How and from what you can make a swing?

Arrangement of playgrounds is unthinkable without the use of swings. However, such designs, made to order, do not meet the needs of their respective owners. Therefore, it is recommended to make all these parts by yourself.
Varieties of products and interesting ideas
Stationary facilities
Swings in country houses have long left the category of luxury and entertainment elements. They become a complete element in the arrangement of the territory. Their installation is possible:
- on the verandas of houses;
- on the terraces;
- on the streets.
There are many options and individual models. They should be evaluated by:
- value;
- possibility of installation in certain places;
- method of fastening;
- applied material;
- coloration;
- convenience.
The stationary type of construction is simple and well known to all people from ancient times. To hold used tree branches or horizontal hanging beams. If you try to give the simplest description, it will be “a seat suspended on a chain or ropes”. And it was precisely the general simplicity that allowed such constructions to gain popularity. If you have to place a swing on the street without using canopies, the chains are much preferable to ropes - they will not get wet from the water.
Despite the overall reliability of the device, it needs periodic monitoring. Each node, even without suspicion, must be checked at least at the beginning and at the end of the summer season. We also have to take care of lubrication of moving parts. Otherwise, the creak will not allow you to enjoy a good rest. The classic version involves hanging the plank on cables or on chains using a tree branch as a support.
If there is no particularly significant load on the swing, you can use nylon ropes. They allow to reduce the deformation of the tree, which already suffers from this practice. The best support for stationary swing is oak, which is durable and very strong. It is important to see if there are any cracks or other violations on the branch. Chains that hold the rocking chair should be covered with plastic pipes so that there is no risk of injury to the fingers.
The branches will have to explore weekly. The fact is that the swing, especially with active use, can systematically damage the wood. Testing should be carried out the most "weighty" family members. Only then can children be allowed to use the swings. It is recommended to supplement the design with various design elements. Often at dachas try to stay in solitude, surrender to their thoughts. An excellent option in such cases is the chair swing. Most people will be pleased with noble vintage items. It is very good when the tassels of the fringe hang from them. It helps to improve mood.
A good alternative would be to place a swing in the format of a suspended sofa.It is more appropriate to use it on a large veranda where there is a solid ceiling. Similar constructions, however, can also be applied in pergolas. However, unlike structures with a roof, they are bad in that the pillows will have to be immediately carried away when the rain starts. If this circumstance does not frighten, you can try this solution at home.
But still, the Russian climatic conditions are fundamentally different from those of Western Europe - for example, we have, for example, cold rains much more often. It is appropriate to use logs as the main structural material. It will look very attractive and guarantees the reliability of the building. Even a strong wind does not tumble down a similar arbor and swing in it.
Pergola can be made in a round or square configuration, in any case, they are wrapped around green plants. It is desirable to complement such designs benches and awnings. It is possible to equip with a swing the already constructed pergola. Both purchased and self-made structures are used for this purpose. If you plan to receive a lot of guests, you can add a composition with a brazier.
You should not try to immediately build the most complex structure, it is better to start with a simpler option. And in this regard, mobile swings are much better than stationary ones, it is easier to “fill your hand” on them. Other advantages of the mobile swing are:
- ease of protection from bad weather;
- transport facilitation;
- convenience at storage.
But we must bear in mind that mobile swings are distinguished by a complicated construction. If you try to simplify it, wear resistance will be less than that of the stationary version. In any case, the period of service will be somewhat less. But mobile swings are easy to put in places where the playground is not yet fully equipped. After all, when the arrangement is over, the appearance of the local area may change significantly, and it will not be possible to correct the stationary product so easily.
Both mobile and motionless “bed” type swings should be placed where there is a lot of space. Even the small swing of the swing makes it impossible to install them near walls and other objects. If there is absolutely not enough space, you need to adjust the concept and choose a single-seat recreational swing.Both large and children's swings should be set only on a flat, well-rammed place. You also need to carefully enter the products in the environment.
Round swing type "nest" is different from the classical benches and baskets not only in geometric shape. Such products are capable of:
- cross course;
- spin around its axis;
- jump.
