Step by step finish on the bathroom with PVC panels and design ideas

Plastic panels - an excellent material for a budget finish bathroom and bathroom. A wide range of these products has won the construction market with a variety of decor and possibilities for creating stylish designs. PVC paneling is also appropriate at the cottage, and in a city apartment, when you need a simple and hygienic repair of sanitary rooms. Modern technologies allow to produce high-quality and durable panels, which for several years will provide an economical, easy-to-care and beautiful interior.
Properties of the panels: the pros and cons
Polyvinyl chloride panels are an environmentally friendly finishing material. GOST 19111-2001 allows their use for interior decoration of residential and public buildings. PVC is recommended for the manufacture of furniture, window and door frames and wall and ceiling decorative coating due to low flammability, non-toxicity and the absence of emissions harmful to human health. PVC panels are used in urban and country construction, in the improvement of utility and sanitary facilities due to high hygienic qualities. They are easy to clean with any kind of soap. High moisture resistance, resistance to fading and temperature changes allowed the plastic to take a leading position in the decoration of bathrooms, bathrooms in heated and unheated buildings.
PVC panels are molded finishing materialproduced by extrusion of polymers of vinyl chloride. The panels have a profile section with internal stiffeners. They provide the strength of the material and the ability to resist bending and deformation.
The frequency of the location of the internal elements affects the performance and cost of the material. The flexibility of the panel is reduced in products with a high density of the internal frame.
SNiP regulates the permissible technical dimensions of PVC. The thickness of the facade of the outer film varies from 0.025 cm to 0.1 cm. This value has an impact on pricing and such an indicator as the stability of mechanical stress. Thin outer film can be damaged by careless hand movement. The thicker the film, the stronger it is. According to SNiP, thinner panels are used to finish the ceilings, for walls it is better to use advanced PVC panels that are difficult to damage even with a sharp object.
The positive quality of this finish is additional noise insulation and heat insulation. Thermal insulation properties are especially important in bathrooms to maintain optimum temperature in unheated rooms. The material does not crack and does not deform when it drops from -50 degrees to +50 degrees. PVC is well resistant to ultraviolet radiation, does not fade and does not become brittle. Even with adverse indicators of the environment for a long time keeps the decorative quality.
PVC panels - one of the easiest to install materials. The process of complete decoration of a small room can take only a few hours.At the same time there is almost no waste, no special tools and equipment are required. Even a beginner can handle the installation of lightweight plastic panels. Fixing the finish on the frame allows you to hide the defects of the walls and ceiling. Water pipes and electrical wiring are hidden inside the frame, adding decorations to the whole room.
The disadvantages are the low resistance to mechanical stress and low bearing capacity. For example, it will be impossible to hang a cabinet in the bathroom without additional structural parts of the frame. There is some yellowing of the white pigment from exposure to sunlight, but in the bathroom and in the bathroom direct sunlight rarely affects the wall covering for a long time. The durability and performance of plastic are significantly inferior to those of porcelain stoneware or natural stone tiles.
A large variety of decor exterior surface panels provides ample opportunities for interior decoration cheap and stylish. Panels can have both monochrome coloring, and imitate a natural stone, a brick, a tree.The outer surface is often decorated with photo printing in the form of panels or ornaments with a pattern. The decor of the facade of the panels is performed using lamination, which gives an additional factor of strength to the material. Modern photo printing technology allows you to create high-quality image that preserves the decorative for a long time.
Criterias of choice
Choosing PVC plastic for interior decoration of the bathroom, you should get acquainted with the types of this building material. Panels are of two types - wall and ceiling. They differ in specifications and sizes. Wall panels have increased impact resistance, greater resistance to bending and strength. These characteristics are provided by the presence of a large number of stiffeners and their thickness - the honeycomb of the inner frame are 1 millimeter thick. Ceiling panels can have a lightweight frame and a smaller thickness of the outer layer. The thickness of the wall panels is 8-10 millimeters, and the ceiling of 4.5-8 millimeters.
