Buckwheat husk pillows
The quality of sleep depends largely on the convenience of bedding. If the mattress is designed to provide an anatomically correct position of the body, the pillow, which serves as a support for the head, supports the neck and is responsible for relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle.
With high feather and down pillows, which gradually become a relic of the past, low products with orthopedic effect successfully compete. They are characterized by increased rigidity due to the use of buckwheat husk, various herbs, corn and bamboo fibers as fillers and have healing properties. And what exactly buckwheat pillows are good for health, in what cases they are recommended for use and if everything that they say about them is true - let's see.
Useful properties and harm of buckwheat husk
The consistently high yield of Zadar is not the result of genetic modifications and the use of agrochemicals, but the merit of mother nature alone, which rewarded her with the ability to grow, develop and even independently fight weeds, to the delight of farmers.
Conclusion: the content of chemistry in Greek is zero. So, there is not the slightest reason to doubt the environmental cleanliness and safety for the body of buckwheat husk - the product of threshing the kernels of buckwheat in the form of scales of dark brown or black.
Specialized doctors-vertebroneurologists, specializing in the treatment of destructive processes of the spine, believe that a quality pillow should perform two important functions, providing support:
- Lordosis - physiological curvature of the spine, protruding forward in the supine position.
- The right angle that forms the line of the shoulder joints and the cervical spine in the lateral positions of the body.
Pillows made from buckwheat husks fully meet the listed requirements, thanks to the filler.
According to doctors, biopillows benefit our body because:
- Excellent support for head and neck during sleep., evenly distributing the load on the muscles and joints, repeating every anatomical bend. Whatever the position during sleep you have assumed, the orthopedic effect will immediately work. Sleeping on a hard foundation helps to keep your posture correct and beautiful.
- Possess excellent air and vapor permeability, creating optimal conditions for the life of the organism. Provide bed hygiene due to the free circulation of air and the ability to absorb the secretions of fatty glands without provoking the greenhouse effect, even in heat.
- They have hypoallergenic and dust repellent properties. Prevent the formation of dust mite populations that cause allergies and exacerbation of asthma and bronchitis symptoms.
- Help fight snoring: when the head is in the correct position, air enters the respiratory tract unhindered, and the brain is fully supplied with oxygen.
- Create a permanent micro-massage effect., in terms of impact similar to the point: buckwheat scales with sharp topsunobtrusively work through the bioactive points of the neck and shoulder girdle while the person is sleeping.
- Take care of your appearance. Acupressure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, helping to smooth the turgor, and hair, by stimulating the hair follicles with thin corners of the husk.
- Reduce pain different localization and etiology.
The filler from the buckwheat husk is quite specific, because it is a hard plus is also noisy. Naturally, with unaccustomed behavior, such a basis can cause a certain discomfort to the user, but of course there is no harm to any health.
Refusals to purchase buckwheat husk pillows are most often caused by:
- Excessive stiffness. Discontent voiced lovers to sleep in lateral positions and in a pose with his face down. In the process of adaptation to a rigid base, it is especially hard for the ears and cheeks, in the region of which tingling often occurs with other unpleasant sensations.
- Noisy. Among the existing range of pillows, buckwheat models produce the most noise. Usually those who sleep again mostly in the fetal position, when the ear is pressed to the base, complain about the loud rustling sounds.Under pressure from the head, the scales begin to rub against each other, which is accompanied by a characteristic rustling.
- Great weight. The mass of products can reach 5 kg. This indicator affects the quality of the filler. Compared with conventional pillows, the bases of buckwheat husks are much heavier, which is not always convenient for the elderly or children.
- The specific intense smell of buckwheat essential oil. Since susceptibility to odors is different for everyone, and there are those who suffer from hyperosmia (hypersensitivity to odors), for some, increased extraction of oils becomes a real problem.
When a positive therapeutic effect is achieved, which happens rather quickly, the unusual features of the pillows begin to be perceived completely differently. If these disadvantages are critical for you, then purchase soft, lightweight models from holofiber, padding polyester, latex, camel / sheep wool.
The model range of buckwheat husk pillows is quite extensive and can meet the various needs of users. Products differ not only in shape and size, but also in their purpose: from ordinary bedding to travel options - rollers for the cervical and lumbar spine.
