Kermi radiators: characteristics and subtleties of installation

Kermi is a German sales representative for the renowned AFG Arbonia-Forester-Holding AG. This structural division deals with radiators. Thanks to decent quality and excellent performance indicators, the demand for products remains steady. It is worth considering in more detail the characteristics and subtleties of installation of the units.
Special features
German firm Kermi was founded in 1960. The main type of production is steel panel radiators, although the manufacturer is also known for its shower stalls. However, it was the German radiators that became widely popular not only in Germany, but throughout the world. The appearance of German batteries and liked the Russian buyers.An important component of success was the quality of products.
Features of radiators are in two types of connection, as well as in three different thicknesses of metal. In addition to steel products, customers are available bimetallic options. Russian consumers are especially fond of products intended for installation in individual houses and cottages. The appearance of the devices is elegant, noble and elegant. The units are not cheap, but consumers have noted a cost recovery, as well as a high degree of comfort.
The principle of operation of any radiators is based on the coolant circulating inside the device. Fluid entering the radiator tends to slow down from the instrument to the instrument and also cool down. As a result, less heat is transferred to the room. The main feature of the German radiators is the increased characteristics of the heat given off. Heat transfer from the front surface of the installed batteries is pretty decent. Therefore, for autonomous heating systems with low working pressure, Kermi radiators are ideal.
The company offers batteries of various sizes. On sale are mainly models in white.According to the manufacturer, powder coating products are environmentally friendly. And it is also argued that this special coating allows you to better keep the temperature indicators of the devices. Decorative models found on sale, differ from the main line of color and design features.
The main type of products manufactured by Kermi is panel radiators consisting of steel plates connected in pairs. The coolant in such radiators moves through the channels extruded by stamping. There are usually several channels for the circulating fluid. One of them is located at the top, and the other - at the bottom. There are several paired plates in a steel product.
To increase recoil, in some models there are convective fins - these are sheets of steel of corrugated appearance, which are thin and usually are welded behind the front panel. Externally, this usually does not change anything, and on the side and on top of the product are supplied with decor. Some Kermi batteries have a different media feeding method. Therm-X2 technology is considered consistent and known. In practice, hot liquid is fed first to the front, then to the next.As a result, the hottest part turns into rooms.
Greater consumption of heat falls on the room. Other costs of heat with such a connection is much less. In practice, Kermi batteries of a consistent type heat the room faster than other types of devices. Special quality heating devices are shown when connected to pumps and manifolds in the system. The company installs on its devices control valves. The novelty allows you to optimally balance the stable temperature in all rooms. Most steel radiators from other manufacturers come with thermostats, while the thermal head must be purchased separately. With radiators, Kermi adds comfort to individual heating systems. The system consumes only a verified amount of fuel, which significantly reduces waste.
In addition to the sequential version, in the Kermi batteries there is a possibility of a side and bottom option. The bottom feed can be left or right, and it can also be in the center. Therefore, the distribution of heating pipes can be done as it is convenient, without taking into account the features of the heating device.Installation of devices can be carried out after finishing, it is desirable only to pre-fix the brackets on the wall. It is worth considering in more detail the technical characteristics of the main types of radiators produced by the company.
Customers of radiators Kermi have a difficult task of choice. The large range of indicators makes us study the technical characteristics in more detail. Designs and size range of devices are different. Specific data are also related to the design of the units. For example, radiators for sale are from 40 cm to 3 meters in length, the height of the radiator is from 30 to 90 cm.
The options are tubular, panel, and finned. Panel steel devices of this company come in with one, two and three panels. The most powerful is considered a three-layer design. More devices are divided into types that are associated with the number of panels. The table includes from 10 to 33 types of products. For example, the first one is the 10th type, which includes one such detail, the 11th type includes the addition in the form of ribbing, the 12th type — thin batteries 6.5 cm wide, 22nd type — two panels and double ribbing. By type 30 and above are batteries with three rows and triple fins.
Corrugated batteries are classified as Profil, and smooth radiators with a flat front panel are called Plan. In the group of smooth devices there are also various options that differ in characteristics and labeling.
Plan-V variants are designated by FKO - these are radiators from the lower version of the supply, known to customers in these three types:
- left side;
- right;
- centered.