In the form of products come in the form of wall paneling, sheets and sheets. Lining is a narrow strip with a width of 10 centimeters and a length of up to 6 meters, equipped with a lock connection. The lock closes the edge of the strip on both sides, it turns out to be an analogy of the surface covered with the rail.Sheet PVC has a width of 80 to 200 cm and a length of 105 to 405 cm. In the production of sheets, the technology of foamed PVC is used, which gives increased strength and relief texture. Sheets are mounted on glue, not on the frame, which requires additional leveling of the surface of the wall or ceiling.
The most popular type of finish is panels. This is a lightweight, easy-to-install material with dimensions of 30-50 centimeters wide and 260-300 centimeters long. The panels can be equipped with a heat-insulating layer of polyurethane foam to increase the thermal insulation. The panels can be mounted on a rack frame with nails or screws. The second way - the panels are attached to the glue directly on the wall or slab.
New material with high technical characteristics is PVC sandwich panel. This material has a slightly different structure. Instead of a honeycomb frame, there is a layer of kraft paper between the two layers of the film. The outer coating consists of a decorative layer and an overlay - a protective layer. Bonding occurs by pressing with formaldehyde resins. Metal matrices with a specific pattern are used to impart a relief texture.
Panels or PVC lining have joints in the form of a seam or a seamless connection. The locking connection covers the edges of the joints, it turns out a surface similar to a wooden lathing. Apply clapboard or panels with a seamless connection to the ceiling. It will not be possible to achieve complete similarity with the stretch ceiling, but the joints of the elements are smoothed and invisible as much as possible. On the walls or ceiling, you can get a smooth decorative coating.
Specially for finishing of bathrooms let out panels with decorative seams for imitation of a tile. Seamless castle connection and the characteristic "seams" create an aesthetic lining for ceramic tiles. The decor of such tiled panels imitates the collections of ceramics for the bathroom and the brightness of colors is no different from this tile. For finishing one room, it is better to buy the whole set from one batch, since the pigment of the dye may differ slightly.
When choosing PVC panels is to measure the thickness of the front plastic. In a quality product, it will reach 2.5 millimeters. This thickness will provide good resistance to mechanical stress.
It is necessary to pay attention to the density of the ribs.The quality of the inner frame can be determined by weight, if you compare two identical in size panels. Higher quality will weigh more. External inspection of the panel for the presence of dents and damage will avoid the acquisition of low-quality material.
Manufacturers offer a choice of different types of finishing the facial layer: smooth or texture. The texture is attached at the pressing stage. The surface can be matte, glossy or semi-gloss, with a pattern or without a pattern. The drawing is applied in two ways, thermal transfer or offset printing and is fixed on top with a matte or glossy varnish. The second method - lamination, provides for the application of a special film with a pattern of the texture of any natural finishing material: wood, stone, brick, metal.
The aesthetic appearance of the decorative coating of PVC panels will turn out, if properly sheathed the surface. To do this, you need to purchase not only finishing material, but also component profiles. Profiles are needed to design the junction of the trim to the floor, ceiling, corner joint. The moldings are available in the following types: profile for the inner and outer corners,connecting profile for different elements, universal profile, plinth, ceiling cornice and molding for sockets and ventilation. Pick up profiles by the size of panels or lining and on external design.
The next cost item is the purchase of fasteners. For rooms with high humidity, it is desirable to fix the panels or lining on the frame of the metal profile. This will require the presence of terminals and screws with a press washer, protecting the plastic surface from rupture.
If the wooden crate is selected, it is more convenient to fasten the panels with a stapler or nails. It should be borne in mind that the tree is badly opposed to moisture and rotting, in the bathroom can change the volume and deform the surface of the cladding.
The glue method is the simplest and does not need additional designs. The main difficulty with this version of the cladding - leveling the surface of the wall and ceiling. They carry out the whole complex of works: clean the surface to the concrete slab, process it with a primer, plaster it with a draft layer. These activities will require the purchase of additional materials - putty, cement mixture and primer.
Before finishing work, laying communications. Water pipes and electrical wiring with the adhesive method must be drowned in the walls and ceiling. Perforator shtrobyat channels for laying engineering systems.
If you plan to finish the floor tile, then paste the tile to the plastic finish. All prepared surfaces are treated with an antiseptic solution against the formation of mold and fungus.
