“Karakan” boilers: types of structures and their installation rules

People always strive to have their own housing, whether it is an individual house or a small house in the dacha, where you can spend not only summer, but also spring, and even autumn. In order not to experience discomfort from the cold, will help the heating boiler of small size and low cost.
Special features
Russian boilers for heating "Karakan" are produced under the brand name "STEN" (CJSC "Siberian Fuel and Energy Company"). The central office is located in the city of Novosibirsk. The company began its activity at the end of 1995. At that time, it produced heating electric boilers, which were in great demand, which influenced the decision to diversify production.
Now STAN is a large group of industries producing a wide range of heating equipment., accessories, and also devices of optics for application in the industry. The company offers a diverse selection of heating boilers "Karakan": gas boilers, electric boilers, solid fuel and combined models, which are always tested in the winter conditions of Siberia. Consumer demand has acquired solid fuel models "Karakan". In addition to combining a solid fuel boiler with a heat exchanger, it has a cooking surface.
Usually they are small in size, which is convenient for small rooms.
There are other design features.
- Boiler models are equipped with heating elements that heat water using a flow-through heater.
- Reducing the area of the water jacket at the top and bottom increases the power of heat release in units of the hung power (starting from 18 kW).
- The form is non-traditional: in the form of a parallelogram, which provides large dimensions of the firebox. When the fuel burns down below, its drawdown is observed - thus, there is a place for an additional portion of fuel.
The set of devices also includes an automated traction control.
In addition, you can additionally buy temperature controllers and remote controls for electric water heaters.
Coppers on solid fuel "Karakan" differ in some moments in operation.
- A different type of fuel is used.
- It can be an open type of heating or closed, with natural or forced circulation of heat carriers (in the attached technical documentation the maximum permissible volume of water in the circuit is determined separately for each model).
- There is a remote control using a unit designed by the manufacturer, which is connected to the thrust regulator.
The power range of Karakan boilers ranges from 8 to 30 kW and is designed for heating rooms ranging from 30 to 300 square meters. m depending on the model.
Another feature of the "Karakan" is the presence of models of the combined type. These heaters use both solid fuel and electric power. The boilers run on solid fuel, and when wood or coal is burned, it is possible to turn on the heating element block using electricity.The operation of the combined boilers is simple and easy, as well as the duration of use.
Steel casing units tolerate low temperatures and workloads well.
Combined boilers are distinguished by the following positions:
- burn fuel for a long time;
- variants with the designation of TE, can use both solid fuels and electricity;
- grades with the designation TPE have a cooking surface with a cast iron hob;
- They have a thermometer in the case that allows you to control the temperature in the system.
Karakan boilers are characterized by not very high efficiency (up to 65%). To fix this, they use the latest materials in the production of heat exchangers, which increase thermal conductivity. The shape of the combustion chamber is also made more complex, which leads to the use of the energy of carbon monoxide - this affects the cost of the models in the direction of price increase.
The design department of STEN has come to the need to unify the arrangement of boilers in order to use various types of energy carrier. For example, model 15 TPE is able to consume solid fuel, equipped with a stove for cooking food, has an electric heater.The maximum power of the boiler is 15 kW.
If it is not possible to use solid fuel (coal, wood), it is possible to achieve the desired temperature in the heating system by applying heating elements.
The characteristic features include the following positions:
- all models are made of steel with a thickness of 3 mm;
- boilers vary in power, ranging from 8 to 30 kW;
- allowable pressure in the heating system 1-3 atm .;
- the water jacket is located both in the area of the heat exchanger and in the front part of the boiler - this increases the efficiency, since after complete fuel consumption the outer walls will transfer heat to the room;
- hot water is possible - this is provided for models with a capacity of more than 20 kW;
- A gas burner can be installed in the lower part of the boiler.
The technical characteristics of each model are different - they are indicated in the technical passport, which is issued upon purchase of the boiler.
The advantages of heating with the use of boilers "STEN" are provided by the design features of the device. Bookmark and burning fuel is carried out in the usual way. As a heat source, you can use any type of solid fuel: wood, peat, coal (stone and brown), coke, and briquettes.
Classic "Karakan":
- does not use electricity, has autonomous heating;
- provides good heating of rooms: up to 300 square meters. m. in accordance with the capacity of the boiler;
- ease of use - its operation does not require special knowledge;
- cleaning is carried out without difficulty: the boiler is equipped with a shurovka, a dustpan and a compartment for collecting ash.
For efficient operation of boilers "STEN" it is important to choose the right fuel.
It is necessary to take into account some factors.
- As a rule, the type of coal is determined by the technical passport. For solid models, anthracite is recommended, as the heat exchanger and the entire boiler device is adapted to this type of fuel. However, it is possible to use brown coal if you first preheat the air entering the furnace.
