Ondutis: advantages and disadvantages of products

Ondutis is a well-known product from Onduline from France. The company provides its customers with an extensive selection of insulation films that will help you quickly and easily install the right vapor barrier protection.
Ondutis films perform an important enough role, since this unusual material will help to remove the condensate that has appeared through the walls of the building, the floor and the roof, while retaining heat and making the insulation heater operation time longer.
Special features
Ondutis material is produced at the company's plant, which is located in Nizhny Novgorod. The workshop for the production of films was opened in 2011.The process uses only the latest equipment. All production processes at the plant are automated, which allows you to make the price of the material more acceptable.
Insulating films are made from domestic raw materials, which undergo a fairly strict quality control. Absolutely pure polymers and state-of-the-art technologies allow to produce materials of the highest quality.
The laboratory of the plant carefully checks the properties of waterproofing materials at all stages of their production. A recognizable company logo is necessarily applied to the surface of the film, which also guarantees the quality of the output.
It has long been known that due to temperature fluctuations inside apartment buildings, especially in overlapping above the ground, a lot of condensate can form.
As a result, this moisture gradually accumulates and then falls on the floor. You can quickly guess that the floor boards are quickly deformed and become vulnerable to rotting and bloating.
Sooner or later, the owners of the house notice a dangerous black mold on the walls, the decoration is also gradually undergoing deformation: the wallpaper begins to peel off, turn black, the plaster swells before shedding, and wooden products are rolled up.Wet and especially warm air flows upwards, getting into the roof insulation. In addition, moisture from the outside is also quickly absorbed into the roofing materials. In this case, you might think that this is just leaking roof. In fact, the roof is all right, but the fact is that there is simply no good vapor barrier in the house.
Ondutis offers 2 types of films - vapor barrier and wind insulation. Each of these types is designed to perform a strictly designated function with proper insulation of the house.
Vapor barrier is a vapor protection from the premises.
Vetrohidrozashchita helps insulation to protect the building from wind and water. When using films on walls and ceilings, all the decorative elements in the room become reliably protected. Laminate is or parquet, wallpaper and other expensive coatings, they will avoid swelling, serious cracking or delamination. For this reason, Ondutis films must necessarily be included in the list of useful acquisitions during the construction or repair of your home.
The Ondutis system includes in its list a number of films and membranes that have different uses.
Super diffusion membranes "Ondutis SA130" and "Ondutis SA115" designed to protect the roof and facade from the effects of rain and wind. According to the technical characteristics, they allow a couple to pass through themselves, but at the same time retain air and moisture well.
On the roof and walls, the membranes creep close to the insulation with one gap for ventilation.
Due to the excellent vapor permeability of the membrane help to keep insulation and other elements of the structure completely dry, thereby reducing heat loss.
Both membranes are fairly resistant to the influence of the sun's rays and can be used as a temporary coating.
Moisture-proof film “Ondutis A100” and “Ondutis A120” more often they are used on walls and ceilings, on the roof and on those facades of buildings that have many floors and are well ventilated. They are fixed under the external facing of the walls of bricks, lumber and concrete with the appearance of insulation. Both films are often purchased as temporary protection for walls.
Roofing waterproofing film "Ondutis RV100" and the reinforced film "Ondutis RS" They are intended for use on pitched roofs made of metal and are most often chosen as under-roof insulation for metal roofs.They will protect the attics from condensation, dust entering the building from the street, and from various precipitations. In the winter season, the materials isolate the roof from heat exposure from the inside of the building, reducing the risk of melting snow cover and the formation of dangerous icing or icicles on any roof. Films are stacked on the roof with a double gap for high-quality ventilation.
The composition of this kind of films includes a UV stabilizer, so they are not afraid of direct sunlight.
Waterproofing material "Ondutis D (RV)"- it is fabric of gray color with a special protective layer. The habitual use of this film is under-roof waterproofing in sloped roofs of warmed or non-warmed appearance with a metallic coating. It protects the attic from moisture that may form due to condensation of the roof or precipitation. It will protect the under-roof area from cold air and condensate that appears on the inside of the metal roof. Reduces the thermal effect on the roof during the cold seasons of the year and reduces the risk of the appearance of dangerous ice growths.
"Ondutis D (RV)" is chosen as a temporary roof for a period of 1.5 months due to sufficient tensile strength and resistance to UV exposure.
Steam insulation materials "Ondutis R100" and "Ondutis R70" used to create a barrier against steam on the inner surface of the walls, most floors and roofs. "Ondutis R100" is of excellent durability and can be used on the floors of the basements. The film stops moisture insulation, does not give rise to mold and corrosion of metal elements in the heating season, besides, it improves the protective qualities of the insulation much better.
“Ondutis R70” is used on walls and ceilings. This is a vapor barrier film consisting of two layers, which is designed to protect the already warmed walls and roofs from water vapor coming from rooms that are heated, and the formation of condensate in the insulation. It is used for vapor barrier of residential attic, walls that are insulated, floors of attics and partitions between rooms.
Steam insulation films stop condensation in the insulation and increase the heat-shielding qualities of various building structures.
In addition to the above, the Ondutis product range includes special films with a large list of functional characteristics. This is a roofing waterproofing. "Ondutis RVM" with special coating and vapor barrier "Ondutis R Termo" for saunas and bath rooms.The latter is a vapor barrier of two layers based on polyester film that is covered from the inside with a layer of aluminum metallization. This kind of surface helps to create a significant energy saving effect. It is used for steam insulation of steam rooms and saunas, warmed attic, walls and attics.