Tools and quantity calculation
To make an economical repair will help the correct calculation of the required amount of materials. Calculates the area of the wall or ceiling. It is better to do this for each wall separately. Calculate the area of a single PVC product. This value is divided by the surface area to be finished and the required number of panels or slats is obtained. The calculation must take into account the height of the finish and relate it to the length of the panels or lining. Having calculated the number of panels, you need to add 10-15 percent to underlay and trim the material.
Then they estimate the necessary molding of the moldings and the profile according to the number of angles and the size of the room. The length of the plinth and the eaves of the ceiling is equal to the perimeter, taking into account possible projections or niches.The profile or timber for the lathing is calculated from the step of fastening the rails of the frame of 50-60 centimeters. The required number of screws also depends on the size of the pitch of the batten and the width of the panels. Proper organization of work includes the preparation of the necessary tools.
You need to prepare a jigsaw, drill or puncher, a hacksaw, level, tape measure, construction stapler, a triangle with a right angle, insulating tape.
Mounting: ways
If you decide to veneer the bathroom and toilet with your own hands, then you should be aware of the intricacies of the installation process. It is conducted in two ways: frameless and frame.
Frameless method
Frameless method - fixing the panels on the wall or ceiling slab with glue. This method is used in the presence of smooth surfaces for finishing. The walls are pre-aligned with plaster to achieve a minimum differential of 3 mm. Particular attention is paid to the processing of corners, there should be no hillocks and concrete burrs to ensure a tight fit of the panels. Perhaps the walls are sheathed with drywall, then the problem of leveling the walls disappears, the panels are glued directly onto the drywall.
For installation will require only glue. It is better to use "liquid nails", special glue for PVC or polyurethane sealant. The surface is treated with antiseptic and a primer for glue. “Liquid nails” are applied dotted across the entire plane of the panel on the reverse side with a gun. The panel is pressed against the wall and immediately torn off, the glue from the mechanical impact enters into a chemical reaction. Five minutes later, the panel is finally glued in place. To speed up the process, experts recommend preparing several panels in this way.
Special glue for PVC is applied on the panel or on the wall. The product is pressed to the wall at a distance from the control mark for a couple of centimeters, then pressed to the surface, moved to the right place. Sealant is also applied point and immediately fix the element. Strongly press the panel against the surface of the finish, then several times every 2-3 minutes repeat the pressing until the sealant hardens.
For all types of adhesive composition, one rule applies - glue is applied with dot strokes, moving slightly away from the edge of the panel so that during fixation it will not be squeezed out and will not soil the front side.
The corners are decorated with special profiles for PVC panels, but you can also use the usual plastic corners of a suitable color. They impose on the joint and fix sealant. After the glue has completely dried, all joints are sealed with “cold welding” to prevent water from entering the panels and the formation of mold. Before using, all plastic parts are wiped with a damp cloth from dust and wait for drying, only after that glue is applied. It is possible to make pasting with other types of glue, but they have rigid fixation and lack of flexibility, which shortens the service life of PVC panels.
In the presence of smooth surfaces for finishing, this is the easiest to install and economical method of lining. It does not need special construction skills, no need to purchase additional materials, except for glue. The installation process takes a little time. Fixing the panels on the glue does not reduce the size of the already small room in the bathroom and bathroom. A snug fit to the wall protects the panels from deformation and mechanical stress.
Frame method
The frame method of installation requires the presence of certain professional skills and a special tool in the form of a drill, punch or screwdriver.The surface of the wall or ceiling level, getting rid of the apparent relief protrusions or depressions and cracks. Apply a layer of liquid waterproofing brush or roller. Waterproofing is needed in rooms with high humidity - bathrooms and kitchens, in other rooms it is not required. The final treatment is carried out with an antiseptic.
For the frame in the bathroom is better to buy a metal profile, it defies rotting. The contour of the frame is made from the profile UD, and the guides from the profile CD. The main difficulty lies in the installation of crates. Here you will need a puncher for fastening the profile to the dowels and a screwdriver for connecting the parts of the batten. Level regularly check the correct location of the frame rails.
In case of deviation under the guide rail in the place of fixing the dowel, a thin layer of plywood or a cut of the bar is placed to level the level.