If the seat has a large diameter, it will allow several people to sit down at once. For children it is even more important than for adults. Often, the inability to use the structure at the same time gives rise to conflicts. If you install an oval swing, you can quickly convert them into a simple hammock. But we must remember that the mechanical effect on the supporting elements is many times higher than in traditional versions.
It is possible to make seats for a swing from metal elements, including from shod blocks. But it is much more practical to use a tubular profile, because initially it is optimized for quick execution of work. Comparison of pipes and fittings shows that it is hollow metal that helps save.Another clear advantage is the increased mechanical resistance of such products, even strong shocks do not damage them.
But it must be remembered that the use of a shaped tube for the formation of a swing has certain disadvantages. So, bend, unlike other works, requires complex and powerful equipment, which is associated with stiffeners. If the structure is made of carbon steel, it will actively rust and quickly lose its qualities. Applying a layer of zinc partially solves this problem, but this treatment significantly increases the cost of the blocks. In addition, any steel products are very heavy.
A square steel profile with a section of 2x2 cm and a wall thickness of 0.1 cm will weigh about 0.6 kg per 1 m of steel. It depends on the brand of metal. If a 4x4 cm profile pipe is used with a wall thickness of 0.2 cm, the mass of the same section will be about 2.3 kg. As for pipe geometry, it is also essential. Apply pipes close to a circle or an oval, preferably for curved parts.
But the square and the rectangle are optimal for creating parts that are installed on the surface.Using flat tubes, horizontally oriented struts are easy to make. Additionally used:
- steel corners;
- steel arches;
- suspended structures;
- metal paint to protect against corrosion;
- rigging brackets;
- spring washers and so on.
The seat for a swing can be made also of a board. But it is necessary to carefully select the wood species, because not all of them are sufficiently resistant to bad weather. All wooden parts must be thoroughly polished with a plane and even sandpaper, to be guaranteed to get rid of splinters. The sizes of the parts can be very different, they are selected individually in such a way as to use less material and reduce the time costs. All capital swings have a rather large mass and require the preparation of foundations.
Usually dig 4 notches with a hand drill. Concrete is poured in there, most often on the basis of M400 cement. The bottom is required to cover the sand pillow. When the swing is installed, they are covered with protective paint. It does not matter what part of the metal, and how much wood - the weather will fall on them to the same extent.
Forged swing type stands out against other metal structures external grace. It may contain beautiful patterns that seem to hang in the air. It is recommended to put such products in conjunction with other composite structures. An ideal platform is formed if it is possible to create an environment, as in parks of past eras, with their exquisite lanterns and sturdy benches, tables. The wooden structure should be chosen by those who want to make their homestead territory more natural and lively.
Accommodation options
Regardless of the use of specific materials, garden swings require careful installation. And for this you have to first find a suitable site. Key considerations in selecting it are comfort and safety; it is impossible even to reduce to the smallest degree both one and the other. It is inappropriate to put a swing directly on the tracks and next to them. This will create a lot of problems for holidaymakers and equally alike, even more than that - it will lead to danger.
For the same reason, swings should not be placed near fountains, on the banks of rivers, at highways and railways.Falling on flower beds, lawns and just beds can destroy the fruits of many months and even years of work. Therefore it is necessary to remove from them all the rides. It is advisable to give preference to a flat open area. At the same time, it should be folded with soft earth, not solid asphalt or concrete.
Pits and hillocks are not the best option for placing a swing. It is recommended to put them behind houses, but not before them. There you can relax emotionally without distraction to the economic aspects. It is also necessary to see if there are any obstacles in the specific place for the normal movement of the seat. The calculation is made on the widest possible scope, reserving some more space for reserve.
If the swing will be designed for children, it is very important to take care that the playground should be well viewed. After all, the tighter the control over the child, the calmer he and his parents. When there is no possibility to put a swing in a completely safe place, they should be separated from dangerous areas with the help of fences. It is also undesirable to install them near power lines. The lighting should be decent, but the presence of a shadow in the afternoon is also important.
