Sizes of European duvet covers

 Sizes of European duvet covers

The dimensions of the duvet covers on European standards differ markedly from their Russian counterparts. And have a wide range. Among them, you can choose one and a half, double and even mega size, as well as the product of children and family type. Therefore, to purchase this product you need to come to the store prepared.

Existing sizes

But the choice is to determine the types of duvet covers. The most common are one-and-a-half and double formats. They correspond to the following parameters:

  • one and a half - 215x155 cm;
  • double - 200x220 cm;

These sizes are considered standard. And the sets, which include such duvet covers, are usually called "Standard", "Euro 1".

But there are formats that do not fall under the concept of "standard". Such duvet covers differ in size from the norm.

  • Euromaxi, in which the linen pouch has volumes of 220x240. This kit is also called "Euro 2", "Euro Plus". And also “King Size”, the duvet cover of which is intended for a giant blanket with dimensions 260x220.
  • In the family set there are 2 duvet covers with dimensions 215x143.

As for the children's headset, there are two options.

  • Clear 147 × x112. This set is designed for newborns. But it can be used longer, approximately up to 2 years. It should take into account the growth of the baby.
  • Children's: It corresponds to the standard queen size quilt. And suitable for children who are already sleeping on a regular bed. From the product from the usual set it is distinguished only by bright, children's drawing.

If the blanket does not correspond to the norm at all, has too small or huge scales, then you will have to sew bedding on it for yourself or on order.

Determine the size

Duvet cover is a thing that protects the blanket from pollution and unpleasant odors originating from the environment, as well as from contact with the bodies of people sleeping under it. The size of the duvet cover is selected according to the size of the blanket.Depending on the scale they are divided into one and a half, double and Euro. But if you find it difficult to compare your product and these concepts, then the easiest way to measure the blanket itself. As a rule, the product has a rectangular shape.

Therefore, it is necessary to know its length and width:

  • prepare a centimeter or tape measure;
  • the length is measured in the vertical direction from the top edge of the web to the bottom, strictly perpendicular;
  • the width is determined by spreading out the appropriate side of the blanket and a centimeter horizontally in a straight line, from the left edge to the right.

The blanket does not always correspond visually to the rectangle. For example, the size of 210x220 looks like a square. But its width and length are not the same. Therefore, no matter how square the product may seem, measure it according to the rules.

Knowing the format of your sleeping product, it will be easy to choose a cover for it. When choosing a duvet cover, please note that its dimensions should strictly correspond to the blanket one. A discrepancy of dimensions not exceeding 5 cm is allowed, but it is better in the direction of a larger blanket size.

For example, after measuring the blanket, the following figures were obtained: 200x230 cm. In this case, the duvet cover should correspond to the given figures.Or, the maximum that you can afford is the size of 205x235. If the cover is larger than the blanket itself, then it will constantly stumble in one direction or the other. If it is less, the canvas will be folded, it will be folded. All this will affect the quality of your sleep.

It is worth paying attention to one more thing: where there is a slot in the duvet cover. Products with holes in the middle are unlikely to be found in Eurobelle. There are two options.

  • Small hole on the side. It is extremely inconvenient to put a blanket in it.
  • A large slit on the zipper or button, located on one of the sides in width - ideal for easy donning of the cover.

You can buy a duvet cover along with a full set of bed linen or a separate item. In any case, the package must be labeled sizes. According to it, it is easily determined whether this product is suitable.

What fabric to choose

Of particular importance when choosing a duvet cover is the matter from which it is made. If synthetic fabric is chosen, it is difficult to predict how they will behave after washing. Perhaps they will shrink, and then it will be difficult to put a blanket in the cover.

It is better to give preference to natural cotton fabrics. Their variety is very large. Calico, chintz, cambric - the most common representatives of this group. But the highest quality are satin and percale.

Satin is a very beautiful fabric. It has a natural shine, reminiscent of silk. Such fabric is very convenient in operation. It practically does not crumple, does not roll down and retains heat well. Differs in high wear resistance and reasonable price. After washing does not shrink, so the buyer does not have to worry about the size of the product.

Percals belong to the elite, expensive paintings. But it is ideal for bed linen. The material is soft and pleasant to the touch, well breathable. Pretty durable and durable. But it is worth considering the fact that its surface eventually shrinks slightly due to the high density of the filaments. This leads to a shrinkage of matter by about 2%.

Silk and linen will be suitable fabrics for bedding. They also do not lose their presentation for a long time and are not deformed.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the color of the duvet cover. The classic tone is white.It is ideal for a strong and harmonious sleep. The same effect has a blue and pink colors. Too large patterns on bedding excite the nervous system, and small elements on it, on the contrary, act relaxingly.

Choose a suitable duvet cover is not difficult if you follow all the recommendations. A variety of assortment will provide an opportunity to pick up the product, even the most incredible sizes.

How to determine the size of bed linen correctly, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.