The first strip on the wall is mounted in a corner opposite the entrance, so as not to cut it and the view was aesthetic. It is checked by level and secured with screws at the bottom and top, so that the strip is securely fixed. It is necessary to fix in a place that then closes the baseboard or the eaves.Panels are fastened to the frame with the help of clamps, which are installed in the joints of the panel with battens. Klyaymery - this is a convenient mount that allows you to easily change the panel in case of damage.
Frameless method is convenient for walls. Frame elements on the wall are erected in order to hide the sewer and water pipes. The ceiling is better to do on the frame for placement inside the wiring and the bases of the lighting devices. According to the technology, they first revet the walls, and only then the ceiling.
Deciding to install PVC panels yourself, you should decide on the method of installation. Owners of smooth walls enough to buy glue and proceed with the installation. But even in this case it is necessary to solve the question of the construction of a framework for the duct covering the pipes. In most cases, the walls in the bathroom do not meet the standards for pasting. It is necessary to choose what will be easier in this case: to plaster or mount the crate.
Step-by-step instruction.
- On the wall draw a line of the upper border of the finish. Finishing can end up to the ceiling or occupy part of the wall, half or one third.The upper ceiling limit ends at the level of the suspended ceiling. Usually, 10 centimeters recede from the slab, this is enough to accommodate lamps.
- Begin to install the profile for the batten. The first profile is cut to the desired length and strengthened as close to the floor as possible so that it is more convenient to mount the plinth. Then sew the upper bar. It is more convenient to make fasteners with dowels, checking the level of the frame rails. The upper and lower rails are connected at the corners of the wall; a closed loop is obtained.
- Choose the location of the panels: horizontal or vertical. The panels are usually mounted vertically, the panel can be placed in two ways. Begin to fill the contour of the frame guide profiles, depending on this factor - along or across, in increments of 45 to 60 cm. Each element of the batten is checked for level deviation from the horizon. Crate is complete.
- On the contour of the lathing set the starting plinth of plastic of the desired size. In the corner joints put the angular profile. In the resulting frame begin to insert the panel. In the first part, a connecting spike is cut along the entire length and pushed into the corner profile until it stops.
Finishing starts from the corner located opposite the entrance with a vertical lining, and when horizontal, the first part is mounted from the ceiling.
The pipe box is started from the markings on the floor and the ceiling, then the lower and upper frames of the frame are mounted along the pencil line. The shape of the box can be rectangular, semicircular or triangular. The upper part of the frame of the lathing for the box is mounted on the ceiling slab. With the necessary step mount cross member of the cut profile. The frame of the box is covered with panels. Similarly, perform the box for the bowl of the bathroom.
The last panel on each wall can become a difficulty. It usually has to be tweaked. Podkrey produce carefully, trying not to push the plastic. It is difficult to insert this part into the corner or extreme profile, so it can be fixed together with the last part. In places where electrical outlets and switches come out on the wall around the perimeter of the bottom plate, they make the sheathing so that the panel is not pressed when using electrical appliances.
To pave the ceiling is preferable to frame the way. On the crate using a metal profile and suspensions.The first step is to set the profile along the contour of the ceiling at the right level. For simple electrical wiring, you can attach the crate directly to the floor slab. To lower the ceiling for 5-10 or more centimeters, use special suspensions for a metal profile. After mounting the lath contour, they attach the guides in increments of 50-60 centimeters.
The next step is to attach the starter molding along the contour of the frame. It is more convenient to apply the ceiling molding immediately, it has a cornice profile. Profile plinth is better to install on glue, so it does not undergo deformation due to screwing in the screws. Begin the installation of plastic panels from the far wall opposite the entrance. The last panel is cut in place and inserted into the connector.
At the final stage, cut holes for electrical appliances. The markup is carried out during installation. Holes perform construction knife with replaceable blades. It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of this operation so that the cover can subsequently completely cover the slot, otherwise the ceiling will look ugly. Insulated electrical wires are introduced into the openings so that lamps can be installed after installation.For LED strip lighting, the slot is made only for the output of wires, since the lamps themselves are placed on the ceiling surface.
It is worth paying attention to the insulation of lighting devices with conventional incandescent bulbs. Ceiling lamps should be lowered to a certain distance from the plastic ceiling, and if the lighting fixture is located in the ceiling plane, it is necessary to provide insulation from heating.