- Classic models. The best orthopedic effect can boast of traditional rectangular models measuring 40x60 cm, which perfectly adapt to the anatomical features of the body, helping to reduce the load on the shoulder area. Owners of high shoulders are ideal for products 70x50 cm.
- Children's models. When adults are convinced on their own experience in the healing properties of the miracle pillows, the next step is their acquisition for the child. Children products are recommended from 2 years of age. Models with adjustment of the amount of filler in this regard are particularly convenient. The height of the pillow is easily adjusted by changing the volume of the filler.
The product is tailored to individual needs, just pouring / filling up the buckwheat husk. Due to the presence of a convenient zipper, this procedure takes a minimum of time.
The smaller the child's age, the lower the pillow should be, and therefore the smaller the volume of the filler, as the child grows, the number gradually increases, changing the height. Unusually hard pillow can be a reason for the whims of the baby. In this case, they are limited to short-term uses of the therapeutic base from time to time: at bedtime during the daytime or during illness.
Medical indications for use:
- frequent colds;
- acute / chronic bronchitis;
- syndromes of hyperactivity and hyperexcitability.
To enhance the therapeutic effect, many manufacturers are practicing adding to the composition of the filler of various medicinal herbs with a calming effect - mint, hop, oregano, lavender, lemongrass and cedar shavings. When planning to purchase a medical pillow for a child, do not forget to make sure that you are not allergic to the listed medicinal plants.
- Orthopedic seats. People who lead a predominantly sedentary, sedentary lifestyle should get a compact anatomical pad. Along with the usual properties of buckwheat husks, inside the seats are equipped with special magnets. They function as stabilizers of the electromagnetic potential of the body, improving the transport of oxygen by blood to all vital organs and systems.
- Seat models universal in terms of application: home, office, car, hiking, long flights or multi-day travel on long-distance trains - an orthopedic base is useful everywhere.It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the tonic and conditioning action of the “buckwheat” pillows, and the body will thank the prudent owner for his excellent well-being for a light massage of biologically active zones.
Activation of blood flow and support of normal blood circulation is the best prevention of urogenital diseases in men and female gynecological diseases. One of the common predisposing factors for the development of these ailments is sedentary work and low physical activity.
Life time
Unfortunately, cushions made from buckwheat husks cannot boast of durability. Husk compaction is an inevitable phenomenon over time, as a result of which the volume of pillows decreases.
According to the assurances of many manufacturers, biopillows supposedly withstand active use for 5-10 years without any problems. This is nothing more than a marketing ploy. In reality, however, their maximum lifespan is limited to only 2 years and then provided that the product is high-quality and is cared for accordingly.
The valuable qualities of buckwheat were well known even to our ancestors,who used tasty cereals not only for food, but also filled it with husks of a pillow, which was not only good for health, but also convenient in everyday life. Such bedding didn’t require cleaning and washing: when it came time to harvest a new crop of buckwheat, they simply got rid of the contents of bedticks, replacing it with fresh husks. Of course, modern processing technologies for Jadra differ and become more perfect, but not so much that natural raw materials can last for as long as advertising promises. Believe it or not - you decide.
Indications for use
Buckwheat husk pillows can be safely regarded as an effective prophylactic against a whole range of diseases:
- musculoskeletal system: scoliosis, osteochondrosis;
- migraine;
- obstructive apnea (snoring) syndrome;
- hypertension;
- insomnia syndrome;
- excessive sweating;
- impotence and prostatitis;
- vaginal dysbiosis and exacerbations of chronic gynecological pathologies;
- hemorrhoids;
- allergic reactions provoked by wool, feather, household / paper dust and its inhabitants - dust mites.
Due to the beneficial properties of the husks from the fillet, the pillow has a complex health effect on various body systems. In addition, biopillows effectively combat the formation of pressure sores in bedridden patients, stabilizing the local circulation.
We have already talked about children's models, but about the use of orthopedic grounds for infants, parents have diametrically opposite opinions.
Those who are in favor of anatomical pillows for the smallest, argue their opinion with the possibility:
- prevention of torticollis - a common orthopedic problem in newborns;
- correction of deformities of the skull;
- reduce pain of various localization, triggered by birth injuries;
- reduction of hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck - false torticollis;
- ensure the correct position of the spinal trunk;
- stable fixation of the head, which contributes to a peaceful sleep.
