Experts do not recommend to use silicate brick or slag concrete for the construction of walls, since such materials absorb water.
To pour the base, you need ready-made concrete M-100 or a solution made with your own hands. The solution is created from gravel, rubble, sand and cement M-400. The resulting solution is suitable for preparatory work before screed and wall finishing during plastering.
To create the formwork you will need a trim board. The required amount will depend on the dimensions of the basement. As waterproofing ruberoid is used.
When building a cellar with their own hands do not need professional equipment. To do this, the traditional list of tools that are on hand with every home craftsman will do.
The work will require the following elements:
- jackhammer;
- scrap;
- sledgehammers;
- trowel with trowel;
- hacksaws;
- electric drills;
- screwdriver;
- pliers;
- construction shovel.
You also need to prepare measuring instruments, without which no construction measure can do. It will require: plumb, construction roulette, metal ruler and level.
Planning cellar should be made at the stage of construction of the garage.This will facilitate the work process. If you thought about acquiring a cellar when buying a finished garage, you will need to dismantle the concrete floor. It is necessary to remove the screed from the area where the basement will be located. Works can be carried out by means of a jackhammer or a sledge hammer.
The first step is to prepare the pit. The depth of the pit cellar is three meters. Other sizes are allowed, which should be selected individually depending on the planned basement dimensions. For a room whose size is 8x12 meters, a depth of 3 meters will be sufficient.
Preparation of the base is as follows:
- First you need to dig a pit.
- The floor with walls must be carefully leveled and tamped. This action ensures the evenness of the surfaces in the room.
- At the bottom you will need to fill gravel and gravel layers. Each layer also needs to be leveled and tamped.
- The prepared surface is poured with a concrete solution of small thickness (8-9 cm).
- After the concrete hardens, you can proceed to the primary waterproofing measures.They consist in laying two ruberoid layers glued together with melted resins. The edges of the sheets should protrude 10 cm beyond the basement. Then you can install the formwork and pour the mortar.
The staircase is an important detail that connects the basement with the garage.
There are two types of designs:
- Traditional ladder made of wood or metal.
- Marching Installation is done off the shelf during construction.
For the construction of the stairs you can use several materials:
- Tree. Since the basement is a cold and damp room, the wood must be further treated with antiseptic agents. This will protect the material from the attack of insects and bacteria.
- Metal. If a used material is used in the work, it should be treated with abrasive materials. Such an action protects the future structure from the corrosion process. Then the metal should be wiped with detergent and rinsed with plain water. After installation steps are covered with oil paint or enamel.
- Concrete High strength properties are typical, but material protection is also needed.Steps should be painted or tiled for flooring.
When creating a metal structure should observe the following nuances:
- Allowed to use products whose width is 80-90 cm.
- The clearance of the stairs in the basement should be calculated from the lower steps to the floor beams. In new cellars, this value should be more than two meters. Observance of the sizes allows to minimize probability that the person will hit the head about overlapping.
- Product slope should be 22-75 degrees. If a ladder is being constructed, an angle of 45-75 degrees is allowed.
- The width of the steps is 25-32 cm. If you make a wider tread, it will be uncomfortable to climb this design. Narrow steps make descent dangerous.
- The height of the steps must be maintained within 12-22 cm.
The construction of a wooden staircase consists of several steps:
- Initially, it will be necessary to attach bars to the supports, on which steps will be installed in the future. From the top point of support should be counted 26 cm and fix the bar. A 60 degree angle must be observed.Fixation of each bar is made with the help of two nails or screws.
- Other bars for the support are fixed in steps of 26 cm.
- Then steps are attached to the bars. Nails or screws are used as fasteners.
- Installation of the building occurs at a slope of 30 degrees. So steps will be able to take a horizontal position.
The walls in the basement are made of solid material only. Do not use chipboard, plywood and other light products.
Most often used in the construction of brick. During work, you will need to monitor the vertical position of the masonry and its smooth surface.
Some garage owners use monolithic concrete for walling. For such works you will need the following sequence:
- for each wall there is a wooden shield that will be used as a formwork;
- metal poles are driven in along the perimeter of the room;
- formwork is fixed on racks;
- Then you can start pouring concrete solution.
Regardless of what material is used to build walls, you need to ensure that they are located strictly vertically.Each seam is rubbed with mortar. When the laying process is completed, the seams are painted with lime.
In most basements, reinforced concrete is used to create the flooring. This field is created in the following sequence:
- The first step is to level the surface. To do this, use the building level.
- Then a 15 cm layer of rubble is poured onto the base. It must be evenly distributed around the perimeter of the room.
- A layer of sand is poured (5 cm). It also needs to be leveled and tamped.
- Then you can start creating the floor itself. For this purpose, a reinforced concrete slab or a sturdy metal mesh with a coupler is used. For the second method, you will need to install reinforcing bars in 1 meter increments around the basement perimeter. A metal mesh is laid on the floor surface and is filled with cement. Layer should be 3-5 cm.
Properly equipped hood helps eliminate dampness and odors from the cellar. It also provides long-term storage of conservation and vegetables.
Two types of ventilation are used for the cellar:
- Natural. The best option for giving the room fresh air.
- Forced. In this embodiment, a fan is used.
To create natural ventilation does not require significant costs. Such a system is easy to create yourself. This will require:
- The hood is mounted under the ceiling. The exit pipe should be located at a height of 0.5 meters from the roof. On it will come out heated air masses.