Otherwise, hot radiation may deform the plastic, a yellow spot will appear at the place of heating. Halogen and LED lamps do not pose such a threat, they can be placed at will anywhere.
Frame installation method allows you to equip a two-level ceiling. In low bathrooms, the main area of the ceiling is sealed with a glue method or on the sheathing without hangers. The skeleton of the second level is mounted by analogy with a tubing for pipes, only located on the ceiling and has the desired shape. The two-level ceiling forms a safe height for electrical wiring and adds additional decorative qualities to the ceiling. Highlighting the perimeter of the lower level visually makes the ceiling higher.
Ventilation in the bathroom is of great importance for the well-being of the inhabitants of the house and for maintaining a comfortable indoor microclimate. Plastic panels with poor air circulation very soon, due to constant humidity and elevated temperature, will be covered with mold and will pose a threat to the health of the household. After installation, PVC panels should be carefully sealed in all joints using a transparent sealant and ensure unimpeded access of air from the ventilation shaft. To do this, a hole is cut in the wall panel to the size of the ventilation window and decorated with a special plastic grill.
It should be placed in the vent hole electric fan to enhance the circulation of air masses. Fans are of various types: exhaust, intake with several modes of operation. Having picked up suitable, think over a way of giving of power supplies. The best solution would be to bring the electrical wire to the bathroom switch. These activities are carried out before facing the walls.
Ceiling structures require good ventilation, so the fan is placed not only in the ventilation shaft, but also on the ceiling.For good air exchange diffusers are placed in opposite corners of the ceiling.
It is necessary to ensure that the ventilation grille does not fall on the batten rail. Rectangular holes are marked and cut out, a ventilation grill is glued to the glue or sealant
Peculiarities of care
The advantage of PVC panels is in very easy maintenance. To clean the dust, just wipe them with a damp cloth as they get dirty. More noticeable pollution - stains, inscriptions pen, dirty stains, cleaned with ordinary detergents. Panels can be cleaned with a stiff brush with a cleaning agent to get rid of particularly resistant stains. Inscriptions with a pen are removed with special means to remove stains on the plastic.
During cleaning, you can not use metal brushes to care for plastic, as the metal leaves scratches on the surface. We must abandon the potent chemical cleaners containing acids, acetone and bleach. These substances will destroy the protective film and ruin the appearance of the panel.
Interesting design ideas
A large variety of decor PVC panels, their resistance to adverse environments, ease of installation, practicality,reasonable price allows them to be used to update the appearance of the bathroom and in the "Khrushchev", and in a wooden house, and in a stylish modern housing for young people. It is only necessary to select suitable decorative panels and come up with a design option in order to create an aesthetic and effective room design with your own hands. Panels or lining exert their influence on the organization of space. Horizontal panels visually lengthen the wall or ceiling, the bathroom looks so longer. Vertical wall panels will make the room higher.
Of great importance is the color palette finish. With a lack of natural lighting is to choose light shades. White color, yellow, blue visual increase the room. Saturated green, blue, black will give solidity, but they will squeeze the space and give it dark notes. You can avoid this by adding a white color to the finish. For example, dark walls and white ceiling and floor, or vice versa.
Combining colors, you need to be guided by the compatibility of the spectrum of the color wheel. Nearby colors will give a nuanced combination. Opposites - contrast.The colors on the tops of an isosceles triangle inside the spectrum harmonize with each other. In the absence of art education, it is better to adhere to these rules and try not to use more than three different colors in one room.
Cool tones of any color will make the room stricter and lighter. Warm - will give softness and comfort. Selecting the decor, you need to pay attention to the size of the picture, it should be commensurate with the volume of the room. Very well expands the boundaries of the room panels with perspective, leaving into the distance. In a small bathroom, a panel on one of the walls will create the necessary depth and volume.
The panel can be placed not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. This may be a romantic plot or floristic composition. It is necessary to select scenes where there is a sky or bright aerial images. A lawn with flowers on the ceiling will be dissonance and will not add a sense of spaciousness. In a two-level ceiling with lighting, a panel with a floral ornament in the form of a stained-glass window or a water element looks spectacular.
