Heating boilers "Evan": features, advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, the heating devices of many domestic companies have been able to make a truly worthy competition to imported models. One of this kind of samples can be called the Evan electric boiler, which has already become quite popular. This is actually a high-quality replacement for gas structures, since for operation it only needs electricity, and there is no need for this boiler to specially equip a separate room.
Device and progress
Electric boilers "Evan" are in demand by modern inhabitants at once for a number of reasons. Their heaters are made of high strength and durable steel,energy consumption optimally ensures economical operation of the entire heating system of the dwelling, and a large range of models and low cost allows you to easily choose the right type of equipment. As a coolant, they usually use ordinary water or special liquids that will not freeze and are only available for use in modern heating systems. Units "Evan" can be selected as the main structure for heating a home or as a backup. Products are as simple as possible during maintenance and they can be easily controlled, they will not make much noise during active work and give the opportunity to easily adjust their power. A very important feature is the impossibility of the appearance of soot on the product, which even the most popular liquid- and solid-fuel appliances and gas units cannot offer.
In addition, electric boilers will not require the installation of chimneys, it is not necessary to equip a separate warehouse in order to store coal, firewood or diesel fuel there.
The company "Evan" produces single-flange electrical appliances, except for products of the "Professional" class, using a coolant heating capacity, which is made of a specific type of steel and is treated with a special composition against corrosion.The thickness of this tank for heating is only 0.3 cm. Electric boilers of the “Comfort” class are produced from special materials with an increased level of thermal insulation and up to 2 cm thick. The unit's service life is at least 25–30 years.
Electric boiler "Evan" has such characteristic features as:
- small parameters;
- installation in any place, the most suitable for its installation;
- automated system.
After the installation of the device has been completed and after it has been connected to the heating system, the connection to the electricity network will complete the entire preparatory process. Because of the ease of installation, the Evan electric boiler is more often chosen for heating buildings with sizes from 25 to 4,800 m². They are suitable for installation in country houses, in private buildings, residential cottages, detached garages, huge production workshops.
The device of the heating electrical device brand "Evan" includes several basic elements:
- Czech heating elements from the brand Backer, which has an excellent reputation of the manufacturer of high-quality products at affordable prices. These devices are assembled into blocks, thereby ensuring excellent maintainability, have a threaded connection and protection from rust.
- Wilo circulation pump. This three-stage pump will help you choose the most suitable pressure for heating the building. The main thing is to be as attentive as possible with the placement of a component such as glycol in the coolant. Its greatest concentration that will be pumped by the pump should be limited to 30%, otherwise gasket leaks will appear.
- Multi-level protection. There are sensors for pressure, a special thermal switch, protection against incorrect connection to the mains.
- The switching unit selects the power automatically. It will help to normalize the temperature of transfer of the coolant without various differences. The special principle of distribution of loads on heating elements ensures their switching without noise.
- Simple interface. The screen will show all the performance of the device. Simplified navigation allows you to quickly adjust the required parameters of the electric boiler "Evan".
Even a non-expert will understand the connection scheme of this heating boiler, therefore installation of the device for any man in the street will have no difficulty. During installation, you should study the wiring diagram as thoroughly as possible, which the manufacturer usually attaches to a large package of documents for their designs.In the Evan electrical devices, solutions are included that make it possible to significantly reduce electricity bills. Thanks to the operation of the device in auto mode (it warmed up - it turned off immediately, as soon as the temperature decreased - it turned on again to warm up) the power consumption will be only 60% of the possible power. A boiler with a capacity of 12 kW over the entire heating season will consume approximately 5 kW on average. If you also purchase a temperature sensor, then the savings will be another 10%, and if you install a two-tariff counter, you can add another 20% to the savings.
Types and power
About boilers "Evan" found mostly positive customer reviews.
They emphasize the following features of electric boilers:
- no waste;
- increased efficiency;
- no open flame;
- convenient to adjust the temperature;
- completely safe.
Weaknesses in the operation of such a boiler are not critical. Sometimes it may be necessary to change the heating elements to prevent this from happening, you need to scum off the heating elements in time. With proper installation and compliance with all standards of operation, this technique can last a long time.All household appliances of this brand are produced with different power and can be connected to power lines, which have voltage parameters of 220 W or 380 W. The power of household appliances is 2.5-120 kW, and industrial - up to 1600 kW. Connecting such a unit is easy, many of them are plugged into the network using a familiar outlet, but on the condition that the power of these devices will not exceed 3.5 kW.
The power of an electric heating product can be selected by the averaging method. Thus, 1 kW of electricity warms about 10 m² at a normal ceiling height of 2.7 m, which means that 1 kW per 27 m³. This is an average figure, but it is enough to select the power of the device. The most accurate calculations will easily produce a specialist heat engineer. For heating buildings, experts advise stopping your choice on the electric boiler Comfort Warmos, for heating the same warehouses or similar buildings will suffice appliance from the class Standard or Standard-Economy EPO.
Units "Evan" from 3 to 15 kW perfectly suited for heating cottages and residential buildings, small warehouses and shops. Products with a capacity of 12 kW will quietly heat a room of up to 150 m².If you need to pick up the device only for heating your home, the company "Evan" is a choice of a wide range of models with a single heating circuit. If you want, besides the heat in the house, you can also get hot water - you can easily purchase Evan double-circuit boilers.
