Electrolux boilers: model range and possible problems

The Swedish industry provides about the same level of quality as the German plants. But that is why it is important to pay attention to details, subtleties when choosing heating boilers and dealing with their faults.
Ignoring these circumstances can lead to very unpleasant consequences - the discrepancy between the purchased systems and their needs, or even their discord under the influence of destructive factors.
Special features
A modern Electrolux boiler turns out to be a very reliable and high-quality machine capable of solving all the tasks assigned to it. In the design of the Basic Basic compilation, Scandinavian engineers achieved relative lightness for the designs.Thanks to this, the boilers are easily fixed on the walls. Model XI is performed with an open firebox, and in version S FI the working chamber is hermetically closed. Both systems work with heat exchangers of a bithermic type and are capable of heating a house from 40 to 220 square meters. m
Swedish developments were created taking into account the latest requirements of the industry, they are equipped with weather automation and specialized sensors. Due to this, buyers do not need to painfully tune the system, trying to figure out which settings are the best; An automatic block is extremely rarely mistaken. In addition, flexible adaptation to specific conditions helps reduce fuel consumption. Electrolux gas boilers are suitable for the formation of a heated floor. They are necessarily equipped with highly developed diagnostic systems.
Advantages and disadvantages
Electrolux technology is well known to Russian consumers, After all, under this brand produced excellent:
- cooking plates;
- refrigerators;
- washing machines;
- dishwashing machines.
But also in the production of heating devices, the Swedish company occupies a very strong position.Its management is constantly striving from all its subordinates to study the latest developments of other companies, to get acquainted with the latest scientific and technical achievements in other industries, which can be applied in this case. The company strictly follows the fact that the manufactured products do not deviate from world standards and are reasonable in price against the background of analogues.
Experts and a number of consumers also note such advantages of Electrolux boilers as:
- relatively small size;
- easy installation;
- unique design approach;
- a variety of colors;
- the thought-over modulation of power of warming up;
- a wide range of support functions and overall ease of operation.
As for the weak points, users note that some models are equipped with an unnecessarily small water tank. Sometimes the heat exchangers quickly become clogged. Not all heating systems have this equipment.
Especially often adjustments have to be made to the heating infrastructure where previously used domestic boilers. These problems can hardly be considered fatal, they are simply worth remembering when choosing.
Electrolux technology has always been distinguished by a variety of types.
The power of Electrolux boilers can vary widely. So, for single-wall gas boilers from the Basic Space S selection, it ranges from 18 to 30 kW. All boilers of this series can run on natural gas and are suspended on the wall, the fuel is supplied to a closed combustion chamber.
The systems must be equipped with valves with three strokes and automatic adjustments to the weather. But the addition of the module to control via Wi-Fi is made only at the request of customers.
The net power ranges from 4.7 to 30.2 kW, and the efficiency is everywhere the same and equal to 91.8%; the diameter of the smoke channel connected to the boilers of this series is 6/10 cm (with mandatory coaxial performance). The highest pressure is 3 bar, antifreeze can be used to transmit heat. The temperature in the heating system ranges from 40 to 85 degrees. To connect, you need an electrical network with a voltage of 220 V. For an hour, only 120 or 130 watts will be taken from it.
Basic X devices will be able to:
- supply 11 kW of heat to the heating system;
- ensure delivery of 10 liters of water per minute to a water tap (when it is heated to 25 degrees);
- to operate stably at an introductory gas pressure of no more than 3 mbar and a reduction in the mains voltage to 187 V;
- maintain control over the burning of the flame along the flow of ions;
- identify any problems with the help of built-in automation.
Options from the Basic Space S selection allow you to reheat hot water in an outdoor boiler. All these wall systems provide reliable heating in urban and suburban housing with a total area of 50-280 m2. During the design, the most modern technologies are actively used; the main idea of the development is energy saving. Designers make every effort to ensure the compactness of sizes and their uniformity. All components are placed in such a way that it is easy to examine (diagnose) them, repair and replace them.
Systems are equipped with:
- fans, evacuating smoke and special pressure switches;
- gas valves;
- anti-condensation equipment;
- differential meter parameters of the fan.
