Cushion cushion

Hugging cushion is suitable for all those who lack tactile intimacy and touch. Such products are bought by people who spend time in separation from their loved ones, who love to relax with maximum comfort or who want to collect a collection of accessories with an unusual design. In addition, the model will be a universal gift for friends and relatives.
Who needs it and why?
The need for hugging is in every person - both an adult and a very young one. Tactile contacts elevate mood, calm and give a feeling of security and comfort. For those who, for whatever reason, were left alone, manufacturers offer special pillows for hugging. Unusual models, as a rule, are large in size and suitable for wrapping legs and arms.
The ability to normalize the emotional background of a person allows you to use the accessory for psychological relief. An interesting design, which everyone can choose according to personal preferences, also contributes to improving the mood. Such accessories perform another function. They contribute to the preservation of the warmth of the human body, therefore, suitable for use in the cold season. They also relax muscles after a hard day’s work.
The history of hugging accessories begins in Japan, and their name directly indicates their purpose. The first models were complemented by a hand capable of grasping the owner and “dragging” him to him. Initially, they were intended for sleep, then models appeared that play a purely decorative role.
Hugging pillows are usually chosen:
- Girls Accessories are popular among romantic natures who are waiting for their prince, ladies who miss their chosen one during his departure, and among all those who wish to take the most comfortable position during sleep.
- Teenagers. For them are suitable pillows, having a funny design. The younger generation is experiencing cravings for everything unusual, so these models will fit perfectly into a series of colorful accessories that adorn the room.
- Representatives of the stronger sex. Lonely men such products will allow you to get a charge of positive emotions and imagine yourself next to the woman he loves.
- Future mothers. Pregnant ladies need comfort at night. Accessories support the stomach, and special models provide a massage effect, improve blood circulation.
- Children. Often, young members of the family can hardly sleep with their mother; in this case, a comfortable hugging cushion will teach them to fall asleep alone and relieve them of various fears. Accessories are suitable for very young children, they do not allow them to spin during sleep.
These accessories are purchased as gifts for friends and relatives. Lovely pillows, made in soft colors and having the shape of a heart or a cat, will please the ladies and will be a wonderful present for Valentine's Day or March 8. Adult relatives buy practical products with orthopedic effect, useful for the back. A comic pillow with a funny design (for example, imitating some kind of beast) is presented to close friends and acquaintances.
The use of such accessories is also wide. Such products are bought for the house, embedding them in the overall appearance of the room.Models are suitable for non-standard cafes or recreation areas in entertainment centers. In country houses on cushions, cuddling can bask not only the owners of the cottage, but also guests. Such accessories can be taken on trips to make it comfortable to sleep.
Hugging pillows are present in the collections of many Asian and European manufacturers. Companies offer products that differ in size and shape, used for different purposes. There are several of the most popular models that have gained great popularity among consumers.
Snoozer body pillow
Large model for the whole body, correlated with human growth. The pillow can be wrapped around with arms or legs, lovers sleeping on their stomachs can lie completely on it. Manufacturers promise a pleasant sleep, guarantee support for the whole body - from toe to head. You can put it on the accessory head or additionally use a regular pillow. Inside there is a soft, elastic filler that repeats the curves of the body, so you can take any position.
Pillow-knees, whose birthplace is Japan. The model repeats the shape of female legs bent by itself.Designed for single men who lack the warmth of his girlfriend. The manufacturers substantiated the creation of an unusual pillow by the natural need of a person to put his head on the knees of a mother or other close person, feeling his warmth and finding himself safe.
This model is designed to give positive emotions to its owner and save him from the feeling of loneliness. The pillow is not suitable for sleeping, because it does not allow to place the head in a position suitable for a long rest, but it is widely used in the daytime. Brands offer hizamakury, decorated with various items of clothing: dresses, skirts, shorts. Everyone will find an accessory to their liking.
Boyfriend pillow
This model is called the “pillow-boyfriend”, many people call it “the embrace of a loved one”. The accessory is aimed at girls who have not yet found their chosen one or are separated from the young man. The pillow is made in the form of a male torso with one arm, which hugs the lady during the rest. The model is designed to give a feeling of comfort and security, to imitate the proximity of the representative of the stronger sex.
The hand can be left or right, depending on which side the girl is accustomed to sleeping on. The model additionally holds the body during sleep, while reading it fixes the head in a comfortable position. Manufacturers can choose not only the color of the upholstery, but also the “outfit” for a pillow: pajamas or a shirt.
The Japanese model, having dimensions approximately correlated with the parameters of a person, is 150 × 50 cm. The classical dakimakura is equipped with a case with images of anime characters. The long model allows you to position the image of the characters in full growth, they are often painted naked. There are also pillows with famous athletes, actors or singers. The most sought after are Dakikura. Levi, Miya and Tempur.
