Design heating radiators: a new trend in interior decoration

Heating radiators are available in every home. Standard batteries are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced by stylish designer models for heating a home. Design radiator is a relatively new direction in the field of household engineering communications and an integral part of an individual interior.
Today, thanks to a wide variety of design options for heating devices, everyone will be able to choose the right solution for a particular room.
A bit of history
The history of the creation of radiators goes far back in time, a few thousand years ago, when people began to think about how to make their homes warm and comfortable to live in during the cold season.Then they were heated with the help of open fire, the smoke from which went through a special opening. The first heating battery appeared already in ancient Rome in the form of a furnace with a pipe. Interestingly, in some modern homes to this day use this type of heating system.
In 1855, German entrepreneur Franz San-Ghali created the first cast-iron radiator and called this device a “hot box”. The pig-iron radiator was widely adopted around the world, it was used in steam system of heating. This was a serious start for new inventions in the field of heating. The first tubular radiator of steel, invented by Rubert Tönder, appeared in 1930. This discovery was a triumph. The battery was named Zehnder and showed excellent technical characteristics: less weight than the cast-iron units and high heat transfer.
A little later, bimetallic radiators combining steel and aluminum appear, embodying all the advantages of steel and aluminum batteries. Subsequently, many companies have mastered this technology, and it is still successfully used in the modern world for the production of radiators.In Russia, cast iron batteries came in the 1920s, and already in the 1940s, cast iron heaters were installed in all Soviet apartments. Aluminum and bimetallic radiators in Russia became popular much later than in Europe.
In the entire history of the development of radiators, experts have well understood the properties of materials for the manufacture of batteries, as well as the needs of customers. Thus, today on the first place there are stylish design heating devices.
What are the?
Due to the variety of forms and design solutions, heating sources have long been part of the interior. They are able to emphasize the style and sophistication of any room. Today, heating equipment stores offer a huge number of design structures made of different materials and in their beauty not inferior to artistic works of art, which are able to create a favorable indoor climate.
Decorative batteries can be wall-mounted, vertical and horizontal, spiral-shaped., assemble in the form of beautiful frames from the profile, imitate a tree or a panel on the wall.They can also be made in modern or retro styles. Some manufacturers create interesting models of heaters for dryers, clothes hangers, flower stands and decorative statues.
As a rule, cast-iron options are stylized antique. It looks very interesting massive construction with two or three channels, which is mounted on the wall. The iron itself is blackened and coated with elements of gilding or bronze. The German company Guratec manufactures cast-iron structures for heating with an additional ornament on the surface. There are completely abstract models that can be made of any material, but have a fancy shape.
Convenient bench design radiators are at the same time a footprint and a device for heating. Such models are often used in swimming pools, greenhouses, baths and saunas. There are also designer heating devices in the form of a vertical mirror with lighting, heated towel rails for children's rooms, and stone aggregates.
The surfaces of radiators are divided into:
- convective;
- convective radiation;
- radiation.
From a technical point of view, a convector is a standard pipe to which many plates are attached. The coolant enters the pipe, which simultaneously heats the plates. Between them runs the air, which when heated rises to the ceiling. There it cools, goes down and, passing through the plates, rises again. In the case of radiation type of transmission, heat is transferred by thermal infrared rays. Their property is that, passing through the air, they do not heat it, but they heat other objects - floor, walls, furniture, which, in turn, become sources of heat.
The most popular today are convective-radiation heating devices. The convective component of vodka radiators is growing by increasing the area of the spores of the base of the device with air. By design, designer radiators can be panel, tubular, or made up of sections and blocks. Panel radiators are devices in the center of which there are two sheets welded to each other. On the sheets are recesses in the form of channels through which coolant circulates.
Tubular radiators are made up of pipes. The peculiarity and versatility of this type of battery lies in the fact that all elements are welded with a laser and have practically no seams. Tubular structures have the strength and durability. Sectional radiators - the most popular type of heating devices. They consist of several units connected in a battery.
Designer heaters are a sign of luxury. Products are made of various materials:
- Steel Designer radiators have high strength and aesthetics. Compared with other devices from other materials, such products have several advantages: low oxidizability when using low-quality water, durability, lightness, reasonable price.
- Aluminum Models are made in two ways: by casting and extruding aluminum on an extruder (extrusion method). Such devices can not withstand hydraulic shocks, but are characterized by good heat dissipation and efficiency.
- Bimetallic. This version is constructed from a core that is made from copper or steel pipes and has an aluminum body.The advantages of bimetallic batteries are that this type is able to withstand pressure up to 100 ATM and does not corrode.
- The budget option - cast iron batteries. However, this does not apply to designer models. Cast iron radiators are practical, have a high level of heat capacity, but they are very heavy in weight, which causes inconvenience during installation.
- Copper models non-corrosive, durable and have an attractive appearance. Of the minuses can be noted their high price and the need to use special equipment during installation.
- Electric heating devices are made of tempered glass. Such options look especially aesthetic.
- Radiators made of stone, are real architectural works. The stone is able to radiate heat at low temperatures, while not emitting harmful substances.
- Glass. The French company Solaris is engaged in the manufacture of original glass heaters. The principle of operation is as follows: a plate of durable glass is connected to the power supply. When heated, it transfers heat to the second plate.It is the second plate made of special decorative glass, which serves to decorate the room.
- Wood. Designers are not spared and the tree. Wooden batteries turned out to be no worse than traditional options, and even better in something. Their beauty is not commensurate with classic batteries, and they can be performed in different colors, including gold and silver. Radiators from this material will perfectly fit into wooden houses from a bar or a log.
How to choose?
You can choose and buy design radiators at a hardware store or specialized brand boutiques of radiators. Everyone chooses a product for the overall style of the room.
However, radiators, in addition to design, differ in the following parameters:
- working pressure and power, on which the possibility of using the battery in your heating system will depend;
- design and dimensions;
- material of manufacture.
The efficiency of heat transfer from the radiator is its power.
This indicator is influenced by several factors:
- type of building (panel, brick or wood);
- number of windows;
- heat permeability of windows;
- number of walls and doors.
For example, a typical standard apartment with a ceiling of up to 3 meters is sufficient for a radiator of 100-130 W / m2. Based on these parameters, and the calculated value of the battery, as well as the overall level of heat transfer.
Also some additional conditions may affect the power:
- Rooms with not one, but two windows need extra power up to 20%.
- If a designer radiator has a closed front panel with horizontal convection openings, then the power should be 15% more.
- In the presence of heavy multi-layer curtains the same 15% are needed.
- The square room heats up faster than the elongated one, so an additional 10% of power is needed last.
When buying a designer battery, check the availability of instructions with all technical specifications, as well as the absence of defects. Pay attention to the thread in the joints with the pipe, it should not be broken.
Spectacular examples in the interior
Ready examples allow you to see various options for the use of designer radiators in a modern interior:
- Tubular design radiators are particularly popular today.
- Cast iron designer batteries are created with a vintage accent.
- Stylish heating devices with a emphasized industrial design can be used in the interior of a loft.
- Electric ceramic panels create a heating capacity of several kilowatts.
- Vertical wall heaters are built into the heating system and make the interior unusual.
- Horizontal water design radiators have an original shape that fits perfectly into the modern style.
- Stylish designer radiators from the Italian manufacturer Brem can be a real element of architecture in the interior.
- Original look radiators, towel warmers.
- Abstract design solutions will decorate various interior styles.
- Wooden radiators will give the apartment or house more comfort and a special atmosphere.
How to choose designer radiators, see the following video.