How to cut off the heating battery in the apartment?
For many people, the heating system is a mystery. After all, it consists of quite complex schemes of pipes, which are interconnected by batteries in each residential apartment. Therefore, in case of any breakage of the pipeline, all those living in the house will suffer. That is why everyone wants to know how to turn off the heating radiator so that no apartment will suffer.
List of situations when it is necessary
Even in the absence of some natural disasters and serious problems, there are many situations when it is imperative to shut off the heating radiator.
Here are the most relevant ones:
- daylight saving time;
- check before the opening of the heating season;
- replacement and repair of radiators;
- emergency situation;
- if the room is too hot.
The right approach to overlap
Owners of private homes do not have to worry about repairs or emergency situations, because they have an individual heating system. Much harder for people in apartment buildings. It is especially difficult where there are vertically installed one-pipe systems. After all, with any work with heating devices, this process is immediately reflected in the neighbors. That is why it is important to properly block the radiator in the apartment without harming others.
During the heating season, it is not allowed to interfere with the operation of the central systems of the house. As an exception, overlap is permitted in cases of breakdowns or leaks. But if the batteries are connected to the common system correctly, then you can turn them off during the heating season without disturbing the neighbors.
This is possible if the battery wiring diagram is made using two taps, as well as a bypass line. When the connection of devices is exactly that, the sequence of work on the overlap is simple. First you need to turn off both cranes, and after carrying out the necessary work to open them again.
If the house is hot, and you do not want to open the window in order to save money, then you can close the radiator for a while. In this case, it will be better to install thermostats on the battery. With their help, you can maintain a certain temperature in the room.
If properly connected, the heating battery can be shut off at any time, be it summer or winter. To do this, the valve and valve, which are located on the inset of the pipes in the manifold itself, must be closed. They overlap clockwise, in other words, to the right. However, do not forget about the other tenants of the house. They need to be warned about the overlap in advance, and also hang a sign on the valve so that no one can open for the duration of the repair work.
As can be seen from the above, the heating can be turned off when the piping layout is done correctly, or in the event of an accident.
In an emergency case
If an emergency occurred, and the room began to fill with water, then the situation must be saved. In this situation, you do not need to think about anything, but only about the overlapping of water in any way. Since in such a situation may suffer and the neighbors who are at the bottom.
With a very small leakage of time is enough to call a locksmith. If an emergency can lead to a flood, then actions should be quick and concentrated.First you need to turn off the taps located on the liner to the batteries. This must be done even without a bypass. If there are no stop valves, then it is necessary to call professionals and, if possible, block the riser before they arrive. To do this, you need to go down to the basement and find the point of overlap, that is, two pipes that are vertically, and block.
For the summer period
Doing the overlap of the heating battery for the summer period, you need to know that every system that has water heating should be filled with water all year round. After all, if there is no water in the pipes, air will get there, as a result of which corrosion appears. In the systems of apartment buildings, it is impossible to check the state of affairs, therefore one can only hope for a conscientious attitude towards the work of public utilities employees.
However, you can do something yourself to save your heating system from damage. To extend the battery life, you need to shut off the valve on the radiator at the end of the heating season. In this case, public utilities, carrying out any repairs, can drain the water from the system, and at the same time, water cannot escape from the radiators.
If the radiators are made of cast iron, then you should not worry about overlapping, because this material is not afraid of corrosion. When the heating system will be launched in the autumn, it is not necessary to rush to open the tap immediately on the first day. It is better to wait and open on the second day, while bleeding the air with the Mayevsky crane. This is done so that the pipes do not get clogged with rust, which moves through the pipes.
Some sources say that in summertime the valve on the radiator must be shut off. This is done so that the water, having decreased in volume after cooling, does not form a vacuum in the battery. However, this statement is incorrect. Even if the water cools, it does not damage the battery.
Under different conditions
Very often on the inlet pipe there is a control valve. With the help of it you can block the pipe by turning it so that it is perpendicular to the pipe. But still the main task of the valve is to maintain the desired temperature in the room.
If the valve is absent, and valves are available, that is, ball valves, then you can overlap the radiators at any time.You do not have to worry about the fact that it can harm someone from the neighbors. It is only necessary to turn the valve on the inlet and outlet pipes. This will stop the flow of water through the radiators.
Such overlap can be done in such situations:
- if necessary, painting them during the heating season;
- when you need to wash the radiator;
- if necessary, replace any gasket;
- when overlap is required for the summer season;
- for closing and removing the battery.
