Types and advantages of boilers Stropuva
Solid fuel boilers Stropuva are increasingly selected to complete the heating system. Buyers prefer this brand, because it allows you to significantly save fuel, the need for frequent laying of which is absent. Even at the lowest temperatures one can put firewood or coal only once a day, and sometimes even less often. In addition, this boiler is quite compact and does not require large space to accommodate a huge tank. If the price issue is not dominant, then the Lithuanian brand Stropuva can be an excellent solution.
Special features
The boiler Stropuva has one bright feature - it has a top burning fuel. This means that the movement of the flame goes from top to bottom, which allows the fuel to burn for a longer time.This way you can save a lot, because for heating a room you will need much less coal or firewood. The principle of upper combustion also determines the vertical cylindrical shape of the device.
The device is a barrel of cast iron or steel, inside which there are two cylinders. (small and large), differing in diameter. Large separated from the boiler itself with a layer of insulation. Between the cylinders there is a heat exchanger, also known as a heating circuit. The coolant is evenly placed in this zone and the so-called “water jacket” is formed. In a small cylinder mounted combustion chamber, that is, there is located the furnace.
The temperature of combustion is maintained due to the presence of the duct. It works in such a way that the air is supplied only to the burning fuel. With it, you can regulate the entire process. Smoke leaves the boiler in its upper part and goes immediately to the chimney due to the presence of strong traction. The diameter of the latter varies from 160 to 200 millimeters, depending on the model. In any case, it must match or even exceed the diameter of the pipe on the boiler.Ash and other wastes are removed from the bottom - the door is placed 2 centimeters higher than the bottom itself.
To ignite the boiler, it is necessary to act according to simple instructions. First, the air distributor rises and fuel is loaded, for example, firewood and wood chips. The flaps open, including the air flap, and the upper layer is ignited. At this point, the door through which fuel is loaded should remain ajar a few centimeters. When the fire reaches the desired state, the air distributor is lowered and the loading door closes. A new portion of wood material can be added at any time, but it is not recommended to do this with coal - you need to wait until the previous portion burns through.
For Stropuva various types of solid fuels are chosen: types of wood (sawdust, wood chips, briquettes and firewood), coal or peat briquettes. The quality of the selected fuel largely determines how much it will burn and warm the room. In addition, an important role is played by the presence of insulation in the house, the correct choice and installation of the device. If the room is not sufficiently insulated, you will have to buy a powerful boiler and be prepared for the fact that the bookmarks will be enough for less time.
It is also important to qualified personnel who will be engaged in installing the boiler and its strapping.
Views and their installation
The heating boiler of long burning of Stropuva is issued in several models: "Mini" S8, S15, S20, S30 and S40. There are models of "Bio", working with wood, chips, pellets and briquettes of sawdust, then "P", working on pellets ("Mini" S8P, S15P, S20P, S30P and S40P) and universal "U" - for example, "Mini »S8U, S15U, S20U, S30U and S40U. In principle, all models can work with all types of fuel, but in the case of a discrepancy between the model and the recommended load, the efficiency of the device will decrease. The differences are in size, possible volume of water and fuel, diameter of chimney and power. Drawings available show the difference of boilers. The least powerful device copes with a space that reaches 80 square meters, and the most powerful - 400 square meters. By the way, the power can be judged depending on the name of the model - the higher the number, the greater the power. Usually the number in the model name corresponds to the power of the device.
Allocate designs that work only on wood, as well as any kind of solid fuel. In addition, the Stropuva boiler can be purchased in a variety of colors, even in blue or red. Surprisingly, yellow shade is the most common.
Power boilers varies from 8 to 40 kilowatts. The maximum weight of coal used is 220 kilograms, and firewood is 80 kilograms (model S40). One fuel charge can be from 18 to 31.5 hours in the case of firewood, and the maximum period in the case of coal reaches 130 hours. The maximum mass of the device reaches 333 kg, and the minimum - 165 kg. Finally, the height of the most powerful model S40 is 2120 millimeters, and the least powerful S8 - 1350 millimeters. The diameter ranges from 557 to 680 millimeters.
Structures are mounted only in those boilers that meet all requirements. The floor must be made of concrete at least in the section where the boiler is located. The height of the room should ideally exceed 215 centimeters. Thoughtful ventilation and airtight boundaries that separate living spaces are required.
Connecting a Stropuva boiler with your own hands to the heating system is strictly forbidden - qualified specialists who are ready to give a guarantee on the work done should be engaged in the work.
Advantages and disadvantages
Reviews of owners say that heating boilers of this company have many advantages. Stropuva is better than its counterparts in many ways. The main advantage, of course, is continuous burning and the ability to use one tab over the long term. For example, if coal is chosen as a fuel, then one load will be enough for almost a week, and briquettes for two days. If you heat the room with firewood, the bookmarks will last for thirty hours. Standard models are able to function on one tab for no more than eight hours. According to users, the device is very easy to use, with it there are no problems with downloading.
Boilers Stropuva are also quite economical. They themselves are relatively inexpensive, as well as the fuel used, which is suitable as ordinary wood, coal, wood chips or other common materials. If you compare the products Stropuva, which is a solid-fuel device, with a conventional pellet boiler, the benefit will be obvious. There will be no excessive fuel consumption - only as much as needed.It is possible to change the mode depending on changing conditions and thereby prolong the burning hours of one bookmark. For example, if it gets warmer outside, then less energy is required, which means the boiler will run on fuel longer. The cost of heating when moving to Stropuva is reduced by about half.
The boiler from Stropuva is always in the best mode. A conventional boiler works until all the fuel is burned, and in a short time it releases a huge amount of heat. Therefore, it is necessary either to update the bookmark all the time, or to supplement the design with a heat accumulator that will store heat. In Stropuva only a small part of the fuel is burned and no additional devices are required. The efficiency of boilers reaches 90%, and it is non-volatile and can work with almost any solid fuel. Even if there is no electricity in remote areas, Stropuva will still be used successfully. It is also worth mentioning that the boiler itself is quite compact and does not take up much space, it is very easy to clean, and it can operate for up to 5 years.
Differ boilers of this type and safety for users. The device is made of steel, characterized by high heat resistance and heat resistance. If there is a fire, the boiler will not explode anyway. In addition, the design is equipped with a special valve for protection, which in case of danger activates the extinguishing mode. Stropuva is easily completed with radiators and boilers, is connected to the heated floor, as well as any heating system. For different connections it will be possible to set different temperatures. For example, the temperature of a heated floor will be maintained at 33 degrees, and the batteries - 55 degrees.
The main disadvantage of such boilers is still considered the price - they will have to pay more than 80 thousand rubles. It is also bad that the device reacts extremely sharply to changes in the quality of the coolant, most often liquid. Differ in complexity and some moments of operation. For example, if the fuel is burned with an insufficient amount of air, then condensate will begin to appear from the inside. Metal, being exposed to aggressive effects, will begin to erode, and then there will be a crust, inhibiting the transfer of heat.
Finally, Stropuva is picky about the choice of fuel. The moisture content of dry wood cannot exceed 15%, otherwise condensate will begin to form again from the inside. The bad thing is that during operation a lot of waste is generated, that is, ash. When the fuel is mixed with ash, an unnecessary layer is formed, thereby reducing the combustion temperature.
Some users have such a disadvantage, as the inconvenience of downloading. The fuel must be formed in as dense rows as possible, which is not very easy when choosing firewood. In addition, the design is made in such a way that it is not always possible to reach the lower level of fuel.
Further you watch a review about work of a boiler Stropuva.