How to choose an orthopedic pillow?

The performance of any person directly depends on the rest. It is important that not only the mattress and blanket be “correct”: an orthopedic pillow is a necessary attribute of a good rest. In a huge selection of products with attractive advertising, it is easy to get confused and take something completely different. You can puzzle for a long time without knowing how to choose the orthopedic pillow correctly, however, in fact, everything is completely clear.
What is needed?
The human spine, supported by the muscles, has bends.During sleep in a horizontal position, the muscular system relaxes, which leads to the need for additional support for a narrow cervical spine, which does not have a powerful muscular membrane. Not every pillow can provide it, while orthopedic models are quite capable of relieving neck and head from tension, excluding waking up in a state of weakness, fatigue, with headache and stiffness in the shoulders.
Being products with an anatomical shape, such pillows do not cure existing diseases, however, they can reduce pressure on the spine, reduce pain and relieve numbness associated with constant stress.
The task of such accessories is to ensure the comfort and correctness of the user's rest. Without a tricky structure, they do an excellent job with the function of supporting the musculoskeletal system with the guarantee of even load distribution.
By appointment, such products are divided into daily preventive and analogues for travel:
- create healthy sleeping conditions;
- normalize blood flow to the brain;
- ensure the correct posture of the user.
Orthopedic pillows meet all the requirements of the "right" rest, providing a smooth line of the spinal column.
They are inherent in:
- optimum height and width;
- hypoallergenic type of filler;
- elasticity of the product when changing position;
- comfortable support of the occipital or parietal parts;
- natural textiles cover;
- the presence of a refreshing effect.
Who is recommended and contraindicated
Orthopedic pillows do not buy just like that, without taking into account the views of the doctor. In this case, they can harm health. Such a product is chosen thoroughly, not so much to improve the quality of sleep, as for the prevention of existing diseases. The use of orthopedic pillows helps to prevent the development of dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, the occurrence of attacks of bronchial asthma, together with traditional therapy to restore the correct functionality of the spine.
Such pillows are shown for:
- scoliosis, poor posture and spasmodic pain in the spine;
- respiratory failure;
- headaches, dizziness, and migraines;
- increased fatigue;
- failure of blood circulation in the neck, head, legs;
- increased tension on the spine and especially in the cervical region;
- insomnia, snoring.
Orthopedic pillows are suitable for users of different ages, including adolescents and babies. Being a measure to prevent problems in children with congenital susceptibility to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, they are selected only on the recommendation of the orthopedic surgeon. In no case can not rely on your own opinion or the advice of the seller. It is the physician who will explain which form is capable of supporting the physiologically correct position of the neck and head, determining the correct position of the spine.
The list of users who are shown a pillow with an orthopedic effect includes patients with such problems:
- cervical osteochondrosis;
- injuries of the upper spine and hernia;
- displacement of the vertebrae in the neck, chest;
- muscle hypertonus;
- neuralgia;
- torticollis (in infants).
Contraindications of products are based on intolerance to users of the filler material. It can be allergies and inflammation of the skin at the point of contact of the body and the pillow. Despite the wide range of models for babies,such products can harm the formation of the cervical spine. This is due to the wrong shape, height, size.
Chair models
In addition to pillows under the neck, there are varieties of anatomical shape for sitting on a chair. They reduce the increased muscle tension associated with a prolonged stay of the body in a sitting position, which is not natural for the spine. These models relieve pressure on the spine, relieving pressure on the genitals.
They fit:
- students and schoolchildren;
- office workers, including secretaries and programmers;
- long-distance truck drivers, drivers of road and aerotransport;
- users whose work is associated with carrying weights.
According to the recommendations of the doctors, these pillows are shown:
- pregnant women in the prenatal and postpartum period for recovery, as well as reduction of pain during labor;
- as rehabilitation for patients with pelvic trauma;
- with hemorrhoids, prostatitis, aching pain in the lower abdomen;
- those with a posture have spinal curvature (scoliosis);
- disabled persons, forced to stay in a sitting position.
Selection Criteria for Sleeping Adults
The choice of model is an occupation that requires an especially careful approach. Do not be shy, ignoring the "fitting" in the store: this will allow you to understand how the pillow fits a particular person. An important nuance of orthopedic pillows is the adaptation process, which classical analogs do not have. It usually does not take more than one week.
To choose the right orthopedic pillow, you should pay attention to several factors:
- Brand reputation and filler composition (each material has its own properties of elasticity and resistance to deformation);
- Form - orthopedic pillow should be anatomical (preferably with smooth curves for different body positions);
- The size (it should not be excessive or too childish, with insufficient support for the head);
- Cover textile (equipment of the product is a dense material with a breathable structure that provides air exchange);
- Removable cover type for the possibility of washing or cleaning;
- Availability of quality certificate and hygiene compliance and seller warranties.
When fitting, which is mandatory,it is worth knowing: the head should be located in a recess specially reserved for it. If you choose a large size, it can trigger snoring or aggravation of pain symptoms. The stiffness of the product should be average, welcome springiness of the material. You can buy a model with a double case and a filler treated with antibacterial impregnation in the form of silver ions. In the presence of serious spinal injuries, rigid models are unacceptable, as this may cause a hypoxic state.
The form
The appearance of orthopedic pillows is varied. Trademarks offer different classic and ergonomic options, so orthopedic pillows are:
- rectangle (wave or with a recess in the center);
- square;
- oval;
- a hill;
- roller;
- boomerang;
- horseshoe;
- bone;
- crescent;
- a butterfly;
- ring (relevant for models on the chair).
