Swan Down Pillows

Real swan's down is a very expensive material, therefore pillows and blankets from this filler are sometimes quite expensive and therefore practically not accessible to ordinary people.

But thanks to modern technologies, manufacturers today present a very popular artificial filler “swan's down” to consumers, which has excellent quality characteristics and a reasonable price, and bedding made from it is no worse than products made from natural raw materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any material, whether it is synthetic or natural, has its advantages and disadvantages. Synthetic fluff is also no exception here and its daily operation has its both positive and negative points. Product Advantages:

  • These pillows will appeal to people who are prone to allergic reactions or people with very delicate skin.
  • Artificial fiber is not a good environment for the development of various bacteria, so you will never find fungus or dust mites in such a pillow.
  • Pillows from such a fluff are almost weightless, but at the same time they are rather elastic, keep their shape well, the fluff in them never looses and does not crumple with time.
  • It is very easy to care for such products - they are machine washable and do not need special conditions for long-term storage.
  • Fluff in these accessories will not absorb unpleasant odors and does not smell.
  • This filler dries very quickly.
  • These pillows will keep you warm.
  • High-quality air exchange in any product from swan down.
  • A fabric cover will easily hold down and will not allow it to exit the product.
  • Synthetic swan fluff is much cheaper than natural.
  • Lightness and low weight. You will immediately appreciate the airiness of sleeping pillows.
  • Due to the complete safety of such a filler can be used in children's products.
  • The structure of the filler allows the production of pillows of various shapes and sizes.
  • A long period of operation - up to 5 years with good care.
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There are not so many disadvantages of sleep devices from this popular material:

  • Swan's down absorbs moisture, so this pillow is not suitable for average people who often sweat during sleep.
  • When used in a warm room, it can cause a person to overheat.
  • It can absorb electricity and therefore sometimes requires antistatic treatment.


Before you choose the most suitable pillow for yourself, you need to find out exactly which dimensions you can find in these products. In this case, you need to rely not only on your taste preferences, but also on the size of pillowcases on pillows in your own bed linen set.

The length of a standard pillow cannot exceed the width of the mattress, if it is a single bed or two pillows cannot be larger than the width of the bed on which two people sleep. Quality products at their height can not be wider than the standard shoulder of an adult - 14-15 cm.

Good products for sleep are most often produced in the form of a rectangle or square.Sometimes you can still see pillows 700x700 mm in size, but today they are almost displaced by models with dimensions of 500x700 mm, as well as 400x600 mm and pillows in the form of squares 500x500 mm, 400x400 mm.

Most of the Russian manufacturers have recently begun to take an example from European standards and produce mostly pillows with dimensions of 50x70 cm.


Real fluff Adult swans are usually harvested by hand from the chest or abdomen, usually during the season of the habitual molting of these noble birds. Qualitative indicators of natural fluff depend on the specific type of swans.

Only 30-40 grams of down are removed from one bird (that is why the main part of the natural filler is a feather). Cosmetic puffs are made of natural swan down, and household items or warm jackets with downy filler will be very expensive. Buying artificial fluff helps protect the living environment.

The original down pillow is produced according to a certain technology: the down is broken into “compartments” so that the product can be quickly restored or such a device for sleeping consists of a number of layers: the hard layer under the neck, the soft layer under the nape.In the outer rows there is mostly soft down, in the inner rows - a mixture of feather and down.

Absorbing any type of moisture, the down pillow cannot dry itself, and therefore dust mites can constantly build up in it.

Synthetic fluff is a practical, multifunctional material. The principle of its manufacture is very simple. In the process of making such a fluff, thin microfibers are obtained. They are spirally collapsed and are additionally processed with silicone for better durability and improved consumer qualities.

For the production of such fluff take polyester fiber - it can be obtained by using compounds where many basic acids. At the same time, noble birds lose nothing and ordinary manual labor, which is seriously involved in assembling swan's down, is significantly saved.

The finished products are dense and elastic, since the type of fibers obtained prevents them from going through the textile to the seam lines.

Ready-made devices for sleeping with such material have a whole range of properties necessary to create the maximum comfort for the average person during sleep and during rest.At the same time, pillows with an inner material made of synthetic fluff both externally and to the touch are very similar to products made from natural raw materials. Equally important is the material from which the pillow cover is made.

Choose textiles that will be pleasant to you, which will allow the skin to breathe well and will help the good removal of moisture from the body. The composition of this must necessarily be a natural fabric: cotton, linen, silk, wool.

Each of the listed fabrics has the positive qualities:

  • cotton - soft, hypoallergenic, cheap and easy-to-care material, and flax, although it does not have a soft surface, is just perfect for hot weather;
  • silk quite gentle and very pleasant when touched, very useful for the skin, but too whimsical in care and requires delicate handling. Wool fabric can warm the body, reduces headache, but it requires certain means for high-quality care.

When selecting a material for a napernik, it is important not only the raw material from which this material will be created, but also the type of interlacing of the thread bases, that is, the type of fabric itself is important.For fluff, it is necessary to use a dense bedtick so that small down feathers do not pass through it.

