Combined boilers: types, nuances of choice and review of manufacturers

Nowadays, modern units of a universal (combined) type are becoming increasingly popular in the market of heating devices. From the usual units of the eye, they differ in functioning on all kinds of fuel. At the same time combinations of types of fuel can be found different. You can always find devices that can work on three, and a number of models - on four types of fuel: gas, fuel in the solid and liquid state, electricity.
Special features
Combined products - they are also bit-fuel or multi-fuel boilers - can use from two to all four types of combustible materials.Multi-fuel appliances will have more than one firebox. More often solid types of fuel are put in one of the fire chambers, in the other - gas or diesel. Independent circuits can be connected to several fireboxes at once, and they can maintain a different temperature level. One firebox can warm the battery, the second - to ensure the work of warm floors. But you can also divide the heating by floor or by any other criterion. If you like this idea - when you purchase a unit, you should choose a device in which each furnace will have its own heat exchanger.
We list the advantages of the universal device type.
- Almost all designs have built-in types of heating elements and a pair of excellent combustion chambers. They are well suited for any combustible material.
- Installation, regular maintenance and repair work will not require special skills from you. Only a few models in this component will have a complex device, but these days they are not particularly popular with the consumer.
- The presence of more than one circuit. If the building is large, one device of this type can easily heat all its rooms. By connecting another circuit, you can warm the bath or garage.
- The combined unit does not take up much space.
- Low level of toxic emissions. These devices will not pollute the air.
- Pretty high efficiency. It can be about 90%, which for a universal product can be considered a quality indicator.
- Independent type or 100% rejection of electricity when using the device. Due to rising electricity prices, many consumers refuse it and switch to much more convenient types of heating.
- The use of automation in the choice of fuel. If the supply of its main type stops, the devices on the machine begin to switch to additional types of energy carriers, while not allowing the heating system to stop operating.
Combined units are divided into several varieties.
- Gas-solid fuel appliances for home heating. The main positive features of this heating unit are economy and its independence from the supply of gas in case of its accidental or targeted shutdown. Gas-wood appliances are easily ranked here, where you can also choose firewood actively to heat your home.Wood aggregates, in general, have become very popular these days because of the low cost and availability of wood in our country. The combined gas-firewood device will allow you not to be afraid of even the most severe frost. Here, pellets are often used as a combustible material (a special burner is built into the device for this) and coal.
- Gas-liquid devices. One of the most effective installations for any structure that will allow for a short time to heat a large space qualitatively. For a speedy transfer from one type of fuel to another, you will need to change the type of burner.
- Gas electrofluidic aggregates. Gas, diesel and electricity will be used to quickly heat the air in the dwelling. With the help of gas and diesel fuel it will be possible to quickly heat all the rooms of a residential building, and the heating element will be able to maintain the desired temperature in it. Gas-generating type of boilers is usually in demand in homes that are used occasionally.
- Gas, diesel and solid fuels. These are multitasking designs that are often chosen for heating private cottages.Such devices are very complex in many of their parameters - they must be specifically maintained and operated.
- Four fuel designs. It uses all 4 types of fuel. The devices will help to adapt to any heating conditions of a private building, choosing the type of fuel that will allow significant savings.
Universal products with a long burning are selected in those situations when you need the highest possible degree of reliability and autonomy of heating. You can easily connect them yourself without the involvement of a specialist.
All types of this type of products for heating are made only in the floor version. The construction of such a boiler must use cast iron. On additional types of fuel, the product will function with condensate release, which is especially noticeable in the example of the choice of diesel fuel. And cast iron has increased resistance to corrosion of metal, for this reason, cast iron products are called the best options for heating.
Combined structures are rather heavy, are produced in the floor form and often have impressive dimensions.
The products that run on diesel and gas have the most simplified appearance and small size. As well as oversized parameters have products that run on gas and electricity. Such a device consists of a small fuel combustion chamber, a heat exchanger with built-in heating elements or other types of heating device.
The largest size is provided by furnaces equipped with several chambers for heating, and which will require the installation of a pedestal made of concrete, since conventional flooring may not withstand their load.
Famous manufacturers
The following is the rating of the most popular boilers of the combined type.
- Device De Dietrich GT 123, having a power of 21 kW, and efficiency - almost 90%. The French gas / diesel system unit, mounted on the floor, has an open fuel combustion chamber, if there is a need, it is connected to the 220 V network.
- South Korean product Kiturami KRM 30R. It has a power of 35 kW and efficiency - from 85%, operates on coal, diesel, wood, has a closed combustion chamber. The biofuel heating system and the provision of hot water is actively used in residential buildings where gas is supplied intermittently.These designs are perfectly functioning on wood, coal and diesel fuel. After complete combustion of one source, the product automatically goes to the next. The model has 2 separate chambers for combustion. Because of this feature, there is no need to redesign the device, which will significantly increase the reliability of its operation.