Both wood and metal (albeit to a lesser extent) structures may suffer from high humidity. In addition, it poses a threat to people. It is unacceptable to choose areas where drafts occur regularly. It is also worth refusing all places where there are toxic and mass-producing allergic plants, thorny bushes. Even simply active honey plants are dangerous, because insects collecting nectar are completely supplied with poisonous stings.
Preliminary stage
Selection of tools
In a simple set of tools include anyway:
- electric drill;
- screwdriver;
- electric plane;
- building level;
- angle grinder.
Since all structures need to be made as safe as possible, it is necessary to use a file and sandpaper. When using metal parts is required to use a welding machine. Electrodes are selected in the same way as in other situations. To the grinding machine should be added disks for machining metal surfaces. Since you have to dig holes, you can not do without a shovel.
Site preparation
When the right place is finally determined, required:
- remove all debris;
- weed out all the thorny bushes and grasses;
- level the territory.
There is no consensus about the need for concreting. Some people believe that this technique helps to avoid the occurrence of holes, where water would accumulate. But others point out that this increases the risk of injury. Because it is much more correct to simply tamp, compact the ground. Additionally required to provide high-quality drainage.
Manufacturing process
For adults
To build a garden swing to give, you must first build a rack in the form of the letter "A". They must be at least 0.5 m wider than the seat. As soon as the calculations are completed, you need to take an electric jigsaw and cut the timber. Next, make the parts connect, and start doing it from the top. The connection is achieved using long screws or furniture bolts. On the timber below, 0.6 m is measured, it is this area that is to be buried in the ground. The rest of the timber can be divided into 3 identical segments. The fact is that the installation of screeds on the sides should be made exactly on the border of the central and lower thirds. For fastening it is recommended to use corners and screws.If such fixation is not enough, you need to use a pair of trapezium made of wood.
To make your own seat for outdoor swing, you must first make a couple of frames. One of them (2000x500 mm) will become a seat, and the other (2000x650 mm) will become a backrest. It is recommended to fix them using stiffeners. The connection is made at an inclination of 120 degrees. Then it remains only to cover the seat boards.
The next step is to attach the crossbar to the side posts. Pits are dug to a depth of 0.8 m, the bottom is covered not only with sand, but also with rubble. After pouring the racks with concrete, it is recommended to wait approximately 48 hours before the final hardening of the solution. As soon as this happens, they drill holes in the crossbars, the front part of the seats and the upper bars of the backs with a drill. Eyebolts must be inserted there.
Everything, the seat is ready. You can fix it and enjoy the result. But there are a number of subtleties that need to be considered. Thus, the U-shaped frame allows you to save lumber. In addition, such supports do not create obstacles for movement, are safe in terms of injuries. However, you can put them only permanently, and therefore will have to concrete support. The best place is where there is a soft earth.The L-shaped structure, sometimes described as the letter V, is distinguished by increased stability. Another advantage is the possibility of forming a children's corner, and not just hanging a swing.
As for the X-shaped frames, the difference with the L-shaped is to install fasteners 15-20 cm below the junction, and not on it. Where the vertical bars intersect, you will have to put a jumper. This technique is simple. However, so that the product does not let you down, you will have to strengthen it with a side stop.
Regardless of the chosen framework format, you need to prepare drawings or sketches that will help:
- choose the optimal dimensions;
- find out how much material is needed;
- accurately determine the required cross-section of parts;
- calculate the load created.
The drawings should reflect:
- full construction dimensions;
- the number of seats and their types;
- construction geometry;
- the presence of reinforcing elements and the point of their exposure.
For kids
Their features and swing on bearings. Most often, such parts are mounted on the main pipes of the upper lintels. But it so happens that it is impossible to find two equally large bearings.In this case, use an end fastening on either side or bottom (on the upper tube of the frame). Bearing units are mounted using lock nuts.