Plan-K models with FKV markings feature a side approach. The combination includes suitable options for replacing old cast iron radiators with a distance between the axles from 50 to 90 cm. In normal condition, the replacement of pipes with these devices does not require their digestion.
In the group of smooth devices of the V series there are hygienic models without additional edges and covers. These options are good for medical institutions, as well as where there are people with allergies.
Another unusual option is Verteo Plan. This product is a vertical type is needed in cases where the installation of a horizontal version of the desired power is not possible. FTV radiators are newer models that have changed the FKV variants. Models are equipped with a lower connection option, allow you to mount a hidden pipe system. Communications under these products can be placed under the floor base.Radiators are distinguished by a two-layer lacquer coating. Processing inside and outside protects products from corrosive damage.
Line radiators from Kermi have a great exterior design. The line includes a wide range of mounting dimensions. Radiators of this type are easily mounted. In these radiators, excellent design and functionality of devices are successfully combined. Models are high performance. Heat dissipation of steel radiators fixed in the wall is comparable with bimetallic variants. Changing energy-consuming options to cost-effective batteries is easy and simple. It is enough to make the necessary calculations.
To make the correct calculation, you can compare the size of the classic cast-iron 12-cell battery with a heat transfer of 1444 watts. The internal volume of the unit is 13 liters. The technical standards of the Kermi battery assume a heat transfer efficiency of 2100 W, while the working volume of the unit is 6.3 liters. The specified heat transfer refers to a single-section battery. These data are indicated in the passport of products 10 types.
It is known that if the system contains a large volume of coolant, then this usually leads to large heat losses. This is inevitable, since the system has a lot of elements. Even carefully isolated systems with large volumes of media do not give a 100 percent return. Technical characteristics of Kermi radiators are advantageous due to the fact that the pipes can pass a smaller volume of media. To pass a similar amount of heat in the cast iron system, a very large volume of carrier must be passed through the pipes. With this amount of pumping equipment will receive a very high load.
Other technical characteristics that are useful when creating a connection scheme are as follows:
- working pressure - 10 bar;
- test pressure - 13 bar;
- maximum temperatures - +110 degrees;
- outlets - ¾ and ½;
- thermal power is usually associated with the type, height, and length of the radiator.
It is more convenient to calculate this parameter using a table usually provided by the manufacturer, for example, if you decide to install one of the models of the popular Kermi Therm X2 Plan line. All models produced by the manufacturer are in the table, so in the selection process it remains to find suitable values. Experts allow slightly larger indicators than are calculated for a particular system.In the table it remains to indicate radiators of acceptable height and length. To calculate the exact power, we need the values of the heat loss of the room, the temperature of the supplied carrier, the desired room temperature. These data will help to more accurately determine the models that fully satisfy the conditions of the system. The table should note all possible options that are suitable for power, then decide on the appropriate parameters of the product.
It is possible to make an approximate calculation for a system with an initial temperature of +60 degrees, a return temperature of +50 degrees. Inside it should be about +22 degrees. Delta will be considered as: (60 + 50) / 2-22 = 33. In the plate with coefficients for the indicator in the room +22 degrees, the applied coefficient is 1.75. Heat loss for the room will be: 2150 * 1.75 = 3719.5. Suitable options for radiators can be determined by the power table.
For example, you can choose models of the following dimensions:
- with a length of 3005 mm, the permissible height of the product will be 305 mm;
- with a length of 2305, 2605 mm, the height of the product can be - 405 mm;
- with a length of 1805, 2005 mm, the permissible height of the product - 505 mm;
- with a length of 1605 mm, the permissible height of the product - 605 mm;
- with a length of 1405 mm, the permissible height of the product - 905 mm.
From the range of products that fit this system, it is worth noting the following models:
- Kermi Therm-x2 FKV - the radiators presented in a line have height from 300 to 900 mm, length from 400 to 3000 mm;
- Kermi Therm-x2 FKO have identical overall parameters. The difference lies in the connecting thread of the pipe - 4x1 / 2. Connecting thread of the first option - 2x3 / 4.
