Dual-circuit electric boilers: design features and benefits

As a rule, homeowners refuse to use heating systems that operate on electricity, since their operation is quite expensive. However, in the case where the gas pipeline does not pass nearby, most often people choose electric boilers. Today we will analyze in detail what are the features and advantages of double-circuit units.
Special features
To make a home comfortable and livable, it is necessary to install a high-quality heating system in it. To date, there are several options for such equipment.One of the most popular and common units in this case is a double-circuit boiler.
This effective device is addressed in the case when the gas pipeline is too far from home. In addition, double-circuit boilers are mounted when the owners are not able to use solid fuel to heat the living space. High-quality dual-circuit units are good because they warm the housing perfectly. In addition, with their use, people have the opportunity to use hot water.
The work of a double-circuit boiler is based on the conversion of electricity into heat. In this case, the carrier itself goes through the heating unit in a natural way or forcibly. Then it moves to the pipe layout of the entire building.
A distinctive feature of double-circuit boilers is their safety. That is why they are so often installed in country and country houses / cottages. According to experts, this unit is a whole mini-boiler room.
The two-circuit electric unit incorporates the following components:
- the heating element itself;
- inlet / outlet fittings;
- expansion tank;
- air vent (manual or automatic);
- safety valve;
- circulation pump;
- connection kit and automatics;
- a safe set with different sensors as well as a relay.
Like any heating device, a double-circuit boiler, acting on electricity, has its own technical characteristics.
- Power electrical system. This indicator for these heating devices should be such that it is enough to warm the entire living area. It is possible to determine the specified parameter, referring to the technical calculation.
- Network voltage. As a rule, there are single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V) variants.
- Battery capacity. The volume of this part must correspond to the area of the heated space, as well as the length of the route. To significantly reduce heat loss, you need to carry out a careful calculation, selecting the battery capacity.
If you decide to put an electric double-circuit boiler in your house, then you need to consider that the average electrical unit consumes from 2 to 300 kW per month. It is necessary to acquire a boiler of one type or another based on the characteristics of the local electrical network.
Before you go to the store for the purchase of such a unit, it is recommended to consult with experts.
Principle of operation
The double-circuit electric boiler, designed to heat living spaces, operates on the principle of converting electrical energy into heat. This process is carried out with the use of special heating elements, which are among the most important parts of electrical equipment. These components are responsible for heating water for household needs, as well as the coolant itself.
Water circulates through the pipes due to the pump present in the construction of the boiler. However, this process can occur in a natural way. In the latter case, the situation is under the control of automation.
In this heating system, there are regulators that are responsible for the temperature regime and at the same time giving certain signals:
- when all necessary indicators are achieved, the heating is automatically turned off;
- when the temperature reading drops to the set values, the system also turns off.
Certain types of programmers make it possible to set the required heating values, depending not only on the internal, but also on the outside air temperature.With the use of such elements is carried out self-adjustment of the device in an autonomous order.
Modern double-circuit boilers, operating on electricity, are equipped with a reliable safety system. In most cases, its presence does not affect the cost of the heating unit. So, if the coolant overheats, the maximum permitted indicator of its pressure increases significantly. Immediately after this, a special safety valve operates.
The control task in this case is performed by a thermal switch.
Advantages and disadvantages
As mentioned above, double-circuit electric boilers are now in demand and are found in many homes. The demand for these units is due to their strengths.
Let's get acquainted with them.
- According to most consumers, the main advantage of such units is that for their installation does not need to prepare a separate area. Of course, there are certain requirements for the installation of such boilers, but all of them are quite feasible.
- These devices are small in size, so there is room for them even in small spaces.
- The double-circuit electric boiler does not absorb oxygen.Such a unit does not emit harmful products of combustion, which indicates its complete safety.
- Such devices work silently, which also pleases many homeowners who value peace and quiet.
- To install a heating electric boiler, it is not necessary to install a chimney or ventilation, which often takes a lot of effort, time and money.
- The safety of these products lies in the fact that there is no open flame in them. However, it is necessary to take into account that in this case it is necessary to install a special unit, which gives the owners a signal about any abnormal situations.
- Install such a boiler is quite possible with their own hands. Of course, it’s very important to follow the step-by-step instructions.
- In many models it is possible to independently adjust the favorable temperature regimes.
- For such units do not need to scrupulously care, referring to expensive tools. In double-circuit electric boilers there is no need to clean the burners.
- Today the range of such heating units is very wide. Electric boilers vary in size and design.Choose the best unit will be able to every buyer.
- It is possible to put a double-circuit electric boiler not only in a private house, but also in an apartment.
- These devices are very effective - they heat up the living space in a short time and are also responsible for hot water supply.
As you can see, the advantages of double-circuit boilers are quite numerous. That is why they are often chosen by modern owners of private houses and cottages. However, these units have their drawbacks.