Sealing of joints of selected materials is carried out using special mounting tapes “Ondutis BL” and “Ondutis ML”. Only with their help it is possible to guarantee an impenetrable vapor barrier and prevent moisture from entering the insulation.
"Ondutis BL", "Ondutis ML" are the most versatile connecting tapes for mounting.
They are bought for high-quality gluing of films on various surfaces - walls, roofs and ceilings, as well as for sealing adjoining surfaces and various elements of the roof. They help to create the most reliable vapor proof and airtight coating.
The company is actively introducing the latest technology, constantly improving its product range and improving the quality of its products. A new development is ready for release, which has no analogues in the domestic market yet - this is a film with an integrated tape "Ondutis RV101" for better installation.
The coatings are securely connected to one another and a completely sealed seam is obtained. This greatly simplifies the installation of the vapor barrier and guarantees substantial material savings.
The whole line of Ondutis Smart products is offered complete with mounting tapes, which is very convenient.
This will allow more comfortable work. Thanks to the tape with glue that is on the film, installation is carried out safely and quickly.
Scope of application
The scope of application of Ondutis materials is quite wide.
On the roof
Warm attic with a single ventilation circuit - the best type of roof that you can find. They use diffusion membranes "Ondutis SA130" and "Ondutis SA115", which are installed over rafters as close as possible to the insulation.
The air space between the film and the roof covering (7-10 cm) will be necessary to remove moisture from the thermal insulation layers. In this scheme, heat losses become much less, which are associated with the inversion of cold air into the insulation.
In insulated roofs with 2 ventilation gaps, water vapor is discharged through the lower contour between the film and the insulation itself (approximately 5 cm).The upper contour (about 7-10 cm) is needed to evaporate condensate and atmospheric moisture from under the roof.
In this kind of roofs are used films "Ondutis RV100" or "Ondutis A120". If the roof is metal, then it is better to choose the material “Ondutis RV100” - it will protect the metal surface from the appearance of condensate.
In the roofs that were not insulated, the material “Ondutis RV100” is used. It isolates the space under the roof from external atmospheric influences and protects the roof covering from the appearance of condensation on the surface from inside the roof. In winter, the material insulates the roof from internal heat exposure, reducing the risk of snow melting and the appearance of ice and icicles.
Like windscreen for walls
For wind and moisture insulation of facades with insulation, films “Ondutis А120”, “Ondutis А100” and “Ondutis SA115” are selected, which are laid under the exterior finish as closely as possible to the insulation. In high-rise construction, experts advise the use of a diffusion membrane "Ondutis SA130". Such films will not only protect the insulation from moisture, which can penetrate from the external environment, but also prevent mineral fibers from fading and retain heat even when cold air penetrates under the lining.
How to vapor barrier
The materials "Ondutis R100", "Ondutis R70" and "Ondutis R Termo" are intended for arranging vapor barrier barriers on the roof, walls and ceilings. The materials do not allow moisture or freezing of heat insulation during the cold period of the year, stop the occurrence of mold and corrosion of metal structural elements. The films also reduce heat loss, which is associated with the release of warm air through the cracks in the outer walls.
Protection of insulated floors
For vapor barrier overlapping with insulation purchased "Ondutis R100". The film should be mounted from the side of a warm room (in the ceilings of the basement - from above, in attics - from below). On the cold side, the “Ondutis A100” or “Ondutis A120” windscreen is installed.
High efficiency and reliability allow laying Ondutis floor films in rooms with high humidity.
Advantages and disadvantages
The obvious advantages of this material include:
- high strength, which is quite important during the construction of roofs;
- universality - may be used on flat and pitched roofs;
- vapor barrier films can withstand severe drops from - 40 to + 80 C;
- these films do not release benzene oils;
- materials are completely safe, resistant to chemical elements and not afraid of bacteria;
- retain all their qualities throughout the entire period of use;
- the presence of a UV stabilizer will help to apply the materials as a temporary coating;
- The quality of the film is much higher than that of competitors in the same price category.
Consumers leave about the material only the most enthusiastic reviews, noting its excellent quality. Also, many people like the markings with black dotted lines, which are quite convenient to cut straight, and the red line along the entire length for a proper overlap. Also, users note that the materials are very simple to install - all roofing work can be done independently without a specialist and in a very short time.
Tips and tricks
- The quality of laying Ondutis films will determine the duration of operation of building structures. Before installing them, you should carefully read the instructions that the manufacturer puts on a roll with the material.
- Diffusion films are installed on the roof immediately after the installation of the rafters and insulation, but before laying the roof covering. Laying them inside the attic room under the already installed roof will be no longer possible.
- For high-quality "work" in the winter season, diffusion membranes should lie as tightly as possible on the insulation.
- For high-quality "work" in the winter season, diffusion membranes should lie as tightly as possible on the insulation.
- In order to guarantee the tightness of the vapor barrier, connecting installation tapes are required when installing the vapor barrier.
- In order for icicles and icicles not to appear on the roof, the temperature of the space under the roof should be as close as possible to the street temperature. To do this, you must install good ventilation in all existing gaps.
- When building a "cold" roof, it is necessary to ensure natural ventilation of the attic.
Read more about Ondutis films in the next video.