In small and cramped old bathrooms, the glossy ceiling adds space and height.Metallized and mirrored PVC ceiling panels due to the reflectivity will make an infinite perspective. Create a luxurious setting will help the mirror surface with gold glitter. The backlight will increase the reflected light many times. The noble yellow metal will create a pleasant warm shade in the bathroom.
For fans of the popular Provence style, it is better to select inconspicuous floral patterns. The panel can have a decor with a border. Another method involves finishing the panels to the middle of the wall or slightly lower. The remaining surface of the walls is leveled for painting with acrylic white. The new generation of water-dispersion acrylic paints has a breathable structure, high moisture resistance, is odorless and dries quickly.
Country style is similar to all rural styles. Panels in the form of lining, similar to wood trim, will bring closer to natural simplicity. Here you can choose a panel with a cut pattern of natural wood, a beautiful structure of wood fibers will give softness. Manufacturers offer high-quality imitation cut of a tree of any breed. Finishes are selected in noble light shades of oak or white maple and ash, reddish tones of cherry, yellow linden or cedar.A creative combination with several natural elements of wood will help to arrange a bathroom in country style.
Plastic under the tree gives great opportunities for personal creativity. Wooden panels can be used to sew up walls or ceilings. The picturesque knotiness of a pine or the rich chocolate color of an African wenge tree is beautifully combined with white, milky tones in the decoration of the ceiling or part of the walls. You can combine panels not only horizontally, but also vertically or in the form of inserts. Tech hi-tech prefers free space. Here one wall can be covered with panels imitating a fashionable concrete surface, adjacent walls are made out of wood.
A popular mosaic of small tiles is reproduced in print on PVC panels. Such a mosaic with golden inclusions sheathe structural elements. Large arrays of the walls are finished with PVC clapboard with décor to cut wood. Polished metal equipment and communications highlight the bathroom. Illumination makes the metal glare play, the interior acquires the luxurious features of an expensive art deco style.
Practical and comfortable minimalism successfully combines white color and interesting texture of conifers. Simple white plumbing, inexpensive furniture, rectangular shapes - the perfect solution for small bathrooms. Such a design can even make out a beginner. The main condition - the smaller the decor and accessories, the more accurate the minimalist interior will be.
To create an interior in a classic style, select panels for tiles with a glossy surface. Panels will suit different types of marble in greenish, pinkish, steel tones. Not bad to choose a decor in the Roman style with borders. Colors preferred are noble: white, beige, gold. A box with plumbing communications should be sewn with a contrasting trim. The picture of the classics will be complemented by white glossy plumbing and Roman motifs in the curb.
Fashionable and stylish interior is obtained by using bright decor. White glossy plastic panels under the brick are sewn up in the bottom of a small bathroom. The ceiling is kept in bronze color. You can sew such panels, you can simply paint the slab. The middle part of the walls is painted in a bright color that is more like it.The color must be bright, it will be the highlight of the bathroom in the style of a loft or high-tech.
Animal images are good for African styles. In the bathroom, you must be very careful when choosing a pattern. A small space can not be clogged with large figures of animals. Small drawings will be lost on the surface of the wall. The picture is selected to a specific room, it must be proportionate. The animalistic picture should match the whole decoration and be matched in tone with the rest of the lining. These are distinctive features of the grunge style.
Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer very beautiful collections for finishing the bathroom. Panels organically fit into the design of the wall or ceiling. Professional designers select the necessary shades and combinations and arrange the ornament so that it can be placed in a bathroom of any size. This is achieved by a fairly large monophonic field.
Modern stylish design of the panels allows you to draw a spectacular interior. Manufacturers select a line of their companions, which can be combined at their discretion.No matter how arranged the material, a careful selection of colors will look advantageous in any version. This is an excellent way out for people far from the world of art - to buy companion panels with a ready ensemble of colors and textures.
When choosing decorative plastic panels, white color is of great importance. Monochrome white will create a hospital interior, so it must be diluted. The nuance combination of white and beige, white and gray create a dull look. For active and energetic people, contrasting alternations of white with bright and vivid colors are suitable: light green, pink, blue.
Do-it-yourself bathroom decorating and creating an exclusive interior is a very exciting experience. A wide range of decorative finishing materials creates opportunities for the realization of any idea.
On the secrets of the bathroom plastic finish, see the following video.