Accessories are very popular among both men and women. In Japan, cushion pillows are used not only for recreation. They take them on walks, trips or anime events. Holofiber is used as a filler. It is characterized by elasticity, softness and elasticity.
Pillows are well breathable, they are resistant to the occurrence of mold and harmful microorganisms.The advantage of the models is their low cost.
In a separate group, there are accessories for young family members. The cushion for children is small and plays the role of a toy. This product will help the baby to fall asleep without the mother, it will additionally support him on the bed (this is especially important in cases with very young children). There are models with two hands, hugging a child, and products made in the form of animals or cartoon characters.
There are several types of large pillows, differing in shape:
As number 7
Above is a side, but which you can put your head, and the base of the “seven” is comfortable to wrap your legs around. The length of the cushion reaches 150 cm, and the width is 80 cm. The product is conventionally divided into pieces filled with different fillers. Elastic microfiber can be used for the head area, and a hypoallergenic ecofiber for the rest of the pad. Manufacturers also take down and feather, and the outer part is sewn from thick natural fabric.
Suitable for all family members. The rectangular shape allows you to wrap the product with two hands while sleeping on your side.It can be used either by singles or by couples, who together with the product will embrace their partner. When you need to put a small child, the product is used as a limiter. The model has medium elasticity, keeps its shape well, is hygienic (thanks to the use of safe raw materials).
The pillow is designed for pregnant women and is designed to provide maximum comfort for the expectant mother and her child. The model is quite large (about 150 × 60 cm), so when making a purchase it is taken into account whether there is enough space on the bed next to her husband. On such a pillow you can lie down, you can hug it, the product is convenient to use when feeding newborns. It is recommended to choose pillows with bamboo fiber having antibacterial properties.
The advantage of hugging pillows is a large variety of design solutions. Such products are divided into two groups:
- They are purchased for sleep and rest. - in this case, the external characteristics of products correlate with the design of the room, select models of suitable tones and shapes that are in harmony with the general interior.
- The second option is to purchase pillows with specific prints, it belongs to the members of the subcultures. The accessory often does not play a practical role and is acquired not to decorate the room, but simply “to be”.
Made in Europe, pillows have a more restrained design, but they are more functional and comfortable. In the collections of Western brands there are plain colors of pastel shades that fit perfectly into the bedroom interior. You can choose products from two types of fabrics, combining both tones and different textures and surfaces. There are models with small repeating patterns or large ornaments.
The most original options are offered by Asian manufacturers who appreciate the potential of unusual accessories.
The most popular model is the already mentioned dakimakura, which is bought both by the Japanese themselves and by residents of other countries who order original products via the Internet. These pillows are popular with otaku, anime, manga or video game fans who collect items with their favorite characters.
There are both pillows, aimed at a mass audience (they can be easily bought in the store), and produced in limited quantities - for real fans of this or that universe.In the latter case, the pattern is highly detailed and print quality. Such a model will not only save you from loneliness, but also allow you to “revive” a two-dimensional hero and be alone with him in your house, which is especially attractive for true fans.
Both girls and boys are depicted on dakmakura. Important criteria for the selection of pillows are the outfit, the degree of nakedness of the characters depicted. Equipped with extra covers, the pillows allow you to "undress" by removing the top layer of fabric with the clothes drawn. Inveterate otaku acquire several accessories with different prints at once, they regularly replenish their collections.
Tips for choosing
There is no perfect dakimakura, since this accessory is chosen strictly taking into account the preferences of the individual. Most often, such products are used not even for sleep, but for daytime rest. If the accessories are purchased in the store, it is better to try them on yourself to choose the most convenient options. When ordering via the Internet, it is recommended to read reviews about specific models, look for real photos of products.
The following product characteristics should be considered:
- The size. Manufacturers offer many varieties of pillows. There are both small models with a length of up to a meter, and those equal to the height of an adult, which you can fully lie down on.
- Upholstery material. Allocate products from synthetic and natural fabrics. The latter are as safe as possible and do not cause irritation on the skin. Artificial raw materials can last longer and be easy to use.
- The form. For an elongated rectangular pillow, you can choose a cover with any image. There are curly models with rounded corners, characterized by smooth lines and allowing you to take any position during the rest.
- Design. Manufacturers offer plain and decorated with patterns, prints products. Anime fans get pillows with their favorite characters, images of which are printed on the covers. There are minimalistic accessories without decor.
- Filler. Inside may be foam balls, sintepon, hollofayber, bamboo fiber and other materials that differ in performance and service life. There are also cushions, hugs, filled with down or feathers.
The choice of dakmakura depends on the purpose of the product.When the pillow will be used for sleep (at least for the day), it should have different characteristics than the product that you purchased for interior decoration.
A separate group consists of models for pregnant women. They should provide maximum comfort and be safe for the health of the mother and her unborn child. In this case, you should pay attention to environmentally friendly raw materials, natural fillers. The product should repeat the curves of the woman’s body.
Feedback on the cushion in the shape of a figure 7, see the following video.