The heating boiler of this modification is capable of operating with gas supply under pressure of only 3.5 mbar. The water circulation pump has three main speeds. The system is equipped with a hydraulic group of brass and nozzles, equally adapted for natural and liquefied gas.The action of the boiler is silent and is characterized by increased efficiency. The GCB 24, FI boilers belonging to this collection are notable for ease of maintenance and reliability during operation.
A warm-up level is displayed on the alarm screen. You can set it with an accuracy of up to 1 degree. The highly sensitive sensor detects the flow of water and allows you to activate or reduce the effect of the burner, maintaining the optimum temperature. The boiler is well adapted to work in a small area. If its action stops for objective reasons, when resuming work, the parameters initially set by the user will be reproduced.
Basic X dual-boiler boilers are distinguished by the use of a wall-mounted chamber, equipped with heat-exchangers of the bithermic type. Inside there is a unit that receives wireless control signals. The system can be programmed for an hour at least for the next 7 days. A larger adjustment time range is still inexpedient, because it is impossible to predict the weather with acceptable accuracy. Moreover, the apparatus is still installed inside,reacting to real changes in meteorological conditions; consumption of electrical energy will be minimal.
Reviews of boilers Electrolux, of course, favorable. But even these technically advanced systems can fail. Error markings on the device screens are made with the help of special information codes that will tell a lot to knowledgeable people. In essence, this “science” is not too complicated, and everyone who wishes can comprehend it without any particular difficulty. The E1 signal indicates that the flame is off; the main sources of the problem are insufficient gas pressure or a violation of the ignition apparatus.
The problem is solved as follows:
- open the gas supply valve to the stop;
- reboot the boiler;
- eliminate air traffic jams;
- return the displaced electrode in place, in case of contamination, it is cleaned;
- assess the quality of the wiring and whether the contacts fit tightly;
- diagnose the gas valve.
Important: if independent attempts to eliminate the defect of success do not give, you need to stop further manipulations and seek the help of professionals.
When the code E2 appears, you can be sure that the coolant is overheating.The first step in solving the problem is the opening of a crane connecting the highway with the heating system. If unsuccessful, remove the airlock, change the thermal sensor or pump. Sometimes the cause of this malfunction is the pressure drop in the heating line.
The signal E3 indicates that the operation of the boiler is blocked by the built-in safety equipment. First look at the chimney, and clean it in the presence of pollution.
Important: cleaning is advisable to entrust qualified professionals. Next, we clean the contacts on the draft meter, and in case of more serious damage, they put a new part. Inspection of the main electronic board can be done on its own, but the repair of its prerogative of engineers.
When using a boiler with an open firebox, open a window or take care of the operation of the ventilation duct. But it is also worth checking the calculations of the chimney, or spend them again, to redo the problem drainage channel.
Code E4 indicates that the heating water circuit has a pressure of less than 1 bar. The fight against a similar problem begins by removing scale from the heat exchanger or changing the current radiator.Before starting the boiler to work after repair, you must first check all the readings with a pressure gauge.
Error number 5 shows, on the contrary, the excess of normal pressure. For the most part, this is due either to a violation of the safety valve or incorrect meter operation. And it is also helpful to see if the filter is not clogged.
If error No. 6 occurs, there is a breakdown of the hot water heating sensor. If the matter is not in its wiring, then the defects of the electronic part should be eliminated, or the device should be completely replaced.
Code 11, or parasitic flame, indicates the accumulation of excess air volume. Bleeding it is achieved by opening and closing the mixer.
The signal number 14 is necessary to diagnose the pump. In case the boiler makes noise and beeps, they immediately release the air. If this help is unsuccessful, the fan will have to be changed.
Code 9 is issued when the heating system is cooled down to 2 degrees or less. This threatens to freeze the liquid and is prevented by the addition of the system at the expense of the street thermostat.
Important: when setting up this thermostat you can not shy away from the requirements of the instructions.If the boiler is stopped for more than a few hours, water must be drained from it.
By following these simple requirements, you can eliminate very serious problems.
In the next video you will find the programming of the temperature range on the boiler Electrolux Quantum 24.