Features of radiators "Harmony"
Radiators "Harmony" are produced at the Kimry plant of heating equipment and are well known to the domestic consumer. The company is one of the leaders in the Russian heating market and for 20 years has been developing independently and regularly launching new collections. The range of products manufactured by the company is quite wide, but the most popular and interesting type of products are heating radiators.
Radiators "Harmony" are a unique design development. A distinctive feature of their device is the presence in the body cavity of an additional pipe, through which the heat carrier current flows. This technology gives the device the functions of a convector, which significantly increases heat transfer and saves on heating.The devices are fully adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of our country and are designed specifically for work in the Russian heating networks.
The working pressure of the models is 15 atmospheres, which is the standard for central heating appliances., and the pressing indicator, meaning, what load the radiator can withstand with water hammer, is 25 atmospheres. Batteries are designed for coolant temperature up to 130 degrees at a pH level of up to 9 units. If this level exceeds the allowable values, it is better to use cast iron models. This is due to the low resistance of the steel from which the "Harmony" radiators are made to corrosion processes.
Radiators "Harmony" are available in floor and wall mounting options. The package of some floor models include additional racks, which, if they are not ordered, are ordered independently. Devices are made in one and two-row execution. In the first case, the columns are located on one side of the collector, in the second - from both. Models are available with side and bottom connection and have three sizes of cross-section of vertical pipes.
The smallest diameter corresponds to 2.5 cm, medium - 4 and large - 5 cm. Radiators are painted using full-cycle technology, which includes thorough surface preparation, priming and applying a matte or glossy polymer coating. The edges of the pipes are rolled, after which the models look concise and neat.
The principle of operation of the “Harmony” radiators is quite simple: the coolant, moving through the inner tube, heats the air inside the second pipe, which is the body, and creates the effect of double heat transfer. The thermal inertia of the vertical parts is reduced, and their filling with water throughout the volume is not required. As a result, the inner and outer surfaces of the “shirt” quickly heat up, and hot air rises. This creates a convection effect and increases the heat transfer of the batteries. Heating of the room is much faster and more efficient than using classic models with fully water filled sections.
Due to its non-standard design, the “Harmony” radiators are notable for their unusual design and considerably surpass traditional models in terms of lightness and economy.
Advantages and disadvantages
Popularity, positive reviews and high consumer demand for “Harmony” radiators due to a number of indisputable advantages of these models.
- A wide range of sizes with a wide variety of height, depth, center distance and diameter of pipes greatly facilitate the choice of battery and allow you to buy the device under a window sill of any height and size.
- Creative design of models and a wide color palette make it possible to purchase a product for any modern and classic style. At the request of the buyer, the batteries can be equipped with additional covers-lids, made in different colors.
- Tubular radiators fully comply with the standards of centralized heating systems and are compatible with any utilities of heating networks.
- The presence of angular and radial models makes it possible to install radiators in non-standard shapes.
- Products have a warranty card for a period of 5 years and a full package of accompanying documentation confirming the quality and originality of the production of radiators.
- Excellent heating capacity of the devices is achieved through the use of convection technology,as a result of which there is a doubling of the heat transfer area and activation of heat exchange processes in the room. Each section of the radiator acts as an accelerator for the movement of hot air, which arises due to the occurrence of thrust in the hollow part of its body. This allows the Harmony models to be considered one of the most effective means of heating and explains the high consumer demand for this type of equipment.
- Easy installation due to low weight and simple battery design.
- Wide scope of use. Due to the reduced inertia of the heating system and the rapid heating of the room, Harmony radiators are indispensable for heating warehouses, villas, production halls and trading rooms, that is, places where heating is switched on periodically, and accelerated heating is often required.
- The comfortable cost of radiators compared to cast-iron and aluminum counterparts, makes the devices even more attractive and buyable.
The disadvantages of the “Harmony” radiators include the not very long service life caused by the material used to make the devices. Steel models are more prone to corrosive processes, so they can not be compared in terms of durability with aluminum and cast iron.
The manufacturer guarantees 25 years of impeccable service devices, while cast-iron models are able to serve twice as long.
Browse popular models
Harmony heating radiators are available in three versions: A, C and R. Type A devices have two versions, differing from each other in tube diameter, the cross section of which is 25 and 40 mm. The center distance varies from 15.5 to 200 cm, and the maximum length reaches 2 m 24 cm.
- Model A40 1 It is a single-row battery with a pipe diameter of 4 cm and a distance of 5 cm between adjacent tubes. The product has a modern design and an anti-corrosion inner coating. The working pressure of the device corresponds to 15 atmospheres, and the pressing pressure reaches 25 atmospheres. The battery is equipped with thermostatic valves and is characterized by high heat dissipation of 4483 watts.
- Model A40 2 made in the form of a two-row radiator with the same distance between the tubes and the size of the cross section, as in the previous device.The battery can be installed both in the system with the coolant of forced circulation, and in combination with the thermostat. The radiator of this brand is designed for a maximum working fluid temperature of up to 120 degrees and a test pressure of 25 atmospheres.
- Model A25 1 represented by a single-row device with a pipe diameter of 2.5 cm and a distance of 4 cm between two adjacent tubes. The radiator has an aesthetic appearance and can be made in angular and radius design.
- Model A25 2 It has the same dimensional characteristics of the diameter and pitch as the previous product, but is made in a two-row version. The heat output of the device reaches 5295 W, which is a very high figure for radiators of this class.
Radiators of modification C are characterized by the presence of hemispherical shapes on the end parts, which contributes to a significant increase in the active upward flow of hot air. Due to this property, devices are indispensable for heating high rooms and large halls. Models have a classification similar to type A by the size of the section and the pitch of vertical pipes.
R-type batteries are angular and radial devices.perfectly suitable for installation in bay windows and non-standard rooms. Products are fully compatible with aluminum, steel, copper and plastic pipes, and can be built into the system of both central and autonomous heating. All devices are guaranteed for 5 years.
Radiators "Harmony" are well known in the domestic market of heating equipment. They will warm the space perfectly, save money, and also give the room a modern look and a stylish appearance.
For more information on the Harmony radar, see below.