The lineup
Stationary electric boilers brand "Evan" are intended for placement in the heating systems of conventional homes, residential buildings and other objects. They are produced in six series.
Budget devices "Standard-Economy" are represented by the famous series "Evan" EPO. Such units are supplemented with self-return type thermal switches that can prevent an accident during overheating. Electric boiler class "Economy" - a device for heating rooms with sizes up to 300 m². TENOM can be controlled from the panel, which is located on the front of the unit. It also has elements for the transfer of coolant. The power of such a product is approximately 9.45 kW. Work begins when you turn on the appliance in the network.
Popular EPO models have the following characteristics:
- a huge selection of models of various capacities;
- TENY from Backer (Czech Republic);
- temperature control from +30 to + 85ºС;
- water and antifreeze can be used as a coolant, which is suitable for working in heating systems;
- to protect the device from overheating, a self-return thermal switch is present here; if the main thermostat breaks down, it will turn off the boiler as soon as it warms up to +92 degrees;
- remote type of control panel (excluding EPO - 2.5).
The most popular buyers are modifications of EPO 6 and EPO 4.
“Professional” is the same Evan EPO series, but with higher powers. The boilers are produced for heating large objects - both residential and large areas of plants from 360 to 2400 m². The heating unit “Professional” has only one heating capacity, but the number of flanges in it is determined by the power of the product. Their number can be from two to eight.
"Standard" is products with fairly affordable prices. Monoblocks can be controlled using the remote control, which is located on the device. The devices are manufactured under the brand name "Evan C1";
“Comfort” is the most demanded class of devices from this manufacturer.This class includes a popular novelty - Universal boiler, which has weather-dependent automation. Specialists of the company "Evan" provided thermal insulation of the case of the heating tank of the device, triple protection against overheating and the ability to connect to a system such as "warm floor". The design includes a pump that can function in systems with any type of circulation. Here you can install a remote thermostat. Power device - from 3.5 to 30 kW. It belongs to a single-flange subspecies - there is one heating tank in its structure with a flange, heating elements, elements for entering the heat carrier and its output, a thermal switch.
Warmos-IV-7.5 boiler is a new generation product. It has a significant variation in temperature - from +5 to + 85ºC. It can also be used in the “warm floor” and “anti-frost” modes. The boiler is not afraid of power surges. It will work at a low voltage - up to 180 V, and at a high voltage - up to 260 V.
"Suite" is almost a small boiler room, which is located in one building. A characteristic feature of Expert is the introduction of automatic control of the intellectual type, which is able to ensure fully high-quality system operation. The device takes into account changes in temperature on the street and inside the house.
VIP includes four models that are produced in Finnish enterprises. This product has an excellent quality of performance and is well known to foreign consumers. To the model of the series of EPO and Universal, you can connect an option that allows you to control devices using Wi-Fi or a special GSM module. Next is one of the most interesting options for choosing as a secondary source during the main operation of a gas device or device operating on solid fuels. This product consists of a monoblock that combines a boiler with a control panel in a single package. The desired coolant temperature in this kind of design can be programmed using the built-in thermostat, simply adjusting it from +27 to + 85ºС.
The cons of Evan brand devices are as follows:
- the Evan unit has a fairly significant energy consumption, and electricity tariffs in our country are high;
- the presence of a significant load on the main power source of the device - the electrical network;
- low percentage of improvements throughout the entire period of work;
- the use of water in the coolant, which can make it difficult to use such boilers in the "work from time to time" mode;
- the boiler can break at any time, but in fact it happens very rarely; The quality of the company's products has always been the best.
Important! In general, the responses of the owners of these heating boilers are rather contradictory - absolutely everybody is satisfied with some of these devices, while others complain that they often fail due to unknown reasons. That is why it is so important to purchase products of this kind only from certified sellers.
Repair and spare parts
For the devices of the company "Evan" the most frequent are such two types of damage as:
- the destruction of the heating element inside the heating element due to a spiral burnout;
- breakdown TENA.
The appearance of these faults can be explained by the following reasons:
- a solid residue of hardness salts is deposited on the heating elements, it is this residue that prevents the removal of thermal energy from the heating element, which will quickly cause it to break;
- power surges in the grid also lead to device failure;
- Evaporation of a liquid can also cause overheating and for this reason, the heating element can burn out.
The negative features of electric boilers include their complete dependence on electricity.Interruptions in electricity will threaten to stop heating, so experts advise to purchase an uninterruptible power supply in advance. Sometimes consumers complain that the boiler is turned on only during the time period from 23:00 to 7:00. And this is despite the fact that there is an electronic thermostat in the dwelling.
In this case, experts recommend purchasing room temperature controllers with a daily programming system - they are called chronological thermostats.
Sometimes in different models it stops showing the temperature sensor in the room. This kind of malfunction can be explained by the loss of contact in the terminal block, the failure of the sensor itself (it can be changed to a new one) and the presence of a malfunction in the board. And also commoners often complain that the boiler stops responding to the set parameters of the thermostat: it constantly operates at full capacity. In this case, most likely, there is no temperature sensor in the room, it must be installed. If the sensor is there, then it is broken - you will need to replace the parts burnt in it and reconfigure the automation.
Before the next heating season, it will be important to carry out preventive maintenance of the entire system.In any case, it is not necessary to repair the boiler on your own, it is best to entrust it to experienced professionals.
Review of the electric boiler "Evan" Expert is waiting for you in the next video.