If there is a need to remove the radiator, then it is better to do this at the end of winter, that is, after the heating season is over. Since during the heating season, this can be done only if there is a bypass. In addition, this is done only in two cases: when replacing a radiator with a new one and its emergency repair. After all, under current laws in the heating season is strictly prohibited any repair work, except as an emergency.
But if something extra has happened, then you need to do all the necessary work to fix the problem quickly. It is best in this case to replace the radiator with a new one so that the neighbors do not suffer from subsequent breakdowns. If the apartment was a cast iron battery, then it can be replaced with a bimetallic one. But at the same time the mounting brackets must also be dismantled and installed others.
What is required for safe operation?
When the apartment is hot enough, and the owners have a desire to turn off the radiator, you can consider installing a temperature controller on the battery. In the presence of a bypass installed on the radiator thermostat, which regulates the temperature in the room. If there is no bypass, then the regulator cannot be set, because it can regulate the temperature not only in this apartment, but also at the neighbors in the riser. In such a situation, you just need to replace the radiator and put the bypass.
Bypass unit and functions
With the help of a bypass, you can carry out repair work at any time, even in winter, in the presence of hot circulating water. One has only to turn off the tap in front of the radiator. Water will immediately cease to flow into the pipes, and the circulation will go through the bypass itself. This will allow the owners of the apartment not to go down into the basement, and not to block the common riser.
The device itself consists of pipes having a smaller diameter than the pipes of the line of withdrawal and supply. The presence of two ball valves allows you to make the correct overlap of the radiator and direct circulating water through the bypass.
Bypass functions are to regulate the energy source. With a large heat in the room, it allows for some time to shut off the system in it. Then hot water will not flow into the radiator and the room will immediately cool. When replacing the battery, you need to shut off the water, and upon completion of installation, open it again.
In the event of a failure in the circulation of water in a system with an electric pump, the bypass will shut off the flow of hot coolant to the pump. This will happen through the discharge pipe. At the same time, the valve opens, and water flows straight through the central pipe, and circulation takes place, but without a pump.
Install the bypass is necessary with the battery. But experts also recommend that the bypass be manufactured on site.
Thermostat: the role and possibilities
However, for better temperature control in the room, you can install a thermostat. With this device, the battery can be disconnected from the common system when needed. By installing a thermostat, you can save on water costs. After all, if we compare the ordinary running water and hot water in the bypass pipe, then the second consumption is reduced to 35 percent. It matters when the room is hot.
The thermostat itself is a control valve that controls how much water enters the radiator. There are several provisions of this thermostat. If it is fully open, water enters the battery at full speed. When the thermostat is closed, the water does not flow into the radiator at all.
But it is also worth knowing that you can install the thermostat only with jumpers. Such models allow water to circulate without obstruction. And they also protect the thermostat itself from any clogging. Jumpers are installed in front of the valve so that it is protected. After all, if the thermostat becomes dirty, it will stop flowing water. Therefore, the jumpers must always remain open. In exceptional situations, when batteries require flushing, you can close them for a while.
Drain hole and ball valves
It is possible to make radiator overlap much easier if ball valves are installed on the pipes. With their help it is very easy to make any overlap. To do this, just turn the faucet, and the water will stop flowing into the battery.
Much easier to work on the overlap of the radiator having a drain hole or a special tap.
A device for the removal of gases
Do not forget that, even if you close the radiators in the room, inside them there will still be different chemical processes going on, as a result of which gases are released. When the radiator is closed, they will not be able to go anywhere. And this may lead to rupture of the battery. Therefore, a radiator must be installed on the radiators without fail.
Modern batteries are equipped with such devices. They are automatic and manual. First remove the accumulation of gases as they appear in the battery. Therefore, you can block heating devices for the summer, but only if you open the device for gas. Manual valves remove excess gas by turning the valve counterclockwise.
Expert advice
Experts advise in the heating season in order to cut off the radiators, to use without fail the following devices:
- ball valves;
- bypass with valve;
- drainer;
- thermostat;
- device for removal of excess gas.
To cut off the heating battery in the apartment and not harm the neighbors, the best option is to call special services.However, in emergency situations do not panic, and immediately turn off the heating. To do this, it is worth examining the existing overlapping devices and where they are installed.
To learn how to bleed air from a radiator in a high-rise building, see the video below.