- Italian device Lamborghini Calor AX 3 32 R, having a power of 32 kW, efficiency - 91%. The design works on gas and diesel fuel, has an open combustion chamber. This model of the universal cast-iron unit is a leader in the world market of modern heating devices for domestic use. The design works perfectly because of the built-in burner blower type. All functional elements of the product have the original placement, which helps to achieve improved performance with meager consumption of heating material.
- Finnish Jaspi boilers released in 5 series. Specialists of the company took into account consumer complaints, their experience in operation and designed each model so that it fully meets the expectations and can satisfy the needs of ordinary people. The most sought-after model is the three-fuel unit Jaspi Tupla. It has 3 separate firebox chambers, which are combined with a single smoke extraction system and a heat exchanger.The multi-fuel device Jaspi Tupla will function well on diesel and solid fuels. As well as the device is supplemented with a heater-heater, which in normal mode also works on heating water for domestic needs.
An advantage of the model is the auto-connection of an electric boiler with full combustion of the main subspecies of fuel.
- Coppers heating marks "Don" They are selected for supplying heat to residential buildings, buildings of various purposes, which must be equipped with water heating systems with different types of circulation and for hot water supply (here everything will depend on the equipment and a particular model). For operation, the boiler is mounted in closed premises with normal ventilation without artificially created temperature conditions, where the levels of air temperature and its humidity, the effect of dust is much lower than in open space.
- Units "Dymok M" manufactured to work in the heating system of any buildings. The boilers are excellently operated in systems where low freezing type coolants are used. These products guarantee fast heating of water, with any possible amount of fuel used and are distinguished by increased efficiency.Here coal or wood are used as fuel, and electricity is used as an alternative type of fuel.
How to choose?
To correctly choose the most suitable universal unit for heating your own home, need to consider different parameters.
- Power. If you choose the right power equipment, you can spend a minimum of time and fuel to heat all the rooms of the house as quickly and efficiently. When purchasing such a boiler, experts advise you to carefully read its passport data. According to the characteristics indicated there, it will be easier to determine whether the device has enough power to heat the house.
You can contact the experienced masters for the exact calculation. Remember that the power of the device should easily be enough for the house, and there should still be a power reserve of at least 10%.
- Varieties of fuel used. Combined boilers can easily work on several types of fuel materials. But acquiring a four-fuel unit may initially have no meaning. If there is no gas in your house, the gas appliance will no longer be needed.The same situation will be in those buildings where there are interruptions in electricity. Therefore, first think carefully about what kind of fuel for you can become the main one, and how effectively alternative types will supplement it. Only in this way can you find the best combination.
- The purpose of the equipment. Getting a heating design only for heating the house, it is best to buy a boiler with one circuit. If you also need hot water, then the best choice would be a boiler with two circuits. The excellent solution for the unit with 1 circuit is a separate indirect heating boiler that is connected independently. Such a device is often installed in the country.
- Availability of official documents on the device. If one of the available types of fuel on which your combined unit can operate is gas, then you should not buy such equipment without a special certificate. Thanks to these documents you will be able to register your new device and connect it to the gas supply system.
- Connection It is worth asking the sales assistant if his company offers installation and connection services.If it is actually a worthy firm, it will without fail offer the services of its experienced master in order for him to do all the installation work in your house and subsequently serve your boiler from time to time. For this reason, experts advise to purchase this kind of device only from well-known companies that have special certificates. Their products may have a price slightly higher than not very well-known companies, but for this amount you will receive confidence that your unit will not cease to function after a couple of months of operation.
Combined devices, undoubtedly, have their weighty positive sides. However, you will need to repeatedly reflect on the correctness of choosing this device specifically for your home and read reviews from other consumers about this type of equipment. Only by carefully weighing all the available pros and cons, you can get the best device.
Operation Tips
Before you install a combined unit of long-burning, you need to consider that this type of equipment is very heavy and will require a reinforced foundation.
Another important moment is the acquisition and installation of such a chimney, which will provide high-quality boiler draft. It is also necessary to clarify the basic conditions for the purification of ash. The degree of its contamination will directly depend on the subspecies of the fuel and the intensity of the operation of the unit.
The arrangement of the boiler room is also extremely important. The chimney is best purchased immediately with thermal insulation, which does not burn, in order to prevent ignition in direct contact with heated pipes.
Before stoking the boiler, you will need to place a steel sheet to protect the floor from sparks or burning particles flying to it. It is worth remembering that some products will have to load fuel every 3-4 hours.
In the next video you will find a review of the combined boiler Karakan 8 TPE.