If you use some homemade fastener, you need to take care of the maximum safety. Children's products must be carefully adapted to anatomical features and growth. But the size of the body at such a young age changes very quickly, so you need to think about scaling the model. It is very bad when the guys can't reach the ground. They will be uninteresting, but also uncomfortable and when everything is very tight and there is not enough legroom.
Safety requirements for swings for children are much higher than for adults. Be sure to rely on the corners. It is recommended to paint the construction in juicy, saturated colors. This is important both for attracting interest and for developing color perception. It is also necessary to nail the nails as much as possible so that even the caps do not stick out.
The supports at the bottom should certainly be processed with any compositions that allow to exclude putrefactive processes. The best option to do this would be to use used engine oil.L-shaped and A-shaped frames are most often assembled into a single whole on earth. If the lower parts of the supports do not burrow into the ground, they suffer less from rotting, but then you will need to use a brace and an elongated rod. It is important to remember that the weakest point in the frameworks of types "A", "L", "X" is the intersection of the jumper with vertical supports.
To put a screw, you initially need to prepare a hole a little smaller than his diameter. Only after this design is fixed. Some masters believe that it is necessary to glue all the points where the workpieces are connected. Other experts recommend reinforcing the problem nodes with steel plates or wood struts. The choice between these options depends on which method is easier to use, the more experience, and what material is at the ready.
Suspension, even metal, is unacceptable to use for mounting seats. Only cables and chains can be used for this purpose. The cable itself, having thrown over the crossbar, is tied up or pressed with the help of a shackle. Sometimes they use swing knots, that is, steel plates, fixed in the upper parts of the crossbars.On the same crossbar, you can fix the seat and using carbines. Strongly unacceptable use:
- substances and materials that form particularly toxic gases during combustion;
- unexplored materials recently introduced into circulation;
- polymers and composites with unconfirmed UV resistance;
- polymers and composites that tend to become brittle until the end of the normal operating time.
It is imperative to check whether the construction paints and varnishes used to treat the parts of the swing are safe enough. This requirement applies to both decorative and purely protective compositions. Even at the design stage it is required to take care of the complete obviousness of all risks for the target audience. In the process of assembly also need to think about this moment. Choosing wood preservatives, it is impossible to take such substances that accelerate metal corrosion or other deterioration of its properties.
After completion of the work should not remain sharp ends and edges, roughness. It is intended to protect all outward connections that use bolts. Experts recommend taking care of the smoothness of the welds.The smallest radius wherever it should be applied is 0.3 cm. Selection of fasteners and fasteners must completely exclude accidental disassembly without the use of tools.
When preparing the swing for children, and in many respects for adults, we must immediately make a fundamental choice - whether the main part is made of wood or metal. High durability and stable operation for many years testify in favor of the metal version. According to the need for treatment with additional compounds, they are on a par, only wood is impregnated with antiseptics, and steel is coated with anti-corrosion mixtures. Steel structures are more expensive, although their availability is approximately at the same level. But the resistance to fire is definitely higher in metal blocks.
But only apply them still will not work. The fact is that steel is very cooled in the cold. And this will inevitably entail negative health effects. Such a consideration is important to take into account regardless of who will use the site - kids or adults. After all, rarely anyone refuses to swing on a swing during leisure,even if the thermometer is firmly below zero degrees.
As for the children's swings, there can also be a noticeable difference between them. So, for young children (up to 3 years), only mobile structures or structures installed inside the house will do. At this time, the closest control from parents and other adults is necessary. There is not the slightest reason to rely on consciousness and self-control yet. It is recommended, even in this case, to set the seat to a minimum height, and not only for reasons of convenience. Geometrically similar products or similar to the cradle, or is equipped with adequate retention devices.
In the older preschool years, the variety of variations available increases. But all the same to do a swing of the same size, as for adults, still it is impossible. This rule applies to the scope of their movement. Versions designed for teenagers, on the contrary, can be made according to standard patterns. The focus is no longer on external beauty, but on functionality, the ability to “swing” as it should.
Consider another option, how to make A-shaped swing.It all starts with a frame that is formed from a pair of pipes 5 m long and 4 cm in outer diameter. Both parts are bent by 30 degrees. Smaller tubes are welded to them. The arisen halves are connected with a vertical pipe.