Consider them.
- Such devices are considered expensive to use because they consume a lot of electricity. For this reason, they are more often approached in the event that there are no other possibilities to heat the dwelling.
- On the walls of the heat exchanger, as well as through pipes in such units, scale often accumulates. This is due to exposure to high temperatures. Over time, these defects can disable the unit. Similar problems do not happen with induction devices.
- To heat a high-rise building, it is recommended to give preference to another device.
Similarly, should be done in the event that a large water intake should be provided in the dwelling.
- To fix the two-circuit electric unit of high power, you need to stock up on a separate power shield. Without this detail, regular voltage drops can occur (up to the breaking down of electricity in general). Moreover, the use of other electrical appliances can be difficult.
- According to experts, the installation of dual-circuit heating boilers can be dangerous if they are engaged in an irresponsible master without relevant experience. To install a similar unit, you need to know the order of connecting the wires, methods of grounding, as well as other methods of operation of all existing components of the device.
- These units are expensive.
Despite the significant disadvantages of double-boiler, they are still chosen by many buyers.
In order for the device to serve as long as possible and does not fail, you need to purchase it in the company store and correctly install it.
There are several varieties of double-boiler. Let's get to know them better.
Depending on the heating element are distinguished:
- boiler TEN (tubular);
- electrode;
- induction.
Two-circuit electric boilers are divided into single- and three-phase variants. So, if the power of such a heating unit exceeds the mark of 12 kilowatts, it will be exclusively three-phase.
In addition, double-circuit boilers differ in the method of installation.
There are:
- wall mounted;
- floor devices.
The most powerful and effective are floor standing units. They are often addressed to heat a large area structure. Despite their power, these types of boilers do not take up much space.
If you are looking for a double-circuit boiler, powered by electricity, for a not-too-large house, then you should give preference to a compact wall-mounted unit. Currently, the market can meet whole lines from well-known manufacturers, which include very powerful copies (it is permissible to install them in large buildings).
Many buyers today choose energy-saving heating devices. In such units, there are other heating elements. For example, today there is a whole niche of electrode boilers,such as devices "Scorpio".
Models, supplemented by automation, guarantee a quick and fairly economical heating of the home.
Efficient are the units working on wood and electricity. In their work, such products use the possibility of using a spare heat source.
It works like this:
- in the process of burning wood, thermal energy is released in such a volume that should be enough to warm up the coolant to a temperature value of 60-90 degrees;
- when firewood burns down, the temperature naturally decreases;
- in the combined copies there are special sensors that give a signal to start the electric heating element when the heating medium temperature becomes the lowest;
- automatic system includes an electric heater, which will maintain the desired temperature;
- after kindling of hard fuel, as well as heating of the coolant, the sensor sends another signal that turns off the electric heating element.
Another option combined unit - gas-electric boiler.
This model has the following positive qualities:
- compact dimensions;
- environmental friendliness;
- remarkable efficiency;
- such units significantly reduce the cost of production of heat;
- these products provide for changing the modes of supplying gas or electricity to an automatic one.
Such devices can be used as multi-circuit.
With their use it is possible:
- heat the sauna;
- maintain a comfortable temperature in the winter garden or greenhouse;
- warm water in the pool;
- heat the floors in the system warm floor;
- use hot water.
If in such a combined model there is no tank required for the accumulation of hot water used as running water, then to get it you need to connect a special storage boiler.
Criterias of choice
Select the double-boiler electric boiler should be deliberately and responsibly, since the comfort of your home will depend on this device.
Experts recommend purchasing units that meet the following important criteria.
- Manufacturer. It is better to buy boilers produced by well-known brands that have a good reputation and have such good reviews about their products.
- Power. This parameter must meet the requirements of the owners.It is recommended to use professional heat engineering calculation or convenient online programs.
- Security. It is necessary to choose safe devices in which heating temperature limits are provided, reliable protection against pernicious overheating, as well as dry running and other factors.
- Noise. When choosing a unit, make sure it is silent. A quality device should work very quietly. Light sound can make only a running pump.
- Optional equipment. These elements should be taken care of in advance. It is necessary to purchase components such as heat accumulator and stabilizer.
With such elements, you can avoid freezing the system, which leads to a major overhaul of the device.
Tips and tricks
- It is recommended to install dual-circuit devices (both wall-mounted and floor-standing) using the three-phase method. This way you can avoid many problems that may arise in the future.
- Wall mounted units can be installed anywhere. As for the floor powerful devices, it is desirable to install them in separate rooms.
- If you decide to install a heating electric boiler in a very spacious house, then be prepared for significant energy costs. That is why experts do not recommend the use of such units for heating buildings of a large area.
- Double-circuit units, as a rule, do not have the equipment in the form of a boiler. In this they differ from single-circuit copies.
See how the two-circuit boiler works, see the video below.