Of the range offered for sale, rectangular models of the “wave” type, having two rollers of different height, as well as products with a notch for the shoulder, stand out in particular. A variety of models based on different postures of the sleeping user.That is why the pillows are different: they provide maximum comfort and benefit, but in certain positions of the head and neck. And this applies to both types of orthopedic pillows: as adapting to the user (from memory foam), and forcing to adapt to the product independently (latex and the like).
The size of the product is one of the main selection criteria: if it is not possible to find a matching pillow with the parameters of the body, rest on the pillow will turn into torture, the condition in the morning will be depressed and broken, accompanied by weight throughout the body.
For convenience, you can choose the standard parameters:
- children's models in length and width are 20x30 - 35x50 cm;
- the average option for adults is close to 50x70 cm;
- the variation of rulers for men and women ranges from 40 to 80 cm in length and from 30 to 50 cm in width.
The size of a good pillow is noticeably smaller than the classic counterpart. The orthopedic model should not overlap the width of the mattress with its width. Products for women are more compact and do not exceed the standards of 40x50 cm. Versions for the stronger sex take into account the build: for average weight enough dimensions 40x60 cm, large men will suit 50x70 cm pillows.
Choosing size, you should not rely on the principle of habit: the bigger the better. If the height is high, the position of the cervical spine will become unnatural.
In the choice you can build on the height. It is important to find the correspondence of the distance from the surface of the bed (mattress) to the neck, not forgetting the pose of the sleeping user. It's simple: the height of the pillow is equal to the width of the shoulder plus or minus 1-2 cm. The average for women is 8-10 cm, for men 14-16 cm. You can remember: the wider the shoulders, the higher the pillow.
Children have tougher rules:
- up to 1-4 cm;
- up to two years 3-4 cm;
- from three to seven 4-7 cm;
- after 9 years 8-9 cm
It should be noted: the opinions of doctors about the importance of orthopedic pillows for babies are contradictory. Often they do not recommend such accessories up to 7 years.
Orthopedic pillows are unique and have a lot of advantages. They are quite elastic, quickly restore their original shape when changing positions, therefore they are durable. The filler does not absorb extraneous odors, does not provoke an allergy, is resistant to dust formation and has a "breathing" structure.
The main type of raw material for orthopedic pillows are:
- orthopedic foam;
- natural latex;
- artificial latex;
- special cooling gel.
The main line of raw materials is environmentally friendly: microorganisms will never appear in such products, a fungus will not start, and mites and dust mites do not like them. Sometimes the buyer notes the unpleasant smell of a purchase pillow. As a rule, it disappears very quickly.
Orthopedic memory foam is convenient because it does not need addiction. It is able to assume any position, convenient for the user, as soon as the material begins to heat up from contact with the body. It is a self-ventilating filler: its structure has many pores.
Latex variants are made from the product of processing milk-like viscous juice of rubber trees, performed in two different ways, defining the structure of the composition (microporous or perforated in the form of holes of different lengths and diameters). This filler is considered one of the best, durable, elastic and elastic. Artificial latex is a polyurethane foam with latex impregnation, which is less elastic in properties than its natural counterpart, but rather resilient and rigid, practically does not change color and does not form dents during long-term operation.
As for the polyester balls and their orthopedic properties, this is a controversial issue: when the head drops on a pillow, they escape to the sides without resistance, forming a hole.
Take into account the pose
All people sleep differently, so the choice of posture matters.
It is worth taking note of a few tips:
- for users who sleep mostly on their backs, low medium-stiffness models are better suited;
- those sleeping on their side are shown pillows of medium height and moderate hardness;
- for sleeping on the stomach should pay attention to the optimally soft and even smallish models, given the rigidity of the mat (the softer the mattress, the lower the pillow).
You can rely on such signs:
- a broken morning state, accompanied by pain and stiffness of the cervical spine, indicates an insufficient height of the pillow;
- the constant search for a comfortable posture indicates that the head is too high;
- if you want to put a hand under the pillow, not enough height.
Easier: if the chin touches the chest, it creates discomfort in the neck - a pillow is high, if the shoulders are numb and the back is numb - low.
What else should be considered when choosing?
Choosing a model of an orthopedic pillow, you should give preference to a product made from natural material. However, this is not always easy to do, because not every seller will allow you to unpack the goods, open the cover of the accessory. If decent companies always go to meet, unscrupulous vendors are able to mask a pungent chemical smell.
Even knowing that natural latex does not have a snow-white color, in fact it is hardly possible to see the packing. But there is a solution: latex slightly gives rubber, while the synthetic analogue can smell sweet with a pleasant aroma. However, if the peculiar smell is quite eater, this product is not subject to purchase: the smell of stuffing does not always erode, but it can deliver a headache.
In addition to the choice of filler, it is worth bearing in mind a few nuances. This will avoid buying useless things.
Choosing a model is worth considering:
- an insufficiently correct or soft mattress will nullify all the “useful” qualities of the pillow;
- it is bought for a specific person;
- a pillow is placed under a large roller under the neck, while the shoulders should rest on the mattress;
- abdominal posture is harmful: it provokes muscle spasm;
- the classic model in the form of a rectangle and a “wave” with rollers are suitable for any sleeping posture (the larger roller is on the side, the smaller one is on the back);
- Crescent style is designed to sleep on the back.
Care rules
To extend the life of the orthopedic pillow will help a small instruction with simple rules:
- it is not the filler that is erased, but the cover;
- washing is carried out in a delicate mode at a temperature of not more than 30-40 degrees;
- use of bleach is unacceptable, a strict dosage of detergent is needed;
- if the filler gets wet, it can not be dried in the sun or twisted;
- ironing of the packing is not allowed (this will lead to a change in the structure of the material);
- periodically the product must be ventilated in the fresh air;
- no whipping to get rid of dust!
For tips on how to choose an orthopedic pillow, see the video below.