Napernik for pillows

Quality bedding ensures a healthy, sound sleep. The most versatile attribute is a pillow that supports the head, neck and spine. The basis of any pillow (regardless of shape, size and filler) is a fabric cover, namely - napernik.

Special features

Naperniki were invented a long time ago. The concept of "bedtick" was formed from the derived word "feather". The main function of the napernik is protection against knocking down and feather filling out. The denser the fabric used as a cover, the less likely it is that your favorite pillow will turn into a thin and rigid object that is unsuitable for sleeping.

To avoid this, the fabric chosen for the cover must be not only dense, but also containing a sufficient amount of natural fibers that ensure good air circulation.

Types of fabrics

As the fabric used for sewing napernikov most often used tick. The concept itself comes from the English word “tick”, which characterizes a dense cotton or linen fabric, which is distinguished by high strength.

Teak material is the best option for sewing covers. Due to its qualities, it provides maximum protection of pillows from thinning. Tick ​​consists of natural fibers. Cotton most often serves as raw materials, less often - flax. Thanks to special technologies, natural fibers are intertwined using a plain or twill technique.

In order for a tick to be used as a napernik, it must have certain qualities. The downward tic has a density of 140-150 g / m². This density provides good protection, but at the same time allows the case to remain soft.

Some manufacturers add material to reduce the cost of teak synthetic fibers. Their excessive amount allows to increase the density, but such material, as a rule, is characterized by coarse texture. When used, such a pillow makes a rustling sound.

A good manufacturer uses special technologies to improve the quality of tick. To increase the density and reduce the transmittance, the fabric is treated with a special wax compound, but it is good to follow the measure in everything. When the fabric is excessively soaked with this composition, the same problems can arise as with the material with synthetic filler. This is the stiffness and the rustle of a napernik.

Other materials can be used as a napernika. They are the most suitable options for artificial fillers.

Very often used as a pillow case calicoconsisting of cotton fiber weave. The main advantages of the fabric include the following indicators: hygroscopicity, breathability, resistance to multiple washes. The sheeting fabric is not electrified and is affordable.

Sometimes mixed material is used as a cushion for pillows - this is polycotton. The composition of this material (in addition to cotton fibers) has synthetic polyester yarn. This wear-resistant, durable and easy-to-care material is a good alternative to calico.

The more expensive fabrics (and less commonly used as pillow napernik) include sateen, cambric and percale. They are used either in conjunction with an additional cover, or for special fillers (100% fluff or very expensive artificial filler).

Sewing technology

In order for the pillow to last as long as possible, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the quality of the material, but also to the sewing technology. Covers can be sewn in two ways: with piping and without it. If the product is tailored without a piping, then a special shock-absorbing seam with 5-6 stitches per 1 cm is used.

At the same time, the edges of the product are subjected to overlapping, which prevents shedding of the cut, as well as giving the case an aesthetic look from the wrong side. This method is reliable and very often used for sewing napernikov.

When using Kant, the need for a double seam disappears. Kant is an additional barrier that does not allow down and feather filling through the seam. Kant itself consists of dense material. It is sewn between two sections of the product - along the entire perimeter.

How to restore your own hands?

To put in order a pillow stuffed with down-feather filler, it is necessary to prepare for some of the difficulties that arise during this process.

You need to do everything carefully and without too much fussiness.Then even such an event will not bring any special problems.

First you need to cut the outer seam of the product and carefully remove the down-feather filler, which must be soaked in warm water (with pre-dissolved detergent). As a rule, two hours are enough for soaking. After that, the filler is placed in a basin with clean water and rinsed thoroughly. Then it is once again stretched and rinsed.

For spinning, the filler is placed in a special pillow case and sent to a washing machine, including a program with minimum speed. You can do without machine spin, but then the filler will dry a little longer.

Drying should be carried out in a room with a fairly good air exchange, but protected from excessive humidity (closed balcony, loggia). After spinning, it is necessary to carefully break up lumps of fluff. This should be done regularly - during the entire drying process (to prevent the process of rotting). A clean downy-feather filler is placed in a new bedtick after complete drying.

For information on how to wash down and feather filler in a washing machine, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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