Those who are "against", give the following reasons:
- when the baby spits up, then due to the fixed head, there is a risk that the milk will get into the respiratory system;
- increased load on the insufficiently strengthened neck area, considering it to be harmful to health.
There are parents who generally do not see the point in using pillows for babies. Who is right and who is not, you can find out only after consulting with a pediatrician, a surgeon and a neuropathologist. Each case is considered individually, so there are no universal recommendations and there can not be.
See the following video for the benefits of buckwheat husk pillows.
Pillows with orthopedic effect are included in the product line of companies specializing in the manufacture of environmentally friendly products, cosmetics, household items. Among foreign manufacturers, products made in the countries of Asia, Canada, and the United States are in the greatest demand.
The top three rankings of domestic manufacturers include:
- Faberlic - Biopillows of the Healthy Sleep series with unique compositions of the essential oils of buckwheat are preferred by the majority of buyers.
- Ecotex (Ecotex) - one of the largest Russian companies engaged in the manufacture and sale of high-quality home textiles.
- Elin - a manufacturer of its own brand of textiles and the official dealer of the factory Dargez.
How to choose?
The main selection criteria in this case is the material from which the case is sewn and the quality of the filler. Not all bedding with buckwheat husk filling is of high quality. Choosing a pillow, do not hesitate to take it in hand, this is the case when you should trust your feelings. Well, the need for a thorough visual inspection of the product for external defects, remind, we think, unnecessarily.
Satin covers - the best solution. This material has high strength, durability and excellent "breathing" properties, which guarantees a normal air exchange even in hot weather. As for the coarse calico, compared to sateen, it is much thinner, and given the constant contact with pointed husk, it will not last long either.
Natural tick is characterized by low hygroscopicity, which greatly reduces the therapeutic effect of buckwheat pillows. In addition, the teak naperku require frequent drying. Any synthetics is unacceptable, the cover of such materials simply neutralizes the beneficial properties of the filler, making the pillow useless for therapeutic purposes.
You need to shake the pillow: if the pillow-case is stitched qualitatively, the contents will remain in place. The presence of a zipper or velcro on the covers greatly facilitates the care of bedding.
It is possible to determine the quality of buckwheat husk only by tactile contact. If you believe that the residual product obtained by processing the kernel is always the same, then this is far from being the case. Many people are misled by the seeming simplicity in the manufacture of filler from jarice. In reality, a lot depends on how thoroughly manufacturers clean raw materials, removing plant residues and garbage. For this reason, you need to check the product to the touch, the only way to identify whether there are fragments of debris and twigs inside.
The springiness of the cushion under pressure and the ability to quickly regain form are good signs. The ideal filler is the husk after calibration and heat treatment. Orthopedic functions depend on the quality of calibration, whereas as a result of heat treatment, the husks become more durable and disinfected.
The absence of extraneous odors and the conditionthe contents of the napernik: the filler inside must flow freely in all directions without the formation of lumps and not stray to one side. Low quality products are too hard and heavy.
And finally, high-quality products have certificates of compliance with GOST standards. Do not forget to be interested in the presence of sellers, it is your legal right as a consumer. What is especially important to do in cases of suspiciously low prices of buckwheat pillows.
How to care?
The friction of buckwheat scales leads to a gradual loss of volume of filler, as a result of which the size of the pillow decreases. Husk is subject to periodic replacement with fresh. By and large, it is easier to get a new bedding. Nevertheless, following simple maintenance recommendations, the product will last longer without losing the shape and freshness of the contents.
Terms of care:
- Wet filler processing is contraindicated.
- The frequency of dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner in the low-power mode through the cover is every 1.5-2 months.
- Wash cover is carried out as pollution. Napernik must be completely free from husk.
- For removal of the erased particles of a filler use a sieve.
- Periodically ventilate the bedding outdoors in a shaded balcony or on the shady side of the courtyard to avoid exposure to UV radiation.
- In summer, when the weather is sunny, the filler is dried, first pouring it out of the case and limiting the influence of the direct sun.