Installation of radiators Kermi is not difficult, but each work has its own nuances. For example, when pipe replacement is not required, adapters will help to solve the problem with different diameters of communications and radiator outlet openings. In more competent installation the instruction will help. It is convenient to study the nuances of connection according to the scheme attached to the product. For example, it indicates an important point with the connection of the separation plug, which ensures the operation of the Therm-x2 technology.
The installation process also involves the connection of two types, and therefore, the installation scheme can be lower and side.
It is important to choose the optimal place depending on the type of installation, the manufacturer’s recommendations are the following:
- 100–120 mm from the flooring;
- 80–100 mm from the window sill.
In both cases, this distance will provide the most efficient heat exchange. If the radiator is located 20-50 mm from the vertical, then there will be no energy loss for gentle heating of this area.
A distinctive feature of the company is that the batteries are supplied in stores with all the necessary accessories for installation. The heating device is presented in the original box. Packaging may not be removed during installation, thereby leaving the device intact.
The standard Kermi kit includes the following items:
- eyelets;
- corner clamps, console;
- top for the grill;
- covers and silencing sides;
- Mayevsky's crane;
- thermostatic faucet;
- instructions for installation and use.
The stages of mounting radiators can be represented in the following order:
- the choice of place for the device taking into account the optimal heat transfer;
- marking with hooks;
- fixing auxiliary reinforcement;
- radiator fixing on the hooks;
- device alignment;
- connecting the device according to the scheme to the pipes;
- pressure testing - testing the system, which can be hydraulic (water) or pneumatic (air);
- commissioning, during which it is important to check the tightness.
As you can see, the heating equipment of the German manufacturer has a very detailed and thoughtful installation scheme. Therefore, self-installation is unlikely to seem difficult, even a non-professional.
Reviews of Kermi batteries are mostly positive. Good-quality raw materials and high-quality assembly make themselves felt. Kermi radiators are rated by users as correct and durable. At the same time, many consumers, when buying these products, largely rely on the recommendations of consultants' sellers. Russian consumers still know little about modern batteries. Those who have already replaced the old counterparts, note the good performance of radiators with less filling system. According to users, consultants most often advise 22 types of radiators, which is probably why they are highly popular.
Few people know that, in addition to panel batteries, Kermi also produces designer models of various designs. If you want to buy something unusual for the apartment, but functional - these are radiators Kermi with beautiful weaves of pipes in various versions. Models are highly durable, as the pipes are connected by laser. These radiators are water type, as well as electric. The most productive units can heat a room up to 20 square meters. m
It is worth noting the line Kermi Ideos.The shape of the ldeos pipes is sophisticated and refined, reminiscent of stars. The assembly is of high quality.
Another original brand representative is Kermi Fedon. The model is not only original, but also convenient to use. Particular comfort lies in a conveniently located temperature regulator. All points of connections of details in this model are hidden from eyes.
Kermi Credo Swing models are distinguished by the original connection of pipes with a triangular cross-section. Models of this line are characterized by smoothness. A heated towel rail is available as a complementary device to customers.
Model Kredo Duo is similar to the previous counterpart, but is characterized by strict lines. The line of these radiators is famous for improved heat dissipation.
Credo Half is a functional, beautiful product. The pipes in the radiator are transverse, perfectly harmonize with the screen unit. The stability of the product add special spacers.
Credo Twist are presented with oval-shaped pipes. As a result, the battery itself looks like a beautiful bend. The size of the pipes is the smallest, but it adds a holistic view of the structure.
Karotherm is a model with perfect symmetry of numerous squares. Small squares are enclosed in a single circuit.
Jive is the opposite of the previous version. The model seems ephemeral and light, but nevertheless transfers enough heat to heat the room. The Icaro model is similar in appearance to the previous version. This battery is also asymmetric, lightweight, air.
Something similar to the usual ribbed radiators of the product line Dekor. Pipes in models are large with a round section. A distinctive feature is the integrated power control system.
The line differs in S, D variants. The latter variety is especially similar to our old radiator batteries, however, it has a more refined look.
Experts say that this particular line of products is ideal when changing cast-iron radiators to new modern models. When replacing will not require any additional adapters and switches. New radiators of the Decor D series are simply installed in the system. If you need to clarify the more detailed characteristics of the products you like, then it is best to examine them using passport indicators.
For information on how to install Kermi radiators, see the following video.