Heating boilers "Siberia": features and model range

What are heating boilers for?
The heating boiler is a closed vessel containing hot liquid or steam (that gives off its heat). This combination creates the temperature needed to heat buildings, as well as to bring hot water to them. Such boilers are characterized by power, radius of heat, resistance and many others.
The boilers are divided into several types:
- solid fuel;
- liquid fuel;
- working with gas;
- working with electricity;
- combining several options for work.
About Siberia boilers
These boilers are manufactured by NMK, one of the largest manufacturing companies in the field of heating appliances in Russia. "Siberia" is considered one of the most popular devices among all produced analogues.
“Novosibirsk Metalworking Company” - this is how the well-known abbreviation “NMK” stands for. The company began its existence in 1995. The years of successful development were not in vain. Thanks to the right approach to all stages of the production process, the company has managed to establish itself from the best side. Brand products are distinguished by first-class quality, due to excellent materials, modern technologies and careful control of all stages of creating models.
A huge range allows you to please the client with any income. Products are available in different colors, sizes and purposes. There are both furnaces and high-quality greenhouses. Boilers deserve special attention. These devices of the company "NMK" refer to the boilers from the "solid fuel" section. They are presented in two series: "Hephaestus" and "QUO".
It is worth noting that the QUO is a budget option, which makes it possible to purchase the boiler even to those who are limited in funds. This unit is ideal for a country house or cottage.Gefest is a new product on the market of heating appliances. It appeared in 2014, but already managed to gain popularity among consumers.
There are five standard sizes of Siberia units: KVO 10,12,15,20 and 25 kW. The main material from which these devices are made is steel, which has good resistance to elevated temperatures. Cast iron is also sometimes used. As for the "Hephaestus", it is presented in three versions: 15, 20 and 30 kW.
Considering the Siberia units, it can be noted that they are simple classic boilers. The design includes a water jacket and, in fact, the boiler itself. "Siberian" boilers are quite compact, which allows them to be located in absolutely any part of the house.
If we consider the structure in more detail, then we need to say a few words about the grate, beams located transversely, the lid.
- The grate is needed for maximum effect. It helps to make the heat removal area larger.
- Beams are installed on the paths of movement of flue gases. They direct heat to the heating system.
- The lid has holes in which coal is usually placed.
Every day, the company's engineers are bringing into production more and more new developments, promoting manufactured goods to a new level. In the manufacture of products used raw materials of the best quality. The undoubted advantage of this product is its durability and reliability, as well as a large selection of options sold in the country's retail stores. We should also mention the prices available to each customer, as well as discounts for those who purchase heating equipment exclusively from the manufacturer NMK.
One of the main qualities of these products is their ability to work properly in absolutely any weather conditions (in heat and cold). All necessary documents, certificates, instructions for use and use are attached to the product.
It can be concluded that Siberia boilers are a unique combination of all the necessary qualities that are necessary for good heating equipment. Therefore, almost all users who have bought this product are satisfied with his work.
Marking of boilers can contain three variants of letters or abbreviations:
- “T” - the work of the unit with this designation is performed only on solid fuel (coal, firewood, etc.).
- “E” - such marking means that the unit has an electronic device capable of stopping the operation of the boiler itself, if necessary.
- "KVO" - the presence of a heating boiler.
Each model has individual technical features. They include dimensions, and weight, and much more.
For example, Gefest has the following characteristics:
- the weight of the boiler is 160 kilograms;
- power - from 3 to 6 heating elements;
- camera depth - 550 meters;
- the volume of the water circuit is about 80 liters;
- fuel is used either coal or from pressed briquettes;
- the chimney is attached at the back;
- power is 20 kilowatts;
- Efficiency - about 80 percent;
- chimney size - 55 millimeters by 245 millimeters;
- The working pressure of water in the boiler itself is approximately 0.1 kg per square centimeter.
"Siberia" KVO 15 kW has the following data:
- the weight of the boilers is 105 kilograms;
- power - 3 or 6 heating elements;
- steel chamber depth - 600 millimeters;
- contour volume - 46 liters;
- the fuel used is the same as in Hephaestus (coal or wood);
- the chimney is also attached at the back;
- power - 15 kilowatts;
- The efficiency is less than that of Hephaestus - 75 percent;
- The working pressure of water in the boiler itself is approximately 0.1 kg per square centimeter.
Characteristics "Siberia" KVO 20 kW:
- the weight of the boiler is 120 kilograms;
- power - 20 kW;
- circuit volume - 55 liters;
- coal or wood fuel;
- chimney mounted at the back;
- Efficiency - 80%.
Features "Siberia" KVO 25 kW:
- boiler weight - 115 kilograms;
- power - 25 kW;
- circuit volume - 60 liters;
- coal or wood fuel;
- hole for mounting the chimney is located at the rear.
Consumer reviews
Most of the people who own Siberia in the property are satisfied that they acquired such a unit. The advantages of products include affordable price, excellent quality, and much more. However, some equipment owners have found a drawback - the need for regular cleaning, although this is just an ordinary event for the care of the device.
Especially consumers distinguish the model "Hephaestus"
There are several highlights in the reviews.
- Compact product. Large capacity boilers with a small size are an undoubted advantage.
- Saving. Here we are talking about a design that uses the heat and energy released during the combustion of coal or firewood. There is a long burning. It is very convenient when cooking, and also when heating water.This quality was not foreseen by developers, consumers noticed it themselves.
- Installation, characterized by its simplicity. Installation can be done both with the help of specialists and independently.
- Any chimney. The device is convenient in that a lot of different chimney structures can approach it.
- Easy operation. Convenient doors of large size, as well as openings on the cover, allow you to quickly fill up the fuel. It is only necessary to take into account that its dimensions should not exceed 60 centimeters in length.
- Additional options. The manufacturer took care of customers by installing a thermometer on the unit, which shows the water temperature in degrees Celsius.
- TEN. These are blocks that can be connected to the boiler itself. These technologies give consumers the opportunity to leave the boiler unattended and go about their business. At the same time, there is no need to worry - the boiler will turn itself off without human help, and the heating elements will automatically start.
- Ability to install a draft regulator. It allows you to control the entire process of burning fuel. This nuance will add to the use of the unit practicality and convenience.
Where can I buy?
Today, high technology allows you to purchase almost any product sitting on the couch via the Internet. Boilers "Siberia" - is no exception. However, this method of shopping is not always reliable, so it is better to focus on the outlets of the manufacturer and its official representatives.
Specialized stores in which Siberia boilers are presented, as well as similar devices of other companies (for example, AOGV boilers from Zhukovsky Machine Building Plant) are located in several hundred cities of Russia, as well as Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus.
In the next video you will see the advantages and features of the younger line of solid fuel boilers of the NMK company ("Novosibirsk Metalworking Company").