The pillar base is used for installation. If there is an intention to make a movable structure, the bending of the support struts should be increased by 10 degrees. The work on pitting concrete with concrete does not differ from that already described. But in the time span from setting to solidification of the concrete, the mortgages should be welded, and then fixed on the anchor bolts. To seat could keep on a horizontal bar, apply the loop with eyebolts.
Calculation of parameters
In order to accurately dimension the summer swing and their details on the drawing, it is necessary to take into account the basic principles of their definition. Otherwise, ignoring the main factors, long-term experience of people leads to problems. To determine the dimensions required by age (for children, it determines the size, elongation of the suspension, the geometry of the seats). Growth allows you to more accurately specify the length of the suspension. If the swing is made "for growth", then the width of the seats should be 60 cm, and the height above the ground - from 50 to 55 cm.
Such dimensions provide free buildup and stop of the attraction, but at the same time it will not impede skating. Since many children like to swing, getting up on the support, you need to do the height to the crossbar 1.6 m. The total value of the swing is calculated taking into account the thickness of the seat. In most cases, a load level of 100-120 kg is enough. It allows you to freely use the design even for several children or 1 child and 1 adult together.
The U-shaped frame is made of a bar with a section of 8x8 or 10x5 cm. The crossbars are prepared from bars or logs of identical sections. The seat can be made from a single plank with a size of 60x30x2.5 cm. The length of the chain used for the suspension should be 2 times the height of the swing. The recommended size of screws is 8x0.45 and 5x0.35 cm.
The existing standard requires that all parts of the equipment, whose width exceeds 10 cm, and the angle of inclination up to 30 degrees, are calculated on the load from only one child. Classic swings are calculated for two children. When the loads associated with the movement of the swing are calculated, it is necessary to perform calculations for any of the most serious positions in which the rocking platform is located.The mass of the swing is determined by summing the weights of the platforms and fastening elements. The amount is then divided by 2.
When performing calculations it is necessary to use the technique of limit statesset out in GOST 27751-2014. If different approaches are used, confirmation is required that they provide no less security than the limiting state technique. The first of these states is the complete destruction and the onset of other irreparable deformations, as well as the loss of stability. The second is the disappearance of operational reliability associated with deformation. But it is impossible to apply the second limiting state, it is expressly prohibited by the methodological instructions on the calculation of equipment for children's playgrounds.
Field tests imply successful resistance to design test load for 300 seconds. When the test is completed, no weakening of the joints and mechanical connections should be observed in all parts of the swing. Moreover, the occurrence of cracks and other damage is unacceptable. The inadmissibility of residual deformations occurs when they cause a deviation from any standard indicator.
What can a seat be made of?
As already mentioned, for its manufacture can be used as a metal, and the board of a certain size. But also in designs with a back, and without it, you can show real originality, give free rein to your imagination. An example is the seating position, which is made from a pair of small logs. They should be connected with ropes, which, after wrapping every detail, are brought out and tightened three times. This type of seat swing can be fixed as you like, but will not lift more than 1 rider.
To get rid of excessive rigidity, and at the same time to hedge on the cold season, you need to cover the seat with a layer of fabric. Of course, it must be durable and resistant to adverse meteorological phenomena. It is recommended to use spruce, birch and pine boards for the base. These materials are of acceptable strength and easier to work than other breeds. With the help of boards made from them, you can even prepare a support for several people.
Plastic is suitable only conditionally. It serves quite a bit and cannot boast of solid strength. If a large load is applied, the structure may collapse.And all types of plastic are easily destroyed by ultraviolet rays, or even just being in the cold. Rubber is bad inconvenience when sitting and the danger of riding in a standing position.
Beautiful examples
It would be possible to say a lot more about how best to make an improvised suspended swing for the house and the country. But it is better to focus on examples. Equipping a swing with a wide roof allows almost no fear of rain and sun.
How to make a swing with your own hands, see the next video.