For this reason, as the base of the cover is used as usual cotton tick, as this material has the most dense texture and a decent thickness of the thread. No treads will slip through the tick, and yet such a dense fabric will give a stable shape for a light down pillow.

It is very important that such a dense fabric not only keeps the fluff inside the product, but also prevents the dust from falling into the pillow - after all, sometimes it is difficult to wash the product from the fluff.

Tick ​​copes well in order to hold the fluff in the case: tightly intertwined threads will not miss any fluff or dust. At the same time, like all other fabrics from cotton materials, tick is pleasant when touched, is hygroscopic and helps the skin to calmly breathe.


A sufficiently large number of domestic companies are engaged in mass production of high-quality swan-down pillows, which are in great demand among consumers of different ages.

  • Company "Artdesign" offers soft and warm products called Artpostel made of unreal swan's-down withnapernik from 100% tick. The company also manufactures naperniki with synthetic fibers.
  • Company "Textile" produces pillows, the quality of the filler which corresponds to this downy material. The company uses advanced technological principles of down fiber processing and produces a quick-drying fabric as a cover.
  • Company "Fleece" in addition to a wide selection of different bedding, presents a pillow series "Atlantis" with orthopedic effect. Case products made from organic cotton. This pillow uses contour firmware, which will give maximum comfort and wellness sleep.
  • Textile company Adele from Ivanovo will present pillows from down of the Avangard series. These products look great, do not draw in unpleasant odors, quite elastic.
  • Company "Ecotex" It is known for its products under the brand name "Swan Pooh". In its factories, advanced-generation microfiber called DownFill is used to produce pillows. The napernik consists of 100% cotton linen (percale).
  • Manufacturer with a bright name "Podushkino" presents items called Snow.Microfiber is used as the inner material, and the napernik contains 100% cotton. These pillows are suitable for both adults and children.
  • Down and feather company "Agro-Don" manufactures downy pillows in the form of siliconized hollow threads. This product weighs 1.5 kg. Pillow "Lady Lel" from the same manufacturer will provide comfort during dreams and rest thanks to the "memory effect", with which it will repeat the shape of the neck, shoulders and head of the sleeper.
  • Pillows from the manufacturer "Batuk Textile" suitable for ordinary people with problems of the cervical vertebrae. The company promises the volume and elasticity of the internal material, the rapid recovery of the shape of the product, many sizes, hypoallergenic.
  • Pillow with down from the trading house "Bagheera" consists of a synthetic material resembling a real fluff. The cover is made from 100% cotton fabrics. You can also order models from the material of jacquard.

How to choose?

In the first place when choosing a good pillow, you need to pay attention to her bedtick. Despite the excellent characteristics of the inner material, the sleeping device may not be of very good quality,if his case is made of synthetics. It is for this reason that really good products have a cover of calico and satin.

Of particular importance may be the height of the product. It must be chosen, remembering the position in which you sleep most often.

If you sleep mostly on the side, it is best to take the product higher, but if you like to sleep on your back, then you need to choose a low product. For those people who change their positions all the time, it is best to pick up something averaged or sleep with two pillows at once - both from the middle and the low.

If you decide to purchase a new pillow for sleep, when choosing a product in the store, you need to hold it in your own hands, while relying on your sensations of touch, so that later you will be comfortable and pleasant to sleep on the chosen model.

The quality of sewing also matters, because uneven lines, crooked stitches, eloquently speak about the low quality of the product. The cushions along the entire length have either a double-seam seam on the outside, or a seam with a decorative tape sewn between the two edges of the fabric on the inside, to make it many times stronger.

All product specifications should be listed on the product label: what fabric the cover consists of, the full composition of its filler, its weight, and not the weight of the product itself, information about how to care for the product and information about the manufacturing country will be placed here.

Very often, the choice of a product made of down is influenced by the name of the company that produces the product.

It is possible to distinguish a responsible manufacturer of pillows even by the external presentable type of product. The pillow should have a quality packaging, most often it is an individual durable bag of plastic film. This is the only way to be sure that this product has been transported and stored with high quality. Also, under normal conditions, this will help to maintain an excellent appearance and a clean appearance of the product without problems.

The service life of the device for sleep from synthetic filler, subject to all operating conditions, safety and maintenance - 5-6 years.

How to care?

Pillows filled with synthetic swan fluff in the care are quite simple. They are advised to air as often as possible outside or on the balcony. And if such a need arises, these products will survive the washing and rinsing in the washing machine.

The most important condition for this is the selection of the delicate wash mode and setting the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. You should also be aware that it is strictly forbidden to use bleaching agents for washing noble fluff products, of which chlorine is a component.

Synthetic fluff does not like high temperatures and close sources of direct fire, for this reason it is best to dry the product naturally - on a rope outside.

Experts are allowed to squeeze things out of fluff in a centrifuge. Only really aggressive types of bleach are “afraid” of fluff, since they can disrupt the structure of its microfibers.

After washing, you need to thoroughly shake the thing so that the fluff does not turn into clumps. When storing down products in vacuum transparent bags, their shape does not suffer at all.

This video will show how to wash down pillows in a washing machine.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.