- Simultaneous use of coal and firewood is allowed. You can use a different type of wood, as well as waste (sawdust, wood chips, shavings). Humidity logs should be no higher than 20%.
- Electric models are convenient because the combustion of solid fuels causes a gradual decrease in temperature and the heat exchanger cools down. Then the automatic switch is activated and the heating element turns on, which maintains the temperature in the room.
Classic "Karakan" can be easily converted to gas. After the grates are removed, a burner device, determined by the manufacturer, is mounted in the firebox opening.
Heating units "Karakan" of long burning are presented by a wide choice of models. All of them are designed for heating individual houses and other buildings ranging from 30 to 300 square meters. m and have a capacity of 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30 kW. They are made of three millimeter steel and are equipped with a loading door, as well as a container for ash. A mandatory boiler kit contains a safety valve that is triggered at a pressure of 3 atm. in the heating system, iron grate, thermometer, shurovka, poker and technical documentation. The model range is represented by the following options: 8TPE, 8TPE3 (3 atm.), 10TPE, 12TE, 12TPE, 15TPE, 20TE, 20TEG, 30TE.
The letters in the marking mean the following:
- TE - the boiler runs on solid fuel, it is possible to install a heater block;
- TPE is a unit operating on solid fuel, having a surface for cooking food with installed heating elements;
- TEG - in this unit solid fuel is used and gas torch is mounted;
- TEGV - boiler with two circuits, installation of heating elements and a gas burner is possible.
Recently, the company added a range of new models:
- STAN mini 7 and 11 terracotta, Karakan 10TPE3 - boilers of small capacity;
- Karakan 12 TPE3, 14 TPE3, 16 TPE3 - boilers of average power;
- Karakan 20 TPE3, 20 TPEV3.20 TEG3.20 TEGV, 30 TEG-3, 30 TEGV-3 - high power.
The boiler "Karakan" 8 TPE3 solid with a surface for cooking, provides for the installation of heating elements. The maximum heating area is 80 square meters. m, volume - 160 cu. m, weight - 66 kg, firebox length 485 mm. The dimensions of the boiler: height - 600 mm, width - 360 mm, depth - 675 mm. Works on wood, coal, peat, electricity. Operating pressure in the heating system - 3 atm.
"Karakan" 12 TPE. Power unit - 12 kW, the area of the heated room - 120 square meters. m, it is possible to install the unit TENov. The boiler has the following dimensions: height - 850 mm, width - 480 mm, depth - 650 mm, weight - 80 kg. For heating, you can use wood, coal, electricity. The marginal efficiency is 75%.
"Karakan" 20 TEG also runs on organic fuel, provides for the installation of heating elements, as well as a gas burner. Its power - 20 kW, the area of the heated room - up to 200 square meters. m, the volume of heated area - 600 cu.m, weight - 101 kg, width - 455 mm, height - 785 mm, depth - 750 mm.
Installation and connection
The boilers "STAN" "Karakan" are easy to maintain, have small dimensions, their installation does not require much time and labor. Compared to other brands of similar boilers, the efficiency is not particularly large - 75%. This indicator depends to some extent on the component materials - the boiler is made of steel with a coating of polymers. The quality of operation of a solid fuel boiler depends on the correct wiring and installation of the heating system.
During installation, it is necessary to take into account SNiP 41-01-2003, as well as some additional conditions.
- The room where the boiler is installed must be well ventilated.
- The boiler can not be put on a wooden floor. The floor must be leveled, after which a sheet of steel with a minimum thickness of 6 mm shall be laid. You can also use asbestos board as a gasket. The place near the boiler must be protected with a refractory coating.
- The boiler must not be placed close to the wall. The gap from the boiler to the walls should be at least 10 cm, not counting the length of the chimney outlet.
- The flue may be different: brick or steel.Most often recommended PVC panels with insulation. When installing to a brick chimney, it is necessary to install an adapter on the branch pipe.
- To connect to heat supply, only steel pipes are allowed. The inlet and outlet of the hole must be 0.5 mm long.
- Safety features such as drain valves, air vent valves and expansion tank are absent from the boiler. The plan of their placement and installation directly depends on the heating system model.
- After installation of the boiler, connection and filling of the heating system with heat carrier, it is necessary to check its tightness, then carry out pressure testing. The heat carrier is water or antifreeze.
Firing the boiler without a coolant is prohibited.
The owners' reviews of the operation of the Karakan boilers are different. There are both positive moments and negative ones.
Among the advantages of boilers, consumers note the simplicity of their device, ease of operation, the ability to use not only solid fuel, but also the connection of heating elements and gas, a large range of power and low price.
The disadvantages of users include:
- the need for frequent fuel reloading (after 4 hours);
- lack of traction control, which leads to heat leakage;
- the cooking surface does not meet the requirements (does not heat up well).
You can find out how to connect the solid fuel boiler correctly in the video.