- At a distance of 10 cm from the floor surface, install the inlet pipe, which will be displayed outside the room. It will bring fresh air into the basement.
- Outlets of both pipes should be closed with a special mesh that will provide protection from insects. Small covers are mounted on top.
In winter, natural ventilation may not function, as both outlets are clogged with frost. In order to prevent blockage, you need to warm the outputs and timely clean them from snow. Some craftsmen create removable output parts.
Forced ventilation is different from the natural in that in its design there is an improved hood.An electric fan is inserted into the cavity of the system, which creates a vortex flow and expels the spent air masses from the room. Fresh air flows through the upper tube into the basement.
Some users use fully mechanized ventilation. To create will require the installation of a monoblock, the management of which will be carried out at the expense of special software.
If you do not take care of the quality insulation of the basement in the garage, the room will be cold. With the help of thermal insulation, you can protect the cellar from moisture. Most often, owners of garages use foam as insulation. The process of thermal insulation is to work with the walls, floor and ceiling. In addition to foam, you can use other suitable material.
Warming the ceiling is as follows:
- It is necessary to eliminate all cracks and cracks.
- Then you need to cover the surface with vapor insulating material. For these purposes, you can use penofol, which provides high-quality insulation.
- Installation of suspensions for the batten is performed. The distance between the parts must coincide with the width of the insulating plate.
- The next layer of vapor barrier should be located at a distance of 4-5 cm from the previous level. This method is able to provide microventilation.
Floor insulation consists of several steps:
- The draft base must be leveled using the building level.
- Then you should lay a layer of waterproofing. Most often for these purposes foam is used, whose thickness is 5 cm.
- Penofol is mounted on top of the insulation.
- On the insulation you need to put reinforced screed and finishing base.
- Since the cold enters the basement through the walls, insulation is required to ensure a high-quality microclimate.
The process of wall insulation consists of several steps:
- The first step is to lay a waterproofing layer. It will provide protection from moisture. If the surface of the walls is uneven, you will need to level the base.
- Then the foam layer is laid. For fixing, you can use any glue.
- The finish should be covered with a thin layer of cement screed. Auxiliary reinforcement is reinforcement.
- The cellar is a room in which there is an increased level of humidity.To minimize dampness, an additional waterproofing layer is required.
Overlap hatch
The choice of material for the manufacture of floors depends on the dimensions of the basement. If the area of the basement does not exceed the size of the usual viewing pit, the upper part is created from the board-forged. For large cellars require reliable overlap, which will cope with the impressive weight of the car. It is best to use a concrete slab and a reinforcement frame for these purposes.
The installation of a concrete slab is allowed only during the construction of the cellar before the construction of the garage. If construction work is carried out in the finished structure, the following actions will be required:
- Mounted carrier beams. For these purposes, you can use the rails, which are sold at the points of reception of the metal.
- Then pouring concrete.
- The created product will have similarity with a reinforced concrete slab. When the beams with reinforcement are being laid, a section should be provided for the hatch.
Luke is easy to make with your own hands from steel sheet. For work you will need a list of tools and materials:
- electric grinder;
- welding machine;
- sheets of steel 5 mm;
- metal corners;
- polyurethane foam;
- insulating material - expanded polystyrene or penoplex;
- tin;
- screwdriver;
- hinges;
- building roulette;
- seals.
Creating a hatch consists of several stages:
- According to the size of the hole should be cut steel sheet.
- Metal corners are welded along the edges of the sheet. To ensure optimal sliding between the sheet and the corner shelf, a small gap should be provided.
- The inside of the hatch is covered with insulation. The foam should fit snugly to the metal corner. All clearances should be replaced.
- The tin is laid on top of the insulation. All corners should be bent. Tin carries only a decorative component, so this step is optional.
- Then you can begin to fix the loop. If required, a pen is attached.
- The finished product is hung on the hinges.
Some people decorate the hatch under the floor surface. A wide range of finishing materials allows you to create a ceiling that is in harmony with the overall style of the basement. The cover can be painted with any paint that is suitable for working with materials for finishing.
How to finish?
When the wall insulation works have been completed, you can begin to finish the ceiling, walls and floor surfaces. Walls are most often tiled with tiles and other similar materials. You can also use the coloring tools, lime or plaster.
When finishing plaster process consists of several steps:
- On the surface of the walls should be fixed metal mesh. Since there is an increased humidity in the basement, the plaster will not be able to hold only on the base. To fix the reinforcing mesh, you will need dowels. Ventilation is not necessary to close.
- The solution is applied to the wall with a trowel, and then smoothed with a half lid.
- If overlapping is planned on top of the tile, the solution should be thin.
To simplify the process of building a basement in the garage, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts:
- Before building a cellar, it is necessary to study the procedure for selecting materials that are suitable for work. You should also consider the size of the future structure, familiar with the standard requirements that apply to the dimensions of the basement.
- Work begins with the development of a small scheme, in which there must be not only the location of the object, but also the dimensions. Using the sketch, you can calculate the required amount of materials.
- When self-erecting a basement, you need to pay attention to the choice of place for the construction of the pit. The pit should be located at a sufficient distance from the supporting structures of the building.
- In the basement must be present high-quality waterproofing and ventilation.
- The most optimal way to design the descent to the cellar is a ladder that will fall through the hatch.
- A staircase equipped with concrete steps is suitable for a large basement.
- The hatch cover should be made of lightweight materials so that no special effort is made when opening.
How to build a garage with a basement, see the following video.